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Entries and Past Performances PIMLICO THURSDAY, MAY 6 : WEATHER CLEAR: TItACK FAST. The figures under the heading "Re*." in the entries below show the bert time of each horse at the distance since January 1. 1925. no matter where it finished. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or rood track, abbreviations show track conditions. SOST IS FIRST IM1EX OF 1921. Olive IS FIKST INDEX OF MAY Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time. 2:30 . and Superior mud runner. x Good mud runner mml ninner. M Maiden. • Apprentice allowance. Tlio following abbreviation* are nsrd to designate tracks it nine! time records shown in entries wore made: +Akron Ak tKing Edward Ki Aqueduct A«j Lagoon Tark. Lg Aurora Ao -Lansdowne Paik LP B«lmont Park BP Latonia La Blue Bonnets BB Laurel Lu Blue Grass BG Lexington Lx Bowie Bo tLong Branch LB Brighouse Park Bs Maple Heights MH tBrooklyn Park Br tMarlboio Kb Churchill Downs CD Miami Mi tColumbus Co tMobile Mo Coney Island CI Mount BotsI MR Connaue-ht Park CP tNiagara Falls NF tCocneant Lake.. ..CX Omaha ...Ora Dade Park DP OrUndo Or tDelonmier Park Dl +Phoenix Ph Devonshire De Pimlico Pm Dorval Do Raceland Rd *Duffer;n Park Dn Reno Re Empire Em tSalt Lake SL Fair Grounds FG Saratoga 8a Fairmount Park FP Tampa Ta Fort Erie FE Thistle Down TD Him-lton Bm Thorncliffe Th tHastinirs Park HP Tijuana Ti Havre de Grace HG tTimonium Tm Hawthorne Hw Toledo To Havana Hv United Hunts UH Huntington Hu Wheeling Wn Jamaica Ja tWillows Park WP Jefferson Park JP Windsor Wi Juares Ji Woodbine Wo tKempton Park KP fYoungstown To Ken:l worth Ke tlH-signstes half-mile track. Pimlico Mile Track. First Rice — 2 Miles. BIkridge Steeplei-hase. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds. Allowance". Todays Inrt n«si APostPoe. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.IIitn. 01046 i;unt oat. 1 147. .730 01074 Casetto .Mi. | ... 135. .725 01192» Fleetwood Ml. 5 142. 71* 01074- l.eauval XI. 3... 132. .71". Dragon |e Yertu.2 137 Ararat II.. 4 148 Second Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Graduate Purse First Division. Purse |LM 2 year olds. Maiden*. .Track rc-ord: May 10. 1921 £■%— 2— lift. 0119C3 Nortl land. 7 ..Im IS :54 118. 7"0 01193 Pillotta. « 118.. 72.1 03988 .1. paeon. 4 ...Hi; 114 AC% 118.. 7211 01235 Meadow Mint. 8 . 115 715 01238 Faithful Friend. 9 11."... 710: 01193 Reformed. 10 118.. 70.", 01066 Joe. ."» ..BO 112 :55 lis. 700 00959 Lustre Hour. 2... 11.".. 700 1 118 Uiiska. 3 118 Third Race — 5-8 Mile. Potomac Purse. Purse ,300. 2 year olds. Allowances. Tra.k ret-ord : May 7. 1024 lOT.i 2 109. 01066- A. P. Canale. 1.. 11."... 735 101063 outing. 2 112 730 j 012J5 IIand lasp. 7 112. .72.". 01196 Murziin i M t ft... 113.. 720 01275 Taiuianii Trail. 4 IIS. .Til 01193 Ilomiuy Ml. «... 11.!.. 710 01193 Reformed Ml. 5 113. .705 Fourth Race— 1 1 16 Miles. Tenth Running Pimlica Spring Handicap. ,500 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Track record: May 10. 1022 1 :44*s 3 107.1 01101- CAXTF.R. 8 . HC 126 1:45 3 116x7."* 01237 General Thatcher. 1 Ti 114 l:44«f. « 114740 01197 Golden Spire. ftftH 111 1:45 V. 4 110x73.". I ! 01237 Sun Pal. 11 ...4a 105 1:44V. .". 100 .730 f I 01237 Kdisto. 6 Wo 118 1:46 4 116x72.".; | 012 8 Mothers Sou M», I 4 ft 1ft".. .720 | 01278- Siugle Foot. 2lm 120 1 46«r. 4 116x71.". 01237 Kinp Solomons Seal. 9 BP lift 1:43 0 110x710 01236 Postill.ou. 10 Hw 109 1:47i .". Ift3x710 01237 Joy Smoke. 12Pm 110 1:40 .". 118x710 01195 Light Carbine, ft. 3 105. 705 0127 8 Florence Xigl.t- liigalo. 7 ...Pm 107 1:47% 4 100 .700 011013 Display. 13 ..Hi; 116 1:46% 3 113x700 Fifth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. K 1 1 1 ■ t u I I • • Handicap. Inrsc Sl.r.OO. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Tra.k record: May 10. 1 022 1 : 44 3 107. 01067- Redstone. 2 . .Wi 107 1 :46«i 7 111x73.", 01239 Adria. 3 Pm 10.". 1:401- | 08.. 730 01239 Sir I onid, 4..Wi 107 1:46% 6 08x72.". 01277 Feysun. 1 BP 10541 :45% .r. 101x720 00991 llamadan. I .Im 120 1:48 4 104. 713 Sixth Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. lira dilate Purs- Second Division. Purse ,300. 2-year-olds. Maidens Tra-k rc-ord: May 10. 1921 :53s-, 2-118. 01234= Stairay. 11. ...Pin 110 : ."..".«.-, 118. .730 99729 tiring.- ;iow, 3Mi 112 :55 11."... 72.". 01193 Zoiiiti . 5 118.. 720 01193 War Gold. 9 lis. 71.". 01097 Bobby Jones. 10. . HC 1M :".o 118. .710 • 00742 Press Gang. ■ ... 118.. 70.". I 01193 Glacier. 6 115.. 700 i 00934 Mat!;. 7 Hi; 112 :56*i 118.700 01275 Kim. 2 Pm 113 :56 118.. 710 03810 Jim Crow. 1 ..Hi! 116 :57o 118. .700 , Griersou. 4 118 Seventh Race— 3-4 Mile. Pane ,500. 3 year olds and upward Handicap. Track record: May 6. 1924 1:10*5 ft— 116. . 01278 Storm King. 1 . Sn Ml 1 : 1 1 % 4 123x73.". C1236 Ducks and Drakes II.. 8 Pm 126 1:14 5 126. 730 . 00527 Thistlowood. 3 Ti 100 1:12% 4 112.. 72.". 01236 Laddie Buck. 9 Pm 110 1:13 4 116x720 01102 St. Valentine. 10 H ; 117 1:13 6 111. .71.". - 00989 Harvey Stedman. «i Mi 116 113r. 3 100 710 , 01198 Cralite. 7 Pm 110 1:14*-. 3 99. .710 01328 Dizzy Blonde. 2Mi 107 1:12% 3 98 .70.". j 01101 Son Ami. 4 ...Sa 122 1:14% 3 103x700 , 9916 Post Mistress. .". n» 111 l:13i 3 103x700 I