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.ffffffffffffffffffffffffffff THE BELL — Two Telephone Specials Daily — Price_ For Sale At All Newsstands Where Daily Racing Form is Sold YOUR TELEPHONE BELL IS RINGING! ANSWER IT! Buy our sheet with entries and code numbers, then phone our agent at noon to receive last minute information on Two Big Commission Horses. Agents phone number given on sheet you buy. Special attention is called to the fact that we give you real Commission Horses, not just so-called Commission Horses which different tipsters send out the night before. Commission horses are never sent out until noon; thats when we get them. Then we phone our agents in different cities, and a few minutes after 12 oclock you will receive them. For Last Minute Commission Horses buy THE BELL, only . THE BELL for sale today-sunday_for monday Gen. Office: San Francisco, Cal. AETNA TURF AGENCY 147 WEST 42ND STREET. 7TH FLOOR NEW YORK CITT 0 FOR ENTIRE AURORA MEETING— ONE HORSE DAILY We are going to permit the small investor to take advantage of our information. Ten dollars 0 pays for the entire Aurora meeting. Strictly one horse n day. ONE HORSE EVERY DAY FOR ENTIRE AURORA MEETING We wire the advertised horse to all out of town clients at 3 oclock each morning. SATURDAYS ONE HORSE: Sanola, 9.00, Won DONT WAIT FOR TOMORROW— SUBSCRIBE TODAY THE DAY YOU MISS IS THE DAY YOU LOSE All western client* are advised to get in on our service. The horse we advertise is the horse you and everybody else receives. Service each and every day to everybody. MONDAY— 10 TO 1 AT AURORA— MONDAY Positively wired all western clients early today. There will not he one minutes delay in wiring this 10 to 1 prohahle winner today to all those whose money order is received in our New York office. Our connectiens sent us the final O. K. on this horse. with the advice to bet the extreme limit — WIN ONLY. We want all our subscribers to go the absolute limit on todays horve al Aurora — WIN ONLY. HKWAKK «»K INFERIOR TURF INFORMATION. YOU ARK ASSURED OF RECKIVING SERVICE THK SAUK DAY YOU SUBSCRIBE. CONTINUOUS SERVICE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS. If you want to do business with an honest and legitimate organization, subscribe to the Aetna Turf Agency. You will lie more than satisfied. .o to your nearest Western Union or Iostal Telegraph and wire ten dollars 0. which entitles yon to strictly one horse each day for the entire Aurora meeting. Positive, guaranteed service every «■/. Aetna Turf Agency, 7th Floor, 147 West 42nd Street. New York City WEEKLY RACING GUIDES Two Daily Code Services The Turk World-I unions long Shut Specialist and Watson **Rurk" Wiitson, well known ;ind successful linndiriippcr. I lie two lire releasing two specials click, tftrj day. HIKK to Weekly Racing .aide readers. The Turks Releases for Monday : PIMLICO: Three -Claim-Hay. Will pay plenty. LEXINGTON: Eight-Post-Lead. Look* g: od here. Watsons Releases for Monday : PIMLICO : Eight -Club -Club. This looks like the spot. LEXINGTON: Seven -Hay -Hay. Has an edge. FOR CODE. 1UTY ISSUE OF APRIL 30 Weekly Racing Guide Worlds Grealost Racing Weekly ti tents at All Newsstands FREE ! "THE SECRET of BEATING THE RACES" a 16-page booklet of real inside information, b a retired turf speculator. No charge. simply inail tlii— ad and Ic postage to J. K. WILLIS JI22 N. W. Is III AVENUE Ml MI. FLORIDA Daily Racing Forms Monthly Chart Book contains charts of all races of the month — .50. ■ ;■ TURF WEEKLY flpl ■ ■ Single Copy 35c — 10 Weeks ■;■ ■*■■ For Salo Everywhere ■£■ NEW ISSUE OUT Waiting for You 15-1 Shot TODAYS 00 •*• FREE CODE: Kentucky II., Won 1OI.I.OW SYSTEM HOUSES PVtiE fi, SI PRE ME FLASH LEAIHEUWOOD 10-1. Woo BYRO S-l, Won VLETO 1.40, Won Wll. DRAKE 0.40, Won BROWN SILK .20, Won LANCER .00, Won Are a few of the system horse winners in the new issue. And remember the new issue is only on the stands four days. So by all means, once again. Ret the new issue immediately as we expect a rec-od breaking for winnings on these horses for this week. Invest 3."i cents and convince yourself by following system horses weekly and you will see your layer not as the payee, but as the one being compensated. ■M OPENING BAY SPECIAL GOES AT PIMLICO TODAY WILL BE ANOTHER RADIO. 2.40. Won. Todays horse comes from the same connections and these people sure know their business This is one that you cannot afford to miss, loads of jack will be dumped on the nose, but far away from the I rack and the price will be iu phone numbers. Terms. for this special. • SUPREME PUBLISHING CO. 700 Broadway, Room 407 NEW YORK CITY; BILLY KELLYS Code Book No. 295 KELLYS FREE CODES FOR MONDAY: AURORA: Egg-2-7-26-7-14-19-7 LEXINGTON: Red-11-24-6-12-6-3-16-8 COLUMBUS: Run 18-7 6-26-2-11 10 16-26 PIMLICO: Doc-6-12-17-21 JAMAICA: Egg-22-24-8-14-25 A now book with n-w code published every Thursday. Price, one dollar. Sold by your dealer or direct from WM. BURKE KELLY 21 EAST 3RD STREET CINCINNATI. OHIO RARE OPPORTUNITY I would like to commuuicate with a few select ! business men and genii. •men of integrity who can j ami will make a fan -ize.l .iiv.-stin.-iit and declare me iu oO .10 on the profits and send me my share nevt day. Western In ion or lo tal Telegraph. May .". is I he day we o|ierate and expect large returns. If interested, rush your business card or telegraphic address and you Wiil receive code in return. Advise me what amount you will invest. R. H. S.. 219 S. La Salle St.. Aurora. IU. DAILY RACING GUIDE HAS THE WINNERS NO CONNECTION WITH ANY ONE IN THIS LINE. WE HATE MANY IMITATORS J. J. EVERETT and CO. 0 Pays For 6 Days Service — Strictly Two Horses Daily OUR GUARANTEE AND PLEDGE TO ALL SUBSCRIBERS YOU RECEIVE SIX CONSECUTI VE HAYS SERVICE FOR TBX DOLLARS— .STRICTLY TWO HORSES DAILY. You positively receive the advertised two horses six days a week not one or tw» days a week. We send telegrams to everybody at *.» a. m. daily eastern daylight saving time, which means 7 a. m. western standard time. We release no other horses except the two which are advertised each day. We do not discontinue your service. AVe do not hold up your service. We do not increase our rates. 0 for six days service — strictly two horses daily — for everybody and for all times. SATURDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: Clique, 2.60, Won Black Grackle, $ 9.80, Won Ofir operations are confined mainly to the western race tracks. Lexington, Aurora and Columbus. We do not handle any information on the eastern tracks. FRIDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: BIG SWEEP $ 8.80, Won BUN $ 4.80, Won THURSDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: FLAMES $ 5.80, Won CAMEO 1.20, Won WEDNESDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: HEED $ 8.20, Won DINGO $ 9.00, Won TUESDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: THE ABBOT 2.20, Won WILDRAKE 0.40, Won MONDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: VALENCE $ 9.00, Won ANGLEPLANE 8.00, Won W Mondays Parlay 0 to "•■ The Most Sensational Turf Information — We State Nothing But the Truth in All Our Advertisements Advertised Parlay Wired Everybody Early — No Waiting. Do not miss Mondays two big priced winners. Both horses played in a win parlay should pay $.10 to . We state nothing but the truth. Advertised parlay positively wired to everybody early. No waiting for our service. Prompt action and service. Two good winners Do not miss them. THE MOST SENSATIONAL TURF INFORMATION— WE STATE NOTHING BCT THE TRCTH IN ALL OUR ADVERTISEMENTS. We occupy a suite of offices in one of the largest office buildings in New York City. We employ a staff of over fifteen clerks to take care of out of town subscriptions. Handling turf information is our business. We Conduct our business on absolutely safe, sound and legitimate lines. No fly by-night methods. We are legally and duly registered under the state laws of New York. You hav« the utmost protection when you subscribe to J. J. Everett * Co. All horses released by ns are backed by the right people. 0 PAYS FOR 6 CONSECUTIVE DAYS SERVICE— STRICTLY TWO HORSES EACH DAY— GUARANTEED SERVICE EVERY DAY We state the truth and nothing but the truth in our advertisements. We fulfill and live up to each and every statement made herein. If you have ever had unsatisfactory dealings with people in this line, do not pass judgment on us until you become one of our subscribers. We know that you will be. more than satisfied. Wire ten dollars, either by Western Union or by Iostal Telegraph, for six consecutive day9 service — two horses each day. You receive our telegram the same day we receive your money. Our office open from 8 a. m. to 3 p. m. each day. J. J. EVERETT and COMPANY ROOMS 700-701-702-703. 153 WEST 42ND STREET NEW YORK CITY To Intelligent Men Who Appreciate We will give you the opportunity to make racing pay you a lasting income by furnishing you with dependable inside track information. WE make very heavy plays ourselves on the information we secure from our affiliations at the various race tracks. Needless to say. we go into every detail to make certain because of the great amount of our money involved. Due to our financial strength we can pay whatever is necessary to get dependable information direct. To men who appreciate reliable information and will fulfill their obligations, we will wire a two-horse parlay early every morning. Ilay a $" win parlay on these horses each day, and at the end of each week, wire us one half of the total winnings over 00. As an example of the kind of information we secure we list below last weeks hones: MONDAY: BYRD «-l. Won SWIZZLE II7.H, Won TUESDAY: SHORTY 5.30, Won OUR ADELE 13-i, Won WEDNESDAY: CHARM 13-i, Won DINGO $ 9.00, Won THURSDAY: CAMEO 1*0, Won WISHING STONE 4-1, Won FRIDAY: ORMZLEIGH 2.20, Won BIN .s0. Won SATURDAY: PRATTLE 3-1, Won SAXON J-l, Won During the past two years we have built up an enormous following, principally on recommendations of our clients. Our terms may seem high, but after all, consider what it means to b" in on this kind of information. NOTICE TO OLD CLIENTS: Even though we sent you a letter over two weeks ago about wiring i:s our share of the winnings each Monday instead of on different days in the week, there are still a few who are doing it the old way. If all clients, new and old, will settle with us Mondays, it will help our bookkeepers greatly. TEIJSGRAIII now for expenses and we wiil wire you early every morning for six days, beginning immediately. New Yorkers may call. PHOENIX PUBLISHING CO. 9i MADISON AVENUE, ROOM 1206 NEW YORK CITY DAILY RACING GUIDE-THE PINK SHEET-FIRST ON THE STREET WITH ENTRIES, PAST PERFORMANCES SELECTIONS, COMMENTS, ETC.. ETC. PRICE. 10 CENTS, AT YOUR NEWS-. DEALER-BUY IT ON YOUR WAY HOME.