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LEXINGTON LEXINGTON. KY.. WEDNESDAY. MAY 5. 1926. 1 Mile. Tenth and last day. Kentucky Associa tlon. Spring meeting of 10 days. Weather clear. .Indues. W. H. Shelley, T. C. Bradley and J. J. Grady. Starter, W. Hamilton. Racing Secretary. W. II. Shelley. Haeing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time. 3:00 p. m. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Fig ■res in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and Weight carried, indicates apjtrentiie allowance. f"|-| OOQ FIRST RACE— Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. Nov. 21, 1925— 1:08«»— " Atft/ 2 — 127. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50-second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt % Vj Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eqniv. Odds Strt ! 00880 DIKKDOM b 4 11." 2 6 Cl 61 4 l"i H Garner J R Pevic 1630-100 0I131BS BELVK MKwsb 6 104 12 1 2 2i 2J 21 D Neal L B Draun 330-100 97430 COL r. SCHOOLKKwb 4 111 3 3 1 1 1» 1 31 S Griffin J J Greeley 730-100 01036BOOTSIF. wb 3 89 9 10 8* 7«k |» 41 ■ Benham J J Flannigan t3"* -100 . 97460 ULKANF.K w 4 103 11 9 11s 9 81 51 D Frogtte B W Stivers t 01036JSKCUETS w I 98 1 5 4» 3 6» 61 L Canfiehl AV C Goodloe 270-100 01036-CNLUCKY w 3 95 10 8 7 83 91 7" C Phillips J S McGinnis 1190-100 00793 LITTLE JHNNIEw I 100 7 4 3h 51 6" Sh J Ryan J S Neal 1490-100 »»»99»SI/.ZLK w 5 105 4 2 6h 4J 3" 9« D Dubois J E Hankins 640-100 01070 CAVALRY w 3 99 8 11 101 IP 10 10= L Iichon J Schreiner 2060-lOu 01070 ChAlDK w I 101 6 7 9 10* IP IP R Finnrty OMeara Bros f HIGH CARD w I 102 C 12 12 12 12 12 F Miller S T Baxter 2820-100 tMutuel field. Time, :22*5, AS1-*, 1:02. 1:11%. Track fast. ] mutuels paid Dukedom. 4.60 straight. 4.60 place, .80 show; Bovs Believe Me. 20 place .00 show : Colonel S hooler. .80 show. Equivalent lKx»king odds Dukedom. 1630 to 100 straight. 630 to 100 place. 300 to 100 show; Boys Believe Me. 210 to 100 place. 130 to 100 show: Colonel Schooler. 240 to 100 show. Winner P.. g. by Huurless— Duchess Lace, by Fair Play trained by J. It. Pevic: bred by Mr Joseph K. Widener. Went to iKst at 2:00. At post 9 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. HI KKDOM closed a gap and. coming with a rush through the stretch, outstayed BOYS BELIEVE ME in a game finish. The lalter raced in improved form and was closest up from the start and going fast at the end. Ol.ONKL SCHOOLER showed the most early speed, but tired in the last sixteenth. B00T8U acted badly at the post and ran a good race. SECRETS tired. SIZZLE was done afdr going a half mile. , Scratched- 01036 Yendell. X : MS33 Pyx, 109; 010.;6 Jane C, 94; OS-ViO Jessie Lee. 95- 9439- Zucchini. KKI: 01171 Selective. 100. y Overweights Ciilucky. 1 pound: Little Jennie. .": High Card, 1. I fk"| OOA SECOND RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. May 11. 1911— :5335— 2— 115. Purse 00. 2-year-olds. I " -■- O O W Maidens. Allowances. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses A WtPPSt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Str t 01203 REALTOR w 115 0 3 1= |« 1 E Soobie G F Croissant 220-100 01166 SIN DANCE w 115 5 5 4» 2h 2» L C.eving; J N Camden t250-100 OI200-I1VI R«1MEL w 115 3 4 2«i 3* 31 E Leeero J n Camden t i ALOMA w 112 2 2 3» 4« 4J V Swansn Gallaher and Coombs 650-100 01170 PARMBLEB w 115 8 7 6 C= 6h 1 Frogtte R L Baker 650-10 MANWKI.L w 115 7 8 6» 6* 6» E Pool T W OBrien 910-100 I 01245 LACREL w 112 1 1 p 7* 7« J Howard TC McDowell 4270-100 01166 PKACB MAKKR w 115 6 9 » ! 8 H J Burke J Muth 2210-100 89123 CASINO w 112 4 8 9* 9« 9« L Momery D Buford 6020-100 KTEKNAL MAGIC W 112 10 10 10 10 10 J McCoy J D Weil 6620-100 ■JCouplcd as .1. N. Cuinden entry. ] Time. :2345, :47V 5415. Track fast. mutuels paid Realtor, .40 straight. .00 place. .60 show; J. N. Camden entry, .80 place $:; 2i show. Equivalent looking odds Realtor. 220 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place, SO to 100 show J N Camden entry. 411 to 100 place. CO to 1H show. ] Winner P.. c. by I pset— Pandora Sift, by Hessian trained by C. C. Patterson; bred by Messrs A. E. Hundley tk Son. Went to iHist at 2 .".«. At po«t 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. ItK.M.KUt began well and clear of interference and, racing into the lead at once held it well when ridden hard and outstayed SI N lt.MK. The latter raced close up and finished gamely ||V- 1 DKOMEL also finished well. AI.OMA raced prominently to the stretch turn, where she bolted and later „n swerved to the inner rail and finished fast and is evidently a good fillj. LAI KEL was taken back sharplv soon after the start, when interfered with. ] H"l "1 THJRD RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. April 25. 1921-1 42S— 3— 103. Purse 00. 3-year-olds I V -■-•_■ «_*-■- and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00: third. 0. Ii dex Horses AWtPPSt4 % Str Fin Jockeys Owners K,|,iiv Odds Str t 01283-MV DESTINY w 4 106 7 1 ll ll P 1J l»k L Pi.hon M Andrews ioTOlOO : 01240 XTI.A w 3 93 3 4 7 7 7 61 21 K Finnrty H P lira -Key 31K -100 01199 BEAT CI L ADDlEw • ., 106 6 2 21 2" 21 21 3" J McCoy J J Ceeley 1000-100 , 01167 ■ STONEAC.E w 6 111 1 7 6a 6- 6= 4h 41 LMomerv W A Baumgartner 760 100 OI240*AI.KNCK w 3 91 5 I 4 *.# 3" 51 E Benham A Smith.i 790 100 0I106:M:1.I K TOKCH w 3 91 2 6 5" 5 3 6" 6 «1 Dubois l!lo„n,riol,| stable *- t0-100 1 0120.-,.-IIAIIv BOB w 3 99 4 5 »k • f,« 7 7 D Neal C W Moore TsO-lOO Time. :23. :47. 1:13»5. 1:39S. 1:46. Track fast. mutuels paid M.» Destiny. 3.40 straight. 0.00 pla.e. .20 show; Xtra * 1 80 Place S11 *1,w 40 »h..w Beautiful Addic, $.V00 show. ■ Equivalent hooking odds My Destiny. 1070 to 100 straight. 400 to 100 place. 260 to 100 show Xtra J WH to 100 place. 470 t- 100 show: Beautiful Ad. lie. 180 to 11X1 show . Winner h f. bv Manager Waite Marie Hvde. by Hand, iff -trained by ]. Hammond- bred bv t Mr .1. W. Fuller. Went to iK,st at I 07. At po*t 1 minute. Start gw.d anil slow. Won driving; second and third the same. MY DKSTINY rushed into the lead after soon the start and. showing the most speed all the 1 tired and just lasted long enough to win. XTKA •way. closed a big gap and came with a rush throueu the stretch BEAIT1M I. ADDIS ra.ed well, but began tiring in the stretch. BTONBAGI ra.ed well YALENCE tired. H1.IK TORCH quit. HAPPY BOB ran poorly. Overweights Xtra. 1 pound; Happy Bob. 5. 1 A1QOO FOURTH RACE— Futurity Course 170 feot less than 3-4 mile. Nov. 21 1925— 1 08 V— VAOOAal 2— 127. Au Revoir Handicap. Purse 00. 2-yeaxolds and upward. Net value to win- . ner. 50; second. 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt i4 1... Str Fin Jockevs Owners Equiv. Odds Sir t »l 168" M Al.i jl.M B Jl: wb 3 100 2 1 4i f, -J P E Benham W C Baxter 460~ToO 4MI07 THUNDBRlNO w 4 101 5 I 21 I* 21 21 L Fubon Mrs T J Began ClO-lOo Ol 135 DKVON wb I 104 3 5 I 4 4= 3* J Heupe J N Camden i;«0 100 01 168 -MENIFEE wb4 114 4 4 ll 11 1» 4! V Swansn C.allaher * Coombs 110-100 I 01201 illi N WIN ; 1I.WB3 111 12 31 2 5 5 E S.obie r, V Croissant 330-100 Time. :22*». :4735. LOO3!. l:09«s. Track fast. mutuels paid Ifllriha P. Jr. 1.00 stra.ght, $",20 pla, e : 1 hnndering. .60 place; no show ■nilluels Mjlil. Equivalent looking odds Mai. olu, B. Jr., 4.V to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place- Thundering "80 to I |M place. Winner It. c, by T.-rchlM-arer Mvrtle V . |,y Cavaicadour trained by J j Klanigan bred by ■ Him . jar Stud. Went to ut 3 3... At jKist I minutes start good and slow. W.„, handily second and third dr.ving MALCOLM B JK. was fore, d back -11 th. f,rM .-iKt li. but moled up rapidly when rea. -Inn- I he I ► iret. h turn and. under hard riding, passed I III MiKKIM; :,,„] „„n going away The latter r«c,"| in much .mproved form and. fellowing MKMFEE . mini, a -ume finish. PKVON dosed n gup in the stretch. MEMFEK set a fast pace, but tiriil badly 111 tie last sixle.iilh. PKiEO.N WINtj II was • done after going » b»J/ mile. ! ft"| QQQ FIFTH RACE— 1 1-8 Miles. May 10. 1916— 1 50Vi— 4— 114. Blue Grass Stakes. .0/» ** »•*» •_»«-» Added. 3-year-olds. Net value to winner, ,090; second. 60; third, 50. Index Horses AWtPPStVi M % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Bquiv. Odds Strt 01040BlBBLING OVER w 126 4 4 1* 1» 1« 1» 1» E Legere Idlo Hour Stk Fm Sta tlO-100 01040 MOOT TO BOOT wb 126 2 1 3» 3 2" 2 2» E Blind Idle Hour Stk Fm SU t 01108 HELENS BABE wb 121 3 3 2s 2- 3« 3» 3« I Griffin H P Headley 670 100 "If. A,.,IX:HAN w-126124 4 4 4 4 HJ Burke J T Looney 1070-100 1 oupled as Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable entry. Time, :222s. :45. 1:10. 1:363.,. 1:49»5 new track record. Track fast.