2nd Del, Daily Racing Form, 1951-06-25

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11 11 12 12 11 11 12 12 m 5 12 [2 10 0 X 12 11 m 12 m 2 0 9 M 10 m 0 12 2 11 1 12 2 10 10 11 12 12 90 50 12 12 12 !« 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 50 _, 12 12 14 14 8 8 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 00 00 50 10 10 12 12 8 8 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 9 9 00 00 40 !40 14 14 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 9 9 175 i50 10 10 6 6 13 13 12 12 7 7 12 12 12 12 25 250 10 10 10 13 13 9 9 11 11 12 12 12 12 11 11 3-4 MILE out of chute. Winter Wheat, June 1, 1949— 1:101 s— 5— 118. Purse *-. J fNI ,500. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Weight. 120 lbs. Non-winners of two races in 1951, al- ZIlQ UQ lowed 3 lbs.; one race, 6 lbs. Claiming price, ,500, if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for each 00 to ,500. Chart Book Todays Chart Book Todays Index No Horse Date. Track Rec. Wt Wt. Index No Horse. Date Track Rec Wt Wt 31953 Atomic Maid Jun51 Del 1:13% 115 112 29158 Fleet Cross Sep50 Atl 1:124s 112 107 30583 Porter Man Jun51 Del 1:13% 108 117 28202 Out Sep50 Nar 1:15% 112 103 32066JDark Venture Aug50 Atl 1 :T2% 113 107 17385 Rapid Jim Sep50 Beu 1:14% 118 108 32066 Polyphony Jun51 Del 1:13% 115 109 | 31949 Kings Lane Mar51 GP 11245 109 109 308932 Keyhole Aug50 Atl 1:13% 116 109 , 32510 Llanton Jun51 Del 1 .12% 122 117 30895 Convert Nov50GS1:13% 108 107 32510 Petes Vigil Jun51 Del 1:i3% 122 111 29076 Jambon Bones Aug50 Atl 1:14% 117 103 j 316172 King Watch Jun51 Del 1:13 s 118 120 31737 *Good Valley Jun51 Del 1:13% 108 106 1 30229 Margaret A. 109 31956 Kist May51GS1:12% 109 111 I 3206S4iSoundings Jun51 Del 1:13% 110 107 32066 Rough Me Jun51 Del 1:13% 113 114 j Coupled: Polyphony and Out; Convert and J. North, 32512 J. North May51 GS 1:14% 113 111 Fleet Cross and Soundings. Arnmir MniH 1 l 9 B. f, 3, by Flushing ll.-Cushlamacree, by Mr. Bones. MTOITIIC IViaia | | Z Breeder, H. L Donovan. 1951 6 1 2 1 ,925 Owner, Thorncliff Farm. Trainer, T. J. Kelly. ,500 1950. 11 0 1 2 ,300 Jun18-515Del 3-41:13%ft 6 115 105 631 32 1 3 BoneFio Mdn 79 BrtBones115 SirHefs120 FennyPops 12 May30-51iDel 3- U:15%ft 3 *118 108 9»3 871 2 ShukN Mdn 71 Hazd0ks113 GldScriptl 1 1 Fn forAI1 14 May25-511G.S 1-7fl:48 gd 9-5 *117 24 13 11 3 JstonD 3000 68 Teach 118 HotFooted 118 Perchan 12 May19-51iG.S 1-701:46%ft 6 110 12 1« 2h 24 JhnstnW 250077 Confectionl 11 Ky.Wildcat114 Teach 11 May 5-51 2G.S 3-41:12%ft 11 108 57 5 1 58 581 BchlerL4 4000 77 Levity 109 Kist 109 BuddieSweep 12 Apr20-512Bow 3-4 l:14%ft 40 113 42 23 25 553 WilmsRH 3500 73 Eland 116 LuckyLady111 GoodValley 12 Nov21-504Bow 3-41:15 m 49 110 915 919 920 917 SnelgsAio Alw 60 LoisCheer 111 DollFoot 116 Isgoot 12 Nov13-503Pim 3-4 1:13%ft 10 117 9*16714* 34 Bauer R8 Mdn 72 Kg0kapi120 SksNine120 LVbleLady 12 June 16 Del 1-2 ft :49b June 13 Del 1-2 gd :50%b June 9 Del 1-2 si :55b Pnrfpr Mnn 1 1 7 Cn- 9, 3, by Manador— Exporter, by The Porter. rorrer man ||/ Breeder, R. M. Davis. 1951. 4 1 0 1 ,875 Owner, R. M. Davis. Trainer, R. A. Johnson. ,500 Jun 5-51 2Del 3-41:14%m 7 117J Refused. WilsonGi 5000 MahHvens117 KingWh124 PetesVil 13 Jun 1-51 *Del 3-41:12 ft 11 108* 5* 5* 6*3 67 WilsonGS Alw 80 Windflower114 Strike112 Scrutiny 9 May22-514Pim 5 f 1:07%ft 8-5 *113J 43 43123 13 WilsonGi Mdn 77 SocksNine120 NoChxe120 FiveFiftn 12 May 1-51 4 Bow 3-4 1:14 ft 84 114 2h 2 3 31 McMnES Alw 81 TimberTr115 SkyWld117 BossLeavg 11 June 23 Del 5-8 sy 1:03%h May 30 Del 3-8 gd :374b Dnrlr Vpnturp 1 fi7 B""- 9, 3, by Sweeping Light— Joeno. by Jock. i/urn. Teniure ||j/ Breeder, D. B. Knox. 1951 . 3 1 1 0 ,200 Owner, C. H. Hanford. Trainer, C. H. Hanford. ,000 1950.7 1 1 0 ,950 Jun19-514Del 3-41:12%ft 4 106* 3"M 14 14 GardnrD 3000 83 PdkGold110 BatseaBox114 Soundgs 14 May18-515G.S 3-41:13%ft 73 115 3"" 43 32 2 Hanford|7 4000 79 Wonderment 117 Flax 112 Levity 9 May 1-515G.S 3-41:12%ft 7 114 101010M1015 912 BaourisG* 3500 73 Kelora 108 NeverBetter 108 Levity 12 Aug11-503Atl 3-41:11%ft 33 113 5* 7 741 643 MrtinRJio 5500 84 Adelantado106 Liveletlive109 Hooked 10 Aug 2-501 Suf 5f1:084/5hy 4 116 321 2 2 1 SpinaleJi2 Mdn 72 BluePath108 CharltaK.113 SealReq 1 12 Jly22-50*Suf 5f1:05%ft 78 110 8*3 97 918 919 MitchIBi ScwS 69 Iamarelic116 FogA.Bolia110 TeaToken 9 Jly18-503Suf 5f1:06%ft 13e 111 2« 1« 2"" 24 MitchIBi Alw 81 TexasBnd108 TdyChick112 SgrAlley 8 June 16 Del 5-8 ft 1:03b June 13 Del 1-2 gd :53b May 29 GS 3-8 m :37%h Pnlunhnnv 1 AQ B. f, 3, by Cisneros— Pay Gold, by John P. Grier. »W7F»«»y I T7 Breeder. J. T Wilson. 1951.. 3 1 0 0 ,300 Owner, Mrs. D. G. Van Clief Trainer, J. P. Jones. ,000 1950 10 1 0 1 200 Jun19-514Del 3-41:12%ft 20 115 103 73 55 523 SistoR* 3500 80 DkVture106 P*kGold110 BatseaBox 14 Jun 5-511 Del 3-4 1:14%m 12 115 743 7« 7»s 718 SistoR2 4000 57 PsychicDrm111 BullHe114 DgTnesa 10 May22-51Pim 5f1:08%ft 91 113 2* 1« 13 1 4 SistoR 3500 72 FennyPrs112 PortBent116 BufloGap 12 Nov15-50iPim 3-41:12%ft 12 113 34 55 814 918 SistoRi 5000 63 RareKnave116 FchRose113 MktLter 12 Sep13-502Nar 3-4 1:14%sl 73 113 101 Ml 1*11 1311 16 SistoR2 5000 60 Mrymigirl 108 CrtPiece109 ShnEve 12 Sep 8-504Nar 3-41:13 ft 4 111 24 2 55J 57 SistoRS 6000 75 Quick Buck 117 StepsGirl 103 Dinghy 9 Aug7-50iSar 5i f T:07%ft 4 115 42 32 35 473 SistoR3 5000 74 Segment 110 Hotrock112 OurJester 7 Aug 1-50iSar 5 f 1 06%ft 27 113 8 651 910" SistoR7 .JO00O75 BlueSpeed 116 FairSelf 113 Nordoff 11 June 23 Del 3-8 sy :374b June 16 Del 3-8 ft :37b June 13 Del 1m gd 1:44b Kevholf 1 OQ P f 3 by Flares— Keyway, by Pompey. •xc/,,u,c I tT7 Breeder, Walter J. Thomson Co., Ltd. 1951 . 5 0 3 0 ,500 Owner, M. S. Goldnamer. Trainer, J. H. C. Forbes. ,500 1950 11 1 1 2 ,300 Jun 8-512Del 1and 1:48%ga 33 108 11 11 1h 22 CafllaM3 3500 67 BurngRayl 16 KgWatchl 21 Thermion 7 Jun 1-517Del 1b 1:48 ft 9 108*42 22 12 2n BarlloLio 3500 76 SirCross121 GameFlower113 HotFted 11 May25-51*Pim 11:47% 53 103 32 45 68 65 FortneTB 3500 59 KouliKhn111 Boulevrdier111 DVkNed 8 May16-514Pim 5f1:08%ft 5 109 2 2« 22 22 ShukN 4000 71 Kee Dee 107 BrtBones109 HerReward 10 May 2-511 Bow 3-41:14%ft 63 111 44 531 67 6* LaytonJR 3500 75 KingWatch116 LastBrade117 BloGap 12 Aug15-502Atl 3-41:12%ft 2 *116 87 75 74 65 GilbertJio 4500 79 Grayling109 JstaTigerl 17 SpdyHarp 12 Aug7-50iMth 3-41:13%ft 3*116 74 54 68 67 DownsW4 5000 72 TexasRerd106 EfalPop118 KgOkapi 11 June 21 Del 5-8 ft 1:02%b June 14 Del 3-8 sy :40b May 31 Del 3-8 ft :364b Pnnvprt* 1 A*7 Br. f. 3, by Unbreakable— Evangelist II., by Asterus. -0■,T«r, IU/ Breeder, Elmendorf Farm. 1951 . 7 1 0 2 ,150 Owner, Happy Hill Farm Trainer, T. Rodrock. ,500 1950 12 0 1 1 ,225 Jun 8-514Del 1,1:49 gd 81 111*7 83 75 720 GardrDS 3500 51 DougTurnesa114 Recluse109 SheWolf 8 Jun 1-517Del 1 A 1:48 ft 3 *114* 34 12 22 5* GardnrD3 3500 70 SirCross121 Keyhole108 GameFlowerll May23-512G.S 1-701:45%go 11 105*21 12 14 33 GardrD4 3500 79 Scapulasl 14 B*ningRay114 FlugSam 8 May18-517G.S 1-701:44Vsft 9 107* 88 6"61* 621 GardnerDS 4000 67 SmyJcpo114 ldlePtr117 RisgTmr 9 May 8-51 2G.S 1-70 1:45%ft 53 105* 2 12 12 14 GardnVD7 3000 82 ScotchSour110 Gi!Kriegel117 Cftion 10 May 3-512G.S 3-4 1:13%ft 53 106* 4 3 33 33 32J GardrD* 3500 78 Scapulas 110 Flax 110 Dividend Payer 12 Apr26-515G.S 3 4 1:13%ft 45 107 44 45 Zand 68 HsmanL2 8000 72 Wsk-0ff114 GingrBts113 WinMyWy 9 June 23 Del 3-8 sy :374b May 30 Del 3-8 gd :36%b May 1 GS 5-8 ft 1:02%b Jambon jumuun Bones uonei M m 1 I UO 01 Br- fJ 3- by Mr Bones-Chevalet, by Quatre Bras II. Breeder. G. Thorn 1951 3 0 0 1 50 Owner, G. Thorn. Trainer. R. Douglas. ,500 1950.8 0 0 0 May21-518Pim 1£ 1:49%ft 7 108 P 883 917102* DAugoJH 2500 39 Thrifty-Pat112 BayCrk114 InnKeeper 12 May7-51iPim 3-4 1:15%ft 25 121 74 53157 35 RobonJS Mdn 62 Billie121 KeepBusy121 DorothysMiss 11 Apr17-5HLrl 3-4 1:15V5ft 93 109 8519531082 7* RobonJ 3000 65 LovableLady111 KarenS.111 Confect n 12 Sep25-503Atl 3-4 1:14%go 91 113 7? 613 59 783 StidmGS 3500 66 BubsC.116 WiseJane117 J nstownGirl 12 Sep15-503Atl 3-4-1:15%m 93 117 9*3 5 5 53 StidmGS 3000 56 Appetite 117 WiseJane 117 ShortHills 10 Aug30-50iAtl 3-41:12%ft 111 117 10111 13101310* FdezAJ Mdn 70 BeauBets 117 Inajiffy 117 JgleWind 12 Aug21-503Atl 3-41:13%ft 34 109 54 55 78 771 FdezAJ 12 3000 72 SugarAlley117 PceDog112 MrJ.Fred 12 Aug14-503Atl 3-4 1:13"»ft 139 117 641853 7 87 StrgeBi Mdn 73 NinaRose117 NeverBetter117 Inajiffy 12 I June 16 Del 5-8 ft 1:04b May 19 Pim 3-4 ft 1:18b April 7 Pim 5-8 ft 1:034h B »» 3 b» Good G«ds-P«rliob«, by Percentage. I GaoA Vnllev 1 ftA ■ 3000 Y Oliey | UO Breeder, J. S. McGinnis. 1951 8 1 0 2 ,825 5 Owner. P E. Carter. Trainer, J. Penrod. ,500 1950 9 2 1 1 ,175 5 Jun16-51-Del 3-4 1:12Vfeft 4 108 V 64 5« 6? FortuneT 3000 79 Rebornl 11 MomsChoice106 BrdCross 11 I Jun 1-51?Del 1and 1:48 ft 5J 118 1J 5J 8131024 RegutoJ4 3000 52 SirCrossI 21 Keyhole108 GameFloweMI 1 May22-512Pim 5i f 1:08%ft 7-5 *119 32 3J 2« 3J GivensCi 3500 71 Landom 111 Recluse 111 Soundings 12 2 May 1-51 2Bow 3-4 fcMttft 6-5 *115 1* 1J 12 12J GivensC2 3500 78 Sabbatical 115 Fruition 105 GrayBit 12 2 Apr20-512Bow 3-4 1:14%ft 31*116 2* 13 15 34 SnelgsA2 3500 77 Eland 116 Luckyl_ady111 KingWatch 12 2 Apr13-51*Lrl 3-41:14 m 35 109J 5J 64J 3*J 461 LaneW7 5000 71 SealRequest114 CharS.V.111 Penaway 10 2 Apr 5-515LH 3-4 1:14Vbft % 105$ 2* 2b 33 5" LaneW3 4000 65 Dependable111 Suptela111 BullHyde 12 2 Mar31-512|_rl 3-41:14%m 10 116 l»| T 8 113 McLeanP2 5000 62 Cardev 116 Penaway 111 QuizMe 12 2 May 29 Del 1m sy 1:45%b May 21 Pim 3-8 ft :37b May 19 Pirn 5-8 ft 1:02%h ! V.er 111 B. g, 3, by Lovely Night— Buzcuzn. by Port au Prince. m*c I I I Breeder, J. A. Bell, Jr. 1951 10 0 2 0 ,100 0 Owner, Mrs. M. Robinson. Trainer, R. Nixon. ,000 1950 13 1 1 2 ,625 5 Jun18-518Del 1,1s1:47%ft 51 114 33 58£ 72 712 StrngeB2 2500 66 LucyBelle107 Thermion113 BonedUp 8 8 Jun15-51Del 3-41:12 ft 18 113 65 74 84 I" Hsmanl_2 4000 70 Individte119 MakeSway105 Supprsor 9 9 May22-51G.S 3-41:12%ft 2*115 67 68 810 8 StrgeB 3000 77 Kalluki120 PaddockGold109 StarSpot 12 2 May 5-512G.S 3-41:12%ft 4 109 35 35 22 221 BlmetisSS 3500 83 Levity 109 BuddieSweep 113 OnGuard 12 2 May 1-51 5G.S 3-41:12%ft 8 110 9? 5? 4* 46 FedezFi 3500 79 Kelora 108 NeverBetter 108 Levity 12 2 Apr11-51Lrl 3-41:14%gd 3J 116 5*J 32J 23 21 Hanfordl7 3000 73 FrnkyBoy122 Thrifty-Pat1 11 KarenS. 12 2 Mar12-512G.P 7-81:25Vsft 22 110 33 4* 46 64 CookWM* 3500 75 ChceCloudl 17 Bashaw114 DasPsive 10 „ 1 Feb20-51 5Hia 11-81:52%ft 85 111 42 60 97102i CookWM 4000 55 Dollargoft112 GrdDemd112 WildTip 11 1 June 5 Del 5-8 sy 1:04b May 31 Del 1-2 ft :51%b May 19 GS 1-2 ft :53b P/mioJi Ma 11/1 B. c. 3, by Rough Pass— Jes Lov Me. by Duel. rvuugn rvie I I ** Breeder, Mrs. M. R. Lewis. 1951 5 0 10 00 0 Owner, Mrs. M. R. Lewis. Trainer, J. Y. Christmas. ,500 1950 6 10 0 ,425 5 Jun19-514Del 3-41:12%ft 6 113 93; 83| 751 8* ServisJ4 3500 79 DWture106 PkGoldl 10 BatseaBox 14 7. Jun 5-51 2Del 3-41:14%m 19 119 8? 7*168 4? SnelgsA3 5000 67 MahHvensW KingWh124 PetesVil 13 j May25-514Pim 3-4 1:12Vfeft 10 116 73 7*3 6" 6 MoraH7 6000 75 AlaMwlee122 SilvrFIh112 Depdable 8 May17-516Pim 5Jf1:06%ft 35 112 6? 74 74 64 Lay ton J R2 Alw 74 Tenure 108 Fiddler 119 Trimship 7 7 / May 9-517Pim 5i f 1 :09 ft 11 118 43£ 3 2J 2 ClaggettHS Alw 70 Orb 117 Boned Up 113 Rejection Slip 11 1 Nov21-505Bow 1-701:50%m 7J 118 48 615 5» 612 ShukN5 Alw 50 Mystic 115 BayCreek 118 AlaMowlee 12 % Nov 8-503Pim 3-41:13 ft 8J 110 55 48£ 35 45 ShukN" 7000 75 TheSpaniel 116 Mr.A.B.119 RorMtis 12 Oct27-502Lrl 3-41:13%ft 13 120 I] 12 13 14 ShukN5 5000 78 Miriam sBoy 120 Alertness 110 Rapt 12 * June 18 Del 1-2 ft :50b June 9 Del 3-4 si 1:1545h May 24 Pim 3-8 m :40%b I North Ml 111 B. g, 3, by Head Play-Hasty Nancy, by Action. J. norm nnj | I I Breeder, J. N. Fletcher. 1951 3 0 0 0 1 Owner, Rappahannock Farm. Trainer, T. Rodrock. ,000 1950 17 0 1 1 ,400 U Jun22-516Del 11:46 ft 20 120 55 54 54 520 NashRi Mdn 66 GoldenFurg120 FoxRun120 Sandhurst 6 0 Jun15-512Del 11:47Vfeft 93 111* 75J 8" 74 721 GardrD5 Mdn 59 FourShoes116 GoldenFurg116 FxRun 3 3 May15-513G.S 3-41:13 ft 6Je 113*10151016 7" 75* GardnrD5 Mdn 76 Unification118 Sandhurst118 HattieR. 12 2 Nov 1-50 G.S 1-701:44 ft 18 118 32 4« 4" 4» HsmanLi Mdn 80 lrishGame118 KingOki 118 NewWder 9 g Oct25-503G.S 1and1:47Vfegd 24 108 7518 5" 22 HsmanL? 4500 68 GingerBoots112 Girder106 Intermitnt 12 2 Oct17-50G.S 1-70 1:45%ft 7 115 85| V 44 45J LdbgH" 3500 75Col.Marcs115 BtsHavn112 CnisMjr 12 2 Sep22-505Nar 3-41:13%ft 40 100*94 75 75 74 CatanoA* 4000 73 EarlyTfic117 NitroDugan110 Rhubrb 12 2 Sep16-502Nar 3-41:14 ft 12 100*1241117100 98 CataloAio 4000 69 QuizMe 112 PluckyStar 113 Dinghy 12 2 June 20 Del 3-4 ft 1:14%h June 12 Del 1-2 gd :48%b June 11 Del 3-8 sy :37%b C|AA«. Crrsce 1A7 Ch. g, 3, by Charing Cross— New Flame, by Pilate. rieer V.roS5 IU/ Breeder, R. R. McClarin. 1951 . 2 0 0 0 I Owner, R. R. McClarin. Trainer, G. C. Smith. ,500 1950 8 1 1 0 ,125 1 May22-51Pim 5if1:084/5ft 8 116 * 21 23 75J SandrsEio 3500 66 Polyphony113 FennyPrs112 PtBent 12 May 9-512Pim 5i f 1 :07%ft 13 118 1| 35J 83107 SandersES Alw 61 SkyWorld 122 Penocc 122 Shrewd 12 7 Nov 1-504LH 3-41:13%ft 71 110 13 3"" 55J 68j BoneF 6500 71 SirRidwl 113 TheSpnl 114 l.ofPeace 12 , % Oct 2-503Bow 3-41:14%ft 3 116 421 78|1041016 GrifithN2 5000 62 RigorMtis116 ColnEgret105 WellWll 12 ■ Sep18-502Atl 3-41:13%ft 71 116 1 1i 1h 22£ CulmneJ7 5000 77 Justlike112 Intermittent112 VoloSng 11 i, Sep 8-502Atl 3-41:12%ft 23 112 12 V 12 14 CulmeJS 3500 83 MissVan109 WantABeau106 JustAbbe 12 f. Aug11-503Atl 3-41:11%ft 26 108 1 V 3i 8« CulmeJ? 5500 83 Adelantado106 Liveletlive109 Hooked 10 ■ Jly 27-501 Mth 5| f 1 :071/sf t 72 115 32J M r 42J 623 MartinRJ8 5000 79 EternalPop118 MrJ.Fred115 ElPacho 12 June 20 Del 1-2 ft :49b June 7 Del 5-8 gd 1:02h June 2 Del 3-8 ft :36%b 0,,f 1 AO B. f, 3, by Peace Chance— War Bob, by On Watch. ur "J Breeder, J. P. Jones. 1951 .2000 Owner, J. P. Jones. Trainer, J. P Jones. ,500 1950 6 10 0 ,650 a May 9-51 ?Pim 5i f 1 :09 ft 45 113 65» 62J 5* l»1 SistoR* Alw600rb117 RoughMe118 BonedUp11 ! Apr17-51Lrl 3-41:151/sft 91 107 731 521 64i 84 CatanoA? 3000 64 LovableLady111 KarenS.111 Confectn 12 2 Oct 6-501G.S 3-4 1:12%ft 9J 111 851 71111221123 SistoRH 325061 Cub 112 Sugar Alley 117 Gaby H. 12 2 Sep15-503Nar 3-41:13Vfeft 7 112 3J 43 65 7" SistoR3 3500 70 Rhubarb 105 Telecast 105 MissEmileo 12 2 Sep 2-502Nar 3-41:13%ft 4i 112 64i 94| 910 917 SistoRi 400061 HresaDm110 FcsEst111 MsEmileoll j Jly24-50Uam 5J f 1 :06 ft 7J 112 32 74 83 88 SistoRi 5000 80 Fiorentina 112 GoodCry112 Keyhole 11 II Jun15-502Del 5Jf1:09V%sl 4J 117 t] 1h || 12 J SistoRi 5000 72 WellWorthlt117 Cutlet117 WarGarb 10 || June 22 Del 1-2 gd :49b June 16 Del 1-2 ft :50b June 13 Del 1-2 gd :50%b Rnmrl lim 1 HQ B- c 3, by Buster— Keen Crispie, by Keen Boy. ivapia Jim | y© Breeder, L. E. Vanier. 1950 4 1 0 0 50 0 Owner, Mrs. L. E. Vanier. Trainer, H. L. Vanier. ,500 Sep27-503Beu 3-41:13%ft 61 118 105J108J 87| 76J BoneFS Alw 73 MadamJeep115 HalJay118 EdMan 10 i0 Aug29-504Ran 5i f 1 :07 ft 61 113* 54 22 4446 FortuneTl 2500 75 BusyFmer118 BullHyde115 RusllCave 8 8 Aug17-504Ran 5Jf1:07%ft 63 106*84 55 1h 13J ForteTi 1250 78 Sag nGee 108 Chirrup 115 Violences 12 Jly28-50Ran 5-81:004/sft 55 118 11»312« 8? 812 SmithsRO Mdn 69 Scotia118 JyGibbons118 BenPardned 12 12 June 1 Del 1-2 ft :51%b Kinnc Lnnp hA 1 OQ B- f 3- bv Alaking— Blossom Lane, by Bull Dog. lmg* uune iv v Breeder, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nelson. 1951 10 0 1 2 75 5 Owner, E. M. OHerron. Trainer, A. A. Robertson. ,500 1950 7 0 0 0 00 10 Jun18-51Del 3-41:124/5ft 22 115 1 43J 35 5» GozMN* Mdn 74 HattieR. 110 Warup 120 Shillyshally 12 2 Jun 7-514Del 3-4 1:tMMt 106 112 74 712 718 721 GozMN7 Alw 72 NihrnStar117 RomanFr117 QzSong 7 7 May24-515Pim 5 f 1 :07%gd 87 112 65 713 713 715 GozMN3 Alw 63 Sea Fan 115 Quiz Song 115 Orb 7 7 May16-513Pim 5J f 1 :08%ft 14 112 623 53i 33 31 GonzMN5 4500 72 Vinnie 118 Fen mouse 109 PokerClub 9 9 May11-513Pim 5i f 1 :09 gd 11 117 7« 74 78 104 RobonJi Mdn 61 MelvinR. 122 KeepBusy 117 JoeCream 12 ? Apr 6-515G.P 3-41:13 ft 8e 107 1i 3£ 74108 CookWM 3500 72 FlygCircle113 Tangnt115 LstBrigde 12 2 Mar28-512G.P 3-41:12%ft 21*107 13 |1f 1h 24 CookWM2 3000 79 Talltown107 GameFIwr104 Shattered 12 2 Mar20-512G.P 3-41:11%ft 81 109 2J 321 3« 5" RobertsP4- 4000 76 WaveAgn109 lnReadis117 Referenm 12 2 June 22 Del 3-8 gd :39b June 17 Del 3-8 ft :36%h May 30 Del 3-8 gd :36%b f i-iuiiiuii Innfnn 117 Br 9 3, by Llanero— Braxton, by Flight of Time. 11/ Breeder, A. Bonuomo. 1951.4 1 0 0 ,650 50 Owner, A. Bonuomo. Trainer, E. DeCamillis. ,500 1950 2 0 0 0 . Jun22-514Del 3-41:12%ft 38f 122 41 2h 2h fh DelVioJH 3500 83 MakeSw"y117 Hyplay117 BterseaBox 14 14 Jun 5-51 Del 3-4 1:14%m 24 114 85| 6i 62 613 BauerR 4500 62 PsychicDrm111 BullHe114 DgTnesa 10 10 May26-51«Pim 3-41:11 ft 147 111 32 64 |M 623 BauerRi Alw 67 SenatorJce122 RareKnave105 Tenure 6 6 May12-515Pim 5Jf1:08%ft 29 114 6H 781 73 720 BauerR4 Alw 53 Midyear118 JustAbbe114 StolnBallad 7 7 Oct31-503Lrl 3-41:134/5ft 243 107* 64 74 83 93 SchvoA2 Alw 65 Moflame114 WveAgain111 Depndble 12 1 2 Oct25-503Lrl 3-41:14V%go 61 120 33 54 82 922 BauerRS Mdn 54 SlamShut 115 MullyS. 120 SkyBlue 12 12 May 10 Pim 3-8 ft :38b April 30 Pim 3-8 m :36%h April 26 Pim 5-8 ft 1:06%h PptVc Vinil KA - 111 Blk- 9, 3, by Wise Pete— Watch Sucky, by On Watch. 1 cic » viyii viyi; mi Breeder, Estate of P. H. Faulconer. 1951 5 0 0 1 50 ■ Owner, Mrs. H. S. Clark. Trainer, H. S. Clark. ,000 Jun22-514Del 3-41:12%ft 11 122 74 84 7*| 74 BauerRS 3500 78 Llanton 122 MakeSway 117 Hyperplay 14 14 Jun18-5TDel 3-41:12%ft 21 120 621 53J 45 47 BauerR4 Mdn 76 HattieR. 110 Warup 120 Shillyshally 12 12 Jun13-51Del 3-41:13%gd 4 116 74 763 68 712 BauerR2 6500 66 Sanctuary116 Turnpike109 SthTribe 8 8 Jun 5-512Del 3-41:14%m 10 114 62 2h 3« 3* BauerR2 4500 68 MahHvens117 KingWch124 RghMe 13 13 May22-51Pim 5Jf1:08%ft 21 *116 104 9«3 751 633 BauerR4 3500 68 Polyphony113 FennyPrs112 PtBent 12 12 June 2 Del 5-8 ft 1:02%b May 30 Del 3-4 gd 1:16b May 28 Del 1-2 gd :52b Kina Watch TTUiv.ii 1 ?fl B- c 3 b Alaking-The Watch, by Epithet. •xmy | z3 Breeder, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Nelson. 1951 11 2 5 1 ,875 5 Owner, J. Nechamkin. Trainer, J. Nechamkin. ,500 1950 14 2 2 0 825 5 Jun15-514Del 3-41:12%ft 3*118 43 23 24 23J BauerRS 4500 81 MerrySizzle118 Shrewd121 JustAbbe 8 8 Jun 8-51 2 Del 1,V1:49%gd 21*121 3 2 31 323 BauerR2 4000 66 BurningRay116 Keyhole108 Thermion 7 7 Jun 5-512Del 3-41:14%m 7J 124 74 63122 24 ShukN" 5000 72 MahHvens117 PetesVil 114 RghMe 13 13 May24-517Pim 11:48%gd 5i 122 9 V 1 22 Bau.erR7 5000 67 In orElse115 Giachino115 BlkCanasta 8 8 May16-517Pim 1A1:48%ft 3i 122 H 12 || 22 BauerRS 4000 68 In or Else 113 Digit 116 Bald Hill Boy 10 ? May10-517pim 1Ve 1:481/5ft 16 111 2h 12 12 14 BauerR4 4000 71 Penaway 109 Digit 112 BakersWood 11 May2-51Bow 3-4 1:14Vfeft 53 116 10? 84 42J 1 BauerR* 3500 81 LastBrade117 BaloGap111 FkyBoy 12 12 June 23 Del 3-8 sy :38%b June 14 Del 1-2 sy :50%b June 2 Del 5-8 ft 1:06%b MnrnnrPt M* A JC 1 AQ Ch. f, 3, by Swing and Sway— Chalotaur. by Minotaur. mur9grei vmy I " Breeder, H. L. Straus. 1951 5 0 0 0 U — • Owner, J. A. McKenna. Trainer, J. A. McKenna. ,500 Jun 1-51 7 Del 11:48 ft 123 113 55 10* 96 922 BoneF? 3500 54 SirCrossI 21 Keyhole108 GameFlower11 May21-5l4Pim 5i f 1:09 ft 125 118 743 91211 16H 17 ciarkWO Mdn 54 EllenDeas118 MsC.O.D.118 Fenmouse 11 H May16-514Pim 5£f1:08%ft 75 115 8? V 8 9" ClagtHS 5000 62 KeeDee 107 Keyhole 109 BrightBones 10 10 May 7-51 4Pim 5if1K8%ft 77 121 12*122112221229 MitchIB7 Mdn 43 Orb 121 Nutmeg 121 Sun Goddess 12 12 Apr12-512Lrl 3-4 1:151/5sy 108 117 101212«12231225 HolndR4 Mdn 46 Astralis 117 Penocc 122 Indicated 12 2 May 4 Pim 1-2 m :53%h April 30 Pim 3-8 m :38%b April 28 Pim 1-2 ft :51hg Soundinas 1 07 Blk- 9, 3, by Depth Charge— Holua, by Phalaros. juunuing* I U/ Breeder. King Ranch. 1951. 10 1 1 1 ,250 « Owner, E. S. Sutliff. Trainer, G. C. Smith. ,000 1950 15 0 1 3 ,425 !5 Jun19-514Del 3-41:12**ft 44 110* 2h 3J 24 423 BarlloLi2 3000 80 DkVture106 PkGold110 BatseaBox 14 4 Jun 5-512Del 3-41:14%m 33 117 43 98J1 1191223 MitchIB* 4000 51 MahHvens117 KingWh124 PetesVil 13 1 3 May22-512Pim 5if108%ft 7J 119 74 63| 32J 44 CulmeJ4 3500 69 Landom 111 Recluse 111 GoodValley 12 I2 May18-515G.S 3-41:13%ft 11 115 83 653 67 643 SandersE2 3500 75 Wondermentl 17 DarkVenturel 15 Flax 9 9 Apr28-514Bow 3-41:14%ft 8 122 2i 43 623 541 SandersS* 5000 74 CryMeBack110 BullHyde110 Sabtical 10 0 Apr25-513Bow 1 1:51V%ft 51 113 1 1J 34J Pi MartinRJ5 4000 57 BlkCanastal 15 FornStarl 11 BigCch 7 7 Apr13-514Lrl 3-41:14 m 5i 119 613 543 7" 910 MartinRja 5000 67 SealRequest114 CharS.V.111 Penaway 10 0 Apr 9-514LH 3-4 1:13%ft 11 116 33 21 t| 24 MtinRJio 4500 76 Penaway 116 Dependable 114 KeeDee 12 2 June 15 Del 5-8 gd 1:04b June 9 Del 1-2 si :49b June 2 Del 3-8 ft :36%b

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1951062501/drf1951062501_30_1
Local Identifier: drf1951062501_30_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800