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Time wrinkles an ageing brow- 6uf smooths an ageing whiskey" TTIHE hand of Time might lie s "noo. "B JL heavy on a mans brow but JrL pS JH it sure acts mighty gentle as it jj -r -HjSSSlr Jfl smooths out the rough edges of ; ffxri jS" a whiskey-Thats why the mak- "WN AVERN H ers of Town Tavern keep that StrcUtflvl" """B good rye agcin in charred-oak WhiskeV "1 barrels at summertemperature. 3fc fll Town Tavern is just about the . emT finest-tasting rye to be had at mJKon "HI this low price. Try it and see." aRHBBBBWBWBjp8E NATIONAL DISTILLERS PRODUCTS CORPORATION fVim.Mirjlnrf Pi.t.lon New YrV. N. Y.