Daily Racing Form Charts: Havre De Grace, Daily Racing Form, 1927-05-02


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; ; i | | HAVRE DE GRACE Copyright. 1927, by Daily Racing Form Publishing Company. HAYBE BE GBACE. HD.. SATURDAY. APRIL 30. 1927.— Havre de Grace 1 Mile Thirteenth in l last day. Harford Agricultural and Breeders Association. Spring meeting of 13 daya. Weather drizzly. Stewards representing Maryland Racing Commission. G. Brown, Jr. Stewards. H. P. Conkling. B. Waters. G. Brown. Jr. Judges. II. J. Morris, J. McLennan and J. B. .Turner. Starter, J. Milton. Baring Secretary, Joseph McLennan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 2:30 p. m.. W indicates whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distat.ee of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of bone and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. ~l OQAA FIRST BACE— S-4 Hile. Sarazen. April SI. 1925—1:11—4—1*9. Purse ,200. 3-yoar-JLOUU elds and upward. Claiming. Het value to winner 50; second, SSM; third. 00; fourth, 0. Index Horace AWtPPSt % % Str Fin Jockeya Owners Bqniv. Odds Strt 12552* MARK MASTER wb 5 121 13 1 3-» P* 1* P* L Morris E K Bryson 550-100 12552 -• LONG POINT wn 6 116 5 S 81 61 3 2* J Josiah R A Johnson 280-100 12484CLYDELLA. w 5 U2 11 2 21 2* 2i 31 W Barr S Grattan H015-100 124*4»TEN SIXTY w 7 100 7 3 10«1 9-» 94 41 D Emery C H Hushes 560-100 l*457»DOCBLE ON wb 3 1061 9 12 91101 81 5«* M Fishmn W Kennedy 860-100 12552*WINSOME wb 4 111 4 3 5 41 5" 6* W Curran J Gorga f 12552 Htrr PEPPER w 4 117 8 13 12" ID 10» 71 J Mann G B Foley t 12526 LEMNOS wb 4 117 3 4 1" 3i 41 8 F Colletti Mrs J Rowan 1275-100 12643 LEGATION w 5 116 14 6 G»k ?■ 94 F Thdyke Mrs S V Cummings f 12733 DONGES w 7 117 12 7 T* 9» 7" 101 C McCrsn Mrs J Rook 2350-100 12041* VENTS w 6 113 110 llh 12s 12 11" J C Mergr J H Nicholson f 12646*QUEEN BESSIE wb 3 100 G 9 13* 13 13 12* J Walker S N Holman 1695-100 12601 LADY CLASSEN w 5 120 10 5 4" 81 11" 13 C Jackson S H Dudley 1070-100 12484*MARCELLUS wb 0 116 2 14 14 Pull. up. G Hudgine C H Robinson 2400-100 IMutuel field. Time. :S3%. 49. 1:14%. Track slew. mutuels paid— Mark Master. 3.00 straight, .10 place. .90 snow; Long Point, .40 place. .10 show: CI delta, field. .00 show. Equivalent booking odds— Mark Master. 550 to 100 straight. 255 to 100 place. 95 to 100 show: Long Point. 120 to 100 place. 55 to 100 show: Clydella. field. 150 to 100 show. Winner Br h. by I.uke Mcl.uke — Yermila. by Jack Atkin trained by O. B. Bryson: bred by Mr. H. Black. Winner entered to lie claimed for ,500. WEHT TO POST— 2:34. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. MARK MASTER raced close up after beginning well and. taking the lead after rounding the far turn, increased his advantage, but tired in the stretch and barely managed to outfinish LONG POINT. The latter closed a big gap and finished fast and gradually wearing the winner down. CLYDELLA raced closest up from the start and finished gamely. TEN SIXTY was buffeted about in the early running and raced wide on the turns. DOlBLE ON made up much ground. LEMNOS, hard ridden all the way. quit badly in the last quarter. MARCEI.LCS was pulled up soon after the start. Scratched— 127.13 Eddie Rickenbacher. 112: 12691 Suky, 112: 12606 Zeod. 117; 12691 Inta Baby, 113; 09227 Subtle. 112: 12601 Navarit. 112. Overweight — Itonble On. 2 pounds. 19QA1 SECOND RACE— 4 1-2 Furlongs. Bock Han. April SO. 19*5— :53— *— 116. Pathfinder JLfOVr A Purse. Purse ,200. 2-year-olds. Net value to winner 50; second, SSM; third. 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt % Str Fin Jockeya Owners Eqnir. Odds Strt 12690- PRINCE BULBO w 108 2 3 51 41 1"" D Emery C N Jones 930-100 12396 SKAVAR w 116 12 6 i 51 21 P Walls Greentree Stable 1395-100 12553 LITTLE BROOM w 111 6 6 7" 6" 31 J C Mergr W Garth 7260-100 12693 TIFFIN w 108 11 7 101 7 4J R Peternel H P Whitney 1821. 100 10561 THLRON wb 111 9 8 4" 1" r,l W Curran WJ Salmon 2725-100 12693 ALL CALI.AO w 110 4 4 1" 2" 6"" F Collettl Greentree Stable | 12600 KNIGHT w 116 3 1 2« 3» 7= L Schaefer W Garth t 12600 MIGRATION w 108 13 * ID ID 8" J Josiah H P Whitney t 12456 FAIR MIST W 106 10 11 9* 9= 9» J Crgmile W S Kilmer 1445 100 12553 GOLDEN* FAIR w 108 7 10 8* 10 10* J Petrecca Foxcatcher Farm Stable 2760-ino 12693 LENNY w 117 5 3 3" 8 ID L Morris E K Bryson 395-100 •ARGUS w 108 12 12 12 WW ■ Barnes M Hirsch 112650-100 12732 LLCIE DlNBAR w 105 14 14 13- 131 13» O Brown J E Beal 10600-100 12690 FIRE WATCH w 108 8 13 14 14 14 J Chalmrs Fair Stable ff -.Coupled as W. Garth entry; tH. P. Whitney entry; fGreentree Stable entry; ttM. Hirsch and Fair Stable entry. Time. :*3%. :47%. 54. Track slow. T2 mutuels paid— Prince Bulbo. 0.60 straight. .70 place. .00 show; Greentree Stable entry. .80 place. .90 show; W. Garth entry. .80 show. Equivalent booking odds — Prince Bulbo. 930 to 100 straight. 335 to 100 place. 150 to 100 show;: Greentree Stable entry. 140 to 100 place. 45 to 100 show. W. Garth entry. 40 to 100 show Winner — B. g. by Spanish Prince II. — Ethnea, by Star Shoot trained by T. B. Keating; bred by Mr. John E. Madden. WENT TO POST — 3:07. AT P08T — 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. PRINCE BlLBO, prominent from the start, came on the outside of the leaders in the stretch and. finishing resolutely, took the lead midway of the stretch and won going away. SKAVAR began well, but was outpaced early, then closed a gap with a tremendous rush on the inaide. I.ITTI.K BROOM finished resolutely on the outside. TIFFIN began slowly and raced wide on the turns, but finished fast. KNIGHT and ALL CALI.AO were racing close up on even terms, when they were both knocked against the fence when THLRON swerved over on them and then had to be taken up sharply. MIGRATION began fast, but lacked speed. Scratched — 12386 Piute. 108: 12456 Jacksonville. 105: Harry Beal. 108. Oierweights — All Callao, 2 pounds: .olden Fair, 3. 196A9 THIRD BACE— 1 1-0 Miles. Crusader. Sept. *5. 1926— 1 50— 3—122. Purse .*6o.~T AsaOUasI year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 00; third, 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv Odds Strt 12558- •DUCKLING w 5 106 10 13 13 13 10" Gi 1» J Walker i Burgess 730-100 12098HAPY BIKTHDAYw 4 109 4 1 31 41 4* 3»1 2» D Emery Island Farm Stable 1320-100 12647JBATTLE SHOT w 6 105 12 7 D 2» 2» 3" O Brassu Mrs A Burton 4685-100 12696- «JONY JEWELL w 6 110 11 5 2* 2 1 1» 1" 4 J Joaiah F H Cooper 1125-100 12558 FLEETWOOD wb 3 112 3 2 7" 6» 5i 61 .".» W Barr .1 Garner 7*5-1*0 12606 SPED A" PRINCEw 0 108 6 9 10 7» 6» 4 61 M Fishmn E A Raymond 2285-100 12611 MRS. FINLEY w 5 113 7 6 12* 11* ID 7»" 71 K Horvth Mrs M V Daly 1905-100 12647 KHICKVAIJi WB 7 MM 13 12 91 101 12 J* 8 P Grecco Connors tU20 100 12647 EL CANOE wb 5 113 5 10 ID 91 81 81 9s H Brown Mrs W H Denham $ 12372TILL1E w 4 105 1 4 6112*13 10110« C McCrsn D L Richards 1050-100 12696 "FELIX w 5 109 9 11 4" 3i 31 ID ID W Curran Mrs N Kennedy 250-10* 1273* IMMOLATOR W 4 114 2 3 5" 5" 7" 12112 D Mergler J P M. -Govern f 12696*E1 PENDLETON w 7 105 S 8 81 8" 9" 13 13 L Edwrda F P Roble f tMutuel field. ICoupled as C. Connors and Mrs. W. II. Denham entry. Time, :*4%. 49%, 1:14%. 1:4*. 1 56. Track stew. Continued on twelfth page. - HAVRE DE GRACE Continued from ninth page. mutuels paid Duckling. 6 60 straight. .00 plan. .60 show; Happy Birthday. 2.40 place. to show; Battle Shot, field. 00 show Equivalent booking odds Duckling. 730 to 100 straight. 250 to 100 place. 130 to 100 show; Happy Birthday. 520 to 100 place. 310 to 100 show: Battle Shot, field. 130 to 100 show. Winner Ch. m. by «Uanil a!a The Loon, by Grebe trained by U. Dryden; bred by Mr. Richard T. Wilson I. Winner entered to be claimed for ,750. WENT TO POST — 3:39. AT POST— I minutes. .start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. Dl CK1.ING began slowly and was last in the early running, bat closed a great gap with a rush on th itsde after rounding the far turn and. finishing resolutely in the middle of the track, got up to win in the final stride. HAPPY BIRTHDAY raced close up from the start and came fast through the Ust half mile, but tired in the final sixteenth. BATTLE SHOT raced into the lead and withstood challciig. s from JOHNNY JEWELL in the first mile, hut tired finally. JOHNNY JEWELL was made too him. h use of in raring with BATTLE SHOT and tired after taking the lead. FLEETWOOD finished gamely CillCKVALE raced poorly. Scratched 12738 Maxie. 103; 12fl02» North Rreese. 108: 12692 Typecutter, 110: 12096 Sir Leonid. 118 I254l~ Dubrii . 105; 12509 Moses, 109: 12696 Beverwyck. 110. Oicrwc.ght — Tillie. 1 pound. . "I OQaflO FOURTH RACE— 3-4 Mile. Sara-sen. April 21. 1925—1:11—4—129. Plash Handicap. A*stfOy«t Purse .!00. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,000; second, 00; third. J0; fourth. 0. " *" Index Horses AWtPPSt || % Str Fin Jockeys Ownera Equiv. Odds Strt 0917G I.OCNGKR w 6 107 1 J J" and 2" 1 R Peternel S Louis 1S4O-100 liOIDlAMiKUA V 3 112 4 4 1" 11 1" 2" L Schaefer H F Whitney 120-100 li7:;« ■ i;i U-I-S UOVCB w 4 108 6 1 4; ?■ 3J 31 O Brassa Seagram Stable 275-100 l2G4:; llol.l-: CARD w ". 110 .". 3 31 4s 4 4- I Emery C N Jones 1600-100 •MMFUGHT K TIMEw 4 119 3 2 5 5 and 5 E Barnes W J Salmon 540-100 12G14 ClVTKMlLiTK wb 3 106 2 Ix ft at post. M Eishmn Flamingo Farm Stable 1225-100 Time. :23H. :«Vi. 1:14. Track alow. H niutuels paid - lounger. $;SS.80 straight, 0.20 place, .90 show; Pandora, .50 place. .40 show. Bolls Kov.e. .00 snow. Equivalent booking odds -Lounger. 1840 to 100 straight. 410 to 100 place, 95 to 100 show; Pandera. 75 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show: Bolls Hoyce. 30 to 100 show. Wiuuer B. g. by Sweep— Sweet Marjorie. by Goldfinch trained by J. P. Polk; bred by Himyar Still I WENT TO POST — 4:11. AT POST — 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Wou driving: se« ond and third the same. LOCNCER raced close up on the inside and. coming fast next to the inner rail through the stretch, managed to get up to win in the final stride. PANDERA set a fast pace under slight restraint to the last sixteenth and. in a game finish, came again right at the end. ROLLS ROYCB waa taken back and saed to the stretch, then raced to the leader with a rush on the outside and waa on even terms twenty yards from the finish. HOLE CARD raced on the outside of the leaders for the entire race. FI.H.IIT Of Tim was always outrun. CONTEMPLATE refused to go. overweight* — lounger. 2 pounds; Contemplate. l*j. iOQAi FIFTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Man o War. Sept. 18, 1920— 1:44%— S— 138. Eighth AirfO""* Running CHESAPEAKE STAKES. 0,000 Added. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner ,025; second. ,000; third. ,000; fourth, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equir. Odda Strt 12416 WHISKKRY wb 116 2 2 21 2» 3* 1* 1* L Schaefer H P Whitney 310-100 l*G4l -IK HXRRY w 122 4 11 8 8* 71 4» 21 O Brassa Seagram Stable 400-100 ■2417 TRITON w 122 1 1 l1 11 l" 2« 3- F Colletti Mrs W M Jeffords T825-100 12694 CAXHY HOC w 116 8 8 4h 51 6»k 61 4h D Emery H T Archibald J1295-1O0 ItWOOLO COM w 110 5 5 61 71 8» 84 51 J Callahn Sagamore Stable 3925-100 127:i7 JIA .AN w 118 7 6 V- 6» 4" 3* 6°k II Peternel A G Weston 400-100 12094 CRYSTAL IH1III0 w 116 6 3 5" 4" 5»» ?» "1 P Walls H T Archibald t 1I770:VA1: Il.AMK will 3 4 3»k 3s 2J 5* 8* K Ambrse L Doctor 1075-100 081l:t i IAllt STAR w 121 11 7 91 9- 9* 9* 910 J Petrecca Foxcatcher Farm Stable 925-100 IUMI pm.i.i iTTA w 114 9 9 10110» 10* 102 10" J Chalmrs Goodestone Stable 3645-100 12555 POINT BREEZE w 110 10 10 11 11 11 11 H E Barnes W M Jeffords t TCoupled as Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jeffords entry: tU. i Archibald entry. Time. :23%. :48%. 1:14. 1:40%. 1:47%. Track sloppy. mutiiels paid Whiskery. .20 straight. .30 place, .40 show; Sir Harry, .00 place, .50 show: Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jeffords entry. .10 show. Equivalent l ooking odds -Whiskery. 310 to 100 straight. 165 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show; Sir Harry, 150 to 100 plaie. 75 to 100 show; Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Jeffords entry, 155 to 100 snow. Winner Br. c. by Whisk Broom II— Prudery, by Peter Pan trained by F. Hopkins; bred bj Mr. Ham Payne Whitney I. WENT TO P08T — 4:46. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second atid third driving. WHISKERY, closest up in the early running, responded quickly when called on and, finishing with a rush, sprinted into a long lead after entering the home stretch and won in a canter. SIR HARRY began slowly, but improved his position fast aud finished fast and gamely on the inside. TRITON slioued the most speed in the going and raced WAR FLAME into defeat, but tired in the last quarter. CANDY BOG raced wide most of the way and finished gamely. GOLD COIN ran a good race. JOP-At;.N raced into a pocket while rounding the far turn and tired. FAIR STAR, PILLOTTA and POINT BREEZE raced poorly in the going. Scratched -1 2550 Afterglow. 116; 12644 Contemplate, 116; 12695 Abul Fath, 110. Overweight- War Flame. 1 pound. 196A SIXTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Tarda. Transmute. April 25. 1925—1:42—4—112. Pa-AslOvrO cific Handicap. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and upward. Net value to winner ,300; second. 39: third. 26: fourth. 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % 8tr Fin Jockeya Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 12694 DANGEROUS w 5 110 4 6 6 • # 31 lak M Edwrds Rosedale Stable 440-100 12645-KEMINDEK w 5 106 3 2 3s 3* 3"* 2** 21 J Josiah H P Whitney 280-100 12694 DISPLAY w 4 118 5 4 5* 5» 5« 4* 3» L. Schaefer W J Salmon 260-100 12643 ST VALENTINE w 7 102 2 5 1« l" l»k 1" 4« J Crgmile F Serio 2645-100 124. IS3 MARCONI w I 114 6 I 2"k 21 2" 5" 511 D Emery Island F"arm Stable 400-100 12417 AKNU wsb 5 108 13 4 6 6 6 6 O Brassa Seagram Stable 935-100 Time. 23% 48%. 1:14%. 1:40%. 1:45%. Track sloppy. mutuels paid Dangerous. 0.80 straight, .80 place, .20 show; Reminder, .40 place. .60 show; D. splay. .10 show. Equivalent booking odds- Dangerous. 440 to 100 straight. 140 to 100 place, 60 to 100 snow; Reminder, 70 to 10 place. 30 to 100 show; Display. 55 to 100 show. Winner- Ch h. by Negofol— Fair Atalanta. by Knight of the Thistle trained by W. A. Carter; bred by Sir. Edward F. Simmsl. WENT TO POST— 5:20. AT POST— 8 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. DANGKROlS was saved close up for the first three-quarters, then was Rteered to the outside and, coming fast in the stretch, wore the leaders down and outfinished REMINDER. The latter raced close up throughout and made a game challenge in the final quarter and was going fast at the end. DISPLAY, away fast and clear, showed fine speed while going to the first turn and tired in the last sixteenth ST. VALENTINE, fractious at the post, set a fast pace, but quit after going seven-eighths in the lead. MARCONI tired badly from chasing ST. VALENTINE. ARNO had no mishaps. Scratched 12604-Patricia J. 96: 11770 Tractor. 98. "I * QAaQ SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Man o War. Sept. 18. 1920— 1:44%— 3— 138. ,200 JLOvFO Added. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second, 35.50; third. 17; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtPPSt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 12419»GOLI N BILLWSwn 7 1081 4 4 4J 31- 1" 2* l"* J Petrecca C Bild 190-100 12645 NAT EVENS w 4 110 3 3 31 4« 21 1-* 2* L Schaefer C C Hall 355-100 12643 LANYARD w 4 110 1 1 1» lk 31 3i 3« E Barnes P S P Randolph 3360-100 124X8 "COGWHEEL wb 4 105 7 7 7 5"k al 41 4| D Emery Mrs A L Austin 355-100 05XK9*GOLI BEATER wb ."» 109 2 2 2 2" 41 5* i« MFishmn D Raymond 385-100 11770TRACTOR. wb 4 107 5 6 51 6* 6« 6» 6» J Walker Island Farm Stable 1515-100 1*643 DIXIE SMITH wb 6 110 6 5 6» 7 7 7 7 R Peternel P M Burch 3390-100 Time. :24%. :49%. 1:14%. 1:42%. 1:49%. Track sloppy. tnutuels paid— Golden Billows. 80 straight, .30 place, .00 show; Nat Evens, .00 place, .50 show: lamyanl. .70 show. Equivalent tiooking odds -Golden Billows. 190 to 100 straight. 65 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Nat Evens. 150 to loo place. 75 to 100 show: Lanyard, 335 to 100 show. Winner B. m. by Golden Maxim — Billows, by Cunard trained by R. Curran; bred by Mr. Thomas M. Murphy i. Winner entered to be • laimed for ,000. WENT TO POST — 6:00. AT POST— 1 minute. start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. col.DBN BILLOWS raced close up from the start and. coming fast through the stretch, wore NAT EVENS down to win in the last stride. NAT EVENS ran a good race throughout, raced LANYARD and -.ol DBEATER into defeat and finished gamely after taking a brief lead. LANYARD set a good pace aud raced GOI. DBEATER into defeat, but tired. GOLDBEATER was made entirely too much use of in forcing the pace. COGWHEEL finished gamely. Scratched— 12604-Edward Gray. 105; 12528 Thomasine, 112. Overweight- Golden Billows. :i -2 pounds.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1927050201/drf1927050201_9_2
Local Identifier: drf1927050201_9_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800