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KINGS COUNTY HANDICAP Sarazen, Mad Play and Chilhowee Top List in Assignment of Weights in Big Feature. NH YORK, N. T., May 5.— Sarazen is assigned the top weight of 121* pounds for the Kings County Handicap, the ,000 added feature of Saturdays racing at Jamaica. Mad Play is next with 12S. followed by Chilhowee with 124. The complete weights for this popular fixture follow: Horse. Ace. Horse. Ace. Kimisen tM IliRl. Star 10.". Mad Play 1128 Nicholas 104 hilliowoe 1L4 Iturkhone 104 Wise Counsellor 123 ltiondin 1«S Silver Fox 123 Youne Martin 102 Sun Klac l- DnwMn 102 Son of John 11!» Siren 102 N.tlaua Utt It.v Missel f 102 Swope 11.". I nveri One 100 Wilderness 118 Itrusliaway 100 ItriK o Moon 114 Ilriar It room KM Turf Idol 112 elidon 100 Wind Play Ill Powhatan !is Quatrain Ill Memory Ijiue its Actuary Ill royden 9S ItaiiCeroiis Ill Punjab 9S Prince of Bourbon . .1 1 1 I. Fred A i»S Peanuts Ilo Mirador 97 » atalau 110 Festival 97 Cherry Pie 110 Dedans 97 Pi. ketcr 10S Janible 9.". Prince of I inliria . . . 107 Acrostic 9." ICoIIh Koyce 107 Colorful »r, Mauler 10« Token 9". ltraiustoriii IM Mosi|iie «ir. HedRefence 10f. Cewgmv M Sir ltonald MS Penalties accrue from noon May 3. IfSC