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I COLUMBUS COLUMBUS. OHIO. WEDNESDAY. MAY 5. 1926. B, ulah Park 1 2 Mil: 1. Sixteenth day. P.cnlnh 1 ark Jo, key Club. Spring meeting of 19 days. Weather clear. Stewards. .T. A. Murphy ami J. T. Ireland Presiding Judge. H. 1 . Sli. pard. Associate Judge, C. Elands. Martfr. 1.. IH-an. Racing S -crctary, V. R. Norvcll. Racing starts at 2 15 p m. Chicago time, 2:15 p. m. AV indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Fie | "** ,," IarenUicscs following the distance of cadi race indicate date, track record, ag - of horse and1 : wclglit earned. "Indicates appri nth • allowance. Ol 5£tf£ "J,81, RACE— * 12 Furlongs. April 25. 1925— Wt— 2— 105.1 Purse 00. 2 year-oldt. vr-"-*-**-v Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AAVtPPSt il Str Fin Jockeys Owners- Equiv Rook. Strt «?!irAAf.!,!"VlLY WB w 2 * * •■ 2 "Ka» w n Padgett 400100 !m -ij/M;1.. WB 107 ■ 6 32 21 2* » Miiy J J ""son ♦6°-100 ?H vln-rVDlST ™ w 107 3 J f * 3 J Ford J S War. 0-100 A !".,.V,. n-- K W ,09 J 4 4 4?i J Picrillo Missouri Stain* 650-100 .,V r"KIUANK w 109 4 4 6i5* 5» Q Young C B Shafer — Ml ..i . ,KK w n0 6 6 6» 6 C J Majestic 11 Herman 180-100 Ql ■ .N Ot SHKUAivb 100 7 7 7 7 7 W Damon Mrs J Diebold 1660-100 Time, :24Vi, :55 mew track record. Track fast. J,J?tBl? .*fl Parnrd— Am I Early, 0.00 straight. .60 place, .00 show; Kamakanl, .40 place, .80 show: Colden Dust, $.1.40 show. t-v. iifT1 Sft? Anl ■ *arl . 4«° «- 100 straight. 130 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show; Kamakanl. i. 1M to 100 place. 40 to 100 show: Golden Dust. 70 to 100 show Wlam r C», f. by Seth Nettie Walciitt, by Dick Finnell train°d by * W. K. Padgett; " bred by Mr r. Benjamin A. Jones. Wcut to ijost at 2:18. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third ■d ■ riving. AM I KAMA showed the most speed all the way and won easing up. KAMAKAM saved d SSi „i0n V ,rl;S.d, , .U,StayPd ;°" KN I l-S« In the final drive. The latter raced well ami held ,1 inirupiace sate NESTLE could never improve over fourth place. The others were always outpaced. Overweight- Queen of Sheba. 2 pounds. 01337 **££?** RCE-5-8 *ile- , Auff 17- 1025-1:01-2-105. Purse 00. 4-year-old. and Ja. «_»«_»« upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second. 5: third. 0. Index Horse. AWtPPSt % u. Str Fin Jocke,s Owners Equiv. Book. Strt j .miH.! nmnv" Z.2 ! ! L*£ E * J PiLr,,1° ™erc-e and Miles 170-100 M 0 Al IVyV m? 2 "h * -,i2 » "rod-.k C G Kindl., 7:!0-100 JO ■ 20R IBOrYo -",? WlJ!2o,o ! 8i 6" P P OSrin T S ■**" 1]10-]W H ! ** 32 3J D 1 ,ible ■ n:lvis 790-100 JO 0 2 M P Moonv Oof -2 kiwv Lru V!S! -52? ! 7 6 4" 5i W M«rphy W Mein 790-100 JO illW.5 r. u Ci,,w! ot8 ! »* v-l Sj 6 . ,. i,owers cUMmmmm tsao-ioi 9 B04B9 MAI DI.NA w 4 107 7 4 5 8l N 9J 8J H Hay ■ Toll ♦ t S 289 kCkVoXKK liSLS J?;"315 9" J Jun;a R*»« Brant 11620-100 30 ; o "rri-;- ■ w, W 10 " 10 10 ,0nk i Youn» Mrs A o d«S» 1790-100 JO i 61Ui J Judy C K D»vi.on t S S 1080-100 j0 • •4374 43.4 l-TFVT I- Th.N r 1h.Rk pnrm N.-sw -Bl« 9 109 oo 412 12 12 12 12 J Johnson P Hailey 4i90-10U N tF,cld Time, :24**, :48s, 1:02. Track faa. m£9Em2Z Hial, ,4i0f8hon,r• *" btn,iEht- *4°° ,,,aC - •*« : ** *«•* *480 10 yridaq,"ir401 to mTSSS, uff S!ft2 ,7,? " ,00/trai*- «» »° 100 place. 80 to 100 show; Black k *nuj. Hi to 100 pla. e. l.« to 100 show; Huzzas, 170 to 100 show UmST* " l"V CamPfiro-A«nan:- l» «ryn Mawr trained by A. W. Miles: bred by Mr. T. J. I £ » E2 ! SUrt KOOd """ Kl°"- Won the same 1 M« W :Kin",f S- driTin "*- »"«! tMH ] I, „ ~ , OveVwe.Vn01?8 M i,z M,n°0-., 102: °1140 Da" ■■ wart. 104: 01289 Merry Mara, 109 Overweights lx.uise Wagner. 2 pounds: D.ide Dark, 4/i..; Kve Kox, I... 01 VXOQO ?tS THI?I and EACE-* H Furlongs. April 23. 1923-1. :05 s-7-104. Purse 00 3 vear-olds s upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second, 5; third jT T" index Horses AWtlMSt ■, .... strKin ...,.,,. 0wn rs Fuiv. Book. Strt t • 1206»T. H. KVKKITT wb 4 109 9 3 3 U 1» 14 p Iowers r- ir ah— it, 7T7TT, « ,0 „, | 0 1 a I wo Sa KSrr : 5 ;J S I S 2 i SSL M,s 3 " "Piith ",0 .2:2 a „ K I ! eilll.IVY OOODHART w 3 107 4 11 ]0 r * * H Johnson V«,- t7 "! f •8.82 mi IMCK w o 109 6 7 P Pulled up.J Johnson T Senadoras • T 1F,tld- Time. :24?i. :49, 1:10. Track fast. 9LAS?SZSTmm :irBwHtt 0-20 str"is"t-C0 p,ao - w-°° - 0neida- *5 •*-■ fftlKSriSJtr? 13° «° 1W "-■ » - » — Oneida. KverlnnHros." K **" fl "1" b Uatts ,,rainrd L * E-"itt; bred b, Messrs. ] Went to p ,st at 3:20. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow AVon easily second and third , SltS N .DTm1"1 n,;!kl Va7dn,r *• "»d "«* !• "»■ i-n- rail «3TSii ttTUTtfeS , the end. OM-.1DA came on the outside in the stretch and outf inlsh.d CICKSOMAN : in the final drive •wiDwSfihS" ssrs: vm1",ou M,-, sr ;;r,",nd ,n »? s«5 susaats jvi.i r. i iini i. tired. hlK.Sl KM-sf,inP,rK IM K fell lame and was pulled up : Scratched 96253 Matinee Idol. 109: 00629 Calvin, 109; 01041. Little Barbara, 97; 01248 Glenn 114 • c " "* Overweight Blue t addle, 1% pounds. , Ol V±andandand tQ FOURTH RACE-3-4 Mile. Aug. 7, 1924-1:13-3-109. Purse 00. 4-year-oUa and ■ P - ward. Claiming. Net value to winner. 50; second. 00; third 0 . Index Horses AWtPlSt it % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Knuiv. Book. Str I . « . 01249 I.M1 mi w 3 100 6 3 H lb lj |i H Hav T Scott "* ion 0 ■ •mtHOOVKR wOllllOf. 8J « » » , Connors J MMdbo. ,. ! 8820 gl-IXTAXA BOO wsB 4 113 9 4 » 2- 4 »k W M.Cabe Mrs H D iox mZ 0 1 UI0X2 MISS VAAIi w 4 lOo 7 7 7» 8a 6» 5 J M Judy J K Urotou* 17R0 io-i a .01208, BOTwTUI | 8 6-7 7 6 J fFrUU M Lf , « •tl«S*BRJAR SWKKT willO 2 2 93 «* ? S 9« 7 W I.amon W., »1 I M 0 •I MIKVKXI.VJ STAR WG106 I 1 f 3. 5* 8 i W Murphy Q ■ Keller SSlS «■ 01174 BROWN TROUT w 4 108 1 ! 5" 6i 8". * P Cogan J H Mark n itS 0.208 SO.THN PidFICin 8 10 10 W 10 10 Q SSJ Cfl Moson SSSS ■ , Time. :242i. .49. 1:163and. Track fast. .hoUuanrB,:8,"1 $,1!-80 raieht M "*"■ M th"" " • « • " »— • .20 1 Mo K?» i.andrsJEtSL: 9r,:ooK:70 to 10° puw-w ,o ,o° sho- ■— . iw -J . ESt Ls,- !ly K-arS aP1"! *"- by.Sir "J10" trainPd bv T S-,,,t: ,,red Mr- Woods ;arth . ! W.nt to post .it ..... At post 4 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handilv second -in.l I -riving UM ma nXN in.o the lead quickly and kept it. but was in do™ , ua ers next to the in, r m.l and l.a.d i idden «l the way. HOOVKK forced t-a was to work his « vvav up on the outside and „, me.l , ■Nn!,m ? "i" fin" driV" °gy7 KO° sh— d "«"» M..ed. but w:," tiring at he d ■ AL I,UAMK A I- raced into second place after entering the stretch, but tired. MISS VAAL raced on the •iitsule and closed up much ground. KVKNIMi STAB tired : Scrat.hed lOiavii Krlanger. 10.!; 01 2.-i0-Shuffle. 99; 01175 Peter Brush 105 Overweights Ixig 1ire. 2 pounds: Miss Yaal. 3. 01340 FIiFl1olRCE~1 ,V16 ,5Uee- U/7J- 1926-1:49-4-114. CapitoTcity Handicap. Pume -VFJ-*-*1: ,000. 3 year-olds and upward. Net value to winner 25; second. 75; third 00. nd,X ""rsh AWtlTSf, ■» SStrlln J.nke,s Owners Ki,uiv Book. Strt [ . 01251 Mi.MKI.MJK wb I 111 I 1 1» II |l U p|j Majestic J Mc;law TloO j, i « 01210,K H-Kr-OK1 nUI I S .« f 5 2 » ft H West B Cree h SttlwM ,| 01115 BCH AM rOTwi i 107 2 4 5 2h 2 41 32 J Judy C .; K.ndle OlOlwM j 01210 TRKASURBR w 7 100J I 2 t V V « « P Cogan " II Iulgett m loo ,| I « tMMS8INCBU w 4 109 4 5 3- t»ft«. 5 6 j Johnson J Keller £2S j « Time, :243i, :49, 1:16, 1:42. 1:48V Track fast. f.sif2."r,iri;a,",s r*r» !""«™L,;• ft? straif;ht- *:,8 »,i« -- •*•• *: mm .40 •»•«•. »2 SO show ; Kough and Beady. . SO show. ■ "■■, Kquivalent l««.king Ombrage. 180 to 100 straight. 90 to 100 pla.e, M to 100 show Rock ford ° 1"0 " , ■ to 100 place. 40 to 100 show; Bough and Heady. 40 to UHl show. Winner B. in. l,j t ainpfire Shadow, by harles Bdwanl trained by K. Armstrong bred bv Mrs II. t;. Herring. Went U post at 4 19 At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easilv second and tl ird I driving. OMltKAi.K took the bail at once. withsto Hl a challenge from BOCKPOKD -tfter entenn- the stretch, and won away. KOCKKOKD was under stout restraint nut il after roundin- the far tM ,; then raced to the leader with I rush, but was easily held Bafe. ROUGH AND RBAD1 raced HaM un • but tired and fell back on the turn for home, but came again. TRBA8URBB tired slightly in the finii j drive. t Scratched 01210 Jreen Woods. 100; 012..1 Six Pence. 100. • b Overwe ghis lYeasurer. 1% ixiunds: Sincere. 4. a Ol 4-1 S«TH RACE-l 1-8 MUes. Aug. 28. 1925-1 :56-5-103 ,. Pnrse 00. 4-yearld. and vf JL*J»r«: JL upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. i Index Horses AWtlISt % % StrKin Jockeys Owners »|niv Hook. Str t " 01177 NKTTIK MAY w 5 191 6 2 4* 5« ft 1«J l« J Majestic J Kolbert 2liTion " 00057THK COMPKllTOKw 5 10:1 4 C 5-J 4J 2* V 2ft W J Morgan 420*1« , S BttM*OAIIj rOBJD w G 103 2 4 2* ft ft* ft 3i M Hro.l . k • j Kindle 4t»j loll I !i •MM MV I.OKKAINK w I 106 3 6 6 6 5 6» 4* J Kord J Henihan IIOKU I 111293 KAMK w 7 105 5 3 3 3" 4-Mi 5* J Judy M H Jordan iio" Ml , " M1M*BBCOOP w 6 101 1 1 D IS « € 6 P Cogan H Tornento C40-100 I C Time. :25. :49,. 1:16«». 1:44. 1:56«». Track fast. • certificates earned Nettie May. , ftj straight, .80 pla.e. 80 show; The Comoetitor * V, H place. |M show: iail Kord. H show. I h iuivalent tMKiking— Nettie May. 210 to 100 straight, ft to 100 pla.e, 40 to 100 show The Oom petitor. 190 to 100 pla.e. tai t,, 100 show; Call Ford, 100 to 100 show. Winner B. m. b Mauag. r Waitc Wilful, by The S, nl* trained by J. V. Pons bred bv Mr J ■ Thomas C McDowell. j Went to post at 4 49. At post 1 minute Start good and slow. Won easily: second nnd third drhing. NKTIIK MAi moved ii| fast vvh n approaching the far turn and, racing into the lead held 2 the race safe to the end TUB roMIKTITOK was outrun for the first half mile, but raced into seeond place after rounding the last turn, and held it. ;AII. KOKD raced ilose up. but was made too ;..u-- A use of in racing BflQMIt* into defeat in the first half, and tired. MV l/IKKAINK closed H groumi. JUli: tired in the last uuarter. S ralched 010821 Illustrator, 102; 012!t: I Wedding Prince. 103, 01177 ltunleg. 111. o on Overweight ramc, 2 |Njiinds. ,, I : | A"j Q4-2 SEVENTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Aug. 9. 1924— 1:46*5— 7— 107. Purse 00. %. - -M-*-** year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 15; second, 15; third. 0. Index Horses A«tlTSI « |j % Str Fin Jockeys Owners E |iii w Book. Strt 01083UCKY BIN w 6 117 1 1 ft l1 1J 1J la J picrillo Missouri Stable 720-100 01250 AI, KRIPP wb 3 105 6 4 2 24 23 V 2* J Judy Mrs U J Howell 930-100 110943 ■•8PDUBA w 5 110 I 3 6J 5= :9 3 3» W I,amon Mrs J Stephenson 70-10 01209 LORD RJBNFBJaTW w 4 113 2 2 3J 3" 4 4» 4» J Ford J Clenn 2080-100 01080CKNTBY wb 3 102 5 6 6 C 6 6 6* P Cogan S Boyle 670-100 OII77HAY DOMftUi wb 4 113 4 5 4» 4» 5J6 6 P lowers J R Cailock 540-100 Time. :24«5, :49%, l:162n. 1:42S. 1:47%. Track fast. certificate* earned Run. 6.40 straight, .60 place, .20 show; Al Kripp, 00 place, $.1.00 show: Spirea, .80 show. Kqiiivab-nt booking I. tieky Bun. 720 to 100 straight, 280 to 100 place, 60 to 100 show; Al Kripp, 300 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Spirea. 40 to 100 show. Winner Kr. g, by Tea Caddy Run of Iuck, by Wagner trained by 0. J. Johnson; bred by Mr. II. II. Hewitt. Yont to | ost at 5:23. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. DICKY Rl"N set a good pace all the way. but had to do his best to retain his lead. AD KRIPP raced in .lose pursuit and. coining on the outside in the stretch, was gaining on the winner at the end. SPIREA finished gamely next to the inner rail. BAY DINtJDE ran out on all the turns and quit badly. i Overweight— Al Kripp. 2 pound*.