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I | I BMDEULAR5 || BuiltForThc andL0nx Races WISI C0LM0NT ■-■•Sv *|5y -~-~r ALUMINUM BODY V *0 J* COVERED IN MZJJ*T TAN LEATMEPV -*" To see clear around the track** pet liiht weight glasses you can hold steady . The COLMONT is light aluminum . built for the races. A pleasure to look through — a pride to look at. Polished metal fittings, a 2-u inch ob- A 4"%/ Yomr Jectives. Loops on glissea for shoulJer ft M Best straps. Tin le.uhrr case and straps. Ask T f I tosecthcCOLMONT.Completeforonly MV **W Binoculars and up. Stop Watches, Cameras, etc. Courteous Inspection at Our Store — Catalog on request. WATRY and HEIDKAMP t2Z?and£iE8?$£ Chicagos Ho-.ise Stncei88v