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Entries and Past Performances AKRON THURSDAY, MAY 6 WEATHER CL.OVDY: TRACK GOOD. The figures under the heading "Eec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. « sn«T IS FTTIST T "TFX OF 1926. 011*6 IS Pim INDEX OF MAY Ra.-ing Marts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 2:30. ® Superior mud runner. x Good mud runner :;:I:iir mud runner. M Maiden. • Apprcntico allowance. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: T Akron Ak tKing Edward Ki Aqueduct Aq Lagoon Park Lg Aurora Au -Lansdowne Park.... LP B"lmont Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Lu Blue Grass BG Lexington Li Bowie Bo Branch LB Brighouse Park Bs Maple Heights MH •tBrooklvn Park Br tMarlboro Mb Churchill Downs CD Miami Ml tColumbns Co +Mobile Mo Coney Island CI Mount Royal .Mil Connaught Park CP tNiagara Falls NF tConnesut Lake CL Omaha Orr. Dae Park DP Orlando Or tDelorimier Park Dl tPhoenix Ph Devonshire De Fimlico Pi Borval Do Raceland Rd •tDuffcrir. Park Dit Reno Re Empire Em tSalt Lake SL Pair Ground. FG Saratoga 8* Fairmount Park FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FF Thistle Down TB Hamilton Km Thorncliffe Tta ♦Hastings Park HP Tijuana Ti Havre do Grace HG +Timoniuni Tm Hawthorne Hw Toleda To Havana Hv United Hunts TJH Huntington Ha tWheeling Wh Jamaica Ja TWillo-vs Park....WP Jefferson Park JP Windsor Wl Jnarex Jx Woodbine Wo ♦Kempton Park Kf tYoungstown Yo Kenil worth Ke t Designates, half-mile track. Akron Half Mile. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Todays Ind. nome. Wt.Rec. A.Wt.Han. 00926 •Winnie OWvnn. 7 u 102 1:07% 4 100. .72". 01145- Miss I/eggo. 8. .Mi 11241:08% I 107x720 012S5» •In.le Abe. 11. MH 109 1:06% 5 106.. 71". 01345 Squire McMasters. U Hu 112 1:10% 5 111x710 01087 "Merry O.. 9...MH 100 1:07% 4 107. .710 94243 Inde Bob. ."»... La 94 1 :0S% 3 100X71.". 00985 Pokey Jane. 2Hv 102 1 :dt% ■ 100x70." 00646 Spontaneous. lOKd 10". 1 :03i 5 109. 700 01057 Hun Conaway. 12 Ta 105 1 07 4 109 .. 700 01015 Rlossoni House. 1 01150 .Tagger. 3 Hv 99 1:07% 3 102. .700 01014 •Pueblo. 4 9 107X700 01058 Kuror. ■ Au 109 1:08% ■ 107. 700 01057 Venal Jov. 13 ... 9 109 700 01344= Rojul, 14 Mi 111 1:08% 7 100.. 700 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse $.".00. 3 year olds and upward. Claiming. 01181? Move On Beth, 7 DP 108 1:07% S 104X725 00979~ War Idol. 6 ...CI 11". 1:07% M 106. .720 010873 "Q— 1», 2 MH 10S 1:07 5 102 71". | 01178* Little Romper. 1. S 112X710 1 01180 Day of Peace. 8. . Hv 103 1:07% 9 107x710 01297 Reg I.irdoii. .".Mil 10S 1:06% 8 112X710 01343 Acom-hla II., 3Hv 111 1 :0S 10 107x705 I 01179 •The..:len. 9 Hv 107 1 :0S% 4 104X70.". 01213 •A.-.iuitted. 11 .Ti10S1:0s% 5 104x700 01118 Runpreservc. 12Mi 105 1:08% 4 107.710 03924 Black Monkey, 4. Hu 112 1:09% 6 102x700 01146 Fair and Warmer. 10 Hv 105 1 :0S% 10 105X700 01295 I.vdia Drew. 13!!It IJM 1:07% 4 105X700 01295 Little Pal. 14. .Hu 100 1:08% * 104X700 01344 Deep Crass M... 15 Hv 104 1:11% 4 107. .700 Third Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ?500. and upward. Claiming. 01301r North Pine. 2..Hv 103 1:49 7 110X725 01090 Molinero. 6 ... .IP 101 l:48Vs 8 108x720 01301 Wise ;uv, 4. .DP 115 1:48% 6 108x715 01299 Purity. I JP 110 1:48% ■ 110x710 01299 *I.a Kross. ......To 112 1:48% 10 100X705 01148 Nvw Rival. l.Hv 104 1:51% 5 107. 700 00543 Duke of Ridge View. 7 3 98X700 01299 Zucca Mi. 8 3 108. .700 Fourth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purs. 00. I year-obis and upward. Claiming. 01253 •Padlok. 7 K ; 103 1:52% 4 108. 725 01257 Article X., 9 . .Ta 104 1:48% 7 105x720 01182 Tom Micks. 2 ... r 110x715 01299 Pete Fov, 3 ..JP 103 1:49% 7 103x710 01301 Jimson. 5 JP 110 1:47% 5 108X705 00035 Yakima, 0 ...llv 107 1:46% 5 108.. 705 01346 Jetsam. 8 Hv 111 1:50% 8 100 X 700 01219 Smart Guv. 4. PC 105 1:50 9 10X700 01347s Sudan Crass, lllv 103 1:48% 4 18.. 700 Fifth Race— 7-8 Mile. Purse 00. 4 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. 01297 Lugs. 1 7 10S X725 01349 •Naughtv Ni ba. 4 Mil 105 1 :25% 7 101 . .720 01349 P.rass Rand. 1MB 101 1:25% t 101X715 01124 Harry R.. S 9 103X710 00207 Coldfield. 2 , 5 111X705 01183 Jewell V. D., 5.. 7 105x700 01300 Donna Santa. 8 .. 4 108x700 01179 Futen. 0 7 106X700 01150 Fun Maker. 9 ... 4 104. .700 Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. Puree 00. 3-year-o!ds and upward. Claiming. 01300= FRENCH CANADIAN. 2 Hv 115 1:14 6 110*735 00824s Dust Flower. 3KC 111 1:13% 6 102.. 725 01184s Jibe. 7 Ja 108 1:12% 4 107*720 00208s Pearl Roots. 9DP 109 1:13% .5 107. .715 1.00674 Cut ward Round. 12 Mi 112 1:14% 3 101X710 00977 11 .Mi 114 1:13% 7 109X705 01183s The Plainsman, 14 TD 106 1:13% 0 108. .705 01218 I-avinia. U ...Au 100 1:14 6 104X700 01216 Old Rroadway. 10 MH 105J1:13% 4 106x700 01216s Rock of Ages. 1 Hv 104 1:13 4 100x700 01086 Charles Whitney, 4 DP 114 1:14% 6 106x700 00807 Castilla, 5 . . .Hv 105 1:13% 5 102x700 01218 Silk Sox. 6 ...Hv 108 1:12% 7 104x700 01218 Wild Rill. 8 . .JP 100 1:13% 4 109.. 700 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 01301 Romping Lad, 1.. 4 107X725 01219 Sea Court. 0...FG 108 1:47% 8 105X720 01260- Little Clair. 3. .Ti 97 1:45% 5 107X715 00622 Crystal Ford. 211v 110 1:44% 10 114*710 01260 Frank Fogarty. 4 Ke 105 1:44% 8 114X705 01300 Shindy. 7 Lx 105 1:46% 5 106X700 01217 Margaret Caut. I Hv 103 1:57% 3 100x700