Connors Corner: May Day Begins Month Noted for Debuts of Two-Year-Olds, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-01


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. » — . _ Connors Corner May Day Begins Month Noted For Debuts of Jv/o-Y ear-Olds By "CHUCK" CONNORS JAMAICA, L. I., N. Y., April 30. — Tomorrow is May Day, Saturday is Derby Day and spring and its May flowers are moving along steadily to full bloom. May is the month that appeals to the Paddock Gang membership not only here but across the continent. The boys and girls are introduced to a whole flock of debutantes, . . two-year-olds two-year-olds that that is. is.. — . two-year-olds two-year-olds that that is. is.. and their credentials are given a quick but searching once over and filed away for future reference. The newcomers to the racing ranks are given ample time to grow and develop, but it takes additional time to separate the men from the boys. The hnv« QnH critic rfn -riftf condemn a two-year-old in his first start; nor his second or third. Two-year-olds are like children, they must be taught and some are more apt than others. The debut of many of the youngsters will be deferred for some time. This is due to the cough which is in evidence in these parts. This is a good time for the ailment to, come and go, for at the moment the two-year-old offerings, stakes that is, do not carry the fancy endowments of later in the year. Owners and trainers, equipped with knowledge of the abilities of their own charges, are trying to learn the accomplishments of the other juveniles. That is only natural, for why butt your head against a stone wall and learn the hard way, when a little questioning, here and there could satisfy your curiosity. However, there are cases on record when two-year-olds "jumped up overnight" and surprised their trainers. Colin was one. Morvich was anotheC How was another and if you have the time and inclination you no doubt could dig up many more. However, when the cough subsides and the juveniles are back in training you "can disregard all the reports in circulation and that soandso is another Man o War, for he must run to prove it. ; Mrs. John Bointon Hospitalized Advices from Coral Gables, Fla., are to the effect that Mrs. John Bainton, wife of the veteran trainer, is a patient at the Lejeune Road Hospital, Coral Gables. She entered the institution for observation and the attending medics decided after consultations that surgery was necessary. The latest reports are that her condition is good and that she would like to hear from some of her racing friends. . . . Mrs. Henry C. Phipps of Wheatley Stable was a Belmont visitor. She inspected Bold Ruler and other horses stabled there in charge of the veteran Jim Fitzsimmons. . . . Trainer Morris Dixon shipped a draft of horses to the farm, Newtown Square, Pa., for a respite. They are Bon Arthur, Beau File, Bois Belleau and Isle of Tryan. . . . Trainer George M. Odom reported that the three-year-old filly Poly Hi is under stable daily, around the shed, and will resume galloping on the main track by the end of the week. . . . Frank "Red" Leatherbury of the Clearwater Stable returned to his Mobile, Ala., home. He complained that the New York summer was nice but too brief, and furthermore he was allergic to cold weather and heavy winds. Dusty Dude, a two-year-old owned by R. E. Dutcher, was shipped to Laurel for engagements at that track. . . . Arthur W. Abbott, the Yonkers patron, was on hand yesterday. He reported that Blue Man was booked full for this year. . . . Bill Markey, who has a draft of horses with Lucien Laurin, following a brief visit here, he came up from Miami, planed out to Detroit to Continued on Page Fortf-Seren I CONNORS CORNER By CHUCK* CONNORS Continued from Page Thres visit his mother. ... A. Samuel Peck, who has a draft of horses with Bill Dobbs, was among those present. . . . R. N. .Webster, the New Yorker, planed out for- Nassau, B.WX, for a visit and a business mission.. . . . The heavy rains and winds of last night did little if any damage to either Jamaica or Belmont Park. Tie visible evidence was water spots on the racing strip. . . . New York will have five jockey representatives in the Kentucky Derby in Ar-caro, Ycaza, Valenzuela. McCreary and Combest. They are all slated to be back here on .Monday. Trainer. Sherrill Ward has about "given up hope for an overnight race at this track for Idun, owned by Mrs. Charles TJlrick Bay. He is now toying with the idea of shipping the unbeaten filly to Garden State to start in the 6 furlongs of the Betsy Ross. This event precedes the- mile running of the Acorn at Belmont Park . . . Trainer Walter Kelley, after wrapping his newly acquired Coral Gables, Fla., home in moth balls showed up to take over his task as trainer for the Elmendorf Stable of the Ambassador to Ceylon, Max Gluck- . . . Trainer Joe Passero decided to pass up the running of the Bed o* Roses with Bill Beasleys Pink Velvet and shipped out to Chicago ... Mike- R. Soto of Chicago was among todays arrivals. He will saddle Lori-El in the Bed o* Roses, her next engagement •. . . Nathan Agar, the Brooklyn attorney, made his first visit of the year. His First Asking won Tuesdays Central Park Handicap under the silks of the Velvet Acres, his nom de course . . . Jimmie Hastie was on hand this morning. He came up from Gulfstream Park with the horses he raced during the winter months. The downfall of Bald Eagle in the 2,000 guineas at Newmarket was a severe blow to the numerous adherents of the Cain Hoy Stables homebred. The H. F. Guggenheim colt stands 17,2 hands and, due to his size, found some trouble negotiating the course . . . Track superintendent Dick Strickland deployed his track maintenance crew shovelling dirt. The soil that was washed down towards the inner rail following the heavy rains, was thrown well out to the middle of the strip. Incidentally, the shovelers covered up a couple of water holes and left it to the harrows to level off the footing . . . Harry LaMontagne, the old internationalist, is a regular these afternoons. He intimated that his racing silks would be seen under colors the latter days here, or at Belmont Park Myron "Mike" Goodwin, the Ohioan, was among" the re- .1 ,rT iY /.rt a / iv t cent visitors. He planed in from his Ohio home witnessed a few races and then planed back . . . John Jacobs probably has more horses named after him than any human of his age. Globetrotter John showed up as a starter in yesterdays second race. This fellow was named when young Jacobs was in the armed forces and when on furlough gallivanted over free Europe to any racing ground which was doing business. «

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