untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1958-05-01


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AMERICAS TURF AUTHORITY ke.vtcckt nennw Eat a,ct SHWt. Leilnrlon. Krotu-1» • **%?—*and,andur **~*r — -a i« f ,r « v c . V Entered ot sevood class matter. Sla» KJ. 1013. -~- /2andcipg 0fo torm i % ti*™. " a"c3-° "** "* Act A__-*» Tftand*r***-andk****r - Menitwr ot Aodir Bareaa of ClrcoIattaD* FOCNUED IN 1KM Official Newspaper ot tt e„ar*o_al Association of SUBSCRIPTION BATES Stat* ttaeiDtr CoromissioDera One MoDtb One Tear ruWwKe- a...... except s™«,. o, ffa* A C 1 and O TOHM — iliplmani «ott«cril"toii" period It 1 mootb of 2C Istnet • J. Samuel lerlman Editor asd 1-sMietier , B. -t „ flmr.~r. „„„,_. slnrle copy „.,. price. M „„,_ cents. D.m Lyons Chief Tort Editor ■ Address ill comnionlearwM. mike all remit- ASSOCIATED .~f.nr,,Trn FAFESS: p.pj-po. taoees ,,. j trod ill manuscripts to • 31 Plymouth „, Coon Ctoio;o 5. Illinois n, ]T n iriw rnnu «3§:8and nrloLnaeer . 2134 N. W. lllaml Coort Miami 37. norida Chart oomLer of first race In 1958 was 11117 • to. IK, J,!- » Til? 91* IWJiiOIPS Hi* «i?-*-x_t« . J.A ~7~~. .jsnH.trUkS

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1958050101/drf1958050101_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1958050101_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800