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gyWjW Admission to QQ JXUfjjLA Grandstand A Up9r7Bf INCLUDING TAX jjgP I. C. ELECTRIC LADIES FREE 28 MINUTES EVERY MONDAY DIRECT TO GRANDSTAND to Grand- Trains leave downtown at: stand up- 11:08 A.M., 12:40, 1:10 and " " yt 1:30 P.M. in time for first merit of , 2it tax race. Late trains leave at J. C Elec- 1:50 and 2:40 P-M- Round trie bar- trip 7."c 30 a ride on 10- gain rata ride ticket. Fast, clean, cora- every Mon- fortable serv ice. day .00 by AUTO Routc i Hal. Med St- dircct a" r far any two per- Western Ave.; or any soutli sons f rat-- through street to 159th St., eling to- thence to Halsted St., direct gelher. to gate. f ALL ROADS LEAD TO I JACK DOYLES WORLDS FAMOUS FOODS 413 Hennepin Avenue MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. ALL SPORTING EVENTS BY DIRECT WIRE j I ATTENTION: TED WILSON! j Ted Wilson, or anybody knowing his whereabouts, is requested to get in touch with Mrs. Irma Wilson, 645 N. W. 8th Street Miami, Fla.