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CANADIAN TURF NOTES TORONTO. Ont., May 5. II. Giddings has arrived at he Woodbine track with the horses he wintered at his farm at Oak vine. The James Heffering string, Including the Kings Platers. Attack and Forecast II.. are in active training at the Woodbine course. W. II. Bringloe is expected to reach Toronto from the farm with the Seagram band some day this week. Included in this string is Quartzite, by the Bureau stallion Quart-zier. This colt is one of the choices for the Kings Plate. Klmer James is handling three Canadian-bred racers at Toronto for H. G. Bedwell. Two of them. Royal Pearl and El Canoe, have been going along well. O. F. Burkhart, before leaving for Baltimore, trrned Glimmering and his other horses over to J. Coleman, whom he has signed as trainer of his stable for the 1926 racing sea-sen. Burkhart has arranged with W. Hogan to ship his promising three-year-old Merry Man from Belmont Park to the Woodbine course. He recently obtained contracts on the two apprentice riders R. Davie and L. S:roud. J. Jenkins, who purchased the J. C. Dixon farm at Markham, Ont.. arrived at the Woodbine Park last week with six two-year-olds. Twelve brood mares and the stallion Blonde Buddie, sire of Buck, a good performer at Miami last winter, were included in the shipment. The brood mares and the stallion were sent to the farm. When these horses were loaded for shipment to Toronto at the farm, at the ranch in Calgary the temperature registered 36 degrees below zero. All stood the trip well and were unloaded as frisky as kittens. The Greenbriar Stable has engaged stalls at the Woodbine track and will ship South Wind, Norwester and others in their stable from Louisville in a week or ten days. Dr. R. K. Hodgson of Toronto reports the loss of a foal from Wood Race, by Uncle John. James Lnderdowns Flea had a foal at the Woodbine a few days ago, which lived only a couple of hours. It was the mares first foal. ♦