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j Entries and Past Performances COLUMBUS 1 THURSDAY, MAY 6 WEATHKR CLEAR: TRACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Rec." in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. 9S087 IS FIRST INDEX OF 19*«. 01186 IS FIRST INDEX OF IAY ® Superior mud runner. X 7ood mud runner. MKair mud runner. M Maiden. • Apprenticj allowance. Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago time. 2:13. The following abbreviations are nsed to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: tAkron Ak TKing Edward Xi Aqueduct Aq Lagoon Park Lg Aurora, An -Lansdowne Park... LP Belmont Park BP Latonia L* Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Lb Blue Grass BG Lexington Lx Bowie Bo tLong Branch LB Brighouse Park Bs Maple Heights MH tBtooklyn Park Br fMarlbor* «JJ : Churchill Downs CD Miami Ml •» Columbus Co +Mobile Mo Coney Island CT Mount Royal MR j Connaught Park CP tNiagara Falls NP tConneaut Lake CX Omaha Om | Dade Park DP Orlando Or j tDelorimier Park Dl tPhoenix Ph Devonsh re Do Pimlico *■ Dorral Do Raceland Rd | ♦Dufferin Park Du Reno Bo Ervnire Em tSalt Lako SL Ik* Grounds FO «Jar»tor* -»* Fairmount Park FP Tampa T* Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TD Hamilton Hm Thorneliffo Th tHastings Park HP Tijnan* -g i Havre do Grace HG tTimonicm T« Hawthorne Hw Toledo -To Havana Hv United Hunts uH Huntington Hu + Wheeling Wh Jamaica Ja tWillows Park WP Jefferson Park JP Windsor Wi Juarez Js Woodbine Wo . rKempton Park KP tToungstown To Kenilworth Ke tDeaigcates half-mile track. Beulah Park Half Mile. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs Purse i--OO. 3- and 4-year old*. Maidens la lining Track record: April 23. 1923 1:05;. 7 104. todays Ind norscAPostPoa Wt. Gee. A Wl Han 01138 •Iowtons Choice. ,; 3 101.. 725 01249s Sinvona. 11 ...Au 111 1 :08"-s 3 101 -720 01207 Millie i.. 4 ..MH 99 1:07 4 107x71". 01138 Herbert. 1 Ta MM ISBTO 3 10j 710 01249 Nevertlieless. 10 . Ta 9S 1:0 3 103 710 01250 Sliotw-ll. 2 .11 96 l:0S«i 3 10.1..7O5 01049 •Uttle Barbara. 3 FP 107 1:10 3 99 70". 01247 Bill A ins worth. 5. 1 106 700 01249 Miss Nan. 9 ■ 101.. TOO 01049 Soiitlieru Melody. S JP 96 1:10 3 101 700 01173 Goral Jane. 7 .. 3 10T. TOO 01249 Hialeah. 13 ...Hu Hk". l:ll*i :: 106. TOO Beauty Van, 12... I HIT Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlong-*. Purse 5500 :. ve:lr .»lds and upward laiuiing. .Track re.-ord April M, 192:4 1:0... 7 104 I 012S0: Shuffle. 10 u HI 1 -OSr. - 104 ■ 72.7 01289 *l a. le Velo. S..Mf BJ9 1:10 S 112x731 01139* Horinga. 4 Hv 10S IM% 7 110x713 96263 Matinee Idol, T.Ti 109 1:07*5 11 112X710 98927 Nacomee, .". ...All 106 1 T 4 110/705 00897 »Br. Sisk, 11... DP 99 1 :07*i 4 107x705 01175 Peter Brush. 1 . Wi 100 l:08*s 3 109x701 01290 Haran. 9 Hv 112 l:08li . 9 112X70O 01010 •Coach Whip. 8... 4 1O5X70O 00876 Soanso. 2 Hu 102 l:ll%h 3 107 700 01289 Merry Mars, 3.Hv 113 1:07% 6 112x700 Third Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming Track record: April 23. 1923—1:05—7 104.. 0V73 •Cohham. 4 Hv 110 1:08% I 107 .725 Ol.Vt Intake. It BP MS 1:47% 4 110X720 012-.V Mlack Sand. 3..Ti 106 1:08% 4 110:::715 01000 Culia Kncanto. 0. . Hv 104 1:08 7 112X710 01053 •Corenne, 1 Hu 109 1:08% 6 105x710 01338 •Ciceronian, 5 7 107X705 01144 Voorflor. T Hv 107 1:08% 4 182. .MB 01206 Beebee. 9 MB 110 1:08% 4 110X700 01247 Black Top, 2..Hu 111 1 :0S 8 ltSXMB 01248 Clenn. 8 10 112X700 82611 Coat of Arms M, 10 6 112 700 Fourth Race--5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: April 23, 1923 1:05%— T 104 01951 Kl Astro. 12 ...Hu 10T 1:08% 6 115XT23 01212 John Hoshor. lOHv 113 1:09% 8 115®720 011421 •Havana Electric. 14 Hv 110 1:06% 6 110X715 01174= Princess Jane. 13 5 108. 710 01247- Miss Hmcrson. 6. TT 109 1:08% 5 108x710 01113 •Kessie Hope. 1 Hv 105 1:07% 5 103x710 01174 "Bed Weed, 9 5 10.".:;:71o 01291- Porter J/Mla. 3 Ti 106 1 :0T% I 113XT05 012O8 Milzi McBee. 2Hv 104 1:07% 4 10SX705 01250 IV Brad... 5 ...IP 102 1:09% 3 110. 700 01250 Kdith Bibson, 4Au 107 l:ll%h 3 1O5XT00 01207 Sir Ben, 7 Au 112 1:07% 5 110x7i:0 01339 t rest wood Boy. 8 Hv 107 1:10% 7 110x700 01114 Gojal Dick, 11MII 110 1.06% 8 115x70 01141 Jack Pot. 15 ..Hv 107 1:07% 7 110 » 700 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse 1926.sh00. 3-year-olds. Claiming Track record: Aus. 7, 1924 1:13 3 149 . •1262 A1G MAIL. 8. JP 9.8 1:14% 107x735 012O9: Private Seth. 5Au 110 1:13% 111x725 01250* Merry. 1 Hv 99 1:16% 109. .720 01143 Bill* J Sue. 2...Sa 99 1:14% 101X715 96529 One C.ld Buck. 7 101.. 710 01116 I nionville, 4 . Th 10411 :15s 110x705 00820 Nereid. 3 JP 105 1:15 108 700 01081 Mis- Magsie. .KB 101 1:14% 108x700 Sixth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards Turse 00. 4-year olds and upward. Claiming. Track re.«rd: Aug. 9. 1924 1:46% 7 107 I 01053- •Krlan»er. 2 I MJBXtV 01253- *Bl.i k Mask. 4Hv 98 1:46% 5 105 720 01289s Hopeful. I Hv 110 1:46% 10 106x715 01212* knot Crass. 6 ... 7 1I0XT10 . 01177 Guuleg, 7 Im 102 1:46% 4 109XTO5 . 01288 nun well, 3 . Hv 111 1 46% 10 IOU-7 01339 Miss Vsal. 1 Mi 97 1:46% 4 104 700 Seventh Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Pui-se 00. 4 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Aug. !. 1924 1:46% -7 107. 01178" *Mason Towle. :... 5 ia" 735 01209 All ert I... li. . I 110x730 01253 I shin reek. 21 1 v 11:: 1:45% 8 110X715 01083 *MlBM9-. 1 ...Gd MB 1:441% 4 105x710 ; 01008 Ge.l Foot. 7 Hv IU 1:47% C 107x705 ; 01339 liv.n n Star. 4 Hv 107 1:48% 6 105x700 01206 Tom Saunders. 8 Hv 102 1 47% 10 MB. 700 01291 Mark Aurele. 5.. 4 1 1 1 ■ 700