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Ief OI* RarP » * S-8 Mile. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Ontline, May It, 1923— :58%— 2— 111. Index Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. *i Str.rin. Jockey Started Order of Finish OUT STEP. ch. f. t 110 By Theo. Cook — Va-Va, by Stalwart. Trainer. 3. P. Smith. Own«r. J. P. Smith. Breeder, Simma * Crommelin. 12*60 Jam 5-l 1 02**igd 16-5 119 7 4 3| 4*| F Sharpe 9 MrieBlanche llO.JoeSwp 112.Lovekin 111 ItUilUa 41 f Wtm 4 113 8 4 4J 5 5 J McTguelO Angrj Mood llO.StlinKiss lOS.FeFry 108 12435 HdC, 4* f :54«;ft 27-10 110 8 8 4*13 R W*kmanl5 FireFairy llO.AyMood 112.South.Kiss 112 12365 Mow 1-2 :49 si 8-5 109 2 2 PM1 R Wkman 9 Trappy 109. Upper Crust 114, Piute 110 12344 How 1-2 :50%hy 7-5 116 5 4 3* 3s J McTgue 8 Titter 113. Sleepy Time 116. Shorty 113 11634 Mia 1-2 :47"ift 11 113 1 2 2« 31 R Wkman 9 Typhoon 116, Owena 113. True Pal 116 11046 Mia 3-8 :..lStt 47-10 114 1 6*1 5«1 G Fields 9 Toro 117. My Boy Friend 117, Typhoon 117 PARTAKE, ch. f, 2 110 By Ballot— Ballyconnell. by Celt. Trainer. J. P. Smith. Owner. J. P. Smith. Breeder. 8. Ross. 11486 Mia 1-2 :49*»ft 3-2 110 6 4 21 1» R Wkmanl2 HighSeas 108. Snowfall l05.R.Brittania 110 11416 Mia 3J f :42 1-2 113 5 65 4J P Walls 11 N.BlueEyes 109.RuleBritia 109. Sport 113 11255 Mia 3-8 :30ft 17-10 112 5 2* 2* R WkmanllTrue Pal 115, Miss Fire 112, Farceur 115 11 ISO Mia 3-8 :.4*fcft 81 115 4 2"* 2» R Wkmanl2 Sw.Polly 115,Pp sFirst 113,SthnKiss 115 10430 Mia 1-4 2Z%ft 23 119 12 12 *10»i A Abel 14 HoganaAly 122,Owena HO.BlkServnt J22 CHARM, b. f. 2 110 By Trompe la Mort — Wishbone, by Sweep. ■ Trainer. J. Zoeller. Owner. C. Arlington. Breeder. G. D. Widener. 12684 Jam 1-0 1:02 gd 13-5 101 2 1 1" 1* C Zoeller 7 HighSeas 107,BngGIasg 112, Bed. Saint 112 12518 Ill all 1-2 :50%ft 20 11G 3 5 24 2* C Zoeller 7 JackOLeen 111, Bea 113, 4omus 112 ItOOO Ill all J :48 ft 30 115 11 7 lOMO* C Zoeller 13 Miss Boyd 115, Wrackeen 118, Aloha 118 11H27 Ioni 3J f :42 ft 47-10 ■ 4 5 5«J 5* C Grassia 6 PhilipsFirst 102, BillSeth 99, Support 106 11486 Mia 1-2 :49%ft 23f 100 12 9 9*1 711 E Fewell 12 Partake 110, High Seas 108, Snowfall 105 EEA b. f. 2 115 By Sporting Blood — Satire, by Omar Khayyam. Trainer. R. II. Shannon. Owner. Bud Fisher. Breeder. Bud Fisher. 12518 Ill ali 1-2 :50%ft 3 113 1 2 3 3 P Groos 7 Jack OLeen 111, Charm 116, Comus 112 12070 Hav 1-2 :S8ift 2 11", 2 1 2»k 2* K Horvth 8 SrVzBello HO.SunBaby llS.Al.Hone 107 I 1998 Hav 12 :4!%ft 6-5 105 2 1 l1 1 K Horvth 5 S.V.Bello ll.VAlieeBnie 105.EUaBufus 100 11835 Hav 1 I :4s*-.ft 1 112 1 2 2* !■* K Hrvath 7 EllaRufus 112. Dissension 112.1-erneine 112 11654 Hav 1-2 :49«*gd 2 102 1111 2»* K Horvth 8 MyPayne 104,S.VaszB*lo HO.A.Bnie 106 LOVEKEN. b. f. 2 M 110 By Mackenzie II. — Lovely, by Wrack. Trainer. J. Fitzsimmons. Jr. Owner, H. W. Maxwell. Breeder. H. W. Maxwell. 12760 Jam 5-8 1 :02Ssgd 1S-5 11113 6 4*5 3«| D McAffe 9 MrieBlanche llO.JoeSwp 112.0utstep 119 K. KITTY K.. b. f. 2 M 115 By Assagai — Bettie Dear, by Manager Waite. Trainer. C. Ferrao. Owner. C. Ferraro. Breeder. S. H. Velie. 12730 Jam 5 S 101%m 15 117 5 6 5» 5*J J Stevens 6 Noise 117, Ladys Maid 117, Hazard 117 ALOHA, ch. f. 2 M 115 By Dominant — Good Bye, by Ultimas. Trainer. V. Powers. Owner. Greentree Stable. Breeder. Greentree Stable. 12598 Jam 5 8 10 ft 1S-5 117. 367* 71 E Beach 11 Dice US, Stephanus 118. Princess Tina 115 12498 III abl-2 :48 ft 12-5 115 1 3 351 3» G Kllis 13 MissBoyd 115, Wrackeen 118, Sam beau 118 INTERVAL, br. f. 2 M 110 By Sarmatian — Notime. by Vulcain or Hourless. Trainer. G. M. Odom. Owner, Aknnsti Stable. Breeder, R. L. Gerry. 12548 111 ab 1-2 :50%ft 20 10814 3 7,s 6" H Thurber 7 Jack OLeen 111, Charm 116, Bea 113 First start for the following: PHTLENE. ch. f. 2 M 110 By Omar Khayyam— Same, by Star Shoot. Trainer. S. C. Hildreth. Owner, Rancocas Stable. Breeder, H. F. Sinclair. MABEL DALE. ch. f. 2 M 110 By Ormondale— Lady Mabel, by Ogden. ilrainer. K. A. Smitn. Owner, 2. Livingston. Breeder. B. B. and M. Jones.