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* r-— i . — Entries and Past Performances AURORA • MONDAY, MAY 2 * WRATH Kit CLOIDT; TRACK SLOW. 10083 IS FIRST IXDEX OF 1227. 12S28 IS FIRST IN HEX OF MAY Ka in? Ftartu at 2:10 p. an. Chicago daylight saving tirue. Aarora 1 Mile. First Race — 6 1-3 Furlongs. Purse 81.000. 3 year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Track record : Ka lxl Iuller, Sept. 22. M-MM — 8 112. Todays Ind. InBlMNt Wt. Roc. A.Wt.Han 12180 Circuit. 7 Aor 104 1:08% 102. .720 1*298 Band o Purple. 2 I2T79 Mont.aglc. 15 ... 105 . 720 Tij 93 1:03% MM..TU 08771 Winnie Smart. 4 Aur 107 1:09% 10:.. .710 12788 I.ath Eleanor 6. Anr 1WI1 W 110. .705 08540 1at Field. lOHaw 111 l:15%h 112.. 700 06268 M«i Shapoff. 13 c.i lis 112% m:.. .«».-. 12739 Kionda. 14 MB. .690 07801 •Stutt*. 17 1O2..690 12511 .lo. Junior. 1 Aur 102 1 :28h 107.. 680 11867 l.ady Corricgarth. 3 110. 68:. 1*800 MVu-r I... 8 107.. 68.". 12280 Naa, 9 Aur 102 1:12% 100.68". 12662 "Prig. 11 110. .68:. 12197 "Dave Hum. 12 .. 110.. 680 11829 Alluwc Lightning, 16 107.. 680 •Sunny Guy. 0 .. 102 Second Race — 4 1-2 Furlongs. Puree ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Track record : Sannatnga. June 19. 1925 — :54 — 2 — 101. HTTP Jim Bridger. 8 li:.x72:. 1*396 African Daisy. .1. . 112. 720 127413 Clcni l -wiv. B.Ttj 10.". :55% IttXtM 12741 Pandect. 1 Aur 112 1:01 %■ 11... .710 11036 l.ightaweep. » 11."... 710 12777 111 Owl Model. I 112..705 1281 l-.d in Blue. 4. 112.. 700 1*777 1-ady • Neil. 6... 112.. 695 12607 Jane Brooker. 7 Aur 110] 1:07b 112. .C90 11806 HcHitatioii. 10 112.. 690 Third Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse 81.000. 4 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Tup o Tea. June 23. 1925-1:12— 3 108. 1*007 Miss Nantura. 5Tij 109 1:13%s 6 111x725 1*613 [.evov. I CD 107 1:13% 6 lll ®720 1*703 Babbling. II Mil 102 1:13 6 108x71f 1*0*3 Diagram. « ...Bel 111 1:11% 7 110x710 .1*086 *Kk T Utile. 7 1 lav 111 1:13 5 105. 705 122*3 "Foreland. 13 .C.P M 1:13% 4 107x700 12249 I.lewelMn. 4 Tain llll 15% 8 110x«95 12662- Eager. 1 J. P 113 1:13% 7 118x690 06776 Bathildc Sett.. 8 L.F 94 1:13 4 108X690 12700: Donna Santa. 10 Hit 105 1 13 5 111X690 1*563 •Cavalry, 2 . . . Let 107 1:14% 4 110. .685 092C6 Air Castle. 9Ut 101 1:13% 5 108. .685 USSsV Sakafa. 12 . . .Pom 110 1 :15% 7 111.685 0882 Grass Maid. 14Seni 10541:17% 7 11J- 685 Fourth Race — 3-4 Mile. Purse Jl. 100. 3 year olds. Claiming. Track record : Cup o* Tea. June 23. 1925-- 1:12—3—108. 1£M9 TORMENTOR. 3. Tij 110 1:12% 108X725 1271*- •Engadinc. 4.. F.P 100 1:14% 112X715 1*611 Jessie Belle. 1 Lat 103 1:13 105X710 1*611 »Sut Sus. 5... Hav 96 1:12% 112X705 1274* *Majoe. 6 Aur 109 1:14% 107X700 08686 Fallen I.eaf. 7F.P 95 1:15% 101. .695 11138 Tanist. 2 Lat 115 1:16s 117..«590 Fifth Race — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,100. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record : Pillager. June 5, 1926 1:43%—* — 103. 12744 Pompons. 13. . Aur 109 1 :47% 7 116X725 127T33 Had Luck. 4 F.P 105 1:46 5 116x720 12662 •Proceeds. 8 ..Aur 105 1:45% 7 111X715 12697 Clear View. 10 .. Hit 108 1:43% 5 111v710 I 12744 Wapiti. 2. .. Mil 107 1 40% 9 111 x 705 | ; 12649 •Kusovia. 5 ..Jam 112 1:40 6 111x700 ! 12703! liv Adams. 7 Mia 87 1:46 B 111X00 ! 11831 Yirginius. 6 VM 101 1:46% 7 116x690 j 1*700 Follr Atwetl. 12 . 4 106. .690 ! 1*813 Clownelte Ml. 1 4 Illy 685 12663 *Sea Green. 3.. Tij 107 1:45% 5 10C 685 09C62 Nobody Home M ., 3 100.. 685 12700 •Anmerode. 11. Wdb 102 1:49% 4 111. 685 12810 Famous Blue M. 14 Aur 109 1:53s 7 116. .685 S-xth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 21.000. 4 yearWs and upward. Claiming. Track record: Pillager. June 5. 1926 1 :43%— 4— 103. 12744* »Miss IJine. 15 . . Sent 109 1:45% I 98x725 12660- Gondolier, 6 8 107x720 127443 Gay Boy II.. 7 .. Hav 98 1:45% 7 112x715 12703 Running Fox. 1 . Jam 115 1:45% I 111x710 12745 Mart Bunch. 4. Tij 105 1:46% 7 107X705 12699- Revolt. 13 I.rl lOt 1:45%s 5 103x700 12813 Fehrah. 5 ..Mil 113 1:45% « 106*695 1*698 Kl CM. 12 ...Tij 101 1:45% ■ 103*695 1*612 Lagoon. 14 . Hav 110 1:47% 6 106x695 Tarn 99 1:56% h 4 107.690 12808 Power. 10... Haw 98 1:48% 7 109x600 12779 Kscolane. 2 .Mia 100 1:45% 5 108x685 12773 My Institution. I 4 108x685 12775 Bally Nuisance M». 8 F.G 107 1:49 4 103. C85 12775- Geo. I ever. 9 .. 12613 Scissors. 11 7 116.685 Seventh Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,003. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record : Pillager. June 5. 1926—1:43% — 4 — 103. 12745 Pop Hyan. 11.. Tij 104 1:47% 5 103x725 ] 12779 Fairliffht. 13. Jam 112 1:46% 6 107X720 12653 Captain Adams 11 Hav 110 1:47% 7 116x715 12745- *Bia k Mask. 4. Hav 98 1:45% 8 100x710 12649 Clapper. 9 Hav 112 1:42% 4 111x705 12693 Great Northern. 8 M.U 107 1:43 6 110X700 11286 Tulnad. 7 Jam 117 144% 6 108*695 1*863 Little Blaze. 1.. Tarn 99 1:46% 4 111x690 12740 Marrelite. 12. Tij 107 1 :44% 4 111x«90 12663 Yellow Cine. 2... 7 110. .««-"» 1*864 High Card. 3 Tarn 110 1:47% 4 108..KKT. 1*703 Tea Trav. 5. Haw 105 1:44% 5 111x685 12776 Income. 6 Tij 110 1:44 4 111.. 685 12779 Ask Him, 10. Lex 105il:47% 4 108.. 085