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RENNERT HANDICAP i , BALTIMORE, Mtl., May ,r..The weights for the Rennert Handicap for three-year-olds. $,".,000 added : at three-quarters, to be run Saturday, May S. at Pimlico, were announced as follows : Ih.rse Wt. Horse AVt. Canter VJIi Fly Man 100 FliRht of Time 124 ltiondin 10.". Kock Star 120 Punjab 10." Koek Man 121 Wl.atll I Do 10.". Macaw 1M .Sunny I.ove 10.". Penstick 110 Montferrat 104 Dress Parade 118 Sport Koyal 104 Color Sergeant 110 Ainl.erjaek IM Irsa Major 118 Asinla 102 Mars 114 lSadenocli 102 Tattling Ill Cavotte Ml Irsa 114 Dedans HK Taps US Memory Lane 100 ;enuine IM Salla 100 Skipalong IM Ethereal 08 Applecross 110 Son Ami 08 Cutanea no UgM CarMaa 08 Cinema HO Ilec 97 Fire Kock 110 Chocolate Soldier OG Harass 100 Tom Tiger 00 Silver Song 108 Duration 00 108 Alldin 9." AiK stle 107 St. John 05 Marche Militaire .107 Her Own 92 Weights announced at 5 oclock p. m., Monday, May 3, 132C.