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Reliable Turf Syndicate J. V. COLLINS. President •. W. TAYLOR. Vice-President X. O. TOMKIN8, Treasurer 0 PATS FOR TEN WINNING DATS— STRICTLT TWO HORSES EACH DAT I, Jamm X. Collins, do hereby guarantee each and every person subscribing to receive ten winning days for tbeir 0. We do not raise oar rates as our inferior competitors have done, our terms will always remain the same. Bj special arrangement with the telegraph companies, all western subscribers receive the advertised parlay thirty minutes after their money transfer arrives by fast rush telegrams. Our policy is honest advertising, immediate service and a square deal to everybody. Signed JAMBS X. COLLINS. SATURDAYS STRICTLY TWO HOBSE PARLAY: Sanola, 9.80, Won Clique, 2.60, Won Fridavs Strictly Two-Horse Parlay: Wednesdays Strictly" Two-Horse Tarlay: Chief Sabattus $ 4.00, Won Peggy O 1.20, Won Accumulator $ 5.00, 3rd Maimonides 4.20, Won Thursdays Strictly Two-Horse Parlay: Tuesdays Strictly Two-Horse Parlay: Cameo 1.20, Won The Abbott 2.20, Won Miss Drapeau 0.20, Won Wildrake 0.40, Won WESTERN SUBSCRIBERS WIRE VOIR MONEY SUNDAY and you will receive Mondays advertised 0 to SI win parlay Sunday by fa.-t rush telegraph service we have arranged. WESTERN SUBSCRIBERS WIRE YOUR MONEY MONDAY and you will receive Mondays big limit win parlay by fast rush telegraph thirty minutes after your money transfer arrives. Onr out-of-town service department is handled by ten experienced clerks and we guarantee all our subscribers to receive the advertised parlay thirty minutes after tbeir money transfer arrives either by Western Lniou or Postal telegraph. Our office will be open Sunday, May 1, from 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. Monday 0 to Limit Win Parlay Monday Positive, Immediate Service Guaranteed To All Subscribers Roth l:orses starting Monday. May 2. have been kept under cover, and have been propped by two of the shrewdest trainers in the country. Every possible obstacle has been cleared, two crack jot keys have been engaged to ride and lioth horses should gallop home easy winners at limit odds. These people never miss, the stable money has been placed away from the track, insuring odds close to the limit. io the very limit and dont stop betting on both these horses starting Monday in a win parlay to win only. Take heed. We have no connection with any other firms in this line of business. IKi not be misled, we dont hold your money for weeks then release favorites, we release every day in the week to each and every one of our subscribers. Subscribe to the RELIABLE TURF SYNDIC ATE and receive an honest, square deal. This syndicate is registered by the county clerk of New York City. Twenty years in the same place, same name. Ont of town subscribers— go to your nearest Western In ion or Postal Telegraph office and wire 0 for ten days service. Your service starts immediately, no waiting, no delay. Office open from 9 a. m. to 3 p. ni. RELIABLE TURF SYNDICATE IS PARK SOW. SUITE 326, 327. 328 HEW YORK CITY "MWBKPRESS "GREATEST RACING AND FINANCIAL WEEKLY IN AMERICA. " 14ft WEST 4JTH ST. tlflH 27«1, SEW YORK A big 8-page racing paper now in its 3rd year. Price 15 cents. ON SALE EVERYWHERE IN AMERICA TODAY Greatest success ever scored by a racing weekly. J. HAVES %i SPECIAL SATURDAY Power, 7.30, Won TOILER 4.80, Won OLD BROADWAY . 7.40, Won CAMEO 1.20, Won ALETO 2.40, Won PEGGY O 4.40, Won WISE GUY 0.80, Won THE J. HAVXES TRACK WIRES GOI*G BIG Are there among the readers of this ad conservative business men who would appreciate a DEPENDABLE SERVICE? A real honest effort to make you "beat the races?" J. Haynes, in his position as racing editor of "The greatest racing and financial weekly in America," sits at the focal point of the racing news of America. lie "hears" of many a good thing. Because of his official position. Ins ramifications reach to the biggest stables on the continent and some of tbeir innermost secrets ure laid hare before his eyes SPEND .". for OWE WEEK AND GET OUT OF THE HOLE. ;o immediately lo the nearest Western Union Office, telegraph .~ to the order of J. Haynes. racing editor of the New York Tress and start with him Monday. You will star off the week WINNER. He has two spots that look especially the jaroniy goods and. Iiarring accident, should win easily. Hayues does nut deal in "chalk." You can pick favorites iour clf. but favorites are not always down there in front. Its the "smart" horses, the "money horses." that do he trick. Ilaynes knows when they are to be "woke up". Is it worth ." a week to have the lienefit of his information? Do uot tarry a minute. The band begins to play the moment your jack is dropped into the slot. NOTICE TO TRACK VISITORS If you are going to Aurora you ean have your wires come direct to the race track. Get This Weeks New York Press, Everywhere. CONTAINS THE KAMUCS LA WTO S RATINGS Supreme for 21 years. THE NEW YORK PRESS is a full fledged newspaper: not a band-bill or a "throw-away". Some of the most noted turf writers in America, lynx eyed dockers, and others, contribute weekly to its dag/.ling columns. Jo out to the nearest newsstand, lay 13 centimos in the grimy paw of the old close-fisted newsdealer, and exit smiling with the current issue. On the very first page you will find the serial story by tieorpe Lawtoo, entitled "BEAT THE RACKS". This is the beginuing of Mr. I-awtons inter-rsting, instructive and edu ationaI discourse. You cannot afford to miss a single copy containing this feature. Turn to page 8, observe "coming winners. l.awto:i rated". The horses here selected are chosen by Mr. Law ton personally . after over a quarter of a century of successful experience on the turf, and ALL KOR FIFTEEN CENTS lKR COPY. Rose Eternal. 6 10. Won; JO others HC.t. all news- j stands X centK, or mailed three weeks, . Special HK THE TORE REPORTER. 22 W. Qnincy St.. Ohicaro, 111. Original and oldest publication in j i BLUE TORCH— MART JANE— PAGE 383 PARLAY PAID I.20-. Won Gallops Weekly and Parlay Page with full instruc tions mailed si* Saturdays for . We receive mail. GALLOPS, 219 S. Dearborn St., Chicago. Monday s Special Positively Wired To AD Subscribers By 10 a. m. Monday UNDER THE PERSONAL SUPERVISION OF EDITOR LAND 0 WEEKLY—TWO SPECIALS DAILY— 0 WEEKLY OUR GUARANTEE: Yon must be a winner at the end of your week on a flat wager. Read about m mpmtm. A year and a half ago we completely tore down an established business that was known from coast to coast to hundreds of thousands of players for its HONESTY. RELIABILITY AND INTEGRITY. To replace this valued organization we have bad a year and a half of tireless effort and ceaseless toil towards a reorganization which entailed an outlay of 0,000. This money was spent towards the completion of a system which now enables us to have at our finger tips, all information pertaining to racing, even the smallest of happenings connected with any HORSE, JOCKEY, TRAINER. OWNER now in existence, at any of the major race tracks in the UNITED STATES. The fact that we are coming back under the same name, is sufficient GUARANTEE to intelligent TURF ENTHUSIASTS as to our intentions and honesty towards you, OUR FKLLOWMEN, who have just cause to be skeptical about winning information. The fact that we refer you to any BUGLE SUBSCRIBER is absolute proof, to oar way of thinking, regarding the worth of OUR ORGANIZATION. Editor Land Now in Chicago On location, which will give the Middle West and especially CHICAGO SUBSCRIBERS, direct personal service from OUR CHICAGO OFFICE, which will be ready for business in a very short time. Middle West Followers: Please accept our sincere apologies for having had to communicate with our distant New York eastern office. Please bear with us a few day longer. OUR NEW YORK OFFICE is equipped to give Middle Western BUGLE listeners instantaneous service. No waiting. No delay. Service right away. Once Again The Bugle Blew the Crowd!!f * YESTERDAYS AURORA SPECIAL: Rushee, 0.50, Won YESTERDAYS LEXINGTON SPECIAL: Black Crackle, $ 9.80, Won ONCE AGAIN THE BUGLES BULLET-PROOF ORGANIZATION CAME THROUGH FRIDAYS SPECIALS: Dell Evans 1.60, Won Big Sweep $ 8.80, Won THURSDAYS SPECIALS: Miss Drapeau 0.20, Won Scotland Girl $ 4.80, Won WEDNESDAYS SPECIALS: Sweeptona $ 9.00, Won Watch It $ 5.80, 2nd TUESDAYS SPECIALS: Barb Wire $ 8.40, Won Radio 2.40, Won MONDAYS SPECIALS: Treasurer 0.80, Won Scotland Girl 2.00, 2nd SATURDAYS SPECIALS: Wise Guy 0.80, Won Guest of Honor 6.00, Won Surely you cant keep overlooking work of this caliber. Dont wait for the BUGLE to crack. Remember, two years ago we gave 72 winners out of 98 Specials under the old organixat.on. Watch Us Now Monday, May 2— Bugles Tenth Birthday The date. May 2, has always been a lucky one for the BUGLE and its listeners. Incidentally it was on May 2, 1924, that we released to thousands as* BUGLE followers, that certified Special: Sagamore, 6.80, Won which was our seventh anniversary special. REMEMBER IT? We are going to celebrate our tenth anniversary by wiring, gratis, to all of our weekly subscribers Monday s 00 Certified Special The BUGLES mammoth force has gone to no end of expense to secure and safeguard every angle towards the SUCCESS OE MONDAYS CERTIFIED SPECIAL. You Positively Receive This Gratis Notice to Present Subscribers: BE PREPARED TO RECEIVE BY WIRE, MONDAY AT 10 A. M., THIS CERTIFIED 00 SPECIAL All new subscribers, who subscribe by Monday morning, will receive immediately the CERTIFIED 00 SPECIAL FREE. -DONT WAIT -DONT DELAY. .CO RIGHT NOW to the nearest Western Union or Postal Telegraph office and wire 0 for a full weeks service. Send remittance to The Bugle Publishing Company 149 Broadway New York City YOU WILL POSmVELY GET IMMEDIATE ACTION. OFFICE OPEN SUNDAY. CITY FOLLOWERS, COME RIGHT UP TO OUR OFFICE. NOSES-NECKS-HEADS Have you ever noticed liow many horses are lieaten a Nose, a Neck, a Head? 1 have a secret play that shows you when to play these horses when they win ;it big odds on fast, sloppy, muddy or heuvy tracks. Write me; its worth a stamp. RICH WILLIS 104 West Ninth Street Cincinnati, Ohio MASTER CL0CKER TODAYS FREE CODE: 1 LEXINGTON— Albany - Petard -Nexu» Kersey -Fancy Rare opportunity for a few gentlemen of integrity and extensive operators to get the most valuable information ever given out from this source before. Get into this paying proposition on May 4. I shall endeavor to send you a horse that will win at good odds. All I ask of you is to treat me fair. My terms: the winnings of $."• wired me next day. Hush your correct name and address, together with to defray the expense of telegram. R. H. STEWART, 279 S. LaSalle St., Aurora. 111. HARLAND8 FREE CODE: Lexington— Heart 8 25 I Will win at a price; sleeper.