New England: Cast Treatment Attracts Wide Attention Hinphy Describes Results of New Method Completely Cures, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-01


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1— — i 1 liol New England — ; By Teddy Cox ■ Cast Treatment Attracts Wide Attention Hinphy Describes Results of New Method Completely Cures Bucked Shins, Osselets LINCOLN DOWNS, Lincoln, R. I., April 30. — Guess weve started something. Last week the application-of a conventional cast, without medication of any sort, 1— — i 1 was was discussed discussed in in this this space. space. It It was was 1 was was discussed discussed in in this this space. space. It It was was mentioned that a severe case of bucked shins on a juvenile and an osselet on an older horse had been thusly treated. And in both cases the thoroughbreds had responded handsomely in a matter of a few days, rather than over long trying periods usually associated with firing irons, blister and other treatments. Upon publication of the column, mail from throughout throughout the the United United States States and and throughout throughout the the United United States States and and Canada, from anxious owners, trainers and breeders arrived and virtually everyone wanted to know how the first two horses were progressing and if any other New England horsemen are employing the same methods. The idea originally was conceived by Dr. Thomas Broderick Jr., and Dr. Edmund F; Finnerty, a pair of medical specialists who serve out of Boston. They are also rabid racing fans and their best friend in the sport * is the veteran trainer. Bill Hinphy, who has a fine stable here at Lincoln Downs. It was Hinphy who carried the ball on the idea after it was passed to him by the medics. He initiated the first of the growing series of cast treatments by having a severe case of bucked shins completely and thoroughly immobilized by the cast. Experiment With -Promising Young Colt "Instead of trying it on some very ordinary horse in my barn," says Hinphy, "I had a. cast placed on the bucked shin of my best colt. His name is Bobby Rit and he won both of Lis starts here at Loncoln and they tell me he possibly is the best two-year-old to show thus far here. Dr. James T. OConnor Jr., a veterinarian who serves the local horsemen here, placed the cast on the injured, shin and we left it there for ten days. "When we removed it, the shin was perfectly clean, there was no chaffing of any kind and the skin was* perfectly cold and thoroughly healed. We galloped him for-a few days, then put the treatment to a severe test by working the colt three-eighths of a mile in :37 on a tough track. He came back playing and there were no ■ signs of recurrence of the injury. However, when I tried him again, he bucked in the other shin, so now we must start all over again in ah attempt to determine how long the cast treatment will hold. "At the moment, the original treatment has worked to perfection. There has been absolutely no signs of soreness and the colt doesnt shy or flinch when you rub your hands over it. I have seen cases of bucked shins that have been treated by blisters or firing irons that have caused horses to shy away if you even so much as point at their shins several months later." "In the case of the cast on the older horse who was treated for ah osselet," Hinphy continued, "we were just as well satisfied with the result, for this was a very bad osselet. Ten or twelve horsemen were on hand when the cast was removed and they were astounded by the results, for the injured member had been reduced to almost its normal size. There was some heat in the leg. but that possibly was caused by it being enclosed by the cast. "We have turned the horse out in pasture for a couple of weeks and well decide on what course to take later. In any event, several other horsemen who have been impressed by what they have seen have had casts placed on their injured horses. Well give you a more thorough report on it at a later date." New Orleans Catron Pays a Visit Ben Weiner, colorful sports figure and one of New Orleans leading citizens,, made one of his infrequent visits to Lincoln Downs. He was especially pleased by the performance of the shifty colt. Eternal Bim; a likely bay son of Eternal Bull — Esoteric, by Bimelech. Eternal Bim is owned by Weiner and Bill Resseguet, who trains the colt. For many seasons, Weiner raced in partner-,- : ship with Ben Weil and Ray Watson under the "Three W Stable" banner, but that was dissolved some time . ago. Weiner reports that Watson recently suffered a heart, attack at his Maryland home and will be inactive from the business and sporting world for some time. 1 Weiner and his New Orleans friend, Ben Weil, still own the stallion, Larriewell who presently is in Kentucky and is being trained by Tommy Stevens. Weiner is seriously thinking of breeding Larriewell to several mares. "He showed signs of great class and speed," says Weiner, "but he was an. unlucky horse. He was almost burned to death in a" fire, but had enough courage to come back and win six straight. Recently he was given a special operation for a bowed tendon~and Stevens tells me he was going along well when a .horse broke off in front of him and Larriewell became excited and rapped himself. He may never race again." Program Scribblings . . . Irving Schwartz, who is a member of the Lincoln maintenance firm that specializes in cleaning race tracks, was a visitor in the turf 1 I CM*uandWei%andxi!!flKt3 I NEW ENGLAND By TEDDY COX Continued from Page Six club. His company has the account at Nar-ragansett and he came here from Santa Anita to confer with Judge James E. Doo-ley regarding the Gansett meeting. He re-.ports that his sister-in-law, Mrs. Jules Schwartz, has hopes for her three-year-old, Wirey Mark, in the Preakness. . . . Auguie Hutchins, veteran owner and trainer who is well known on the New England circuit, is confined to the South Country Hospital, Wakefield, R. I., with a.heart ailment. He would like to hear from his friends along the shedrows. In his absence, Bill Savage will handle his charges here. S. C. Rowan checked in with 17 thoroughbreds after campaigning them on the Maryland circuit. Those In the stable are Djeddah Rose, Terrys Talon, Mastercraft, Black Blink, Egyptian Sun, Tony Leonard, Dinner Music, Mrs. Teeny, Bombadare, Fair Peggy, Coalport, Bold Journey, Shawnee Brave, Tonys Son, Tonys Gloria, Zigging and Taclos. . . . Bill Gateman. who raced in New England several years ago, was an arrival from Gulfstream Park with a formidable stable. . . . Tommy Quuen, a familiar figure in Yankeeland racing, brought Mt. Sterling from Gulfstream and will complete the season at Lincoln Downs. Frank Lais Jr., who operates a group of moving pictures theatres in the New Orleans area, was an arrival in time to see his black filly, Lynne Charge, finish second. She is trained by another Louisianan, Robert W. Cash. f

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