6th Suf, Daily Racing Form, 1951-05-10

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. I j I 3-4 MILE out of chute. Appealing, July 26, 1937— 1:09%— 4— 117. Purse ,000. /CfL C..£ 4-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Non-winners of a race of ,650 other than Uin JUT claiming in 1951. 4-year-olds, 120 lbs.; older, 122 Jbs. Non-winners of ,500 in 1950 allowed 3 lbs.; one race of any value since April 15, 6 lbs.; ,500 since March 1, 9 lbs.; one race of any value in 1951, 12 lbs. Claiming races not considered. 1 Chart Book Today; Index No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 27542 *Dauntedid Sep50 Nar 1:11 111 106 27697 Tilenny May50 Suf 1:12% 113 12T 27999 Peace Mission Apr51 Jam 1:11% 113 103 Chart Book Todays ndex No Horse Date Track Rec Wt Wt 27697 Great Shuffle Aug50 ScD 1:12% 110 110 27697 Deeside Jly50AP1:12% 111 108 270942 Count-A-Bit Apr51 GP 1:11% 115 110 1 I I I * i I I ! I ! | I i 1 i ! , » , 1 1 j I I I | l j I j « | ; | , c * ; I I J , » / / I I |f I * t / « I c I J J J | ■ | : 0 U ! C S s ° „ I A A A W W £ Fl R J J Dauntedid 1 08 Jd S 1? rT0"* by Luculllle- ■ wu breeder W H Gallagher 1951 ««*« 4 , 2 « 0 « 0 «««c ,925 Owner, Mrs. J. M. Lingle. Trainer. J. M. L ingle. 1950 26 6 7 4 5,975 Apr28-515Suf 3-41:10%ft 7i 113 14 12 2i A* DeStasioRs Alw 89 Sedgeview 114 LongGone111 Outland 8 Apr14-51«LD 7-81:27%ft 2 111*21 44 918 917 BorgnkeR* Alw FtMflin114 LwlsMiss111 EtyPkets 9 Mar28-517LD 5-8 :59%ft 2-3 *119 14 14 12 12j DeStsioRS Alw PeteyCotter 112 Lumena 101 Gerham 8 Mar20-51*LD 5-8 1:00%sl 2-3e*113 13 14 14 14J DeStsioRS Alw ArabyQunl 13 Lumena103 Proof Posve 8 Nov25-50«Bow 3-41:13%sy 17 107* 73j 77 78J 54 MitchID* 12500 77 Laran 113 Mr. Buster 115 Puppet 8 Nov18-50«L.D 7-8 1:28%gd 61 113S 1h 43 613 716 RichrdsL5 Alw Scipio117 EternalRd112 CharingRock 7 Nov 2-506L.D 5-8 :59%ft 7-5 115* 3i 2* 221 231 MooreP4 Alw Algasir120 Mr.Dink113 ScarletTime 6 Oct30-50«Rkm 3-41:12%ft 3 108* 1H 1413 14 WilsonL2 Alw 85 Wterwhl 118 CharingRk112 Eqhaze B 0ct18-506Rkm 3-41:11%ft 4-5*108*12 13 12 4j WilsonL4 Alw 88 Norwest113 Waterwhl 116 ChgRock 7 Oct 5-50«Rkm 3-41:11%ft Sfe 114* 21 1i 24 221 HaireC Alw 87 Auntie114 Norwest119 EternalRoad 7 Sep30-505Nar 3-41:10%ft 7 105*14 14 21 2* EversleJ* Alw 90 Roy 107 CharingRock 108 Pensava 8 May 9 Suf 1-2 ft :49%h April 26 Suf 5-8 ft 1.O0%h April 20 LD 5-8 ft 1:02%h Tilennv X 199 Lt b- h 6 D¥ Selalbeda— Flip It, by Flying Heels. 1 **•■*■ Breeder Paragon Stable 1951 10 0 0 Owner. A. Cataldo. Trainer. A Cataldo 1950 18 6 2 0 S21 090 May 1-51 *Suf 3-41:11 ft 35 113 981 9H1031013 CatlnoAi Alw 77 HeresHube109 DksGal 114 BatedBrh 11 Nov 1-50*Rkm 11:46 ft 8 116 45 451 712 64 CorollaC HcpO 79 Auntie 108 Roy 110 Dukes Gal 9 0ct21-50 SRkm 11:45%ft 31 119 7 0 712 713 64 MartinJ3 HcpO 81 DukesGl 107 Waterwl 111 FdrKpr 7 Oct 12-50 2 Rkm 11:48%m 21*118 78j 55J 34 in MartinJ* HcpO 72 DukesGal 107 Regal 103 Mesmer8 Sep30-50«Nar 11-81:51%ft 9 108 37J 3* 3314 MartinJ5 HcpS 87 Mesmer 112 Ted M. 107 Stranded 5 Sep16-507Nar 1A1:57%ft 76 110 74 8"105103 Allg*erH2 HcpS 78 DeLuxe 110 Reveille 109 HighBracket 11 Aug12-50«Rkm 1,V1:45%ft 31 120 42J 50 6" 62 TylrWLS HcpO 76 Thwarted 118 Outland 109 BlueGrip 6 Aug 5-507Suf 1 i:46/ssy 3 117* 42J tt 14 16 DomicoPi Alw 81 Thwarted 114 SunnyVale 107 Brick 7 Jly29-507Suf 1 1:44%ft 8 117*23 23 22 21 DomicoP3 Alw 87 Brick 119 FirstNighter 119 September 6 Jly22-508Suf 1 1:44%ft 61 117* 2"« tj tl 1 CatalanoAi Alw 89 Abstract 113 GroundFog 116 Taran 7 Jly 15-5fJ*Suf 11:45 ft 26 113 33 33 3J 54 LaPIeD* HcpS 85 FirstNighter118 Septber108 DeLuxe 10 May 8 Suf 3-4 ft 1:18h April 30 Suf 3-8 ft :37%h April 27 Suf 3-4 ft 1:20h Peace reace Mission iVUSSIOn X 1 I fH Ui Br- c 4 b* Peace Chance— Bonnie Blue II., by Baytown. Breeder. C. D Morris, 1951 5 0 0 1 50 Owner, E. Gaige. Trainer, A. Fitzpatrick. 1950 32 9 5 5 6130 May 5-51 7Suf 11:44 ft 51 112 II 24 613 7« FlorioAi Alw 76 Regal 109 Outland 117 Lambent 7 Apr26-51«Jam 1 1:44%ft 21 108 tj 2h 5J 55 StuartKS HcpO 89 StIBIue117 AmericanGy115 RkSpan 9 Apr19-515Jam 3-4 1:10%ft 71 113 321 33 45 431 StuartK* Alw 90 Bakersfld113 Extingshr116 BllPage 6 Apr16-51«Jam 3-41:10%ft 41 113 22 24 44 37 StuartKi Alw 86 SqdAway116 Vigorous122 Alphabcal 6 Apr10-515Jam 3-41:11%ft 20 113 65165157 54 StuartK5 Alw 80 Symposm113 Am*canGy117 OurPtce 7 April 10, 1951— Daily Racing Form Time, 1:11. Sep20-507Bel 11:43%ft 4J 108*24 33 63J 65J ColanerUS Alw 87 Monte107 AdmIDrake114 FrdlyFrank 6 Sep14-507Aqu 3-41:11%go 3 114* 3"M2 14 lh StuartKS 12500 89 BalreJim124 Darnaway114 FlygWer 6 Sep 7-50- Aqu 1 1:43%ft 4 106 1« 1 1n 321 AtksonT3 Alw 95 Titien II. 108 Gold Heel 108 Riverlane 5 May 9 Suf 3-8 ft :37%h April 15 Aqu 3-8 ft :36%h April 1 Aqu 5-8 ft 1:06b Great Shuffle limine 1 | lfl I U Gr * 5 b t**1 War— Soft Shoe, by Stepenfetchit. Breeder Mrs M E Whitney 1951 4 0 10 75 Owner, J. Poulos. Trainer, J. Poulos. 1950 21 3 1 3 025 May 1-51 6Suf 3-41:11 ft 10 110 114101211131113 ZehrFU Alw 77 HeresHube109 DksGal 114 BatedBrh 11 Apr25-51«Suf 3-41:12%ft 109 110 74 74 31 21 ZehrF4 , Alw 81 Scipio 116 BatedBreath 109 Simms 10 Apr13-51*LD 5-81:00%sl 39 111 84 7" V 74 ZehrFi Alw Hallieboy112 MissMarlo108 PeteyCtr 8 Mar 7-51 6S.P 3-41:11%ft 18 113 T 68 6» 6« ZehrF* Alw 83 Dominave116 MyAccit107 You andMe 8 Nov14-50«L.D 7-81:27%ft 48 113 V* fli 7« 7" Skellyjs Alw FlyAround 108 Yoicks 107 ValleyPoise 8 Oct 9-*307Rkm 1 1-81:54%ft 12 117 74 5* 7" 64 LambDS c3500 66 Sherwood 106 Crisis 110 Dime 11 Oct 2-506Rkm 11:46%ft 18 117 7127106469 LambD* 4000 75 Task 114 GracieSon 118 CinderFoot 8 Sep 6-507Rkm 1 1:46%ft 91 108* 6?I 651 54 44 EverleJ 4000 78 Alacrityl 11 GracieSonl 18 CinderFoot 7 Aug26-507ScD 3-41:12 ft 31 110*58 48 44 321 EversoleJ Alw 85 S.rStephen113 Mr.Dink107 SwgTne 6 Aug19-507ScD 1 1:50%m 5 112* 6* 54 34 321 EversoleJ* Alw 63 Rogue 117 Mr.Dink 109 GildedTrump 6 Aug12-507ScD 3-4 1:12%ft 81 110*68134 21 1h EversoleJ2 Alw 84 LadyCarrie105 TwinRks113 Mullingar 8 Aug 2-506ScD 3-41:12%ft 4 110* 571 44 44 34 EversoleJ* Alw 81 Gams108 GildedTrpHO CarolinaStar 6 May 9 Suf 1-2 ft :51h May 6 Suf 1-2 ft :48%h April 24 Suf 3-8 hy :38%d Deeside «»uc 1 | flfl UO Br g 4 b¥ Coldstream— Sis Lure, by Gallant Sir. Sreedef w M |ngrani 1951 t o Owner, N. Burger. Trainer, N. Burger. 1950 4 0 0 0 May 1-51 6Suf 3-41:11 ft 141 113 2«" 23 54 7" NihanG7 Alw 79 HeresHube109 DksGal 114 BatedBrh 11 Aug 8-505Was 3-41:11%ft 3 113 53 1041113125 RivaAD* 7500 64 Katyditiit 110 Sedgeview 120 Mahplay 12 Jly26-507A.P 3-41:11%ft 61 111 21 33 64 671 RivaAD2 10000 82 Kinfolks 113 SkyRanger 118 AlCheers 7 Jly17-507A.P 3-41:12%sy 27 114 tj 14 4j 84 RivraAD* 10000 72 FlapNot 110 Teddieslmp 110 IsThere 8 Jly 4-505A.P 3-4 1:10%ft 17 11314 51 715 7" RivraAD3 Alw 74 AirMail 110 DmondLake118 PassKey 7 Nov 9-495C.D 3-41:13%ft 7 112 64 7* H831112 RjyraAD? Alw 69 Conquerant 115 Ability 113 Rayloper 12 0ct22-49«Kee 3-41:12%ft 11e 117 821 64 93 9" RivraAD7 ScwS 67 0ilCapitol122 FrchAdm1117 RnBath 14 0ct13-495Kee 3-41:14 ft 2*117 12 11 13 11 RjvraAD» Alw 77 Rodrigo117 WarPoppy117 StarPigeon 9 IOct4-495Haw 3-41:14%m 4 118 53J 6« 651 610 MartinJWS Alw 63 RaysPride118 Rodrigo118 DoctorL E 8 Sep10-493Haw 3-4 1:11%tt 2-3 *118 V lh 144 RjyraADi Mdn 90 LastRoundl 18 SkyRanrl 18 Jessamine 8 Sep 3-493Was 3-41:10%ft 61 116 lh 4 t 21 RiveraAD* Mdn 80 Mhplay111 Jim yCrket116 FrhAdml 10 May 7 Suf 3-4 ft 1:16%h April 29 Suf 3-8 ft :35h April 26 Suf 1-2 ft :52h Count-A-Bit 110 B " by Count Fleet— Hugabit, by Chance Play. ■ iv Breeder Robert Lehman 1951 12 1 2 0 150 Owner, F. A. Blaser. Trainer, F. Martin. 1950 10 1 2 2 950 lpr?!i!I£-P 3-41:11%ft 91 115 24 22 22 2" GomezAS Alw 87 WdfordSir112 DatelinelU Mr JoePk 9 Apr12-518G.P 11:44%gd 31 111 13 12 13 14 CookWM3 8500 89 CountVr114 Mtmrell.115 StmRden 7 Apr 4-517G.P lTV1:44%ft 25 108 14 24 34 44 GonzzRS 8000 86 LittleCpfn115 GrtFun114 Benngton 9 Mar20-517G.P 11:45 ft 12 114 42 74 94 93 MtroAS 10000 74GhostTalk112 StNicholas117 Doboda 9 Mar9-51«G.P 1* 1:43%ft 27 111 65 914 93118 Robtsnje Alw 76 BIkGrge121 Renownll.111 CrystalBt 12 S25"S2!5 !Jf]2S5 24 1n V% ■" ■" ■**«* Alw65Razztazz109 Lambent112 AirAttack 8 Feb17-51»Hia 1ft1:58%ft 24 118 21 21 1h 24 RobtsnJ9 7500 81 Apachico118 ApeNot116 Knt-At-As 10 Feb14-519Hia tc1A1:46%ft 81 114 2h 12H12241228 MontroA2 9000 WhiteR*ge107 Raztazz124 CutgEdqe 12 Jan31-519Hia 7-8:25 ft 20 116 62 88111 12121 1 MteiroA* 12000 73 Option112 BeeLeeTee109 SenLeague 12 Jan23-51«Hia 7-81:24%ft 53 122 54 7H1015 917 MteiroA" Alw 70 Hyphasis 109 Kinsman 117 SkyPower 11 Jan15-51«TrP 3-4 1:11%ft 25 112 A* 82 |M 824 MteiroA2 Alw 62 CircusClown112 Solicitor112 OcnDrive 9 April 17 GP 5-8 ft 1:03%b Mar 16 TrP 3-4 ft 1:13%h

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1951051001/drf1951051001_29_2
Local Identifier: drf1951051001_29_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800