Beulah Park Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1927-05-02


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BEULAH PARK ENTRIES 10083 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1»27. 12828 IS FIRST INDF.X OF MAY Racing starts at 2:15 p. m. Chicago daylight savings time. 2:15. The following abbreviations are used to designatr tracks at which time records shown iu entries w.v made: Akron Akn Lagoon Lag Aqueduct Aqu Lansr*owne Park . . . . L.P Aurora Anr Latonia Lat Belmont Park Bel Laurel Lrl Beulah Park Beu Lexington Lex Blue Bonnets B.B Lex. Colored Fair.L.C.F Blue Grass B.G Lincoln Fields L.F Bowie Bow Long Branch L.B Brighouse Park B.P Maple Heights M.H Brooklyn Bkn Marlboro Mir Chinook Park Chin Miami Mia Churchill Downs CD Mobile Mob Clarksburg Cla Mount Roval M.R Columbus Col Niagara Falls N.F Colwood Park Clw Omaha Oma Coney Island C.I Orlando Oil Connaught Park....C.P Peoria Peo Cranwood Park Crd Phoenix rhx Dade Park D.P Pimlico Pim Delorimier Park Del Polo Park P.P Devonshire De v Pompano Pom Dorval Dor Raceland Bac Dufferin Park Duf Reno Rno Empire Emp Salt Lake S.L Erlanger Erl Saratoga Sar Fair Grounds F.G Tampa Tarn Fairmcunt Park F.P Tanforan Tan Fort Erie F.E Thistledown Tdn Hamilton Ham Thorncliffe Thf Hastings Park H.P T juana Tij Havana Hav Timonium Tim Havre de Grace HdG Toledo Tel Hawthorne Haw United Hunts TJ H Huntington Htn Washington Park . . .W.P Jamaica Jam Wheeling Whs Jefferson Park J.P Whittier Park Wcr Juarez Jua Willows Park Wil Kempton Park K.P Windsor Win Xenilworth Ken Woodbine Wdb King Edward K.E. Toungstown Tgn Beulah Park 1-2 mile. First Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 3500. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Track record: Carrie Moore. April 23. 1923 — 1 :05*i--7— 104. Todays Ind. norseandPostPos. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.llan. 12518 Wood Cricket. 3.. 105.. 725 12711- Shoplifter M. 4 Win 111 1:09*4 103. .720 12787= »I etroit MI.5Tam 111 1:08% 100. .715 12665 Grace Lnrsen II. Ml, 9 103.. 710 12642 •Embryo. 6. .W.P 107 :09«s 107X705 12787 "Pippin M. 15Lut 115 1:08% 103. .700 12539 Tim OBrien M 2 L.F 109 1:08 108.695 12787 Indertow Ml. 14 Sem 106 1:0.8 106.690 12755 Mtador. 1 Hav 102 1:08 107. .690 12711 •Marguerite Council M, 10 98. 685 12787 »I,ulie Dear M 11 L.F 115 1:09% 98.. 4185 12539 •Lad Ina l All. 8 D.P 108 1:10% 103.. 6.85 12466 Bonify Ml. 7 • MB..4M0 12542 Silver Tips. 12Hav 101 1:08% 110.. 685 12711 Square Jack M, 13 103. 685 | 12522 •Fickle. 16 Lat 110 1:10% 105. .685 Second Race — 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 4 year olds and upward. Claiming. Tra.-k record: Carrie Moore. April 23, 1923 1:05% 7 101. 12712 Foxmore. I ..FP 103 1:07% 5 113X725 12576 Grapestone. 13. Alia 102 1:07 4 10SX720 , 12712" Gee. 6 1.ex 100 1:14% 6 110x715 12623 S. or. her. 10 -Mia 115 1:07% I 113x710 12624 »W:ne Jug. 2 ALII 100 1:07% .". 108x705 12492 • 1 ..Aur 111 1:08% 4 103x700 10098 •Australctte. 7 .. Sem 107 1:08% 4 10.!.. 69". 12713 One Gold Buck. 15 Tarn 105 1:09 4 110.. 690 12712 »AIav 9 l.o 103 1:09 7 108x690 12713 BOM Brush. 8 .. C.P 108 1:07% 8 110X690 12754 •Helen of Troy. 3 5 103x085 08137 Virginias Choice, 12 4 105X685 09766 Air Mail. 4 . J P 93 1:08 4 108x685 08211 King Trojan. 11 . 9 110x685 12662 Flank Alta.kM, 14 4 108X685 10100 Th. Plainsman, 16 Aur 111 1:07% 7 110. .685 Third Race— 3-4 Mile. Pwra* 00. 4 -year-olds and upward. Claiming. Tra.-k re.ord: Poland. Aug. 7. 1924—1:13-3-109. , 12C23 Top l.a.M, 1". Hav 99 1:14% 4 98X725 12753* Gen. Gino. kin. 3 F.G 111*1:16 4 Hi." 720 127and42 •Sweetum. 13 ALU 113 1:13% 5 102 715 12790 cipiitted. 2. .Hav 113 1:14% 6 lUt ■ 7I4 12753 *Happy Hobo. 10.. Alia lO". 1:16% 4 101705 12754 • Faster Laddie All. 6 .F.G 110 1:15% S «C. 700 12621 Stargo. 14 ...Hav !•» 1:14% 6 1M3 • «»5 12754 St. yuentin, 12AIia 111 1:14% 11 10C» KM 12712 Peter Brush, 7F.G 110 1:16% 4 M0X4M 12662 •Safeguard. 4 4 95.. 685 12712 "Black Air. 8. Sem 1 10 1:15% 4 MX M 12751 Fern II.. 9. ..Hav 107 1:13% 4 101 85 12663 Bissell, 1 Sem MB 1:16 4 101 • tJiS 12753 Bullet Proof. 11 M.H 117 1:12% 10 109 685 12663 Gen. Cadoma. •" .. F.G 115 l:MMfc.U M 100.685 10663 Lank. 16 Hav 112 1:14% 7 95 ■ »*5 Fourth Race— 5 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Tra.-k record: Carrie Moore. April 23. 1923 1:05- 7 — 104. 12755 Priceless. 6...Sein 1H 1.07% 108.. 725 12066 Mane Elizabeth. 14 Hav M l.os% 98. .720 12466 Dr. I- 1 Keefer .1 F.P 11211:11% M0X71I 127553 Welty. 10 Hav 100 1:08 % 104 710 12789 M.-ihatma. !♦ ..Lat 100 LOS-. 102 705 12789 Wee Wee. 13 Hav 99 1:08% 1 02 7410 12*89 Foretop. 7 ...L.F 110 1:07% 100. 095 12715 •Affectionate Mary. 15 Sem 107 1:07% 93. 4E10 12787 Uuin.e Delight Ml. 12 ...Tain 106 1 08% 98 . «90 12715 Spanish Castle. : Alia 107 1:00% M..4M 12522 Princess lva. 2.. 98. .685 12789 Klmer 11.. 4.. Bac 108 1:08 102. 685 12755 Boots Last. STam 103 L07% lot 685 12539 Johnny BakeriMl. 11 Hav 110 1:10 108. «H3 10565 Little Change. 5 Aur 102 1 08 S»7 • IUCi 12824 Bandoline. 16 Hav 101 1 :08% l«Ki. 6H5 Fifth Race— 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 4-year-olds ami upward. Claiming. Track record: Crudenas. Aug. 28, 1925 --1:56— 5— 103j. 12716 •TIPPITY WITCHMT, 5F.G 113 1:56% 12 1060735 12626 8 I x 101 1 54% 5 113. 723 12524 Wildest, 7 ...J.P 107 1:57 7 112 TAt 12626* Taylor Hay, 3. C.I ION 1 53% 7 MOXTIS 12792- «Co«iuina, 2 Aur 112 1 :.V.% 5 146-710 12714s Camilla. 6 4 HMi . TOG 12827 Buell s Meteor. 4 Sem 105 1 :53 - 5 !«l ?t 0 12827 Van Patrick. lPim 112 1:55 7 It* 700 Sixth Race— 1 Mile and 70 Tarda. Purse $ ni 4 year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record : Lieutenant Perkins. Aug. 9, 1924 1:46% 7 107. 12713s Miss Fortune. 14 Hav M 1:45% 6 111. • 725 12667 Mason Towle. 13 M.H 14 ."i 1 43 »: lOT 720 12756- Har.liiian. 0...TU 14K» 1 46% »; 1o7 715 12627 Billy Walz. HAtir 96 1 47 .. 102 ■ 710 12793 lastly Finnell. 1.. Tarn 103 1 50:, a 1 M 705 12662- Alark Aurele. 7.. .". MBXTMO 12753 Kalakaua. 15. Tij 10O 1:48% 4 lOJ 695 12827 »West Point. 16. Al II Km; 1:45% 4 110 6!« 12716s *Jet. 12 Haw 94 1 45% 4 BNIcROO 12757 •Devonite. 3 * lO2:;:«90 12544 Pentecosts Lal..". S 14M t 5 12281 Fandcort. 9 ....Tij 9! 1 4.s% 5 loi Oil 12521 Klla Wood. lOHav lt« 1:46% •• ItC ■ 4IM5 12717 Swim. 4 Hav Ml 1 49% 7 MT*C4Hd 12447 Pepperette. il.Hav 93 1 18 5 loo Ml 10627 Willow Tree. 2B.i. MB 1 4H% !. MBXOMI Seventh Ra. e — 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 4 -year olds and upward. Claiming. Track record: Lieutenant Perkins. Aug. 9. 1921 1:46-., 7 107. 12756 Cano. 13 Tij 94. 1 43% 6 112.725 06904 Crand Son. li Hav 1417 1 : 16 I MCXTfM 12793- Bags, 9 6 lor. 715 12792 Impossible. lO Ha- 102 1:45 6 14i7 710 12793- Jim Sanda. 15. Ft; 112 1:50% 6 107 74»5 12827 •Tender Seth, 16 Ix 107 1:45% 7 14C • 700 12026 Raj. 1 M.H 105 1:45% 6 1O7..0M 12793 Peter Pierson. 14 Tij 110 1:46% 7 107 690 12793 Barrister. 11.. Lex 108 1:47% 6 107. 690 12448 *Boyal Kiss. 3. J.P 100*1:49% 4 MO. .690 12756 Armorer. 1 5 107.685 12664 Soiin.l. 8 ,lamlO,;:146 4 100X685 12788 Bengalese. 7 »102G«.85 12716 Ijidy 11 lion. 12 Ila v 84 1 :46% 5 14V. . C85 12520 ,. •iitleman Jouett, 2 8 107:::4.S5 12544 Prince Light foot. 4 4 110. .6S3

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Local Identifier: drf1927050201_15_3
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