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JDAiUT RACING FORM A. the up JAMAICA f Copyright. 1926. by Daily Racing Form Publishing Co. I NEW YORK. N. Y.. WEDNESDAY. MAY 5. 1926. Jamaica 1 Milel. Seventh day. Metropolitan o Jockey Clul. Spring meeting of JO days Weather clew. 0 Stewards W S Vosburgh. J. E. Cowdin and G. H. Bull. Steward Representing the National Steeplechase and Hunts Association. J. E. Davis. Judges. E. C. Smith and C. ornehlsen. StarU-r. 0 Mars Oissidv Assistant to Stewards at the Start. E. C. Potter. Racing Secretary. F Rehbcrgcr. o . : ■ — o Racine staits at 2.10 p. m Chicago time. 1:30 p. mi W indicates whip. S spurs. B blinkers. Fie n ares in parentheses follow, ng the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and Q weight carried. "Indicates, apprentice allowance. - 8 A101C FIRST RACE— 3-4 Mile. May 21. 1925— 1:11— 3— UNO Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and up-UlulO ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00: second. 00; third. 00. s Index Horses AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O B C P S l 97149»ZERO HOIK WW 4 115 7 4 41 2 2« 11 G Arnold H Mart 3 41 • T-» Ml I 01127 TH3BR GLOSS w :: 110 9 I 1 1= 1» 2« T Burns Redf,1 Fm Sta 7-5 8-» 6-5 1-- 1-4 01127VIKCUS RIDER mIM 16 7J 4f 3=* 3= P Fisher J Butler 10 15 1- * -1 ti 01125RELCROSS wn 5 115 S3 25 3- 4* 4"* F ThdykeH Stonebridge 10 1- 10 4 I 01187 TIBKR wb 4 120 3 8 9 9 83 5» T McTagtT Sheedy If 20 10 4 8-» » 6J 6: W HarveyH A Hollis 6 M 10 4 8-o c 01125 DO.NNAYIDEO wb 3 105 6 7 51 51 01227 NOR O" LOVE w 4 117 5 2 3 6J 51 7- H ThurberE J Morrow 1j la ■ * I 01125WILDIIAKE W 6 115 2 1 » 7"- 7" 8« C Powers H Lingelbach 10 H 10 * 1 1 09320 WILL WKLLS wb 4 120 4 9 S5 8= 9 9 J Kellum R Newman 1.. JO JO S 4 Time. :23%. :47. 1:12%. Track fast. I Winner— P. g bv Hoiirless— Sprite, hv Waterltoy trained by .1. Ryer: bred by Oneck Stable Went to | at andM At post :: minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third : the same ZERO HOOK, up from the start, came fast on the inside through the stretch ami out- . gamed TIGER .LOSS in the final drive. TIGER GLOSS showed the most early speed and set a fast pace but tired in the final sixteenth. CIROFS RIDER finished fast on the outside BEIt ROSS tired -badly near the end. TIBKR finished with n rush through the stretch. POXXAV1DKO ran fairly well. A-|0-lr7 SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. May 21. 1925— 1:11— 3—120. Phoenix T*e.Turse%l.m.3- , yiOll year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner 00: second. 00; third. 00. , Index Horses AWtPPSt % M Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S , 97517 LIGHT VIEW wb ?. 117 11 2« 2* 2» 1» H ThurberR Odom 6 8 6 8-5 3-5 , 92896 NOON FIRE w 5 117 I 3 l« Is ¥ 2» A SchugerJ Butler I 1 3-a 1-4 out , ©1048-RVGWEED w 3 107 5 5 3» 4» 4s 3 * H RichdsClovelly F m Sta50 50 40 10 4 , 9747r _RAB T wb 3 112 2 2 43 ?■- 3"* 4= C H MillerW Ziegler Jr 15 20 20 6 21 , 96817 MATHS wb I 112 7 8 8 8 51 51 F CatroneRancocas Sta 4 7 7 2 4-j 97518 BLACKAMOOR w 3 112 8 6 6* 6 6» 6 W HarveyLog abin Sta • » M ••_ W 01128 MILLW1CK w-B 4 122 4 4 5 1 61 7= 7» E RobbinsC A Mills »»•»» 94906 BULL RUN wb 3 117 6 7 7» 71 8 8 C FbtherO H Bull 6 10 10 3 1 Time. :24. :47. 1:12%. Track fast. Winner— Ch. c. by Rock View— Tread Lightly II.. by Tredennis trained by R. Odom: bred by Mr. Arthur P. Hancock. . , _•___• ,,.:..i Went to post at 302 At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third of XOOX FIRE and was in close quarters when the same LIGHT VIEW raced in closest eaxly pursuit leaving the half mile post and was taken back, but responded well when called on and got his nose in front of NOON FIRE in the final stride. XOOX FIRE took the lead with a rush shortly after the start and crossing over sharply after leaving the half-mile post, drew away, but was tiring at _»«■«. RAGWH BD ran well and outfinished ARABY in the final drive. The latter had no mishaps. MALMS began slowly and was ridden wide throughout. BLACKAMOOR rnced fairly well. Scratched -*.t7542; Forest Flower. 117: 01100 King Jimmy. 122. f __"i O-i O THIRD RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. May 15. 1925— 1:41%— 4— 124. Purse ,000. 3- UlulO yoar-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P S 96090* YI LETTE w 4 107 1 3 3s 3- 3= 21 P» G Arnold G C Denny 3 31 13-5 4-5 out 00710 M ART B w 3 107 3 4 4 4 4 31 2« H RichdsJ Buonocorro 4 8 5 7-d out 977»9J»RoM NY wb 9 112 4 2 2» 2= 24 4 3» P Fisher W Daniel S-5 8-5 7-;. 2-5 out •ltSlCAMOUFLAGE wb 10 117 I 1 141411 li 4 V Harvey Q C Winfrey 3 16-5 16-o 4-o out Time. :24. :49. 1:14%. 1:41. 1.45%. Track fast. Winner— B. f. by King Corin— t lare. by Bannockhurn trained by A. L. Denny: bred by Mr. S. K. Went to post at 3 24 At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same TALLBTR followed AMOCFLAUE under restraint to the stretch, then moved up gamely in the final eighth into the lead, but barely lasted to withstand the rush of the fast-coming MAR B. The latter was last in the earlv running, but came with a rush through the stretch and was wearing the winner down at the end ROMANY forced the pa e from the start and lost ground when entering the stretch, but outgamed t AMOlFLALK. The latter tired badly in the final sixteenth, after leading t.» the . last eighth. v-g o-i O FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. May 21. 1925 — 1:11—3—120. Laurelton Highway Handicap. |JJ_oAtJ ,200 Added. 3-vear-olds and upward. Net value to winner 40; second. 00; third. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt i, £ Mr Via Jockeys Owners O H C P S 9708r»»PlWUF wb 5 140 I 1 1» 1« 1« D B BrningJ Butler 1 6-5 9-10 1-4 out 01191 -NEEDLE GUN wb 4 138 4 4 3- 3» V 2 C H MillerW Ziegler Jr 2 31 16-t. 4-a out MMTSWOPE w 4 139 2 3 4 4 4 31 G Mein E R Thomas 1;. 20 30 5 1 •»-««-» T1TN wb 4 129 1 I 2» 2* 21 4 T Burns F E Brown 31 4 I 3-5 out 1 Time. :23%. :47. 1:12%. Track fast. Winner— Ch e bv Spur— Miss Puzzle, by Disguise trained by J. Johnson: bred by Mr. James Butlen. Went to post at tJS. At i« st 1 minute. Start g KKl and slow. Won easily: second and third driving PIQUE showed high speed and. setting a fast pace from the start, raced TITAN into early defeat then drew awax and won with speed in reserve. NEEKLE GUM began slowly, but closed up fast [ TITAN showed speed and was not through the stretch." SWOPE was outrun, but finished resolutely. persevered with when he tired /v-g OO/ft FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. Oct. 4. 1924— 1 :49%— 3— 115. Purse ,000. 4-year-olds and 1 UlOU upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third. 00. " ludVx Horses AWtPPSt % K si Str Fin Jockeys Owners _______ _____ Oll9YoSHIMI ws 7 112 1 1 P !■ 1*1 Q l1* P Fisher D Lawrence 4 6 6 2 7-10 0 01095 RRlNS wb 4 112 I 3 2» 2* 2s 3* -■ H Thurber.1 F Richardson 1 6-5 9-10 2-5 1-6 i IMMSIMAXIK wn 5 117 2 2 4« 4» 3l 2!1 3» W Smith Mrs D L Rice 5 8 8 2J 4-5 •Ut* *R~80VIA w 5 117 5 4 H 3M10 4»» 4» F Sharpe J J Murphy 4 5 6 7-o 1-2 HIM GOOD NIGHT wb I 114 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 B BrningJ P Polk 8 8 5 2 ,10 0 Time. 24% :49%. 1:14%. 1:40%. 1:52%. Track fast. Winner I*, g. by Ballot 4. old Lady, by t.oldcrest trained by O. W. Coburn: bred by Mr. . H. R.-rrvman* . __ . . , , .. . , Went t i at 4:20 At l ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same YOSHIMI t.,ok the bad at once and set the pace all the way. but was doing bis best at the 1 end RUINS followed the winner closely and. moving up fast on the outside after entering the Ftretck, ■ was wearing him down at the end. MAX IE saved ground when entering the stretch and finished fast. RISOVIA was always outrun. .OOI SIGHT propped at the start. 3 _v-g s_»A _ SIXTH RACE— 5-8 Mile. May 16. 1923— :58%— 2— 111. Purse ,000. 2-year-olds Maid-UlO—1 [. ens. Fillies. Net value to winner 00; second. 00: third. 00. - lMa,.x ii„rses AWtPPSt % Vj Str Fin Jockeys Owners 0 H C P S 01130 TORRENCE _ Ml 8 4 31 31 Sl l1 W Smith Mrs A _ Lawsont I 5 2 1 00988 NEVER AGAIN w 117 6 3 1* Sl 21 25 W HarveySage Stable 21 3113-5 1 1-2 SOI ID COLD wb 117 2 I 21 lh 1" 3J F Sliarpe Swingalong Sta lo 20 20 8 4 01130 ARABIA vlfl 1 1 4!1 4« 4" 4» T McTagtNewtondale Sta 10 12 8 I 8-5 f CHICKASAW wb 117 5 5 6* 61 63 5" H ThurberM Field 5 7 6 2-1 6-5 i 00959 FLORA M W MI 7 6 52 5- 6h 6« W Obert C H Millftr 8 8 5 2 1 01001 HONEY w 117 9 7 7* f" 71 7s H Rich dsClovelly Fm Stal5 15 10 4 2 TIGRESS w 117 I 9 8 8- 85 8* J ThomasGreentree Sta 21 4 18-5 7-5 7-10 10 IH I -.9 ROCKSAL. w 117 4 8 9 9 9 9 D McAffeJ A Harper 50 60 60 20 10 Time. :23%. :47. :59%. Track fast. Winner- Br. f. by Meridian-Caubeeu. by Wrack trained by E. J. Salt: bred by Mr. P. H Faul- 1- CtnCWent to post at 4 51 At post 4 minutes. Start poor and slow. Won driving; second and third 1 the same TORS-NCI was outrun for the first three eighths, but came on the outside when entering ig the stretch and making a fast finish, wore NEVER AGAIN down and outgamed the latter in the final »1 drive NEVER AGAIN set a fast early pace and raced HUD GOLD into defeat, then finished resolutely. • SOLID i.OI.I» ran a good Wt and saved ground where possible, but tired right at the end. ARABIA, . awav well, ran a good rate all the way. Scratched Eglantine. 117; Olive I»exter. 117; Marka. 11. ~