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T.M. Ferguson TURF COMMISSIONER I Offer Genuine Inside Information Devoid of Camouflage and Deception. I Never Misrepresent PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE W TWO HORSES DAILY AND NOTHING ELSE - ONT-OF-TOWN CLIENTS, NOTICE! NOTICE! SPECIAL DEPARTMENT ASSIGNED TO HANDLE OUT-OF-TOWN SUBSCRIPTIONS EXCLUSIVELY-COURTEOUS SERVICE TO ALL SATURDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: PRINCE POMPEY, 3.10, WON TECHNIQUE, $ 9.98, WON FRIDAYS STRICTLY TWO HORSES: WESTMAIN, 1.34, WON HAGGERSON, Ran Second MY SERVICE IS FOR THE PLAYER ALWAYS SUBSCRIBE TODAY AND LEARN THE MEANING OF PLAYING LEGITIMATE TURF INFORMATION NO GUESSWORK WrTWO BIG-PRICED WINNERS MONDAY DO NOT MISS THIS BIG PARLAY AT WASHINGTON PARK SUBSCRIBE TODAY GET THESE TWO PROBABLE WINNERS SUBSCRIBE Mondays two horses arc the medium of two big wagering transactions. No mistakes will be made. My associates have, overcome all obstacles. Regardless of whether you are a small or big player, you are advised to go the- limit Monday win only. Subscribe today. Get this big limit probable win parlay. ? W SUBSCRIBE TO THIS WINNING SERVICE - FOUR REASONS WHY T. M. FERGUSON IS THE OUTSTANDING AND FOREMOST TURF ADVISER AND COMMISSIONER FOR THE PAST TWO YEARS: "IHigh Percentage of Win Parlays Released. --My record for the past two years positively shows a high percentage of win parlays. My certified books will prove this statement. 2- Honest and Truthful Advertising. " Each and every one of my subscribers receives the same two horses. No favorites. No public choices. No consensus horses. 3- Prompt Service to Everybody. Prompt service to all out-of-town, as well as city clients. Out-of-town clients receive the two horses, by fast telegrams after their subscription is received. City clients receive the two horses as soon as they call. , 4- All Business in Strict Confidence. Under no circumstances will I violate the confidence placed in me by my clients. All business is transacted in strict confidence. I do not trade your name to any other concern in this line of business. SWT" This Concern Is Absolutely 100 Per Cent for the Player "p V" THE RACING GAME CAN BE BEATEN Out-of-town clients, remit via Western Union or Postal Telegraph for six days service. Two horses a day. Same as advertised. OFFICE OPEN FROM 9 A. M. TO 5 P. M. T. M. FERGUSON, 1472 Broadway, Room 717, New York, N. Y. JWk- Americas Authority on Racing IRdH T LI THE TURFS NEWEST AND BEST MONTHLY 144 1 U 3 MAGAZINE TIAS F AT ALL NEWSSTANDS pF ONE MONTHS CODE SERVICE FREE WITH EVERY COPY OF POST TIME FREE FREE 9 FREE CODES CODES CODES WINNERS! .. For 25 cents you can buy POST TIME, the turfs smartest magazine, weir worth twice or three times the price. In POST TIME, you receive free, the codes for the current month. Three red hot codes weekly are yours FOR. NOTHING, codes that are advertised in all leading daily racing publications. BUY POST TIME TODAY AND RECEIVE POST TIME FREE CODES FOR ONE MONTH ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO . POST TIME 421 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO, DLL. f DO YOU KNOW A FALSE FAVORITE? f I OR AN OVERLAY? a If You Dont, You Can Find Out How to Tell a False Favorite and an Overlaid -5 Horse by Spending the Small Sum of , the Price of SYSTOLOGY I i WHICH WILL GIVE YOU THE TRUE FAVORITE IN A e EVERY RACE ? I YOU CAN BEAT THE RACES, DESPITE WHAT THEY ALL SAY Progression Will Beat Anything, and Systology Gives You Progression I 9 Methods of Betting J Eight Complete Systems for f a Nothing More to Buy The Greatest Book of Its Kind Ever 5 1. Published 1 I I ORDER A COPY TODAY YOU CANT LOSE MUCH, BUT YOU CAN JL and GAIN A THOUSANDFOLD 5 J USE THIS COUPON f PLYMOUTH SUPPLY CO., DEPT. G. G. 1 443 Plymouth Ct, Chicago, 111.: 1 Please send me one copy of SYSTOLOGY. Enclosed find . I 9 NAME ? I ADDRESS ............ J J CITY .1, STATE mm ... Inl mammmmmmTTmmmmmmmmmm!n Saturdays Parlay Withdrawn THE OR1G I NAIPARLAY KriMGj , . last minute . j WSdsf00BffSl "Field followers are aUvayp protected-4 I vW M flifl al Wk ill aI1 Saturday subscribers receive Monday! fl Wi W aXj B ffl M 19 911 Par,ay absolutely free ! ! ! 11 SB wSi 2 xB all Fridays Parlay: f. B mwj reW m I - m ml burning up, .60, won li f i i ii n f t WON JAKOVIA, .00, Thursdays Parlay: Wednesdays Parlay: , PRINCE HEATHER, .60, WON RIDGE M0R, 0.64, WON I PASS, 1.40, WON GLITTERING, $ 9.66, WON SPPAnother "Banner Week" for "Field Followers" Same Old Story Start With Me Monday and Stick for the Entire Week All You Nee4 Is a Bookie -Who "Can Take It." We Certainly Are "Dishing It Out" SPECIAL NOTICE! My DETROIT connections who have been "KNOCKING THEM DEAD" since that meeting opened, are "SHOOTING" with two SPECIAL LIMIT WIN NERS MONDAY URGE YOU NOT TO MISS EM OR YOULL REGRET IT ! ! W DONT HESITATE! SUBSCRD3E NOW! TERMS, DAILY! m City clients, call in person or phone FRANKLIN 3134 for messenger service alfc solutely no charge. Out-of-town clients, wire via Postal Telegraph or Western Union. Service wired by fast telegram. No delay! JACK FIELD, 35 South Dearborn St. Room 703, Chicago, HI. . D-TRAINER,OWNER and.TURF PUBUSHER T TURF TSF?NEWS YT ff d H SEAM - WEEI4LV H H NEW ISSUE OUT EVERY SAT.ancf WED. On Sale at All Newsstands Everywhere Price, Each Issue GOOD FOR THREE DAYS, WHICH STANDS YOU 33 1-3 CENTS A DAY FREE CODE INFORMATION; APPEARS DAILY IN RACING FORM 35 COURT ST. SUITE 551, ANDREWS BLDG. PHONE CLEVELAND 2068 BUFFALO, N. M INAUGURATION OF DAN MORGANS TURF NEWS, INC. MONDAYS FREE CODE INFO: WASH. 22-20-18-Your. RO C K. 24-8-5-Right. BELMONT 6-18-17-owiU LATONIA 11-13-5-Give. DETROIT 17-9-20-Your. Dally last-minute info service wired to out-of-town clients by 12 noon daily. City clients, call. Terms for This Service Weekly, Daily Subscribe today. 55 for six days info. On days that my connection is not wagering or operating thai day will not count against your subscription. You must receive six days info for your . RECENT LAST-MINUTE INFO: HIGH IMAGE, 7.50, Won ZEMBLA, $ 7.10, Won HIGHEST POINT, $ 9.00, Woh IDLE ALONG, $ 7.00, Won SPEEDM0RE, 1.40, Won SUNSPEAR, 5.10, Woi My info filed in advance with Racing Form by 1 p. m. daily. Out-of-town clients, telegraph money via Western Union or Postal Telegraph. City clients, call or phone CLEVELAND 3934 and messenger wUi deliver service prepaid. IX Iff If i IV TV DIRECT STABLE INFORMATION Two Horses a Day In Code Form PAYS FOR SIX DAYS SERVICE BILLY KELLYS RELEASES FOR MONDAY: LATONIA E-16-4-7-24. WASHINGTON PARK A-1 -4-7-11.. WILLIAM BURKE KELLY 731 PLYMOUTH COURT CHICAGO. ILL. I MAILED FREE!7PWJn RACE RATINGS WT9mPjSm RESULT SAMPLES HtfSJIi PJPPBPJWriKACE RATINGS KjUjJALifijll 805 E. Main St. BtimttHmB Lexington, Ky. GEORGE LAWTON Established 1906 HANDICAPPED SELECTIONS FOR MAJOR TRACKS Subscription price: .50 per week; .10 for special delivery. Send for our free annual analysis. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTES! GEORGE LAWTON 332 South LaSalle Street Chicago I A NEW- WINNING METHOD I Accountants amazing discovery . . . Eliminates weights, performances, etc ... A simple and sensible plan. Steady Income Small Investment Just What the two dollar better needs ... ProoF based on actual results . . . Dont delay . . . Start now. COMPLETE DETAILS .00 Accounting Systems - P O Box 347 - Aurora, I1L CLOCKERS REVIEW FOR SALE AT ALL NEWSSTANDS 35c PER COPY 26 Years of Successful Service NEW ISSUE OUT MONDAYS DURANTE PARLAY: ROCK Ford-23-12. ROCK. Nash-14-3. pays for six days Edward Tipton Durante Code Card. A service that earns over 00 weekly. CLOCKERS REVIEW 41 Union Square, W. Suite 1011, New York City LIVE WIRE TURF WEEKLY Sold on All Newsstands Price, 15 Cents MONDAYS CODE PARLAY: ROCK. Peerless-75-85. ROCK. Marmon-81-67. Pays for Parlay Code Card for Six Days. Mondays Rockingham dockers: ROCK. Red-224-264. pays for Rockingham Code Card for balance of Rockingham meeting. Mondays ,000 Free Code: ROCK. Trump-42-14. I WIN 0 PER WEEK FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE If you play the race we will put you next to a little trainers secret that should RIaca you above want aa long at you live, o obligation. Just send your name and address to I SECOR PUB.. CO, AURORA, ILL 1 1 Free Phone ResuIts Calf Wab. 700ot 24-PAGE TURF WEEKLY ALL STANDS, 35c Office Open All Day Sunday NEW ISSUE STARTS TODAY Go get a copy 24 pages of real information that will help you beat your layer daily. All tracks covered by our expert staff. Get yourself a real turf weekly. MONDAYS 00 FREE CODE: R OC KI N G HAM Mar,-1 5-9-1 0-1 0. For cipher code, see page 3, Supreme Flash Turl Weekly. - LAST MONDAYS 00 FREE CODE: TORITA, .90, WON PREVIOUS MONDAYS 00 FREE CODE: FRED ALMY, 0.00, WON So, by all means, do not miss the above Monday 00 Free Code. 4 Straight Daily Number Free Codes GOING GREAT GUNS SATURDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE: SWASHBUCKLER, .70, WON FRIDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE: RUNAMUCK, . .60, WON THURSDAYS NUMBER FREE-CODE: SIS AGNES, .40, WON , "WEDNESDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE: ST. OMER, .60, WON m MONDAYS NUMBER FREE CODE: "m 17-9-21-18-21-9-5-19-13. - See-page 3 for cipher code. . . Join our army of daily Number Free Code followers; Play our -Daily Number horse. It is yours for tft asking. See page 2, Supreme Flash Turf Weekly for. this winning information. MONDAYS TRACKMENS PARLAY: j WASHINGTON Red-4-5. DETROIT Pink-15-11. GOLD SEAL 1-2-3 SYSTEM PLAYS WINNING DAILY PLAY THESE GOLD SEAL HORSES MONDAY AND WIN ALL YOU WANT PLAY: PLAY: S3 PLAY: No. 505 No. 125 No. 632 Havent you found out yet how GOLD SEAL SYSTEM WINNERS get these horses? They win, dont they? Otherwise you wouldnt know that Gold Seal people have won a big average per player. They just go get the GOLD SEAL NUMBER CODE CARD. Thats all they have to do. They pay only FOR SIX DAYS PLAYS Every day there are three plays published in our. ad. First play, . straight; second play, 52 straight;" third play, straight. If you want to WIN MONDAY, PLAY THE NUMBERS GIVEN ABOVE by the ovners of the GOLD SEAL SYSTEM that cost Supreme Flash 65,000 at private sale. Then go right now and wire Gold Seal see address below for Gold Seal Number Code Card, good for six days". You get only one wire the first day, then no wires to pay for because Code Card is mailed to you when your is received. No matter where you are or travel, the advertised number horses that you see above can be read in your, racing paper. No deciphering, no letter writing, tfo telegrams, no labor, no trouble, nobody "knows your, business except yourself. Mondays Horses Will Be 12-1, 8-f and 5-1 Delay is just wasted money and time. Monday want to win, and will get. your wish. New Gold Seal Code Card Starts Today ? Send that now and win the whole week loni,-Also buy a copy of Supreme Flash, the only tun weekly of success in America; 24 pages full f winnings. J8 OFFICE OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY GOLD SEAL SYSTEM PLAYS CARE OF SUPREME FLASH , 799 Broadway, Suite 407 New York Clfy "If You Havent Supreme Flash, You Have Ntf Racing Weekly" , ADVERTISE IN DAILY RACING FORM