Daily Racing Form Charts: Beulah Park, Daily Racing Form, 1927-05-02


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BEULAH PARK OOLTJHBTJS. OHIO. 8ATTJHDAT. APBIX 30. 1027 -Ben la h Park 12 Maw. Thirteenth day. Beulah -Bark Jockey flub. Spring meeting of 19 days. Weather clear. Presiding Steward. J. T. Ireland. Associate Stewards. .1. A. Murphy. Presiding Judge. W. B. Nor-: 1 ▼ell. Associate Judge, C Stands. Starter. I.. Bean. Racing Secretary. W. It. Norvell. j Ra.in" starts at 215 p. m Chicago time. 2:15 p. m.». W indicates whip. S spur*. B blinkers. Fig- 1 nres in parentheses following the dstauce of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse I | ] and weight .-arried. "Indicates apprentice allowance. j j | ] -i OQO-i FIBST~BACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Am I Early. Hay 5. 192and— :5*— 2— 107. Pnrae 00. | ] AOA 2-yeer-elds. Claiming. Net value to winner 75: second. 5; third. 0. : "Tnde Horses AWtPISt % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eiuiv. Book. Str t 12573 CY«M,OPKAN wUl I 3 2 5 1=4 H Hay C K Hudson 180-100 I M24fii KY v MAY m 113 7 4 4J 41 2* J Hatton Maryland Sp gs Fm Sta 370-100 JlESriONKY LoU w 108 12 V 31 3*1 C Ksland C A Bernhardt 420-100 I 12403 IANZAX w 108 8 5 5« 9 4 I Fowler H aim, 2520-00 i JEAN WMOB w 117 21 D 2" 9 K Noe G F Jenkins *!*"!?" i ■ •%73TrFI I w- 108 j I t* 61 6 W* Murphy A E Watkins 1240-100 I 12573CNOR w 94 4 7 V 71 f F Armstg H E Brown Sfk Fm Sta 1100-100 i 12573 EORNA DOOMS w 108 3 6 8 8 8 I Collins V Swanaon 2160-100 i Time, :*5«i. :54. 1 01%. Track heavy. certificates earned—Cyclopean. .00 straight. .20 place. .60 show: Eva May. 80 place. ai show: Honey I ou. .40 show. ■ ■ «,«.«« Equivalent looking— fyclofiean. 180 to 100 straight. 60 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show; Eva May. 90 ; to 100 place. 60 to 100 show; Honey I»u. 70 to 100 show. „ _.. Winner B. c. by fyclopa— Princess Polly, by Prince Palatine trained by C. E. Hudson; bred bj Mr R. I.. »;erryi. Winner entered to be claimed for ,600. WEHT TO POST — *:15. AT POST — 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third "driving. «•»• fYCEOPKAN showed the most speed, took the lead quickly and held it to the end. EVA MAY ; made a game challenge when called on in the final ouarter and got up to outfinish HONEY LOU. The latter was prominent throughout and had no mishaps. JEAN WENGEI. quit after going a quarter. Overweights— fyclopean. 2 pounds: Jean Wengel. 5. -■ OOOO SECOND BACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Carrie Moore. April 23. 1923— 1:05 %— 7— 104. Purse I £i7S jLj £t S500. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Het value to winner 75; second. 5; third. 0. "Tnd Horses AWtPPSt %, M Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Str t 12520-MAR1K MAXIM w 10 102 3 3 54 1« l5l 1" L Hardy Allen Bros 210-100 1275«*PFRHPS v.sb 9 98 8 5 8* 5» 3 21 F Armsfg H E Brown Sfk F m Sta 620-100 IUH riVi i.KT w 10 104 12 7 7 P lk F G Collins H Proud t2070-100 Unit i:Ul. POXICi wn 6 107 11 1 2"k 3 P 1!J D Fowler C Miller 41?"1?i 12713*1 1ZZIF N wn .". 104 4 4 lh 2* 5J 5 F Kiniry Hammat and Davis 3040-100 1271*"BEG PARfXiX w 9 101 6 C 41 41 6* 6| C Grassia Guciardo Bros 790-100 11941 PIEDMONT w 7 100 5 9 9 10» 9 G Corey J T Johnson _«J 1* »41*MIEES S wb 8 104 112 12 12 10» 8» W Hwood J A Gibson 1660-100 10626 PAH* BOY w 6 109 2 101 9« 8 9| L Gray Mrs L Gray 1990-100 1*6*1 BHAHTA BOX wb 4 112 7 10 lll 11s 11* 10« J Picrillo M Hoffman t 1271S MMiDENSTOWN w .". 117 10 2 3* 8 7"*-ll K Noe R Lucas 840-100 12663 COCNTY TIMES w 6 101 9 11 6 7 12 P.up.S Trenchd D W Hall 1720-100 tKield Time. :*5. :52%. 1:13%. Track heavy. $ wrtifi -ates earned— Marie Maxim. .20 straight. .00 place. .00 show; Perhaps. .20 place, 80 show: Rivulet, field. .80 show. Equivalent booking— Marie Maxim. 210 to 100 straight. 80 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show; Perhaps, 160 to 100 place 91 to 100 show: Rivulet, field. 90 to 100 show. Winner Br. in. by .olden Maxim— Mary Reardon. by Peep o" Bay trained by M. Allen; bred by Mr f. I . Bay». Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WEHT TO P08T — *:46. AT POST — 6 minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. M lill. MAXIM saved ground on the first turn and raced into a long lead, but was inclined to loaf in the last eighth PERHAPS was shuffled back on the first turn, but steadily improved her position and finished fastest of all. R1VILET was forced wide when LIZZIE N. ran out on the last turn, but made up ground and finished fast. EARI. POOL raced close up all the way. but tired. Scratched— 12S22 Little Aon. 106: 12578 Cave Woman, 113; 12540 Marquesito. 98: 12712 Bans Jr., 103. overweights Earl Pool. 4 pounds: Fast Boy. 3: Shasta Box. 3; Maddenstown. 5. -g OOOO THIRD BACE— 3-4 Hole. Poland. Aug. 7. 1084—1:13 — 3—100. Purse 00. 4-year-_£andAi3 olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second. 5; third, 0. l„,l,.x Horses AWtPPSt 4 ]| Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Str" t 127I4:,F1-SK PACK wsb :. 107 :. 3 4 1» 1J lh L Hardy L S Shaefer 230-10G i 12757 *BARBY BCSHwb 7 103 4 6 6i 4-* 2= 2»| F Armsfg H K Brown Sfk F*m Sta 320-100 | | 12757ROTARIAN wb .. 109 2 3 and 6J 4 3= W Murphy H W Moore 770-100. 12623TKASE w 6 105 6 4 7 7 P 4| P Khover M Teresa 970-100 12714* MERCURY wb . 103 7 2 2» 2* 3*1 5« C K/sland Thistledown Stable 2140-100 127r 9 WISH TN WISH wsb ~. ll.~ 8 1 *lk 3 | 7 6 G Collins J F Patterson 1540-100 12662 •aTUUMTH KING wsb 4 107 3 7 3s 5* 5* 7 F Kiniry W M Harrington 1820-100 1*753*MLTHUS wb 6 109 1 l.eft at post. S Trenchd C E Davison 370-100 Time. :*»%. :54. l:*l. Track heavy. certificates earned— False Fa.e. $«.C0 straight. .40 place, .00 show; Barbary Bush. .60 place, CO show: Kotariau. .00 show. Equivalent Ixwking- False Face. 230 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place. 50 to 100 show; Barbary Bush. 80 to 100 place. 30 to 100 show: Rotarian. 130 to 100 show. Winner Br. g. by Sweep— Masque, by Bisguise trained by I. S. Shaefer; bred by Mr. Gifford A. Cochran. Winner entered to lie claimed for ,300. WEHT TO P08T — 3:10. AT POST — 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but Malthus. Won driving: second and third the same. PAIaTaB FAfK slipped through on the inside on the back stretch and took the lead, but waa again under a hard drive to hold BARBARY BUSH safe through the final stretch duel. The latter began slowly, but worked Ins way through and appeared to get on level terms with the leader at the sixteenth post but tired. ROTARIAN easily outfiuished the others. Scratched -i 12712iNivlag. 108: 12717 Drummond. 97: 12578 Nero. 110: 125455Sea Fairy. 105; 12714 Hiul.t. io»i: 12714 Botch. IOTi: 127887 iolden Armor, 100; 07872 Pickens. 106. Overweight — Baggage King. 2 iwonds. -g OOO 4 FOURTH BACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Bpinaway. Aug. SI. 1023 — 1:21% — 6 — 1**. Purse |_0~4 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt V* % Str Fin Jockeya Owners Equiv. Book. Str t 1*715- PRESS GANG wb 110 7 5 4 3» 3* l* I Trenchd J Hoskins 120-100 1*7 55 TEE HEE wb 111 4 2 1*1* ll 2"k V Jenkins D B Freeman 630-100 f«7i;» *BEAVERWOOD walOS 1 1 25 2* 2J 3» L Hardy Barnett and Seamster 240-100 1*715»*4MY A wa 99 5 7 3i 4 VI 41 F Armsfg C A Bernhardt 640-100 1*709 BANDOLINE w 106 6 4 C« 5= 5 5| P McCabe W C Daly Sr 3290-100 12625*KEMOTE wb 101 3 6 7 7 65 64 G Collins P Cassen 2540-100 l*tt«5 B I C KAROO wsb 106 2 3 5* 6* 7 7 A Tryon E E Waterman 2120-100 Time. :*5«». 53%. 1:21%. 1:30%. Track heavy. certificates earned Press iang. .40 straight. .00 place, .20 show; Tee Hee, .20 place, hBJ SO show: Beaverwood. 20 show. Equivalent booking Press iang. 120 to 100 straight. 50 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show; Tee Hee, 160 to 10 place. 40 to 100 show; Beaverwood. 10 to 100 show. Winner 4h. g. by f rimper— Zeureka. by Zeus trained by J. Hoskins: bred by Mr. Edward F. Whit-ne». Winner entered to be claimed for ,600. WEHT TO POST — 3:40. AT POST—* minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. PRESS LAN, waa crowded back on the se -ond turn, but cunie on again under hard riding and got op to win in the final stride. TEE HKE began fast and. racing into a long lead, appeared the winner, but tired suddenly and was driving to the limit to outfinish ltHAVKKWOOD. The latter was taken to the outside on the stretch turn and finished resolutely. scratched--1*7*7 Oxalis. 98: John d Or. 95. Overweight— Bandoline. 4 pounds. "Tl OQQR FIFTH BACE — 1 Hile and 70 Yards. Lieutenant Perkins, Aug. 0. 19*4 — 1:46% — 7 — X02*3 107. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Handicap. Not value to winner X5; aawoad. 75: third. 00. Index Hone* AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Book. Strt 12495IEPI"TY wb 6 114 3 1 1*11* Is llliA Tryon Thistledown Stable 100-100 1257" OPTIMIST w 6 102 4 2 3s 2* 2* 2* 2» L Hardy T W Nickols 280-100 12791 LITTLE CLAIR w 6 103 1 3 2* 3» 3* 3* 3* P Khover J Bronnenberg 770-100 12625 -SPRING W 3 103 5 4 4* 5 41 4* 4J G Collins Mrs J E Arthos 1290-100 12377 BEGONIA w6 108 255 41 5 5 5 T Thrkill Mrs M Hunter 460-100 Time. :**. :*»%. 1:**%, 1:47%. 1:01. Track haavy. certificates earned— Deputy. .00 straight, .60 place, 20 show; Optimist, .80 place. .20 Show; Little Clair. .40 show. Equivalent booking Deputy 100 to 100 straight. 30 to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Optimist. 40 to Ma» tfUce. 10 to 100 show; Little Clair. 20 to 100 show. 1 j 1 I | ] j j | ] | ] : I I i i I i i Winner— B. g. by Ambassador I Y. Blue Ballot, by Ballot trained by H. Carrington; *•*•** fay Mr. Arthur B. Hancock. WEHT TO POST— 4:1*. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and faat. Won easily: second and third driving. BRPlTY immediately rushed into the lead and won all the way. OPTIMIST repeatedly attempted to rare to the leader, but could never get up. LITTLE CLAIR made a game finish. Scratched— 12577 Turnberry. 107. Overweights — Little Clair. 2 pounds: Spring, 5: Begonia. 1. -g O QOkTsDCTH RACi-1 Mil* and 70 Tarda. Lieutenant Perkins, Aug. 0. 19*4— 1 :46%— 7— XsafOsslV 107. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Hat value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Pin Jockeya Owners Equiv. Book. Str t 12717J*DEMIJOHN wsb 7 99 4 10 9 ■ 1« 1» 1*1 L Hardy C D Thompson 210-100 12713PETER DECOY wb 5 99 8 1 2 4« 2* 2* 2* G Collins L Pickett 14S0-100 12758 LOUD MEISE wb 4 112 9 4 71 7*14* 3* 31 J Hatton Maryland Spr"ga Farm St 310-100 12758SCARE GROW w 7 99 5 2 and■* 61 3* 4* 4 F Kiniry W T Kearns 600-100 12627 BAR LIGHT v 4 103 J 9 2»k 5« 5 51 A Tryon W M Klspass 2730-100 1266S* KLAXON wb 6 103 2 8 4k 81 6* 6 6* S Trenchd J Kramer 390-100 12627 LITTLE BAT w 5 98 1 3 1* 11 7* 7* 7i K Ielaez G E Keller 2580-100 12579 SCPER LADY wi I 101 and I 3« 51 8* 8* 8* C K aland C C Pool 2630-100 12793 FAIR FANCY w 4 106 10 5 81 91 10 9» 9» W McCabe W C Daly 9520-100 12716*BUCK JONES w 4 103 7 7 10 10 9 10 10 P Khover J Barry 2500-100 Tune. 26%. :54%, 1:2*. 1:5*%. 1:68. Track heavy. certificates earned— Demijohn. .20 straight. .60 place, 00 show; Peter Decoy. 6.80 place. .80 show: Lcrd Meise, .80 show. Equivalent, booking— Demijohn. 210 to 100 straight. 80 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; Peter Decoy. 740 to 100 place. 291. to 100 show: Lord Meise. 90 to 100 show. Winner— B. g. by Sweep — Flirtatious, by Golden Garter trained by C. D. Thompson; bred by Mr. Samuel D. Riddle. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WEHT TO POST— 4:46. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. DEMIJOHN, close up from the start, took the lead on the stretch turn and won going away. PETER DECOY raced on the extreme outside all the way and finished well. LORD MEISE closed up much grouid and finished well. SCARE CROW ran well. Scratched— 12717 Bine Caddie. 98; 12793 Royal Queen, 97; 12C63 Sugar Loaf. 98; 12757 Pyroot. 100: 12514 Baliybell. 100; 10152 Heretrix. 97. Overwe:ghts — Lord Meise, 2 pounds; Super Lady. 3; Fair Fancy, 4. 19S97 SEVENTH BACE— 1 Hile anTo" Yards. Lieutenant PerknuT Aug. 9. 1**4— 1 :4*5%— 7— JLjbbiOm 4 107. Purse 00. 4-y ear -olds and upward. Claiming. Het value to winner 50: second, 00: third. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeya Owners Equiv. Book. Str t 1257»*WEST POINT wn 4 102 .", :, 31 U 1» 1- ll S Trenchd P M Sturm 1050-100 1275*»SIR RALPH ws a 107 9 6 4* 31 21 2* 9 C Ksland M Cox 270-103 12427 VAN PATRICK wb 7 112 8 2 5» 4 1 4* 4" 3* G Corey J T Johnson 1790-ltW 12574 TENDER SETH wsb 7 104 7 1 U 2* 3* 3« 4« A Tryon V Cloud 510-100 12627 »BlNBURY ws 4 99 2 9 10* »» 9* 81 5« L Hardy R H Good 710-100 112*42 BULLS METEORw I 108 6 11 9* ** 8* 71 fi" W Murphy C R Allen 1010-100 12716-MURIEL S. w 4 118111 7 74 7« 5 61 71 A Alonzo J Corujo 1920-100 12579*M1SSISS1PPI wb 4 95 1 4 6» 5* 6" 5» 8" F Armsfg H E Brown Sfk F*m Sta 300-100 12663ZERLINE wb 4 97 5 3 2» 6 74 9* 9« C Grassia M Shaffer t3310-100 12579 LA KROSS w 11 104 4 10 11» 12 10* 10,o10" G Collins J W Pinkham 4270-100 I2447*BARBER BILL w 4 103110 12 12 ll" 11 *11*11*» P Khover Tingle and Crimmins t 12574 JOHN JOSEPH ws 8 107 12 8 8« 101 12 12 12 D Fowler Riley A Davis f t Field. Time. :*6%, :54. 1:23%. 1:5*%. 1:57. Track heavy. certificates earned — West Point, 3.00 straight, 2.00 place, .00 show; Sir Ralph. .00 place. . GO slow; Yan Patrick. .20 show. Equivalent booking — West Point. 1050 to 100 straight. 500 to 100 place. 200 to 100 show: Sir Ralph. 150 to 100 place, SO to 100 show; Yan Patrick 260 to 100 show. Winner — th. g. by Sea Rock — Miss Fauntleroy. by Fauntleroy trained by H. B. Dunham: bred by Mr. W. B. Watkins. Winner entered to b* claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 5:17. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow for all but Barber Bill. Won easily; second and third driving, WEST POINT, helped by the going, took the lead after going a half and held away to the end. SIR RALPH made a game effort, but could not get up. YAN PATRICK ran a good race. Scratched— 12758-Courser. 107: 12717 Clean. 100: 12793 Dr. Mae Millan. 100: 10627 WUIow Tree. 100. Overweights — Muriel S., 1% pounds: Barber Bill. 4%; John Joaeph. 3.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927050201/drf1927050201_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1927050201_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800