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LOOK WHOS HERE! AND TERMS TO SUIT ALL! •** MR. ANDY *** STILL KING OF EM ALL! OLD BUT RELIABLE! Daily — One Horse a Day — Daily THE OLD MAN HIT AGAIN YESTERDAY DUKEDOM, 4.60, Won Tuesdays One Horse: Mondays One Horse: BOBBY 0.80, Won MR. PEPP 4.80. Won ■■£• 5 YEARS BEFORE THE PUBLIC MEANS SOMETHING -M| All business by telegraph only. Ho other communications attended to. "ta MR. ANDY 4 Hanover Square, Room 4C6 Manhattan, H. Y. ! Schuyler Floyd The racing public is well aware of the PROFITABLE RESULTS that are obtained only through recent "Schuyler Investments" Dr. 0Mara... 6.40, Won Saar $ 4.60, Won Van Patrick ..2.40, Won Lady Lynn ...3.00, Won No Parlays — One Horse Only The next three "SCHTTTLEH INVESTMENTS- take place Thursday, Friday and Saturday. So that the small investors may become acquainted, and permit them to deal direct with me — SPECIAL TERMS 0 in Advance for These Next Three " SCHUYLER INVESTMENTS" NOTICE — This is POSITIVELY Y0T7R LAST OPPORTUNITY to subscribe at these terms. TELEGRAPH YOITR SUBSCRIPTION AT ONCE. Schuyler Floyd 65 WALL STREET NEW YORK CTTY "Schuyler Investments* Are Like ■Sterling" on Silver — The Stamp of Distinction I Indemnity 0.50, Won This was the only one I gave yesterday. WIRE MY SHARE— ANOTHER GOES TODAY I gnve only one a day and a good one. The only ones I pave last seven days were: Laddie Buck, 8.10. won; Maid of India. 0.60 won; Montferrat, lost; Toyland, 9.20, won; Mabel £■• t1«.70, won; Montferrat, 9.20, won; Bine Hill, lost. I have riven honest service for fifteen years. My terms are: Wire to help pay expenses and wire winning* of after horse wins. No other terms accepted. EXPECT 15-1 TODAY— WIRE AT ONCE E. FLETCHER JAMAICA, N. Y. "My ad appears daily, 15 years same name and address means something. Think it over." SSL H. J. FARR w™ TERMS- Daily; for 6 Wires Mondays Release— OMBRAGE .40 Won Tuesdays Release— COQTJINA 3.40, Won Saturday May 8, I expect to cut another "Farr Melon. Get in on it. Special terms for this one are deposit and balance of a win play to be sent me day after race. ■"Effective after Saturday— My terms will be for one wire or 0 for 6 wires. Bend name and address to insure prompt service. No personal calls. H. J. FARR 400 South State Street Chicago, I1L LOUISVILLE CHURCHILL DOWNS OPENING DAY SUPER SPECIAL MY FIRST BIG SUPER SPECIAL Will positively start, rain or shine, on the above date. This horse has had a careful preparation, and I advise all taking advantage of my very liberal offer to make an exceptionally large bet to win only. My name has been before the racing public for many years, and I want all reading this advertisement to wire me immediately for service on my FIRST BIG SUPER SPECIAL. Mj Second BIG SUPER SPECIAL Will Start TUESDAY, MAY 11 Information on both horses comes from the same source and, although I am under an enormous expense to secure this information, my large volume of business enables me to make the following offer: WIRE ME THE WINNINGS OF A 0 STRAIGHT BET SEND ME YOUR FULL NAME AND CORRECT ADDRESS IMMEDIATELY J. D. WILCOX 429 WEST WALNUT ST. LOUISVILLE, KY. WEEKLY RACING GUIDE A PICTORIAL OF THE TURF PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY WEEKLY RACING GUIDE is sold strictly •■ its merits as a publication that picks the winners. Its regular features include HORSES READY TO WIN, SELECTIONS, CLOCKERS SPECIALS. BEST WORKOUTS, TIMELY PICTURES, DAILY CODE SERVICE and other valuable data for race followers. ON SALE AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS FREE CODE SPECIALS FOR THURSDAY: NEW YORK— Steward -Bridle -Saddle PIMLICO— Starter- Plates - BridU WEEKLY RACIKG GUIDE 25 Cents a Copy DAILY RACING CHART, Inc. PUBLISHERS IS; East 32nd Street ew York, K Y. SUPREME FLASH TURF WEEKLY Single Issue 35c Ten Weeks SOLD AT ALL NEWSSTANDS NEW ISSUE OUT TODAYS FREE CODES: JAMAICA— July-15 -22-7-2 PIMLICO— Jan. -2-10-15-20 ITBIG SUPREME OCCASIONAL-** GOES TODAY This horse comes to us labeled "extra strong-ready to win at box car numbers." This is youi opportunity for a heavy plunge. Wire .00 immediately and have no regrets. CITY CLIENTS, CALL SUPREME PUB. CO. 799 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY Order Your Form Book Now. DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. ySlAH 4.80, Woi OPPERMAN 2nd THE HEATHEN. 2nd were given Tuesday. One Best. Next Best and a Parlay to you by overnight mail. for 6 days TURF EXPERT, Temple Court Bldg., Chicago, 111. DAILY RACING GUIDE HAS THE WINNERS For Results Advertise in Daily Racing Form Turf Ace Daily Letter T°ds ™°iSpeif by J- D" JenkenS wi" be shown free «• a» P" who buy the Daily Letter from our dealers. Just buy the Duly Letter and, after 12:10 p. m., return to your dealer and he will show you free, the J. D. Jenkens 00.00 Special. On.y limited a supply has been sent out to them, so get your DAILY LETTER EARLY. ° YESTERDAYS DAILY LETTER WINNERS WERE: Contract, .80, Won A. B. Bensinger, 2.40, Won DETROIT AGENT— BAGLEY NEWSSTAND lAinnnuiABi a »»«"«-»•.«•• SS s»™ „„ jgg! K fc!T*K£: s. a"™ * - *• °" And other cities where Daily Racing Form is sold