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AMBITIOUS DERBY GALLOPS I ♦ ■ American Son Goes Mile in 1:44% I — 1 1-8 Miles in 1:58 3/5 ♦ My Colonel Sent Mile and a Quarter In- extended — King adl On K.dgc for Ills Handicap F.ngagemcnt. • LOFISVILLK. K . May 5.— The most ambitious Derby gallop as yet shown here at the Downs was when American Son negotiated a mile in 1:44% and eased up a mile and an eight in 1:58%. Trainer Knapp timed his charge in the fractional time of :24%. :4!«V5, 1:16 for the first three-quarters of the journey. The colt went about his task in a faultless manner and came out of his work in pood condition. His stable companion. Sandy Man, which is the only horse that has a victory to his credit over Carlaris at Tijuana last winter, was sent three-quarters in 1:15 and cantered out the seven-eighths In 1:30. Roth these colts are rounding fast into the best racing condition. K. B. McLeans Prince of Wales, the Derby eligible, went a good half mile in :49, the first quarter in :24. Carl Woidemanns My Colonel was sent the full Derby distance by trainer Bianchi, who did not exact much speed of the colt, but gave him a workout that would benefit him in his next essay. The fractional time was :Jt i. :54Vf,. 1:12, 1:47%, under restraint in 1: lf % for the mile and one-quarter. Freddie Musantes Maringo worked as follows: Quarter in :24, :50, 1:15, where he was cased up. Among the handicap division King Nadi turned in the best trial when he went a milt in :.4%. :.ri0%. 1:17 and 1:43%. Tangara went a like distance in :24%. :50. 1:17%. 1:44%. The ranks of the Derby aspirants was increased by the arrival of the Idle Hour Farms Blockhead and Banco Suivi, which 1 headed the consignment of ten head to arrive at the Downs from Lexington in charge of r Ben I.eigh. Bill Strap and Breakfast Bell were the older horses to get in this consignment. Dick Thompson will follow with ten more 1 of the Bradley horses and Bill Hurley will 1 come to Louisville with fifteen head that 1 he is training. Bagenbaggage, one of the eight Derby f candidates in the Idle Hour Farm Stable, • is carded to leave Lexington tomorrow for r limlico to start in the 1reakness next Monday. " Mose Lowenstein brought over his stable p from lexington. W. J. Anderson expected to move part of his stable from the Douglas Dark track to the Downs, but the shortage of stable room at that course has made him change his mind and his stock that will race during the meeting will be brought over and returned after the races by van. C. K. Patterson, who trains for CM. P. T. Chinn and other owners, will bring over from the Highland Park track some of his horses in training. Malcolm B. Jr. will be stabled at the Downs when he returns from Lexington.