untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1927-05-02


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IS WANTED IN FRANCE Ma«tn „-- ff# fja. *%W Columbia Pla -. . Avei.ii. B.le, 5-flll ma —i]landEmMmU ■B#Br Mil O. A PFIZER, Matrons Itfitu 1M4P V «W J[3r MM,JM%99MS Hotel KalCBaAaapa, 84-me and Otse Frai.- WuI* FL ll I have not heanl from Save Tlif florw p» oi . //A JHpss The Remedy has been gonr for a week ll will do J - larft faSvL " a" 1 m"r tlm" tl,°lr v1*"11 would nol b w :i,..it M M J 5L /2and_ rft !t at an-v l rce- s* what it has done for Arbrorl : he /L m vy WfJyijj s as sound as lie ever was. I have raced linn right I W7i 1/ along, and be will run again Thursday. Enclosed yon ■», _Vy uBF sPT will find llieir address. Very sincere!" . SSSPplF-Jf J JOHN S AMPI.EI.I. keeps horses "on their toes." Guaranteed home treat- "otel Knickerbocker, 42.1 St and Proa.hvay. tnent ends spavin, splint, high ringbone, capped hock. New lork. .V thoropin, all shoulder, leg and foot troubles. Trov Chemical Co.. Binghamton. N. V l.ei:ri..ns Horses work under treatment. You lose no time la «hit Save -The Horse was doing on thoroughbred tushseason. Big FREEbook.illustrated. Saves money and clearly worry. shows Keepithandyl howtoend running ______ ,..„. horses .. ._ in hs this „..m country. i I i„,.,..i,t bought .. . inl I...I. do ilo.n .n 62 different horse troubles. Book.sampleguaranteeaawl littles from a dealer last year a- a trial My horses **vet" advice are all FREQ Write today II are in charge of Mr. Campbell. At first I coiili! not TROY CHEMICAL CO. Prt ini to use it. Now he would not Im witli. ut it. .50 a MM B:«ghanrtan, H.Y. Send him six bottles the first of every moiitl. for Cwwtrfi — i»r« ml and fwmrmnt— "Smw+-VU-n*r—." rrmmmU Hie next twelve months. Address enclosed. Bill for Maaai «iCHandtPfoT,Mpt*»««M«B«tflBaM. whole order to above. Yours truly. waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaana a. PFI/Rlt

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927050201/drf1927050201_8_3
Local Identifier: drf1927050201_8_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800