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JAMAICA ENTRIES. # 4 The figures under the heading "Bee." m tho entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1, 1926. no matter where it finished. No time records are shown for a beaten horse over any distance when he is fifteen lengths back of the winner. In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track, abbreviations show track conditions. g zzzzi * 10083 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1937. 12S28 IS FIRST INDEX OF MAY Racing starts at 2:15 p .m. Chicago time, 1 :15. ® Superior rand runner. X Cood mud runner. :!: Fair mud runner. Ml Maiden. • Apprentice illowance. The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made: Akron Aka Lagoon Las; Aqueduct Aqu Lansdowne Park....L.P Aurora Aur Latonia Lat Belmont Park Bel Laurel Lrl Beulah Park Ben Lexington Lex Blue Bonnets B.B Lex. Colored Fair.L.C.F Blue Grass B.G Lincoln Fields L.F Bowie Bow Long Branch L.B Brighouse Park B.P Maple Heights M.H Brooklyn Bkn Marlboro Mar Chinook Park Chin Miami Mia Churchill Downs CD Mobile Mob Chvksburg Cla Mount Roval M.H Columbus Col Niagara Falls N.T Colwood Park Clw Omaha Oma Coney Island C.I Orlando Orl Connaught Park . . . .C.P Peoria Peo Cranwood Park Crd Phoenix Phx Dade Park D.P Pimlico Pini Delorimier Park Del Polo Park P.P Devonshire Dev Pompano Pom Dorval Dor Raceland Rac Dufferin Park Duf Reno Rno Empire Emp Salt Lake 8.L Erlanger Erl Saratoga Bar Fair Grounds F.G Tampa Tarn Fairmount Park F.P Tanforan Tan Fort Erie F.E Thistledown Tdn Hamilton Ham Thornclif f e Thf Hastings Park H.P Tijuana Tfj Havana Hav Timoninm Tim Havre de Grace .... HdG Toledo Tol Hawthorne Haw United Hunts U.H Huntington Htn Washington Park. . .W.P Jamaica Jam Wheeling Whe Jefferson Park J.P Whittier Park Wor Juarez Jua Willows Park W:l Kempton Park K.P Windsor Win Kenilworth — Ken Woodbine Wdb King Edward K.E Youngstown Ygn Jamaica 1 mile. First Race — 5-8 Mile. Iurac ,000. 2 year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Outline. May 10. 1923 :58%- 2 -111. Todays Ind Horse. Wt.Ree A Wt.llan. 12760 Out Step Jam 119 1:03 110®, 11486 •Iarlake 110. .730 12684 •tharm Jam 104 1:02 110. 725 125481 Ilea UK.. 720 12760* I.oveken Ml Jam UlUs0J% 110. .715 I 12730 Kitty K. MJam 117 ltWm 115. .710! 12598 Aloha Ml 115. TOT. 12548 Interval M ... 110.. 700 Pbilene 110 Mabel Pale 110 Second Race— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,000. 3 -year-olds and upward. Track record: Sling. May 15, 1925 1:41% 4 121. 12795 Nichnvo lum 117 1 : 43 4 123.. 735 12687 liotanic C.I 120 1:45% 4 125X7.-J0 12375 Wampr* Tij 109 1:44% 6 123x725 12761 swtjM Stc-I ..lam 114 1:42% I 1IHX720 12727 Adjutant Ml ... I 110.715 12727 .■lorftil iMi Kmp 118 I :4ti% 4 118x710 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. tiiuitM-rlaud Claiming Handicap. ,000 Added. 3 yeur-ulds aud upward. Track record: Sercnsder. May 15. 1925 1:11-6-110. 12761? Sandy Jam 115 1:13% 4 111. .735 12528 Myra M lit 100 1:12% 4 110x730 12598- Uriarbrouiu ..Jam 1 IS 1:12% 4 110.. 725 12799 l.i.h.-M Jam 115 1:11% 4 117. 720 11769 Atoi Mia 1 Mi 1:12% I 113. .715 06721 K.reau A.m 110 1:13*4 4 1U5x7H I _ i 12528 Cross .UdO 117 1:14% 3 100. .705 03836- Shannon Shore ... 1 10S. .700 08721- »Mosque J;im 116 1:13% 4 99x695 11220 Kit Carson Tij 117 1:12 5 105x690 08972 •McAuliffe CD 101 1:11% « 100x690 12728 Jack of Clobs.Pim 108 1:13% 3 104Xft« 12184 Tenieraire MJ.P 103 1 :14% 4 102. .685 12728 •Adamas Mia 108 1:12% 3 95..6S5 12688 Martha MartinJam 124 1:11% 5 112. .685 12594 Gracious Gift. Mia 112 1:12% 3 103. .685 12500 Ragweed Jam 112 1:12% 4 107.. 685 12728 Beau Ceste. . .Jani 112 1:14 3 104.. 686 Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile. Ninth Running Montauk Claiming Stakes, ,000 Added. 2 year-olds. Track record: Serenader. May 15, 1925—1:11—6—110. 11146 Hoctor Wilson 114. .735 12638 Henrietta Wildair Jam 11011:00% 115 730 126381 Latvia Jam 114 1:01 107 725 12498 Miss Boyd 111.. 720 12519 Rendezvous Ml. 117. 715 12638 Aster Ml ...lam 112 1:03 105.. 710 12638 Strong Policy iM Jam 100 1:01 107. .705 12338 Polar Sea iMUam 113 1:01% 110. .700 12638 Cordon Plaid Ml Jam 117 1:01% 111. .700 Lulu Belle 107 Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile. Purse ,000. 3 -year -olds. Maidens. Track record: Serenader. May 15, 1925 — 1:11—6—110. 12640 JrNKTTA . . .Mia 106 1 :12% 110.. 740 12727- Polycrates ...lam 115 l:17%m 115. .730 12728- .run-.- Jam 111 1.15%ui 115. .725 12727 tliant Mia 105 1:13% 115.720 12500 Clearance Api 110 1: 16% 115. .715 12640 Cravita no 710 12635 laptain Kidd.Jam 110 1:16% 1U..1M 12727 The Freshman ... nr, "00 08982 John Speed Lrl 115 1:14% 115..G05 12640 Ueine Uideau.Jam 114 1:14% HO. .690 12728 Sonata Jam 111 l:16-%m 115.. 690 12635 Bill McCabe..Hav 107 1:14% 115x690 01097 Hublin Show nr »aci 1*640 blowing lam 114 1:14% 110. !fi85 12727 Ijuishing Lady... 110. .685 06249 Bristol 115.. 585 12727 apriole Jam 115 l:19%m 115. .685 Accokeek 115 Sixth Racs — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse ,000. 3 year-olds and upward, naiming. Track record : Sting, May 15. 1925—1:41% — 4—124. 12688- *tompcnsation .... 3 105 733 12595 John S. Mosby J.P 106 1:44% 5 117X730 03258 Aragon 7 122.. 725 12765 Sandswept ...Jam 105 1:46% 3 110720 12765 Washington . J.P 114 1:43% 8 122*715 12731 Sir Calabad II. C.P 110 1:45% 13 122. .710 12440 *Koscinsko ...VM 101 1:49% 4 117x705 12726 MVar Oail J.P 97 1:47% 3 105x700 12345 Billy Black Ml.. 3 110 695 12731 Blue Ridge. Jam 110 1:46 5 117x«» 12635 Shining Light M.H 105 1:42% 6 117.. 690 12726 Tangerine ...Jam 108 1:44% 8 122X6S0 12688 Cussle Bain M 3 105 690 12596 • ; ray lings Lady Mia 100 1 47% 3 1053690 12762 Black Pepper Ml J.P 108 1:49 3 110. .635 12635 M.i banned J a mat •Ml 5 117. fisr, 12688 •Michael B Jam 109 l:49%sy 4 117. .685 12688 Lorelei 4 H2..685 12726 Cyclamen . . .Jam 110 1 :51 %m 3 110x685 12765 *IXMkerbie ...Jam 101 1:44 6 112 685 11739 *La Huse Ml 3 100.. 685 12520 •Bro.klesby ...Rac 106 1:46% 8 112. .685 12689 */.ouite 3 110.. 685 12765 •New Hope ...Jam 104 1:46 5 112x685 12394 Sam Smith... Jam 110 1:47% 6 117x685 12765 »Hijo Jam 115 1:47% 4 117x685