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I JAMAICA TURF NOTES NEW YORK. N. Y., May 5. Lee Campbell arrived from Chicago and will stay for the season. The Pennsylvania Railroad has announced a special train from New York and Philadelphia to Iouisville for the renewal of the Derby. The train leaves New York on Thursday. May 13. Iouis Feustel worked Blind Plav, the Log Cabin Stables candidate for the Kings County Handicap, a mile after the running of the first race. He ran the distance in 1 :*3% nicely. H. Jacobs claimed Tiger Gloss out of the first race for ,000. Winnie OConnor, an old time race rider, will make riding engagements for T. McTag-gart hereafter. E. J. Salt and Al Austin have announced that they will ship from Aqueduct to Toronto. Max Hirsch arrived from Pimlico and will return to Baltimore tonight. Hirsch stated that Sarazen would not start in the Kings County Handicap here. ■ ■ -•