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. ! . ; - f . 1 I 1 r e ? n 1 n y t t d h I. - WINDSORS STAKE FEATURES Frontier Handicap and Six Other Events Provided for Meeting From June 29 to July 6. DETROIT, Mich., May 5.— Nominations for the Windsor Jockey Clubs pretentious stake events, to be run at the summer meeting. June 29 to July 6, will close Wednesday, May 26. There are seven of these fixtures, the largest in the history of the Windsor Jockey Club for any single meeting. The list embraces : Frontier Handicap, 0,000 added, for three-year-olds and over ; one and one-eighth miles. Provincial Handicap, jr.,000 added, for two-year-olds ; five and one-half furlongs. Canadian Handicap, ,000 added, for three -year-olds and over, foaled in the Dominion of Canada ; one and one-sixteenth miles. Windsor Handicap, ,000 added, for three-year-olds and over; one mile. Sandwich Claiming Handicap. $.1,000 added. for three-year-olds and over ; three-quarters mile. Walkerville Claiming Stakes, ,000 added. for two-year-olds ; five and one-half furlongs. Ojibway Claiming Stakes, ,000 added, for three-year-olds and over; one and one-six- teenth miles. The total value of these stakes is $.34,000, an increase of 4,000 in added money over the value of the fixtures decided last year at this track. The added money value of the overnight purses will be at least 0,000, so that the total distribution to successful own-, ers at the first meeting this summer of the Windsor Jockey Club will be in excess of 0,000. The Frontier, as usual, has an added value of 0,000 and will be the customary feature of the opening days sport. It will be the twenty-second running of this historic turf event, which has been captured the last two renewals by the Nevada Stock Farms Gen-i eral Thatcher, the famous son of Sweep. It is said that trainer Preston Burch will make another try with his consistent charge for this coveted race. This year will witness the sixth renewal of the running of the Provincial Handicap for two-year-olds, an event that has attracted excellent fields during its brief history. The Walkerville Stakes for youngsters is a new one at the Jockey Club and will be over the same route as the Provincial, five and one-half furlongs. r There have been eleven renewals of the ■ Canadian Handicap, which invariably attracts the cream of the Dominion-bred horses. t the winner of which is accorded the Cana- n dian championship of the year by the major- e ity of the most observing thoroughbred . owners. s The Sandwich and Ojibway, two of the ;- stakes that have their initial running at f the coming meeting, are both for three--year- tl olds and over, the former at three-quarters ,. and the latter at a mile and a sixteenth. s i Each carries an added value of $."..000.