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-YESTERDAYS PAhLAY:- " . THURSDAYS PARLAY: RED FLYER, ; .08, WON DARK SEEKER, .02, .26, 2ND DIANE S., . 322.94, .92, 3RD BLACK RIVER,, .68, LOST WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: TUESDAYS PARLAYs, CHILHEE, h 5.60, WON KINGSBURY, 2.90, ,W,ON KIEVSON, 4.22, LOST DtJST GIRL, $ 8.82, WON I "STAKE MY REPUTATION" THAT MY PARLAY WILL WIN. 0- ODDS EXPECTED TODAY. DONT FAIL TO $ $. TERMS, DAILY. Out-of-towners, remit by wire and receive prompt reply. City players, call In person or phone DEARBORN 3610-3529 and will rush parlay to you in plain sealed envelope no charge for messenger service. SAM CLARK, 127 North Dearborn St, Suite 1435-37, Chicago, HI. m-- WRITE FOR SAMPLE COPY OF MY TURF RATINGS VH DAilV Telegraph S!W NOW ONLY 10 CENTS 9S "Pink Sheet" Readers Have Great Day THURSDAYS POINTED-OUT WINNERS: LEGENDER, 1.80, WON REGRENS SPECIAL STAND PAT, $ 7.60, WON REGEENS DETROIT PAY-OFF HORSE COUNT ARTHUR, $ 7.28, WON r ...... r r BASSETTS WASHINGTON PAY-OFF HORSE SIS AGNES, $ 4.40, WON REGRENS LATONIA STANDOUT BRQWN HILDA, $ 4.16, WON v. s : REGRENS WASHINGTON PAY-OFF HORSE HIGH TORQUE, $ 5.70, WON . i., - FREE CODE HORSE CALEB, $ 3.94, WON REGRENS ONE BEST BET HIGH TORQUE, $ 5.70, WON SIS AGNES, - $ 4.40, WON "READING THE STARS" SELECTIONS , Thats really picking them, isnt it? E.egren.s Special for Thurs- k day certainly was a holiday present to his Thousands of followers, for it p paid nearly 5 to 1. Then, to show his knowledge of horses, he selected STAND PAT to take the measure of the great AZUCAR; and his prediction came true, as it generally does. The "Reading th Stars" section gave out two winners Thursday, giving this column a winning streak straight days. When we introduced this turf game to the Pourteen ng public we old you what you could expect winners and thats youye been: getting every day Regren tipped winners by the score Thursdays The ace handi-capper of the "Pink" named five winners at Washington and Bain-bridge, four at Latonia and Riverside and three at Beulah. Its, for reasons like: this that-he is recognized as. the greatest handicapper in the coilntry today. Herewith are soma of the winners given at the various tracks by the "Pink Sheet;" : t. - AT WASHINGTON PARK -FLIGHT OF GOLD, Regren Tip, - 5.22, WON WANDREL, McCarty tip. 9.76; WON EVERGOLD, Regren Tip, - 7.50, WON COUNT ARTHUR, Regren-Bassett Tip, - 7.28, WON BRENDARD, McCarty Tip, 6.18, WON .BROWN HILDA, Regren-Bassett-McCarty Tip, 4.16, WON CALEB, Regren-Bassett-McCarty Tip, 3.94, WON AT LATONIA -MARYNELL, Bassett Tip. 1.60, WON - MONKS GOLD, Regren Tip, , 8i80, WON BOOMS PAL, McCarty Tip, --. - 7.20, WON SIS AGNES, Regren Tip, - 4.40, WON JULIA GRANT, Regren Tip, "Xrl 4.20, WON EARL BAKER, Regren-Bassett Tip, . 4.00, WON SATURDAYS TWO FREE CODES: - . I. -- ROCKINGHAM DETROITBIack-115-100-124. Purple-117-100-118. . To Decipher Above Codes Buy a "Pink Sheet" M CHICAGO DAILY TELEGRAPH B MOUTH COURT CHICAGO, ILL. SRTper Month by First Class Mail .00 per Month by Air Mail Mall us this ad and you will be re-warded with a free copy of "THE H SECRET OF BEATING THE I RACES." ! J. K. WILLIS, Inc. P. 0. Box 635 Cincinnati. Ohio DONT GAMBLE ON THE RACES 3Play homes that firnre to win. Accurate handicap-pipit iu ainrple when you kaow how. There la so excuse fLnyone not knowing bow to handicap. Tnll jartio-free no atrinn attached. Secure yonr free copy HH?ick Your Own WInnera." Learn to handicap and TeTrwinner. No obligation. Write today. E. J. BELL, P. O. Box 8416, Cleveland, Ohio Subscribe for Daily Racing Form RACING WORLD 15 CENTS Sold at All Newsstands 15 CENTS New issue No. 33 out today. Get copy now. Todays Free Code: ROCKINGHAM Seventh-21-18-31. Limit parlay goes today. Dont miss it. Subscribe. RACING WORLD 217 Centre St., 4th Floor -NeV York City SILVER "6" TURF WEEKLY 25 CENTS AT ALL STANDS 25 CENTS TODAYS CODE PARLAY: BILL Rust-78-14. BILL White-80-44. Todays Free Code: BOY-Cane-19-33. SILVER "6" 152 West 42nd St., Cor. Bway New York City For Free Phone Results Call Wabash 7000 t l STOP FEEDING YOUR "BOOKIE" the onmujmmf t WTn with fields parlays- EBfifKflf OneTrial Will Positively Convince You That I W ii nil I 9 fl II You Cant Go Wrong ! ! Iif ZH S I 9 911 Fridays Detroit Farlay: nfAlHi li f l I J BURNING UP, .60, WON JB WM m l mm- jakOVIA, .00, WON Thursdays Parlay: Wednesdays Vaxloy: PRINCE HEATHER, .60, WON RIDGE MOR, 0.64, WON .. I PASS, 1.40, WON GLITTERING, $ 9.66, WON Wf- "MR. PLAYER" CAN YOU USE 00 TODAY ? ? ? -W . SATU RDAY "SHOOT THE WORKS," WIN ONLY ! ! -JS5 "LIMIT" PARLAY TODAY AT WASHINGTON "I KNOW PLENTY" WTVIR. PLAYER ARE YOU GOING TO WASHINGTON TODAY? TOP AT MY OFFICE AND LET ME MARK YOUR PROGRAM. YOULL HAVE THE MOST "THRILLING" AND "PROFITABLE" DAY YOU EVER SPENT AT A RACE TRACK, " " BT" D ONT "HESITATE ! SUBSCRIBE NOWi TERMS, DAILY! -Q" City clients, call in person or phones FRANKLIN 3134 lor messenger service absolutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Unlon. Service wired by fast telegram. No delay! . " JACK FIELD, 35 South Dearborn St Room 708, Chicago, 111. .. . B H SEMI-WEEKLV 1 Q v NEW ISSUE OUT EVERY SAT.ancI WED. . On Sale at All Newsstands Everywhere Price, Each Issue GOOD FOR THREE DAYS, WHICH STANDS YOU 33 1-3 CENTS A DAY FREE CODE INFORMATION APPEARS DAILY IN RACING FORM , r; 35 COURT ST. SUITE 551, ANDREWS BLDG. PHONE CLEVELAND 2068 BUFFALO, N. Y. INAUGURATION OF DAN MORGANS TURF NEWS, INC. FIRST ISSUE OUT TODAY TODAY SATURDAYS FREE CODE INFO:.. BELMONT 13-20-5-Eve. ROCK. 15-10-24-Eve. LATONIA 15-9-11-Your. WASH. 7-2-20-Down. . DETROIT 24-13-8-Down. - J : Daily last-minute info service wired to out-of-town clients by 12 noon daily. City clients, call. Terms for-This Service Weekly, Daily ; Subscribe today. 15 for six days info. On. days that my connection is not wagering or operating that day will not countagainst your subscription. You must receive six days info for your, . RECENT LAST-MINUTE INFO: . HIGH IMAGE, 7.50, Won ZEMBLA, 710, Won HIGHEST POINT, S 9.00, Won IDLE ALONG, $ 7.00, Won SPEEDM0RE, 1.40, Won SUNSPEAR, , S 5.10, Won . My info filed In advance with Racing Form by 1 p. m. dailyr Out-of-town clients, telegraph money via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. City clients, call or phone CLEVELAND 3934 and messenger -will deliver service prepaid. fsYStOLOY I Mr AGAIN SYSTOLOGY SCORED IN l! I ST A BIG RACE IT PICKED Wand f 1 jar- HEAD PLAY TO WIN THE SU-m j f IW- BURBAN PAY-OFF 8-1, WON -IK! f, i I OTHER SATURDAY WINNERS: f V MIGOSH, 6.40, WON - j I BROTHER LOU, 13.42, WON I 4 - OTTOMAN, 10.40, WON - J . , V . YANKEE WATERS, 10.20, WON j 1 GOLD STANDARD, 10.20, WON ! ,! .ALIOS, f ,15.80, WON and GRAINGER, 8.50, WON Vl , I The arguments as to why you should own Systology are .unanswerable. No player has a leg to stand on. It gets the winners. You want winners. Then why not buy Systology? Whats compared to the winners this great book gives you? Answer that question honestly. - - - - V ; USB THIS COUPON , ; . ;; vt ; I , PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., . . - DEPT. G. G. 443 Plymouth Ct, -Chicago,-HI.: r i . i K NAME Please send me one copy of SYSTOLOGY. Enclosed find . t ADDRESS . ...... ; ... ... ......... .... ... I CITY .. STATE. ...........i Free! Free! Free! One of the greatest books on System Play ever written Is yours for the asking.-It has never sold for less than yet you may have it now, while the remaining copies last, for absolutely nothing. The author ELLWOOD TANSEY 1 Recognized the World Over as Americas Leading Authority on Racing Systems, in -Co-operation with the Turfs Smartest Magazine POST TIME MAKE IT POSSIBLE FOR YOU TO OWN THIS REMARKABLE TREATISE-THERE ARB EXACTLY 750 COPDSS OF W ELLWOOD TANSEYS PREFERRED SYSTEM AND BETTING METHOD AVAILABLE All you need do to receive your free copy is to send In one years subscription td POST TIME. The price, for twelve Issues of POST TIME is .50. When the 750 copiei of the book are exhausted, there will be none available at any price; so get yours today, while there Is still time. SEND A CHECK OR MONEY ORDER FOR YOUR YEARS SUBSCRTPTION, AND " MR. TANSEYS VALUABLE BOOK, HANDSOMELY BOUND, WILL BE MAILED PREPAID TO YOU IMMEDIATELY . - . . .... ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO POST TIME 421 PLYMOUTH COURT DEPARTMENT B-fi CHICAGO, DLL,