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■ » — ss— — — — n— ss»ssB»BBBB»BSsa»»s»B»»s»Mi»M»i»»»»»»»»»»»»»~-" . 9 Entries and Past Performances PIMLICO • MONDAY, MAY 2 • WEATHER CLOlDTi TRACK FAST. Raring starts at 2.10 p. m. Cheapo time. 2:30. Pimlico 1 mile. First Race— 1-2 Mil*. lnlerrogative I"urse. Fursc ,500. 2-year-old*. Maidens. Track record: Garotte. May 4, 192.7 :47% -2— 112. Todnjs lad. HorseAPost Pos. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. I 12693* Knapsack. H 12fl..7.t0 18381= Bird wood. 10. Bow 118 49sy 120.72.". 13466 4;iadys lark. 7.. HdC IIS :4« fc 117.720 12782 Discllo. 9 HdC 110 :4»% 117. .71.". 12600 tJift Hawk. 11... 120.. 710 12801 Lucie Dunbar. 4. 117.. 70S 12690 1 120. .700 12693 Congress. 3 120.. 69.". 12766 Mint Spray. C 117.. 090 12456 Jacksonville, 13.. IldO 115 :ol% 117. .690 Gentle Lady. 2. .. 117 Vulnerable. 5 120 Favorite II.. 8... Ms Inquisitor. 12 120 Sunn* Cloud, 14. 117 Sscond Race — 3-4 Kile. Parse ,300. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record : Maiasaast. May C. 1924 1:10% 6—116. 12388 •Harvey Stedman 12 Mia 11C 1:13 5 4 123.73.". lCtlb "Kathleen Crosby.. 10 HdG 110 113U. .-,118*7-10 12484: "Gymkhana. 11 Win 111 1 12"i .". 11.. -72.". 12800 Mark Master, 8. I.rl 111 1:14 r. 12.1*720 12033 Tin Hat. 7 . .Tij 87 1:1*% 3 118.. 715 11396- Alex Woodliffo.15 C.I 101 1:121s 5 1250710 125511 Brown Stout, 9 . HdC 107 1:14% 5 118*70. •0222 "Saratoga Maje. I Pirn 111 1:13% I 120 700 12603 Trapstock. L.I.rl 109il:13% IUS..6S 09284 Powder. 18 ..J 1*108 1:14% 4 123/690 12642 "Artesian M . 4 HdC 112 l:ir.%8 3 110. 690 12691 Wavfair. 6 .Bow 103 1:13% 3 110.690 12438 "Copey Boy, 2 Bow MB 1:17s 3 MBMM 08671 "Ennui. 3 3 108.. 685 09222 "Hanger Signal. 13 Pim 111 1:14 4 113..68S 08601 "Miss Crump Ml. 14 3 100. .68.". 12691 Suky, 17 1x11011:13% 8 110. . CSS Vale of Avoca. 16 S 113 Third Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Monumental Claiming Handicap. Purse .S0O. 3 year -olds and upward. Track record: Shuffle Along, Nov. 3, 1913— 1 42%— 3— 110. 12613= Chink. 6 Haw 103 1:41% 5 113x73.. 12806 Cogwheel. ll.Aur 98 1:43% 4 107. .730 12604 Martha Washing ton. 1 Mia 103 1:44% 4 110.725 12415 Kathleen Crosby .8 Pim 107 1:44% 5 111*720 I 12770 King Solomons Seal. 10. ..HdC 107 1 :4S% 7 118x715 11273= Beau of the West. 4 Tij 99 1:43% 6 109. .710 I 11273 Ceylon Prince, 5. . Tij 110 1:43 7 111.. 705 i 12806 Nat Kvens, 7. Pim 99 1:45 4 10s . 705 , 12389 Ever More. 1 3 101 . 700 l 12696 Klla M.. 3 1x1100 1:45 4 95,700 I 12695 Ameu Ka, 9. Pim 97 1 :48sy 3 10I/.70J i I I I i , l I i Fourth Race— 1 3-16 Miles. 1 Twenty -Third Running Dixie Handicap. ! | 5,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. I Track record: The Porter, Nov. 5. 1920 1:58%— 5— 130. I 12694 Mars, 16 Pim 126 2:00 4 124X750. 12694- Jo* Smoke. 14Pim 119 1:59 6 119X745 j ] ; 09047 Edith Cavell, 8.. 4 113. 740 12556 Single Foot, 4Pim 126 2:02% 5 120X735 i j 12687- Sarazen, 6 . .Pim 128 2:00% 6 127x730 I I 12556 Gaffsman. 13 Bow 107 1:59% 4 112X725 12694 Kdisto. 15 Pim 118 2:01% 5 113X720 12305 Dangerous, 12 ... 5 116X720 , 12763= Amberjack, 9 ... t 100.. 715, i 12770= Harry Baker, 10. I Pim 109 1:59% 6 106X715 I 1 127701 J. Fred A., 3. Bow 98 1:58% 6 100X710 : 12566* Montferrat, 7 .. 4 100.710 j 12709 Almadel, 5... Pim 126 1:59% 5 104® 70S ■ ! 12805 Displav. 11 ..Pim 126 1:59% 4 120*705 12.09 Helens Babe, 1. 4 11*9x700 12694 Sanford, 2 5 108x700 Fifth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Ashl.urton Purse. Purse ,500. 3 year olds. Allowances. Track record: Shuffle Along, Nov. 3, 1923 -1 :42%— 3— 110. 12737= SCAPA FLOW. 4 HdC 114 1:43% 127. .750 12804 Whiskery, 12 Pim 120 1:45% 120.. 740 12769; Kentucky 11.. ■ Pim 105J1 :45% 109. .735 12804 Pillolta. 9 ..HdC 103 1:44% 109.. 730 12395 Mariner. 1 105.. 725 12458 Jock. | 109.. 720 09024 Miracle. 2 109.. 715 12769- Cuerdon. 8 105.. 710 12438 The Pine, 7 105. .705 12735 = Dignus. C 104.. 700 12603 Colden Volt, 10.. 109.. 700 12642 Skedaddle, 11 HdC 112 1:46% 109.. 700 Sixth Race — 3-4 Mile. Druid Hill Purse. Purse ,500. 3 year-olds and upward. Track record: Mainmast, May C, 1924— 1 :10%— 6— 110. 12803 Pandera, 9. ..HdC US 1:12 3 112.740 12736 Canter, 8 HdC 105 1:12% 4 120x735 12769 Kentucky II., 1.. HdC. 110 1:13 3 106. .730 97342 Penstick, 11 . . Pim 125 1 :13 4 118. .725 12803 Flight of Time. I Bel 122 1:1l%sy 4 118x720 08851 Storm King, 5 Bel 106 1:11% 5 118x715 12735 and* May. lOSem 112 1:14% 3 101.. 710 i 12603= I.assa, 3 Aqu 120 1:12% 3 106. .705 12389 Kver More. 4 . . Lrl 102 1:13% 3 101.. 700 05512 Mallards Memory, 6 Sar 112 1 :15% 3 106. .695 08794 Fcnlight, 7. . . .I.rl 104 1 :13% 3 101.690 Seventh Race— 1 1-16 Miles. Purse ,300. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Track record : Hephaistos. May 10, 1922-1:44%— 3— 107. 12692 Shadow-dale, 1.1... HdC 117 1:49 7 tMXOS 12439 "Solo. 1 Mia 108 1:48% 3 108x730 12696 "Kanduit, 11. . . J.P 110 1 :47% 5 116X725 12605 Roseate II., 7 . Tij 94 1:45 7 126*720 11251 Mikado. 3. . . .F.C 101 1 :45% 6 123X715 12692 "Tvpecutter. 12Pim 9241:50% 4 118*710 12489 "Uwis. 9 F.C 107 1:51% 4 121.. 705 09099= Sea Drift, 8. ..C.I 101 1:45% 4 IIS ..700 09221 "Hoe Cake M, 5 3 103. .695 08311 "Hamadan. 4. .Pim 101 1 :47 5 118. .690 12768 "Medius, 2 Pim 97 1:48% 3 105.. 685 04772 "Hecate Ml, 6 4 113. .685 12696 Sir Leonid, 10.. Aur 117 1:46% 7 126x685 ,