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LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 114 LEXINGTON LEXINGTON. Ky.. May 5.— Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear ; track fast — TIIREE-FICll I HS MILE. 110 Barbara 37% 111 Lake Brie 3S% Ill Rosonia 3S% Chickadee 39 111 Mike Hall 36% 111 Stanford 39% Guillotine 38% 61 Mattel Barton .. 3S Sea Scamp 37% 111 Golden Thistle.. 36% 108 Miami Beach ... 38% 10:: Top Sail 39 Krick 37% 110 Petie 3S Viauville 38% OXE-IIALF MILE. 109 Capuchin 49% llOIella 53 107 Pure Dee 50% 108 Gold Mint 48 105 Prudy 50% 111 Sleepy Dick 49% FIVE-EIGHTHS MILE. 110 Adjuster 1:02% 110 Income 1:02% 112 Precious Lula. . .1 :05% 110 Blabbermouth ..1:05% 111 Jealous 1:08% 10.". Iiuby Lovell 1:04% 109 Barthelmess 1:05% 110 Little Bkun 1:06 105 Whipper In 1:04 110 Despard 1:03% 109 Mary lawless .1:03% THREE-Ql ARTK11S MILE. 110 Bird Behave ...1:19% 109 Hats Ip 1:17 102 Nine Sixty 1:18% 110 Bachelor Bird .1:19 99 Lucent 1:19% 113 Papoose 1:19% 109 Court Lady 1:17 109 Liberty 1:19% 111 President 1:16% 107 Dorothy G 1:16% 111 Lucky Donna ...1:17 108 Percussion 1:18% 110 Desert Gold 1:20% 109 Loyal H 1:20% 104 Peekaboo 1:21% 109 Delectable 1:15% 112 Marquette 1:18 107 Realist 1:20 106 Fair Rowena ..1:22 110 Mib MeCee 1:15% 113 Tractor 1:16% 109 Giblon 1:16% 111 Morning Cloud .1:17% ONE MILE. 112 Ali Baba 1:45% 111 Indianapolis ...1:48% 112 Rothermel 1:41 112 Charcoal 1:45% 113 I ady Carolyn ..1:42% ONE AND ONE-EIGHTH MILES. 113 Breast Plate ...1:55% 111 Bagenhaggage ..1:54% Rothermel did a nice mile very cleverly. Bagenhaggage went at an even pace Breast Plate was unextended doing his throughout. Was a splendid move. good work. CHUBCfflLL DOWNS LOUISVILLE. Ky.. May 5.— Todays training gallops here included the following: Weather clear ; track fast — ONE-HALF MILE. Bourbon Girl . . . 49% Eire Chief 51 110 Prince of Wales 49 105 Kmancipation 51% FIVE-EIGHTHS MILE. 111 Cinderetta 1:06% 110 Modna 1:02% 110 Ramkin 1:06 110 Florence F. 1 :02% 107 Pocket Mouse .1:01% 113 Ritter 1:04 106 Fausto 1:05% 108 Queen Navarre .1:05!* THREE-QUARTERS MILE. 111 Guest of Honor. 1:15% 111 P. Sarsfield 1:17% 110 Special 1:19% 100 Jeb 1:17 110 Pitchfork 1:16% 111 Sandy M*n 1:14% 104 Loyal Legion ...1:18 110 Royal Princess 1:17% 109 The Janitor 1:17% 110 Mount Beacon ..1:16% 109 Radigny 1:16% 113 The Runt 1:16% Marengo 1:15 ONE MILE. 110 American Son .1:14 109 Cockney 1:45% 113 Star Sweeper ...1:48% 111 Blanc Seing ...1:47 109 King Corin II. 1:43 108 Royal Sweep ...1:49% 110 Buz Eu7. 1:43% 112 King Nadi 1:43% 113 Tangara 1:44% 109 Barracuda 1 :44% ONE ill ONE-Ql ARTER MILES. 112 My Colonel 2 15% Sandy Man was well in hand. King Nadi was hard held Tangara was cantering. San Utar was not extended. Tocket Mouse worked well. JAMAICA NEW YORK, N. V.. May 5.— Toda s training gallops over the New York tracks included the following: , Weather clear: track fast — THREE-EIGHTHS MlLB.: " 107 Blackstone 38 lllGrenier 41 112 Insulitc 38% Dendara 41 107 Gussie Bain .... 38 110 Possibility 41 36 Devastation 40% 112 Rowids Request 37 ONE-nALF MILE. 109 Evil Mama 52 112 Gold Button .... 52 112 Prince of Lmbria 53 119 Gnome Girl 51 111 Mor mask 4S 112 Vie 50 110 Grand Pre 52 FIVE-EIGHTHS MILE. 109 Avisack II 1:03 109 Helga Marie 1:05 110 Laplander 1:05% 110 Clique 1 :04% THREE-QUARTERS MILE. 112 Blue Hill 1:15% 111 King Albert 1:19% 111 Red Pennant ...1:18% 110 Charming Bride 1 :16% Lilholiho 1:15% 110 Simpler 1:18 112 Diagram 1:20 111 Metzies Buddy. .1:15 111 Tea Ball 1:15% 109 Gailsborough ... 1 :20% SEVEN-EIGHTHS MILE. 112 Sherman 1:35 ONE MILE. 110 Merry Minstrel .1:45 Grand Pre showed good speed. Liholiho was not fully extended. Mormask gives good promise. Tea Ball went handily. Avisack II. went from the barrier. Metzies Buddy is training well. BELMONT PARK Weather clear: track fast — THREE-EIGHTHS MILE. 111 Adios 36% 109 Hell Cat 36 112 Sarapion 36% 111 Easy Money ... 36% 105 Quatrain 38% 111 Wild Aster 36 106 Ferrash 35 ONE-HALF MILE. Arrogant 51% 112 Nomad 52% 108 Queens Token . 48 Arsacid 51% 106 Professor 48 Rock Fern 51 112 Achilles 53 112 Prime Minister . 52 Roi Del Montague 51 108 Martha Martin. . 52 FIVE-EIGHTHS MILE. Hoot Mon 1:08 113 Profiteer 1:04 111 The Vintner 1:04 102 Policeman Day. 1:04 1H Ruthenia 1:04 111 Thrace 1:05 THREE-QUARTERS MILE. 105 Blue Fish 1:17% 112 Eastside 119% 107 Rubaitina 1:17% 112 Chance Play ...1:18% 112 Jarvis 1:19% 112 Sandhill 1:18% 112 Cutitout 1:15% Pheasant 1:19 Tuck 1:22 111 Dark Jester 1:17% SEVEN-EIGHTHS MILE. 113 Lancaster 1:31% 112 Powhatan 1:31 ONE MILE. 112 High Star 1:49 108 Niehavo 1:40% Wishing Stone .1:45 112 Macaw 1:45 111 Repulse |...1:44 ONE AND ONE-EIGHTH MILES. 112 Wilderness 1:55 ONE AND ONE-QUARTER MILEJ 113 Navigator 2:10% AQUEDUCT NEW YORK. N Y. May 5— Todays training gallops her? included the following: Weather cb-.u . track f ast — ONE-HALF MILE. 106 Cork Elm 52% 111 High Ball 51 78 Spandor 49% 111 Frank Oailor 49% 112 Kumonin 50% 112 Wrangler 49% Gleninore 49% 111 London Smoke. .. 52% FIVE-EIGHTHS MILE. 108 Ponetta 1 :03% THREE-Ql A III ERS MILE. 10u Johny Campbell. 1 :17 ONE MILE. 112 furimd l:H 112 King of Fortune. 1 : .» 112 Vuluain Park ..1:54% PIMLICO PIMUOO, Md.. May 5. — T »duys training gallops here included the following: Weather clear; track fast— THREE-EH.HIHS MILE. 108 Appellate 38 112 Gold Stick 37 112 Redstone 38 111 Battonier 38 111 Harvey Stedman. 37 Meadow Mint... 36% 112 Canter 36% 112 Pillotta 37 101 Nat Evens 39% 102 Golden Spire 37% ONE-nALF MILE. 112 American Flag.. 49 112 Hamadan 49 Sonny 50% 112 Beatrice Noyes.. 49% 110 Joy Smoke 49 Triton 49 108 Cymkhana 49 Painted Lady 49 108 War Ix rd 50 108 Gun Boat 53 81 Sandpile 54% FIVE-EIGHTHS MILE. 104 St. Valentine 1:03-.. THREE-QUARTERS MILE. 108 All Gone 1:16 107 Duckling 1:21 105 Montferrat 1:16 • 111 Batter Up 1:23% 108 Duration 1:16 Rock Star 1:16% 112 Corvette 1:21% 112 Flyman 1:16% 103 Sport Royal 1:16% 112 Crusader 1:21 112 Harry Baker 1:17% 110 Saratoga Maje..l:17% 106 Drumbeat 1:21 111 Taps ....1:21% 94 Welshot 1:19 ONE MILE. 110 Banton 1:45 111 Faenza 1:18% 111 Wheatstick 1:50 112 Balboa 1:45 108 Golden Rule 1:50 American Flag galloped handily. Beatrice Noyes ran well. Canter was under restraint Saratoga Maje ami Harry Baker gal- Italboa galloped handily. loped handily together. SfM rt Royal and Flyman ran well to- Duration and All Gone writ handily gethr together.