Prepare for Fall Meeting: Schilling and Everett Plan Missionary Trips to East to Secure Racing Material, Daily Racing Form, 1935-06-01


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PREPARE FOR FALL MEETING Schilling and Everett Plan Missionary Trips to East to Secure Racing Material. SAN BRUNO, Cal., May 31. With, a successful 1935 spring meeting of twenty-four days now in the record books, plans are being formulated for the fall meeting at this historic race course. J. W. Marchbahk, directing owner of Tanforan, anticipates an excellent fall meeting and has many plans in. regard-to next season. Judge George W. Schilling, presiding steward at Tanforan, and judge Webb A. Everett, racing secretary and handicapper, will go east late in the summer in quest of horses. These two competent and popular officials -will work together in obtaining high class thoroughbreds for the fall meeting. r Mr. Marchbank has turned over the blueprints of the .stable at Tanforan to judge Everett who will have complete authority in allocating the stall space to horsemen for the fall meeting. Horsemen have always liked to campaign at the Tanforan course, and the many improvements made this season have won the track new admirers on all sides.

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