untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1927-05-02


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GET STARTED WINNING STOP LOSINQ Billy Kelly AMERICAS PREMIER HANDICAPPER BOOK NO. 295— NOW OUT. Billy Kellys rai.bird chatter is the key to success in beatinj: the races. Strictly live dorses that are ready to WIN". Book No. 29.1, just out, contained the following: GOSSOON 8.60, Won LEATHERW00D 8-1, Won JOPAGAN .70, Won BIG SWEEP .80, Won OH SUSANNA .20, Won LANCER .00, Won Slop being a steady loser. iet jour subscription in now. Book 2t»." on sale »t all newsstands. Price SI. Code horses on all lra -ki daily. WM. BURKE KELLY 21 EAST THIRD STREET. CINCINNATI. OHIO HARVEY AMES, Inc. KARI.E Bl ILDIXi, BROADWAY AT ,12M St., Ill lUKk, . V. WON Odds Better Than 2 1 -2 to 1 The last HARVEY TRANSACTION" and the only horse advised, won easily and «id ••!.! . at better than 2 1-2 to 1. " TRAiACTION " HARVEY MONDAY Subscription, 00, in advance, by telegraph or in person. "HARVEY TRANSACTIONS" are not always an everyday ■» « urreme. Todays II»mcj Tr a inaction" cornea from what we onsider an infallible source and the r»snlt should never l e in iloubt after tin- rise of the barrier. Telephones: CIRCLE 2591, 2592, 2593, 5749, 1434. 1435

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927050201/drf1927050201_17_5
Local Identifier: drf1927050201_17_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800