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I | ; ; ! j j I I |W. Helis String at Belmont Numbers Thirty-Five Head NEW YORK. N. Y.. April 13.— The roll call of the imposing William Helis thor- | oughbred platoon at Belmont Park contains 35 names. The nine three-year-olds and upward in the contingent are Aera. Alfios, ; Supermont. Valdina Albert, Olympic Zenith, I I [ Rounders. Salto. Attention and Tropea. Of these Olympic Zenith is the stable"s Derby : j hopeful, and Rounders and Attention are I the best known handicap candidates: The two-year-olds are: Cecrops, b. g.: Adonis, ch. c: Spartan Noble, b. c: Eluros, br. f.; Valdina Angel, br. f.: Greek Warrior, gr. c; Lakonia. ch. f.: Delphian, br. c; | Kirke. gr. f.: Delphi, dk. b. f.: Hector, b. c; i Spithia. gr. f.: Pericles, ch. c: Pindus. ch. ] c: Arisbi, br. f.; Elpis. b. f.: Vrondi, br. f.; | I jZito, b. c: Rhodian, gr. f.: Dimitra, ch. f.; i Golfo, b. f.: Erato, b. f.: Ricks Raft. br. g.; | j Hera. br. f.: Spartacus. ch. c, and Tri- | ton, br. c. ■ The Helis stable is under the direction j of Ed Snyder, with Elmo Shropshire and Woody Stephens as chief assistants. William Helis, when business permits, as it has of late, also is on hand to watch the entire j band go through their morning drills. Helis has 10 more juveniles on the farm in Kentucky.