Alphabetical Index to Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1947-05-14

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Alphabetical Index to Entries A Aboyne — 5th Suf Abrek— 2d L.F Aerial Gunner — 8th Suf Aero Jack— 8th HdG Aetheltee— 1st Bel Afire — 8th Bel After Eight4th L.P Air Brakes — 2d Suf Air Current — 2d CD Alan F.— 7th L.F Alegria— 2d HdG Alhalon— 8th HdG Alison Peters— 3d HdG Allez Dor— 4th Bel Angry Cohort — 6th Suf Anvelt — 6th Suf Aridisical — 6th Suf Army Glider — 1st L.F Army Life — 1st Suf Arrows Away — 1st Suf Art Brown— 3d HdG Ask Me— 7th CD Atoka Lad — 8th L.F Atomic Energy — 6th CD Aunt Lucy — 2d CD B Balladon — 1st CD Bambuco — 5th Bel Bar C— 8th HdG Beach Boy — 5th Bel Bel Beau— 2d Suf Ben Lewis — 7th Bel Betty Van— 2d L.F Big Burly— 7th CD Big Pop— 6th CD Big Thicket— 2d Suf Biloxi Bay — 5th Suf Biz— 3d L.F Blazing Away — 1st HdG Blue Flare — 6th Bel Blue Pebble— 2d Suf Bolo Shellie— 6th CD Bonyik— 1st HdG Border Bells — 1st Suf Boston Babette — 2d Bel Brave Bid— 8th Suf Brevrome — 8th HdG Bright Jimmy — 6th CD Brilliant Jr. — 8th L.F Britannicus HI. — 3d Bel Broad Daylight — 6th Suf Brunch— 2d HdG Brunon — 3d Bel c Cabbagetown — 3d Suf Cadet Carl — 1st Bel Caeright — 1st Suf Cake Gravy — 1st Suf Calatan— 3d Bel Call Quick— 4th Bel Call Violet— 2d HdG Campanula — 4th C JD Campos — 6th Bel Cantwire— 2d HdG Capsicum — 2d CD Carasanara — 2d CD Carlasue — 3d L.F Cast Of f— 1st L JP Cee Raf— 8th Suf Cencerro — 6th Bel Chains — 5 th Bel Chance Bea — 6th CD Charles City — 8th Bel Chicalmo — 3d CD Chicle Clown — 7th HdG Chuckalot — 3d Suf Ci Light— 8th Suf Cinch— 4th HdG Cinesar — 1st L.F Cloudy Weather — 1st Suf Cold Blast — 6th Suf Comedy Player — 7th HdG Comely Babe — 2d HdG Copper Boy — 6th Bel Countess Wise — 1st Bel Country Miss — 2d C .D County Post — 4th Bel Court Flash — 7th L.F Crisis — 7th Suf Cynical Maid — 2d L.F D Dancing Archie — 1st Bel Darby Duluth — 8th L J" Dauntedid — 3d Suf Davies Sister — 6th Suf Delhannah — 6th CD Delia M.— 4th CD Delorah — 4th L J* Desert Isle — 1st HdG Devastating — 5th L.F Devils Frolic— 2d L F Dier Balla— 4th CD Dieselsand — 3d L.F Dispatch— 3d L.F Dog O Sullivan — 6th HdG Donna Sue — 3d CD Dont Miss — 2d CD Dora M.— 3d L.F Dr. Reed— 5th Bel Drift— 3d Bel Dusky Briar — 3d Bel E Eagle Eye— 7th Bel Easter Mio — 1st LJP Easy Al — 3d Suf Ecomodate — 2d CD Edgar B.— 1st Suf Educator — 7th Bel El Negro— 7th LJ El Oro Rey— 3d Bel Ensign Mary B. — 5th Suf Epinaire— 2d HdG Ermelia — 8th CD Evident— 6th CD F Fact Finder — 8th Bel Fair Ann— 7th HdG Fair Arab — 1st CD Fairanfit — 8th Bel Far Greater — 5th CD Farfalina— 2d HdG Fast Pulse — 6th CD Figarose — 3d HdG Final Touch — 5th Bel Fire Dust— 5th L J Fitz Mede— 3d HdG Flaming High — 1st Suf Flaught— 1st Bel Fleet Sister — 4th Suf Fly Menow — 4th CD Flying Cargo — 1st L.F Flying Freddie — 6th CD Flos Herbert — 6th Suf Foretell— 5th CD Fort Schuyler— 7th CD Four Tens — 6th L.F Foxy Jack — 8th Bel Foxy Poise — 2d Bel Francie — 8th CD Frapia — 2d Suf Free Duchess — 8th CD French Lure — 3d HdG Frio Quest— 2d Bel Full Harvest — 4th Bel G G. Girl— 7th HdG G. I. Lady— 2d L.F Galbrae — 2d Bel Gallant Son — 8th CD Gallantry— 4th CX Gallice — 1st C .D Gellers Out— 8th CD Georgie V.— 3d HdG Gifted Miss— 5th HdG Gin and It — 1st L.F Ginargie — 7th HdG Glider Pilot-3d CD Glory Step — 2d L.F Glyndon Mac — 3d HdG Gold Call— 3d L.F Good Blood— 7th HdG Good-Bye — 7th Bel Grand Jam — 4th Bel Gray Marvel — 1st L.F Great Haste n. — 5th HdG Gremy— 7th Suf Guy Park— 1st Bel Gypsy Tears — 1st L.F H Half Pint— 8th LJ Handy Lad— 5th L T Harding F.— 7th Bel Head an Tell— 5th Bel Head Sea— 8th CD Henny Penny — 4th L.F Here Goes— 2d CD Hired Man — 2d Suf Histrionic — 8th HdG Hi-Ty— 1st Bel Hollyman — 5 th L.F Huckle De Buck — 8th Suf Hy-Gay — 1st Suf Hy Spread— 2d CD Hy-Trite— 1st L.F I Ice Dancer — 8th HdG Ice Lady— 2d Bel Ima Pearl — 8th Suf Impenetrable — 7th L J1 In Silver— 2d L J1 In the Know — 5th Bel Incoming — 6th Suf Indique — 6th Bel Infinity K.— 3d LJP Irisen — 2d HdG Is I Aint— 4th Suf Isle de Pine — 5th Suf Isology — 6th Bel Istan— 4th HdG J Jacks Creek — 1st CD Jersey — 4th HdG Jim Jr. — 7th Bel Jimmie — 7th HdG Joes Mistake — 8th Suf Jordan — 5 th Bel Justinian n. — 7th Suf K Kandy Comfort — 4th HdG Kantar Run — 7th CD Kay Gibson — 6th Bel Keep Moving — 7th Bel Kenplay— 4th HdG Kensington Gal— 2d HdG Khamseens Boy — 2d LJF King Malcolm— 3d L.F Kings Pride— 8th HdG Knights Hill— 1st CD Kopper King — 2d L J L Lady Pharlet2d HdG Laelia— 5 th HdG Land Cruiser — 6th Suf Late Advice — 2d CD Laurania — 2d HdG Leanord G. — 8th UP Leavenworth — 5th L.F Leonidas — 6th LJP Letter V— 2d L.F Letty— 8th HdG Liberty Chan — 2d Bel Light Count — 8th Suf Lineman — 2d Suf Linwood Blue — 1st Bel Little Hare— 3d L F Little Pistol— 1st HdG Little Snail— 3d L.F Little Sting— 3d C JD Lombock — 6th HdG Lord Calvert-6th HdG Lord Caprice — 5th Suf Lord Grillo— 6th HdG Lost Control — 1st Bel Lost Gold — 6th Suf Love Story — 8th HdG Lucias Sun — 8th Suf Lucy S.— 8th HdG Lytta-Jane — 2d L.F M Magnesium — 4th Suf Maid of Kent — 8th Bel Manadru — 7th Suf Manna H. — 3d CD Marine Sweep — 8th Bel Marled— 1st Bel Mary Ann — 4th HdG Matinee Ride — 8th Bel Mavada — 5th CD May Fly— 5th L.F Mayram — 6th CD MCCosh— 8th CD Merrick Belle— 2d Suf Mia Maria — 3d L.F Mightiest— 2d L.F Mil El— 1st Bel Mischievious — 7th HdG Miss Galbug — 2d Bel Miss Greek — 4th Bel Miss Lena — 5th Suf Miss Prime — 5th HdG Mon Torch— 4th HdG Money — 2d L.F Montree — 8th L.F Mr. Dodo — 8th Bel Mr. Kilroy— 1st CD Mr. Tolson— 4th HdG Mrs. Valenti— 5th L.F Mt. Airy— 8th HdG Mug— 2d Suf My Julie— 4th L JP My Margie — 3d CD My Sister— 6th CD My Zaca— 3d L.F Myrmidon — 5th Bel Myrtle M.— 8th Suf N Navy Flyer— 8th Suf Neaqueen — 2d CD Nedwin— 8th Suf Neotrist — 4th Suf Newscaster — 2d C J Nicks Baby— 2d L.F Nite Cries— 4th CD Nuclear— 4th Bel 0 O. K. Doris— 2d HdG O. K. Joe — 1st L.F Oakmont — 4th Suf Oakmuir — 5 th CD Oh Boy— 3d L F Okapi Lancer — 1st Bel Old Silk— 4th L.F Olga S.— 1st Suf Olney Miss — 2d Bel Ominous — 2d Bel On the Way— 3d Suf One To Two — 4th Suf Onecbill— 3d HdG Operator Seven — 5 th Bel Or That— 2d Bel Oration — 5th Bel Overcross — 2d CD P Paddy D.— 2d L.F Page Boots — 5th Bel Paloma Linda — 2d CD Pampered Brat — 3d Bel Paper Clip — 4th L.F Parico — 2d CD Pari-Joe — 1st L.F Park Flame — 1st Bel Pasture Rider — 3d Bel Penetrator — 4th Bel Petrose Girl — 4th C JD Phantom Player — 1st Suf Phantom Son — 3d Li1 Piplad— 7th CD Placerville — 8th Suf Politics — 3d L.F Polyphase — 1st Bel Pompagle— 7th Suf Pomps Gal — 5th L.F Poochanelli— 3d HdG Port Mars — 4th L.F Port Said — 5th Suf Post Time — 1st HdG Poussette— 2d HdG Prancing Ted — 7th L.F Pretty Nymph— 2d HdG Prince Canter — 5th Suf Princess Rena — 5th L.F Private Howie — 1st Suf Prognosis — 7th HdG Props — 5th Bel Psychic Rate — 1st Suf Puffed Up— 3d L.F Q Queen Blue — 1st L.F Quibs Bally— 6th L.F I Radio Joe — 8th L.F Rampart — 7th HdG Rath Ronan — 7th Suf Raybelz — 1st Suf Real Sweet — 7th C JD Repeater — 7th Bel Rest Awhile — 8th Suf Rose Hairan — 1st Bel Rosemere Lin — 1st HdG Rough Honey— 3d HdG Ruddy Glow — 4th Bel Rush Hour — 5th Bel s Sable Star — 2d Suf Sanab — 8th CD Sassy Patricia — 6th L.F Say Herb— 5th CD Sayonara — 1st Suf Sealane — 4th C JD Sebo— 1st HdG Segundo Sombra — 7th HdG Sergeant Bill— 2d CD Set In— 4th L J* Sharon G. — 5th CD Shasta Man — 1st L.F Shes Scotch— 3d HdG Shooters Hill— 4th HdG Sibley— 4th L.F Sickle Sun — 6th L.F Silk Topper — 5th Bel Sincon — 1st HdG Singing Doll— 2d HdG Skip Level— 3d L.F Snowline — 4th Suf Soldier Song — 6th Bel Son of Heels— 7th Suf Son of Tarra — 7th Suf Sons Style — 2d L.F Special Pet — 7th CD Specialized — 1st L.F Spiteful Sue— 8th Bel Splash— 5th Bel Stage Kid— 7th Bel Stage Song— 3d HdG Stagey Miss — 2d C D Staging— 8th Bel Star Lady— 7th LJ Star Thome— 4th L.F Ste. Frances — 7th L.F Stell— 6th LP Stepinthdark — 7th Bel Still Champ— 4th HdG Stingprice — 1st Bel Strategy — 4 th HdG Stud Poker— 2d Suf Succession — 5 th Bel Suede — 7th C JD Sun Distance — 4th Bel Sun Mar— 2d HdG Sun Prince — 1st HdG Sunsleep — 5th CD Sunspark — 7th Suf Super Marines — 4th L.F Susan E. — 1st — LJ Sweepgold— 3d HdG Sweeping Pair — 1st L.F Sweet Money— 1st HdG Swell Chance — 7th L.F Swift Action — 4th L.F Swing Shift-8th HdG Syria— 2d Suf T Tangower Lee — 8th L.F Ted Char— 2d CD Ted Mosquero — 6th L.F Tenebrose — 3d HdG The Doge— 7th HdG Theda Step — 2d Suf Theodore— 4th HdG Tick Tock— 4th Bel Tideover— 8th L.F Tides In — 8th HdG Timequest — 2d Suf Tintia— 3d HdG Toleca — 2d CD Tonys Find— 7th HdG Top Sergeant — 7th L.F Topic— 1st L.F Truce Flag— 8th HdG Two Day Air— 2d Suf u Undercut— 4th HdG Unheard— 8th HdG V Valcry— 2d Bel Valdina Rex — 5th Suf Van Or— 8th Suf Vegas Jim — 4th L.F Vera Michela — 2d Bel Vero Lumen — 2d L.F Very Smooth — 2d Bel Vortex — 5th Bel W Wabasso — 4th Bel Wake Robin— 8th Suf Waller— 4th Suf Wamego — 4th Bel War Ballad— 4th Bel War Coin— 7th HdG War Glenn— 5th Suf War Raider — 3d Suf Watch Chilla— 7th CD Waxahachie — 4th HdG Wexford— 5th Bel Which Glint— 2d L.F Whirl Some— 4th HdG Whiteford Tet3d CD Winged Heels— 8th HdG Wise Sun— 3d HdG Wise Tiger— 7th Suf With Honor— 5th HdG Withastar — 1st CD Wobble Pump — 1st L.F X Xcitable— 2d Suf Z Zax— 6th HdG Zig Zag — 3d L.F

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Local Identifier: drf1947051401_31_1
Library of Congress Record: