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HI] 665 j 10 1 8 8 8 8 1 11 11 9 9 » 9 9 11 11 1 995 995 175 30 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 265 per 450 150 12 11 12 iP 12 12 12 12 12 YQ 10 9 9 8 8 19a 198 •85 - 9 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 1? 12 " 12 ™ 25 25 25 11 10 10 12 12 12 2 12 11 1 I 12 2 12 0 12 2 12 i" 12 2 50 50 - 12 2r 12 12 2 11 ! 11 1 8 8 ~ - , f 12 2 , , 1 9 1 BAY MEADOWS ENTRIES Weather cloudy; track muddy. T ■ " ■ ~ ■ ■ ■ ■ t For Bay Meadows Telephone Codes | use Post Position number shown im- mediately before the names of all the horses appearing in the entries. I i ■ 1 Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 5:00 ] P- m-- First Race— 3-4 Mile Out of Chute. Purse 00. 4-Year-OIds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: Alviso, Nov. 14, 1936— 1M%— 4— 113. Index Post BestatDistance- Wt. No. Pos. Horse. Track.-Wt. Time. AgcToday - l2*Bonynge Tan 107 1:12% 7 111X ; W££ 5*Company Tan 112 1:12% 5 111X 73410 7 Bonsall A.C 117 1:12% 8 112X I 73459 4*Born Black Tan 111 1:12% 4 111.. 7ffl°,* 1 Alston Lga 107 1:13 4 112.. S L*KeIconard .....B.M 109 1:14% 5 107X I l%°r 2 Qucs Esta M..Tan 115 1:15% 5 107.. 73245 6*Bcrenda S.A 107 1:14 6 103X 72930 8 Jimmio Sweet... Lga 114 1:12 5 112* 9*My Bow ..Lga 118 1:11% 6 107* 73549 lOTighNaGowM.: Lga 111 1:12% 5 112.. ■ 72894 11 Higgins Child M.. • Tan 118 1:16% 5 112... J Second Race— 3-4 Mile Out of Chute. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds. Foaled in California. | Claiming. Track Record; _ Alviso, Nov. 14, 1936— 1-09%— 4— 1H 1 73410 8 BLACK COSTUME ! -B-M. 109 1:14% 113.. t£°J 7WB 1 Phonic B B.M 110 1:13% 110.. , ™£ S*S ,asta P,ucky -Haw 115 1:13% 105.. WTO ?im? Tan 106 1:13% 110.. 72?S ayel •-••-••Tan 108 1:13% 103X . JS I ?yke Shool«...B.M 114 1:14% HO.. ".62496 2 High Grenade... Hoi 109 1:18%-. 108 4 " 3*BekaIa 103 J S in*MUsh ,re M-Ta" 1074% 103:: J 73201 10 Marguerite L. M . * -...Tan 105 1:13% 105.. * ll*Tormonda M . . inc £ 73410 12«Dalfence M ...S.A 108 1:15% wl.. Thrd Race— 4 1-2 Furlongs. j Purse 00. 2-Year-Olds. Claiming. 2 Track Record: 3 o f7350ealfi „ t p TT AprH 19 l938-:53-2-105. 4 4 73503 U", •••;:-B-M"2 :56% 115.. fydc,pCe -tM---B-M 115 :56% 115.. 5 a 7350l HP0.Ua7 #gp»B-MJ09 :57% MO S ostMi1118 :58% m- ? 73503 2"sj::aa.jr* g» i 1 Its Gleaming M.. iio" 7 Elmridge M . . 73412 .8 Massacre M.. B.M 112 :59% m" 10 Wanda Ball M.... JJjJ Fourth Race— 3-4 Mile Out of Chute: Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. . Allowances. « Track Record: /72flfMl n0,-0 U, 1936-l=09%-4-113. SDelme Bank... .Dmr 110 73303 1:11% 7 109X Tan 117 1:12% 4 114X 3 3- 73415* 8 ? ?u?pid,e» Tan 1°8 1=12 5 114X * S 1 1 I**, i SPades--L?a US 1:11 5 U7X -2 73612» ? 5ach;Dinner.Nar 116 1:11% 7 114X 5-? 73727 J?uSTF,auS B.M 108 1:12% 5 117X 6- 0 Trophy. ...B.M 114 1:12% 5 114* 7-2 7— 73615 Q 3 Shasta Racket.. B.M 114 1:13% 5 114.. 8 8- Fifth Race— 3-4 Mile Out of Chute. Ise 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: /i5 No ,14 l936-l:09%-4-113. l 71 1 E S Kumreigh .......S.A 112 1:11% 4 113X tSS 9*n"nny Martln"-B.M 112 1:12% 6 109X 706? 7?,Pc -P™ 114 1:12% 4 108.. 736173 3Sop,Scout.......S.A110 1:10% 6 113X _ «617 4 Wildland B.M 109 1:12% 6 107.. CI Sixth Race— 1 Mile. w Purse 00. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. S Track Record: Pe Nov- 28 1936-1:36-3—116. /-77c/.o,Scabiscuit ™J B.M 112 1:40 5 113* g the IWR LIvcrCIK,cv B.Mllll:49h 6 113X gf his icouo 1 Magnanimous 5 214 ?ISS 7 !ky "P™"- — B.M 109 1:41% 4 113.". race 732528 I4£??m 112 1:8954 JiSa 72894 6 Flying StiVkV.V.V.V." fic 4 inq 73306 9 Chattnan 2 ta: 73619 10*Swect Man. g 113X sU Seventh Race— 1 Mile. na Purse 00. 4-Year-OIds and Upward. Claiming. ail air Track Record: ] „«nmSeabiscuit Nov- 28 1936-1:36-3—116. ise nm? ,S50lst,cr„-Lga 107 1:40% 7 113X Kr 73505 10*Royal Rover. ...B.M 112 1:40% 7 109X "k oksaIa ..-Lga 117 1:40% 7 113X PO ;3549 8-Empress Hills... B.M 106 1:42% 4 108 otl ™ 3*B"lliant Light... Hoi 110 1:40% 6 113® fai il 1 C,0SinS Time.... Lga 118 1:40% 6 113X Po: 73509 2 Phosphorus M . . . . 5114 De •K »£"tter Circle----Lga 111 1:40% 8 114X Pr i own Dmr 105 1:40% 4 104.. ffal •77t 73616 6 Fair Cynthia 8 109X cai Eighth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. £° Purse 00. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. foes Track Record: ! Top Row, Dec. 8, 1934—1:42—3—109 USUI fBeau MeddIerMTan 109 1:46% 4 111.. ?S l!CCidM Tan 105 1:47% 4 116.. see "e" Oodney Pan S-A 113 1=46 6 HI* te? l™» J San Ramon L5a US 1=46% 8 111X JSJJ LSiassa Tan 123 1=47 4 nix 73548 5*Busmess Man.... Lga 117 1:47 9 111X | 73411 l*Bon Ivy... B.M 105 1:47% 4 106.. j 73247 3 Housekeeper S.A 109 1:48% 4 111X I 1*1% 8*0vI°P B.M 106 1:48% 4 111* -r W 9*Native Daughter.Lga 108 1:47% 9 106X rPC ™l JKMariolet Tan 103 1:48% 6 106* 73555 llCleos Pride Lga 104 1:45% 7 106X ma Ninth Race— 1 1-16 Miles. in in : Substitute. tuc! Purse 00. 4-Year-OIds and Upward. Claiming. he-r Track Record: Sat Top Row, Dec. 8, 1934—1:42—3—109 and 73730s 5«Bell of Iron Lga 113 1:45% 5 106 Ad 73614* 8*Claude K Tan 109 1:47 5 1HX bre 73616s 7 Torobang Tan 104 1:46% 7 111X wor wnrf worth 73614s 2*Battling Knight.. Tan 115 1:47% 10 111X Ker 73619 3 Mad Count A.C 112 1:48% 4 116X S Bal 73459 9 Bone Black Hoi 112 1:47 4 116 of t r°eftu?S 73553 l*Santa Monica Tan 105 1:46% 5 106X rett 73460 4 Parley Vous.....Tan 103 1:47 9 111X J-72640 6 Evidently Lga 116 1:45% 9 116X the ™? ■ cr««-