Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1935-06-01

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WO RKOUTSi Date at left of horses name Is last workout. Letters following time Indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, ail out; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type I....,,..............-.-....---.----..-.-.-... 4 FRIDAY, MAY 31 WASHINGTON PAEK. Weather clear; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 4- 8 Adelaide A.. :38b 5-25 Kai Harri.... :59b Bing Trades :39 b 5-23 Listening ... :37b 5- 28 Bacon :36h 5-28 Liquidation .. :59 b E-23Byrdine .... :37b 5-29 Little Van.. :37h Board Trade. :38 b 5-26 Mriweather. :40 b 5-27 Beau Frere. :37h 5-19 Maildun .... :37h 5-23 Blind River. . :37b 5-28 Mning Mail. :39 b 5-22 Blue Armor. :36 h 5-27 Mad Frump. . :37b 5-26Caritroud .. :36h 5-28 Mouse Trap. . :40b 5-22 Cachalot ... :39b 5-11 No Saint :38 b 5-29 Count Cotton :36h Oh Dolly :39 b 5-28 Cnt Tetrarch :39b 5-27 Our Chance. :36d 5-25Dble Sweep . -38 b 5-25 Peter Carey. . :36h 5-27 Elteebe :41 b 5-25 Reigh Duchs :38 b 5-26 Frch Princs :38 b 5-25 Roll Home.. :42 b Firing Squad. :39 b Roguish Girl. :39 b 5-27 Flagstone .. :37b 5-28 Sure Hour.. :36h 5-28 Gertrude S.. :37h 5-23 Silver Sickle. :36 h Grand Duke.. :40 b 5-23 Scatter Brain :36h Hazel Eye... :39 b 5-28 Steppin High. :38b 5-26 Holl Image... :37 h 5-27 Star Banner :35?h 5-19 Happy Bolivr :37b 5-27 Top Row. . . :38 b Honored Sir. :39 b 5-28 Tap Dancer... :38 b 5-29 Ida King.... :36h 5-24 Wise Dauter :36b 5-9 Kapena .... :40 b 5-24 Whopper .... :37h 5-21 Kingsbury .. :37b 5-21 Yenrac .... :37h One-Half Mile. 2-8 Alice Byrd... :56 b 5-27 Sun Teddy. . . :52b 5-24 Blue Spur. . . :52b 5-24 Some Play. . . :56 b 5-26 Blast :51b 5-22 The Heathen. :53 b Cross Bow II. :52b 5-26 Tracker :51h El Contento.. :55 b 5-24 Teddy Boy. .. :56 b 4- 16 Inheritor .... :56 b 5-27 Tryandagain.. :57 b 5- 30 Ly Charmain :52 h 5-26 Vanessa .... :52h 5-26 Lost Laughtr :50h 5-27 Wiggle In. . . . :56 b 5-25 Mr. James... ,:57 b 5-23 Whizz James. :57 b 5-29 Our Reigh... :49h 5-24 Wise Eddie.. :52b 5-7 Prince Torch. :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 21 Almaha . . . . .1:05 h 4-26 Little Cynic. .1:08 b 5- 28 Bubblette . . .l:05h 5-28 Lo 1:02h 5-28 Bon Secours.l:07 b 5-25 Lisa Belle. . i.l:08b 5-28 Boiling Point.l:04h 5-29 Maple Ricca.l:10 b 5-28 Baby Talk. . .1:09 b 5-28 Nevada Sage.l:07b 5-28 Bow a. Arvl:04h 5-25 Nellie Flag. .l:08b 5-28 Boots Pal. .. .1:09 b 5-27 Norman D.. ..1:05 b 5-23 Bd Meadowsl:05b 5-23 Ottoman ....1:07 b 5-24 Coin l:03h 5-24 Proposing . . .1:08 b 5-30 Cesare l:05b 5-22 Paper Profits.l:05fsb 5-26 Cf Cherokee.l:03 b 5-28 Printemps . ,l:06b 5-22 Dark Womanl:04b 5-27 Some Bull. . .1:11 b 5-26 Easy Sailing.. l:05b 4-26 Spicate 1:08 b 5-25 Gusto l:05b 5-27 Skip It 1:11 b 5-27 High Bottoni.l:05b 5-25 Some Pomp. .l:08b 5-23 Integrity . . . .l:04b 4-25 Spicson . . ... .1:10 b 5-29 Irish Image. .1:06 b 5-27 Torolee l:054ib Three-Quarters Mile. E-26.Born Happy..l:19b 5-23 Marv 1:19 b 5-30 Foggy Night.. 1:21 b 5-26 Ryl Blunderl:20 b 5-24 Good Scout. .l:19h 5-29 Sarahmond ..l:18b 5-30 Isaiah 1:21 b 5-28 Up Wind....1:16d 5-26 Little Doggie.l:19 b 5-28 Wilco ...... .1:19 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-22 Bally Wise. . .1:32 b 5-27 Countss Binal:34b 5-23 Chanceview .l:34b 5-26 Pomps Geniel:32 b One Mile. 5-25 Be Shy l:49b 5-27 Jay Vee 1:49 h 5-27 Judge Blake.l:47 h 5-30 Watch Him. .1:44h Star Banner had good speed. Lo showed a good effort. Boiling Point and Bow and Arrow worked from" the barrier. Watch Him worked impressively. Chanceview and Countess Bina were in company, LINCOLN FIELDS. Weather clear; track heavy Three-Eighths Mile. 5-15 Hble Issue. :39h 5-16 Redress .... :41h 4- 30 Macks Pal.. :40h 5-14 Slavonia ... :41 h One-Halt Mile. 5- 16 Egypt :54h 5-18 Lady Camilla :56 b 6- 10 Full Fling.. :54h 5-23 Miss Blanche :55b High Power. :55h 3-10 Polly R :56b Five-Eighths Mile. Jackstaff ..l:08h Three-Quarters Mile. Dark Entry.l:24h 5-17 Sally Forth. 1:23Jh One Mile. 6-24 Camp Princel:51b BEULAH PARK. Weather clear; track heavy- Three-Eighths Mile. 4- 13 Anna V. L. . :43 h 5-22 Odd Blaze . :43h 5- 29Dino Player :40d 5-22 Press Patsy. :44h 4- 28 Jiggerette .. :40d 5-27 Regards .... :40 d Kyota :40d One-Half Mile. 5- 28 Albert Blton :55h 5-28 Little Grace. :55h 5-22 Chloedair . . :55h 5-16 Old Boss ... :59 b 5-17 Elihu :55h 5-27 Silver Wave. :55b 5-27 Jildac Rose . :59h 5-26 Sun Mate . . :57 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-27 Alwin l:14h 5-28 Monks Fox l:10h 5-29 Gold Thorn .l:08h 5-27 Rgenologist l:14b 5- 29 Mechcs Gdl:08h 5-28 Social Boy . .1:10 h Three-Quarters Mile. 6- 29 All Upset ..1:22h 5-26 Mystic Sign .l:29b Kyota and Domino Player came from the gate. Gold Thorn and Mechanics Gold were in company. Jiggerette was under a hard drive. BAINBRIDGE PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-29 Cole Beauty :38d 5-24 Mere Prince :39 h 4- 29 Dk Thghts :38b 5-16 Mkey Shine -AOVsb 5- 29 Damon Lady :41 b 4-29 Supero .... :38h r 5-29 Hot Flash... :39 h 5-22 Slip Knot... :40b 6- 12 House Baby. :39b 5-5 Viper :39 b 6-24 Ly Pamond :36d 5-7 Visionary... :39 b One-Half Mile. Bernica G... :54b 3-8 Justa Sheik. :51h 6-29 Don Tasker. :50h 5-30 Outremont . . :47 d 3-28 Hey Flirt... :54 b 5-23 Precocious. . :57 b 5- 18Inscona :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6- 24 Dtless Miss1:00h 5-28 Seven Colorsl:04 h 8-27 Putter 1:03 d Three-Quarters Mile. 5-28 Just Marie.. 1:17 h 5-24 Silver Blue.l:19h 5-30 Occult 1:17 b 5-21 Wassail ....1:16 h Dauntless Miss worked evenly all the way. Wassail "went from the gate, with Lady Pharamond and Creole Beauty. CHARLES TOWN. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Canaanite . . :38 d Playbill .... :39 h Donne Ruby :40 b Star Polon.. :39 h One-Half Mile. 3- 20 Considerate. :52 b Once :52 b 4- 22 Justa Tcher :51b 3-11 White Cloud :52h Five-Eighths Mile. 5- 29 Cherry Point1:06 b 2-20 Peace Treatyl:06b Three-Quarters Mile. 1- 2 Sun Way... 1:21 b Seco .1:17h LATONIA. Weather clear; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 5-24Almarine ... :38 h 5-29 Knee Action :37 h 5-3 Adolph :35h 5-24 Lunsford.... :36 h 5-13 Bos Orphan :37h 5-24 Maintenance :36 h 5-24 Barrette . . . :36h 5-26 Master Beau :37h 5-25 Brilt Rose. :38h 5-27 Mho Gusto. :37h 5-25Broadwood.. :38 h 5-28 Real Jam... :37h 5-8 Beaver Dam :37h 5-29 Star Bud... :36h 5-29 Bring Back. :38 h 5-29 Scarp :38 h 5-28 Camp Cook.. :36h 5-23 Th?h Omond :38h 5-29 Jawapa :38 h One-Half Mile. 5-27 Blackbirder.. :50h Rudenia .... :50h 5-29 Baby Vivian :50h Recent Rice. :50h Calera :50h 5-4 Ridgevilla .. :52h 5-28 Gillie ...... :WSh 5-16 Silver Hackle :51h 5-23 Grenadine . :55 h Sea Eyes.... :53 h Hoffberg ... :51h 5-28 Sturdy Boy. :50h Hoosrs Fnd :51h 5-28 Silas :55 h 3- 17 Leros :54 h 5-23 Tabora :50h 5-29 Ly of Grace :50 h 5-24 Tearout .... :49h 5-30 Mary Terry. :52h 5-28 Valley Vail. . :52 h 5-28 Meru :51 h Waygd Lad :53 h 5-19 Peter H :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Anklets ....l:03h 4-27 Ltle Minniel:06 h 5-28 Bk Warwidcl:02h 5-19 Lty Ormontl:06 h Bay Servantl:04h 5-23 Mukluk ....l:06h 5-19 Cloverport .l:05h 5-28 Pre Andre. .l:02h 5-28 Compensty 1:05 h 5-29 Ruths Hope.l:04h 5-20 Donnahona. 1:04 h 5-25 Softly Comel:03 h 4- 20Ekrube ....1:08 h Sybrarite ...l:04h 3- 12 Erla 1:06 h Spectrum .,.l:04h 5- 24 Field Day, .1:03 h Sky OBIue.l:05h 5-24 Gyral ...... 1K4 h 5-22 Two Demandl:03 h Hildrum ...l:02h 5-9 Tripp Up. ...l:024ih 5-28 Indiana Elyerl:04 h 5-24 Tax Payer. .l:044ih SKailin .....1:06 h 5-25 Ulrica .....1:03 h 5-29 King Henry.l:06h 5-28 Waltz Time.l:02h 5-29 Ly Comradel:06h 5-6 Zora 1:01h Three-Quarters Mile, 5-25 Alltoi l:23h 5-29 High Diver.l:17h 5-23 Benins Baitl:16h . 5-28 Little Woolyl:23 h 5-28 Brneycd Patl:16 h 5-27 Missn Clockl:19 h 5-30 Dick Star...l:18h 5-24 Rich Phil. ..l:16h 4- 30 Fair Teresa. 1:14h 5-13 Wanoah ....1:24 h 5- 27 Gay Monarchl:16h 5-19 Yantis 1:18 h One Mile. 5-27 Ben Mchreel:46 h 5-26 Squall 1:46 h 5-30Chry Flightl:59 h 5-29 Stjensund ..1:42 h 5-15 Oh Dave.... l:444id 5-25 Vesee l:44h Browneyed Pat and Beginners Bait were in company. Zora worked very handily. Stjensund worked well. Adolph and Lunsford showed speed. Oh Dave was under a mild drive at the finish. Tripp Up went well. Silver Hackle and Waygood Lad worked from the barrier. OMAHA. Weather rainy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 5-28Alamae .... :40b 5-28 Miss Chicro. :39h 5-14 Crn Princs :40b 4-22 Petrina B.. .. :39h 5-27 Forget Not.. :40 b 3-8 Reeds Choice :43 b 5-12 Gallant Gay. :39 h 5-28 Tenney Belle :37d 5-27 Mike Reynds :40 b 5-12 Warrior Slave :40b 5-28 Miss Sergeat :40b One-Half Mile. 5-22 Alkali :52h 5-28 Maeantic ... :52 h 5-29 Bill Andy... :56 b 5-27 Natalie Mae. :55 b 5-29 Busy Storm. :55h 5-8 Odd Bluerrr. :55 h 5-13 Denver Lad. :54h 5-28 Peter Russell :52 h 5-30 Jere :52h Five-Eighths Mile. 4- 27 Jolly Ronaldl:13 b Star Brook. .1:12 b Ld Bracdalel:ll b 5-28 Young Bill.. 1:12 b 5- 27 Moving On.. 1:08 h Three-Quarters Mile.. 5-14 Bonnie Pan.1:19h 5-28 Proprietor ..l:26b 3-8 Bnnie Lillianl:26 b Heavy rain fell all during training hours. DETROIT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Best Policy.. :41 b 5-29 Nice Habits. :37 h 5-28 Beauflower . :36 h 5-21 On Leave... :42 h 5-29 Chance Qn. :35h 3-27 Oderic ..... :38 h 2- 15 Cruising .. . :39h 5-28 Prento . . . . . :38h 5-27 Cosmic Prce :37 h 5-26 Prefer :36 h 5-28Foxld Hall. :37H 5-28 Precursor .. :36h 5-27 Good Aim... :42 h 5-27 Rosella :37 h Miss Envy.. :36 h 5-25 Sun Adoom. :39 h 5-18 Max Way.v :38h 5-9 Uall V. :41 h 5-22 Matapeake . :38 h One-Half Mile. 5-27Archwood ..;484ih 5-29 Gay World. . :49h Airy Sonnet. :53 h 5-18 Going Some. :52h 5-28 Bushmaster . :52b 4-26 Heres Luck. :54 h 5-7 Brilt Light. :54ih 5-26 Hasty Day.. :49 h 5-24 Chatterfol .. :51h 5-20 Jim Moss. . . :51 h 5-28 C. de Menthe 0h 5-24 Little Heel.. :49h 2-28 Chieftain . . . :54 h 5-24 My Francine :54 b 5-29 Racketeer .. :53 h 5-19 Magic Lines. :56 h 52 Drastic Delt :55 h 5-28 Plunge Home :49 h Daski ...... :51 h 5-27 Plucky Baby :55 h 5-24 Dunbar .... :50h 5-16 Some Boy.. :51 h 5-29 Divide :50 h 5-26 Seawick . . .-. :51b 5-28 Eddies Brer :50h 5-8 Sarazeri. II.. :54 b 5-26 Forgive :53 h 5-28 Sun Asia... :50h 5-27Funate Yth :55 h 5-27 Sugar Jar... :51h 5-23 Santah :48h 5-23 Zode ...... :50h Five-Eighths Mile- 4- 27 Baby Bane.. 1:06 h 5-30 Just Love. ..l:06b 5- 24 Bengal Tigerl:08 h 4-10 Proiid Hills. 1:08 h 5-30 Cmandmn ,l:02h 5-30 PoUte Ann. .1:05 h 5-26Donday ....l:07h 5-30 Rfles Pbleml:07 b 5-28EIvvavva.....l:05h 4-20 Swifty .....1:07 b 5-27Glynson ...l:07b 5-26 Wild Pign. .l:04h 4- 25 Gene D .1:11 h 5-26 Wind Song. .lK7h 5- 29 Gaillardia .,1:02h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-22 Beau Tod... l:17Jih 5-24 Hilltown ...1:15 h. 5-28 Bender Firstl:19 h 5-25 Inferno Lad. 1:21 b 4- 22 Bright Knotl:22 b 5-27 Last Bid... 1:20 h 5- 25 Come Seven. l:19h 5-28 Losing Clon.l:254ib 5-14 Carl B l:19h 5-26 My Peter... 1:16 h 5-30 Club Soda...l:18h 5-12 Nl Kuhlmanl:19h 5-17 Espinetta ...1:25 b 5-24 Royal Leon.l:19b 5-29 Eddie J.... 1:19 h 5-27 Scream ..,.1:17 h 5-28 Flyg Flynn. 1:21 h 5-28 Sun Apollo. .l:15h 4-23 Flower Day.l:19 h 5-20 Sword Craft. 1:20 b 4- 1 Fredrick ...l:l8h 5-20 Spoiled Boy.l:23 h 5- 25 Grace Buntgl:27 b 5-22 Unkie Tom, .l:20h 5-28 Helios .....1:16 h 5-27 Wichita City.l:19h One Mile. Boy Buntingl:48 h 5-28 Mt. Hood... 1:46 h Captn Lognl:48 h 5-22 Oddesa CIarkl:59 b Enola 1:49 h 5-28 Sun Ltsh1p.l:46h 5-28 Greyglade ..l:46ih 5-19 Spartan Lady1:43 h 5-28 Half Day...l:48h San Lorenzo.l:48h 5-1 Lady Trust.. 1:50 h Beauflower and Chance Queen had speed. Bushmaster was hard held and acted well. Fortunate Youth is a bad work horse. Gay World and Gaillardia worked handily together. Sun Apollo and Hilltown worked well In company. Fredrick came from the barrier. Helios and Scream went handily together. Captain Logan and Boy Bunting were in company. Spartan Lady went a nice mile. Greyglade and Sun Lightship were together. BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Black Helen :35h 5-18 Esposa :37 h 5-17 Bazaar :35 h 5-29 Firethorn ... :36 h 5-28 Bitter Pill... :35d 5-28 Mock Turtle :36h Bijuro :37 h 5-28 Tdy Haslam :37h 5-28 Coequel .... :36h 5-28 Thursday. . .. :38 h One-Half Mile. 5-25 Advisg Anna :52b 5-23 Good Goods. :51 h 5-27 Allen Z :53 b 5-4 Indian Brm :51h 5-29 Bird Flower. :48h 5-23 Merrily On. . :49h 5-28 Brave Erin.. :52b 5-26 Neap :49h Clocks :51b 5-25 Okapi :51 h 5-18 Dble Finesse :50h 5-20 Prank ..... :49d 5-28 Delphinium.. :50h Party Spirit. :52b 5-20 Dyak :53 b Shindig ..... :53 b 5-28 Ebony Lady :53b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-4 Bourbnette 1:03 h 5-27 Quel Jeu. ...l:02h Golden Hindl:03 "h 5-23 Red Roamerl:06 b Gilt 1:02 d 5-8 Springlock .1:02 h 5-1 Mr. Quick.. 1:03 h 5-30 Wha Hae. ..l:02h 5-28 Pretty Busyl:05 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-29 Cristate ....1:20 b 5-28 Mantagna ..1:17 h 5-17 Dignified ...1:18 h 5-30 Royal Pomp. 1:16 h 5-24 Hapy Easterl:17h 5-9 Rgh Playerl:16 d 5-11 Jubilargo ..1:16 d 5-8 Tribunal ...l:17h 5-24 Kry Patch.l:19 b One Mile. Felwyn ,...l:42h 5-25 Nh Wles 11.1:43 h 5-28 Last Boat... l:43h 5-30 Silversmith .1:41 h JAMAICA. Weather foggy; track fast Three-Eiqhths Mile. 5-28 Greenstone . :40 b 5-29 Primute .... :37 h. 5-28 New dress . . :37 b One-Half Mile. 5-28Flopsie .... :49d 5-28 Maedoqua .. :50h -Inflame :49 d Vince Farley. :50h Five-Eiqhths Mile. Buckleys Pre1:04h 5-22 Playfole ...:1:07 b 5-29 Mary Victorial:06b 5-29 Velvef Mask.l:06b AQUEDUCT. Weather foggy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Miss Firefly. :38 h 5-23 Tip Topper.. :37 h 5-9 Stone Martin :36 h One-Half Mile. t 5-29Bellum .... :49h 5-28 Marcia . . . . . :50 h 5-28 Grog .V. . . . :49h 5-29 Snark :51 h 5-27 Happy Fox. . :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-26 Deep Run. . 1:03 d Three-Quarters Mile. 5-2lBecteach ..1:19. h .5-28 Dasher l:15h 5-18 Diablerie ..l:l5h 5-27 Thruster .. .1:15 h One Mile. 5-20 Carry Over.1:40d 5-29 Faireno ....1:47 b One and Three-Eighths Mile. 5-23 Omaha ....2:21 h ROCKINGHAM PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-27 Army Game. :38h 5-2 Out Bound.. :41h 5-21 Chrysmute . :36h 5-27 Over Yonder. :364ih 5-26 Close Call . :37d 5-27 Pundit ..... :36h Earth Pter . :37h 5-22 Prince Fox . :37h 5-25 Friend Whey :38 h 5-29 Richstrike: . . :41h 5-29 Gallant Mac :35h 5-16 Stretch Call. :36h 5-27 Happy Go . . :36h 5-23 Somersault . :36h 5-29Hokuao .... :35h 5-22 Teralice .... :36h 5-25Herondoa .. :36 h 5-27 Wayward Son :354ih 5-23Krona :36 h 5-30 Wise King.. :38h 5-28 Legionary .. :38h 5-22 West Star . :36h 5-25 Madame Zo. :36h One-Half Mile. 5-27 Atmosphere :50 h Lady Adair . :50h 5-27 Appomattox :50h 5-28 Marcella H. . :51h 5-27 Blond Jester. :50h 5-29 Mieletta .... :55h 5-28 Captain Argo :48h Narico :48h -16 Dark Thatch :55h 5-28 Palatine . . . :49h 5-28 Glitter ..... :51h 5-30 Protractor .. :50 h 5-27 Gunwale .... :50 h 5-20 Raycart . . . . :51h 5-28 Juniority ... :50h 5-17 Specs :50h 5-27 Luck In .... :52 h 5-20 Tugboat Frk :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Airy Heiress.l:04 h 5-28 Gden Spur .l:04h 5-26Bton Brook.l:04h 5-27 Just Amcan.l:04 h 5-28 Cablegram . .1:05 h 5-22 Lady, Carrot. 1:04 h 5-27Chatmoss ..l:05h 5-29 Mathias ....l:08h 5-26 Dignitary ..l:03h 5-28 Serenabit ..l:04h 5-25 Dark Devil .1:01h 5-29 Trujillo ....l:05h 5-7 Fast Move .1:04 h 5-27 Ugin ...... l:02h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-27Addins Dml:20 h 5-17 Jean Lee .. .1:20 d 5-28 Daisaburo ..l:19h 5-29 Madwind ...VAVah 5-29 Howard .....l:22h Qne Mile. 5-28 Angry Lass .l:43h 6-24 Fairsickle ..VAZh 5-20 Cutie Face .l:44h 5-26 Plug Ugly ..1:45 h THORNCLIFFE PARK. Weather rainy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-27 Ilchester ... :38 b 5-20 Kid Glove.. :39 b 5-27 Newell :39 b ,5-27 Time Limit. :39 b 5-28 River Crest. :39 b Uncle Newt. :37h One-Half Mile. Abbotsford . :50h 5-22 Miss Lulu.. :55 b 5-29Calchas .... :49b 5-21 Momiji .... :50 h Chatantell . . :50h 5-28 Pcess Star. :50h 5-28 Dunlins Lad :50 h 5-24 Sir Byron. .. :54h 5-29 Frd Charley :55 h 5-27 Starella II... :50h Finalist .... :49h Tea Gown... :51h 5-20 Gift o Gab. :50d 5-20 Trey :49 h 5-28 Lady Coin.. :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-26 Dainty Rosel:04 h 5-28 Riven Stre.l:04 h 5-29Glanford ...1:04 d 5-23 Sea Kale. . .l:05h Marybourne 1:05 h 5-27 Safari ......1:06 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-14 Belle Fille. .l:19h 5-27 Gaffarg ....1:18 h 5-23 Belle Fuller.l:19h 5-27 Galthea ....1:18 h 5-28 Conflagtion l:19h One Mile. 5-29 Gay Spathyl:51 b 5-29 Sally Fuller.l:51 b 5-28 Spey Crest.. 1:46b Spey Crest is in his best form. Sally Fuller and Gay Sympathy were under restraint. Trey showed speed. Momiji was breezing. Abbotsford and Chatantell went handily together. Finalist is rounding to form. BLUE BONNETS. Weather rainy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile: -5-27 AH Roses .. :40b 5-5 Keen Babe . :39b Anoka :38b 5-5 Peter Pal .. :39h - Grass Broom :39d One-Half Mile. - Acras :54andb 5-27 Lexis :54b . 2-28 Aunt Marie . :524id 4-5 Paca :53b l-12Carissa ..... :53Mb Squeaky .... :52d 5-22 Harry Bman :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. Luca .l:06h Titanic 1:06 b Maggie Love 1:04Jd . 5-27 Vim l:06h Peter Pal and Titanic went from the gate. Anoka showed a liking for the going.

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Local Identifier: drf1935060101_12_1
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