Bull Vic Declared From Queens Plate: Maloney and Smythes Favorite Suffers Break in Front Foot, Daily Racing Form, 1959-05-05


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Bull Vic Declared From Queens Plate Moloney and Smythes Favorite Suffers Break in Front Foot By JACK AYERS Staff Correspondent TORONTO, Ont., May 4. — Messrs Conn Smythe and Larkin Maloney, owners of Bull Vic, winter-book choice for this years Queens Plate, announced this morning that the robust son of Bull Page and Vic-toriana had been declared from the Woodbine classic. The colt broke a bone in his right front foot last Friday morning at Woodbine Park. Local veterinarian Neil G. Mendelson informed said that Bull Vic was suffering from a linear fracture of the third phalynx, more commonly called the coffin bone. It is Mendelson s opinion that Bull Vic will be out of training from three to your months and that only complete rest will heal the fracture. In addition suffering to the fracture. Bull Vic went slightly wrong about three Continued on Page Twelve Bull Vic Declared From Queens Plate Moloney and Smythes Favorite Suffers Break in Front Foot Continued from Page One weeks back when he came of Woodbines training track favoring the same member. At that time his ankle became quite sore and "filled with infection. X-rays were taken, but no fracture was disclosed and the filled ankle responded to treatment. Bull Vic was then placed back in training, but after being subjected to an extended gallop last Friday forenoon, he again limped from the course. Dr. Men-delson was immediately summoned and another set of X-ray were taken. It was then that the fracture showed in the pictures. Fortunately, the absence of Bull Vic from this years enriched Queens Plate does not leave Maloney and Smythe without representation. Trainer John Starr has three other Guineas candidates under his care at Woodbine. They are Maloney and Smythes Le Grand Rouge, and Major Flight and Busher Royal who races in the sole interest of Smythe. Bull Vic went into winter quarters a 4-to-1 favorite to win this years Plate by reason of Jiis seven victories in 16 starts in 1958, which included a sparkling triumph in the mile and one-sixteenth of the rich Coronation Futurity, where he led home his stablemate Major Flight and Windfields Farms New Providence. As a Juvenile, Bull Vic earned 5,640 in purse money.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1959050501/drf1959050501_1_3
Local Identifier: drf1959050501_1_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800