Official Racing Charts: Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1947-05-14

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Official Racing Charts _____________- Copyright, 1947, by Trianglt Publications. Inc. Belmont Park ELMONT, L I . N. Y.. TUESDAY, MAY 13, 1947-BELMONT PARK 1 1-2 MILES. Eighth day of twenty-four-day meeting May 5 to May 31. Westchester Racing Association. Automatic starting gate. Photo-chart Camera. Weather clear. Steward representing New York Racing Commission. Francis P. Dunne; The Jockey Club and National Steeplechase and Hunts Association, Marshall Cassidy; Westchester Racing Association, Harold 0. Vosburgh. Visiting member of The Jockey Club, Alfred G. Vanderbilt; National Steeplechase and Hunts Association, Harold E. Talbot. Judges, Fred H. Parks, Joseph E. Kyle and Nelson Strang. Paddock and Patrol Judge, Myron D. Davis. Patrol and Assistant Paddock Judge, Calvin Rainey. Patrol Judges, W. J. Mara and William Constantine. Starter, George Casstdy. Clerk of Scales, George Hyland. Assistant Clerk of Scales, William A. Murphy, Jr. Timer, John Miller. Racing Secretary and Handicapper, John B. Campbell. Assistant to the Racing Secretary, Julius G. Reeder. Assistant Handicapper, Frank E. Kilroe. Racing Secretary and Handicapper for Steeplechases, J. E. Cooper. Racing starts at 1:30 p. m. Eastern Daylight Time. Percentage of winning favorites corresponding meeting, 1946. .32; current meeting, .44. No Daily Double. § Three lbs apprentice allowance claimed. * Five lbs. claimed. * Seven lbs. claimed. •*• Ten lbs. claimed W Whip. S Spurs. B Blinkers. In claiming races price appears after name of jockey. Complete finish of each race confirmed by Photochart Camera FIRST RACE 5-8 MILE Widener straight course. Distraction, June 4, 1 927 — :56 — 2 — 1 25. Purse 9 Q £ Q ,000. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Weight, 122 lbs. Maidens allowed 5 lbs. Claiming 2 Z O O 7 price, 5,000; if for less, 2 lbs. allowed for each ,000 to 2,000. May 13-47— Bel Net vaue to winner j600; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 17,433. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 22649 DONT QUOTE ME w113 7 2 44 |1 in B James 12000 Mrs E D Jacobs 135 22123 ALTHIRD w 122 6 4 2h 2* 2 E Arcaro 15000 A C Ernst 1.55 22520 LENORE w 110 8 5 S» 3J 34 J Sneller* 13000 J P Smith 7.70 226493 FARMINGTON wb 108 3 6 7i 62 43J R Permane 12000 F J Kelly 35.00 223123 DREAMER w 117 5 3 1"" 5"* 5J S Clark 15000 J S Kroese 15.10 22576 CADET DAN wb118 1 1 3"M 4 64 T Atkinson 13000 Mrs E G Hess 11.70 225803 MISS CHALLEDON w 113 4 8 6* 74 7h P GlidewelM2000 Warbern Stable 2.70 22459 KEELROW w 117 2 7 8 8 8 C Givens 15000 Brandywine Stable 81.80 Time, :23%, :47%, 1:00%. Track fast. z— Mutuels Paid— » , Odds to , 11 m. I D fDONT QUOTE ME 8.70 3.70 2.80 3.35 .85 .40 Mutuel Prices] althird 3.00 2.50 .50 .25 iLENORE 3.60 .80 Winner— Ch. f. by Dauber— Unquote, by Insco, trained by H. Jacobs; bred by I. Bieber. WENT TO POST— 1:29. OFF AT 1:32* EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. DONT QUOTE ME, fractious at the post, raced forwardly all the way and, under pressure, outlasted ALTHIRD. The latter, on the inside of the leader, was placed under pressure entering the final furlong and finished well. LENORE improved his position steadily and finished well. FARMINGTON finished fast in the late stages. DREAMER had no mishap. CADET DAN had a flash of early speed. KEELROW swerved sharply in the running. SECOND RACE 3-4 MILE. Nusakan, Sept. 13, 1929—1:10-4—126. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds. O O Q 7 r» Claiming. Weight, 126 lbs. Non-winners of two races since April 4 allowed 4 lbs.; L L O / U two races since January 16, 8 lbs.; one race since April 4 or two races at any time, May 13-47— Bel 13 lbs. Claiming price, ,000. Net value to winner ,275; secodn, 00; third, 50; fuorth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 65,515. ~lndex Horses EqtAWtPPSt Vk Vi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 221832 FLAG 0PEACE ■ wb113 3 1 V 1h 11 11 S Clark 5000 F Frankel 2/J5 220652 FASCINATION wb108 13 9 8+ 6J 53 24 N Combest 5000 J Freedman 6.00 22183 TEANECK DANDY wb 113 12 4 5h 44 2h 3» T Atkinson 5000 J S Kroese 3.25 217212 JEANNE BELLE w 112 14 2 2r 2"* 3h 41 R Wholey 5000 E A Strauss 13.25 15032 MANEEN wb 108 8 13 12" 8h 8h 5* C Errico 5000 Mrs B Kaufmann f-40.80 22120 MR. GREEK w 113 11 11 I1« 12J 9"* 6h 0 Scurlock 5000 Mimosa Stock Farm f-40.80 22121 FULL FLUSH w 101 10 6 * 42 5h 64 71 L 0lah$ 5000 Golden Acres Stud 39.90 22248 TONYS PONY wb 108 9 5 34 34 4J 82 H Woodhse 5000 H A Bentley 12.20 217213 0R0 R0J0 w115 112 9* 74 74 94 E Arcaro 5000 Cresson Farm 8.10 22065* FOUR PLY wb113 2 3 10* 10h 11h 10i R McPhee* 5000 R A Firestone 51.70 21824 IDA A. wb 103 7 7 7« 11J 10$ 11h J Sneller* 5000 C Buxton 17.30 96779 GREY ATOM w114 6 14 14 13 14 124 I Hanford 5000 S S Schupper f-40.80 21721 TOWN BETTY wb110 5 8 6* 9* 121 13$ L Hansman 5000 Jack Pat Stable 28.25 22249 DAG0N wb118 4 10 13* 14 13 14 H Allgaier 5000 P Godfrey 12.95 ■ Disqualified, f-Mutuel field. Time, :23, :47%, 1:13%. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid— , r-— Odds to , ID- FASCINATION 14.00 6.60 4.20 6.00 2.30 1.10 Mm. UTUel rriCeS] TEANECK DANDY 4.50 3.40 1.25 .70 JEANNE BELLE 6.30 2.15 Winner— Ch. f, by Hypnotist II.— Valonia, by Gallant Fox, trained by F. J. Kearns; bred by Belair Stud. WENT TO POST— 2:04. OFF AT 2:05* EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. FLAG 0PEACE was quick to begin, was hustled along from the start and, while under pressure in the stretch run, ducked out, blocked TEANECK DANDY, then swerved back to the inside, held on gamely, but was disqualified for fouling and placed last. FASCINATION improved her position steadily and, while on the outside, finished with a rush. TEANECK DANDY, under pressure and in near pursuit of the pace, was steered to the inside when the winner swerved and finished strongly. JEANNE BELLE, a prominent factor from the start, had no mishap. MANEEN, from a slow beginning, finished with a rush. MR. GREEK showed a good effort. FULL FLUSH had no mishap. TONYS PONY quit. FOUR PLY was shuffled back after the start. IDA A. could not keep up. Scratched— 22248 Sis Boom Baa, 108; 22248 Portward, 108; 222483 Fairanfit, 118; 21479 Scotch Count, 113: 22023 White Field, 113; 22251 Golden Scotch, 113. Overweight— Jeanne Belle, 4 pounds; Oro Rojo, 2; Grey Atom, 1; Town Betty, 2. Fascination claimed by W. S. Jacobs. THIRD RACE ABOUT 1 1-2 MILES. Mat, May 10, 1947-2:49-6-143. Kara Purse. Purse ,500. a -w -I 4-year-olds and upward. Hurdles. Claiming. Scale weights. Non-winners of ,800 2*y A O / I twice since September 1 allowed 4 lbs.; ,800 twice in 1946-47, 8 lbs.; ,800 in May 13-47 — Bel 1946-47, if five years old or upward, 12 lbs.; one race in 1946-47, if five years old or upward, 15 lbs. Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 1 lb. allowed for each 00 to ,000. Net value to winner ,275; second, 00; third, 50; fourth, 75. Mutuel Pool, 48,298. Index Horses E"qt A Wt PP St 2 4 6 8 Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 22578 ALBATROSS wb8148 1 1 14 13 1« 1* 12J H Murdock 4500 H Cantor .45 22578 BOILED SHIRT wsb9141 4 5 45 44 5 34 2* F Adams 4500 Mrs D B Stephens 8.00 22578 HIGH TINT wb 7 139 2 2 23 22 2« 22 32 J Smiley 4500 G H Bostwick 3.65 22263 DIABLILL0 wb 4 130 3 3 5 5 4J 43 44 W Brown* 4500 Del Casino 7.50 22578* BUSY MOMENTS w 6 136 5 4 3* 32 3 5 5 B Ansteatt 4500 Mrs R P Kirkpatrick 14.40 Time, 2:50%. Track fast. i — Mutuels Paid— , Odds to » ID* ALBATROSS 2.90 2.60 2.30 .45 .30 .15 Mm. utuel rricesf boiled shirt 4.20 2.70 1.10 .35 iHIGH TINT 2.60 .30 Winner— Ch. g. by Mate— Lull, by Bull Dog, trained by B. J. Evans; bred by Coldstream Stud. WENT TO POST— 2:38. OFF AT 2:38 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from flag. Won easily; second and third driving. ALBATROSS showed speed from the start while jumping well, made a bad landing at the eleventh fence, boy lost his stirrup iron and the horse finished on his own courage. BOILED SHIRT was steadied along in the running, came through on the inside in the final furlong and closed fast. HIGH TINT, in near pursuit of the early pace, could not keep up. DIABLILLO was steadied along in the first part, moved up when urged, then tired. BUSY MOMENTS had no mishap. FOURTH RACE 3-4 MILE. Nusakan, Sept. 13, 1929—1:10-4—126. Cherry Hill Purse. Graded allow-* * Q ~J * ances class C. Purse ,500. 4-year-olds and upward. Non-winners of two races *- L O I I. 0ther than maiden or claiming since April 4. Weight, 6 lbs. below scale. Non-winners May 13-47 — Bel of ,900 since April 4 allowed 3 lbs.; ,900 or three races since November 15, 7 lbs.; two races since November 15 or ,900 in 1946, 11 lbs. Net value to winner ,925; second, 00; third. 50; fourth, 25. Mutuel Pool, 46,1 1 1 . Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V* Va Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to *22579 LITTLE ANN wb4109 8 10 102 7J 6~1 1 C McCreary Woodvale Farm 4~80 223132 LARKMED ANDYwb 4 119 2 1 1h 24 1"* 2i J Snellert J W Bowley 375 225793 MISLEADER wb4117 7 3 7J 6h 74 3 A DeLara Wheatley Stable 200 22579 SEA FARE wb 7 119 13 6 |§ 4" 3P» 41 R Permane W Ziegler Jr 2120 18624 SIR BIM wb5119 10 2 23 1J 24 5"" I Hanford Mrs A L Rice 760 221243 STATION wb4108 113 128 125 10 62 N Combest Brenda Hope Stable 16.75 22579 RULING TIME wb4113 11 5 4h 5* 4 J 7J P Roberts W S Jacobs 1615 19321 PRESERVE wb5119 6 11 9i 10 9h 84 J Longden N W Church 39 20 21526 NEXT wb4113 5 8 3J 3J 5h 9h T Atkinson A G Vanderbilt 7 60 12418 HIPPODROME w 4 113 3 7 82 84 85 10* 0 Scurlock Marlet Stable f-62.45 22579 SAM BERNARD wb4113 9 4 5h 9 115 n i C Givens Quaker Stable 49 30 919623 NURSERY TALE wb 6 108 4 9 116 m 13 i2n* L OlahS Mrs J M Seider 84 05 15854 QUAKER wb6115 12 12 13 13 H*» 13 H B Wilson V A Sheskier f-62.45 f-Mutuel field. tTwo pounds apprentice allowance waived. Time, :22%, :46%, 1:12%. Track fast. Mutuels Paid— , Odds to , ..*-.,«! D,:UTTLE ANN HJ» 6.30 3.30 4.80 2.15 .65 M UlUei rriCeSf LARKMEAD ANDY - 4.60 2.50 1.30 25 MISLEADER 2.40 .20 Winner— Dk. b. f, by Bull Dog— Piston, by Easton, trained by W. C. Winfrey; bred by Woodvale Farm. WENT TO POST— 3:10. OFF AT 3:11 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate for all but STATION. Won driving; second and third the same. LITTLE ANN worked her way up on the outside, but swerved nearing the stretch turn, then, under pressure, finished with a rush. LARKMEAD ANDY raced SIR BIM into defeat and held on well to the end. MISLEADER was going strongly when bothered by the winner rounding the stretch turn. SEA FARE made a determined bid in the stretch run and hung. SIR BIM tired in the late stages. STATION was as good as left. RULING TIME had no mishap. PRESERVE raced well. NEXT tired under urging. Scratched— 18376 Red Board, 108; 19690 Medal, 113; 94640 Gallantly, 115; 223992 Gallant Bull, 115; 15727 Mush Mush, 119; 22399* Ima Fastone, 108. Overweight— Little Ann, 1 pound; Larkmead Andy, 2. FIFTH RACE 4 1-2 FURLONGS Widener straight course. Orissa, June 4, 1928— :51— 2-119. o *y q -1 - Purse ,000. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies Fixed weights. Weight, 115 lbs. »* *- - —-• Net va,ue t0 winner ,600; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. May 13-47— Bel Mutuel Pool, 12,757. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St a Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to "22461 GHOST RUN w 115 6 5 11 12 13 E Arcaro C V Whitney a-1/75 226522 FOREVER FAIR wb115 14 3 24 2* 2" T May Mrs R L Gerry 285 22402 MERRY TUDOR wb116 7 11 11J 4J 3i E Guerin Lester Manor Stable 16 65 RED RISQUE w 115 10 6 6h 54 43J J Longden Mrs J D Hertz 11.10 22652* BEST BOOT wb115 4 8 54 6* 5» C McCreary Woodvale Farm 9.60 22652 MISABI w 115 8 7 4* 3* 6i B James R A Firestone 11.50 22402 MEFLY w 115 2 12 10 7i 74 T Atkinson Greentree Stable 22.30 DONNA GRACE w 115 18 10 Sh 9"k 8i G L Smith Marlboro Stud Farm f-11.10 FLITABOUT w 115 11 1 74104 9* A DeLara 0 Phipps b-12 40 22402 TIZZY w115 3 19 15 8h 10 J Adams Mill River Stable f-11.10 PIGREENY wb 115 13 4 122 11h 114 H Lindberg Jaclyn Stable 67.55 MACKINAW w 115 15 13 13 13h 12J C Givens C V Whitney a-1.75 LISMORE LADY w115 17 16 17i 152 13 H B Wilson A Wall f-11.10 MISS RUSSELL wb 115 16 2 3J 182 14$ S Clark Cresson Farm 96 60 21050 ARIS MURIEL w 115 9 18 16* 122 15 R Nash Far Stable f-11 10 INTERMEDIARY w 115 19 9 8h 19*101 R Permane W Ziegler Jr f-11.10 22436 PERSIAN KITTEN w 115 1 15 142 142 171 j Westrope A G Vanderbilt 52.95 22402 LITTLE MINN w 115 12 17 18 19 182 0 Scurlock E Schwarzhaupt f-11.10 NO FIDDLING w115 5 14 19 17J 19 H Woodhse O Phipps b-12.40 a-Coupled, Ghost Run and Mackinaw; b-Flitabout and No Fiddling. f-Mutuel field. Time, :22%, :45%, :52. Track fast. , — Mutuels Paid — , Odds to D.:~A~f GH0ST RUN a-Entry 5.50 3.30 2.80 1.75 .65 .40 M..f...A| UTUei rriCeSf FOREVER FAIR 3.50 3.10 .75 55 * MERRY TUDOR 5.70 1.85 Winner— B. f, by Boojum— Foxiana, by Stefan the Great, trained by S. E. Veitch; bred by C. V. Whitney WENT TO POST-3:43. OFF AT 3:43| EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won easily; second and third driving. GHOST RUN raced true and displayed speed from the start, then held her opposition safe throughout. FOREVER FAIR, a prominent factor all the way, held on well. MERRY TUDOR finished fast on the inside. RED RISQUE closed well. BEST BOOT hung at the end. MISABI showed a good effort. MEFLY had no mishap. DONNA GRACE tired. TIZZY began slowly. Overweight— Merry Tudor, 1 pound. SIXTH RACE 1 MILE. Count Fleet, Oct. 10, 1942—1:34—2—116. Seventeenth running ACORN 2 0 1 7 A STAKES. 5,000 added 3-year-olds. Fillies. Scale weights. Weight, 121 lbs. * • • Maidens allowed 5 lbs. May 13-47— Bel Net va|ue t0 winner 4,300; second, ,000; third, ,500; fourth, 50. Mutuel Pool, 77,315. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V2 V* Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 22679 BUT WHY NOT w 121 6 4 4* •* 4J 2J 12 W Mehrtens King Ranch lOO 22460 HARMONICA wb 121 4 3 3 3 2"* 1"* 2* J Adams J J Watts 8.10 21726* ALRENIE wb121 11 11 13 13 13 73 3»i B James A C Ernst 121.90 224603 MERRY LASS w 121 1 6 5i 6 6 3* 4* D McAndw Glen Riddle Farm 27.85 22522 PICARDY BELLE wb 121 12 13 128 11J 9h 6452 C McCreary E P Taylor 58.05 22521 SNOW GOOSE w 121 8 12 11h 9J 8h 8 6 J Longden W M Jeffords 41.90 224602 CAROLYN A. wb 121 3 10 8* 7J 74 54 7 E Arcaro B F Whitaker .90 218802 GRACIOUSLY wb121 5 8 22 24 3 4* H A DeLara 0 Phipps a-9.05 15250 QUARANTAINE w 121 10 9 10h 12* 122 10i gnk e Guerin O Phipps a 9.05 220222 FLARING HOME wb116 7 7 91 10"k10h 9 10* R Permane W Ziegler Jr 60.10 22403* C0NNIVER w 121 13 2 7 5h 5h 11 112 H Allgaier H LaMontagne 143.55 22460* BY SEA wb 121 2 5 6i 8411 125 1212 H Woodhse Mrs W Stone a 9.05 22243 CHECK PLEASE wb 121 9 1 1"M 1h 13 13 T Atkinson H P Headley 71.25 a-Coupled, Graciously, Quarantaine and By Sea. Time, :22%, :45%, 1:12, 1:38. Track fast. Ka..|...M| D.:~~~f BUT WHY NOT 6.00 3.70 3.50 2.00 .85 .75 Muruei rrices harmonica 7.50 6.30 2.75 2.15 ALRENIE 34.10 16.05 Winner— B. f, by Blue Larkspur— Be Like Mom, by Sickle, trained by M. Hirsch; bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm Company. WENT TO POST— 4:15. OFF AT 4:16J EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. BUT WHY NOT raced close to the pace, moved up on the outside going to the stretch run, responded when roused and drew away at the end. HARMONICA was steadied along early, moved into command rounding the stretch turn, but could not stave off the winner. ALRENIE dropped far back and finished fast at the end. MERRY LASS, on the inside all the way, made a determined bid in the stretch and faltered. PICARDY BELLE closed some ground in the stretch run. SNOW GOOSE had no mishap. CAROLYN A. could not improve her position when urged. QUARANTAINE lacked early speed. FLARING HOME had no mishap. CHECK PLEASE quit badly after showing early speed. Scratched— 21013 Judy-Rae, 121; 227092 stage Mother, 121; 22826 Sylvia Dear, 121; 22437* Now and Again, 121. 1 1-16 MILES. 1923 1:42Vs 3 100. Graded SEVENTH RACE Dot, Sept. 7, — — — Ramapo Handicap *y *y q "j r class C. ,000 added. 3-year-olds. Net value to winner ,305; second, ,000; third, 00; fourth. 50. mm Am »i May 13-47— Bel Mutiiel p, 33,704. Index Horses EqtAWtPPSt A jjj K Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 21012 RED DEVIL wb114 3 3 4 12 1 13 13 J Longden W S Home 7.45 22493 WIDE WING . wb118 6 2 2* 22 25 22 2J T Atkinson Greentree Stable a-40 22493 TAILSPIN wb118 1 7 6nk 4* 43 3J 32 E Arcaro Greentree Stablt a-.40 22711 CHIPS DOWN wb 106 4 4 41 Si 62 5 4h J Renick S A Mason II. 11.50 22577 LADYS ACE wb113 5 1 32 3« 34 4 5* S Clark W G Helis 9.15 22523 LEGENDRA w 109 2 6 52 65 5 6 64 B James W L Brann 12.45 22403 GREEN DRAGON wb 109 757 7 7 7 7 C McCreary V S Bragg 8.40 a-Coupled, Wide Wing and Tailspin. Time, :23%, :46%, 1:12, 1:38, 1:44%. Track fast. p,;r«RED DEVIL 1690 12° 29° 745 -60 -45 M..t..A| UtUei rriCeSj WIDE WING a-Entry 2.10 2.30 .05 .15 1 TAILSPIN a-Entry 2.10 2.30 .05 .15 Winner— Ch. c, by Diavolo— Frith, by Wrack, trained by R. B. Odom, bred by Charlton Clay. WENT TO POST-4:48. OFF AT 4:49 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate for all but TAILSPIN. Won easily; second and third driving. RED DEVIL was sent through on the inside and into command, was steadied along thereafter, then drew clear in the final furlong. WIDE WING, in near pursuit of the pace, made a determined bid rounding the far turn, but was not good enough. TAILSPIN broke in a tangle and made up ground steadily on the inside. CHIPS DOWN was hustled along from the beginning, but hung nearing the end. LEGENDRA had no mishap. LADYS ACE quit badly. Scratched— 224053 Our Tommy, 108. Overweight— Red Devil, 1 pound; Legendra, 1. EIGHTH RACE 1 1-2 MILES. Bolingbroke, Sept. 26, 1942—2:273/5—5—115. Purse ,000. 4-year- q -i * olds and upward. Claiming. Weight, 5 lbs. below scale. Non-winners at one and one-/ 2* O / O half miles or over allowed 3 lbs. Claiming price, 0,000; if for less, 3 lbs. allowed for May 13-47— Bel each ,000 to ,000. Net value to winner ,600; second, 00; third, 00; fourth, 00. Mutuel Pool, 56,946. Index Horses Eqt A Wt PP St V2 1 VA Str Fin Jockeys Owners Odds to 21773* JINGLE JANGLE wb 4 116 5 2 22 21 1"" 1nk 1h C McCreary 9000 Mrs E Gettinger 5.40 225262 LUCIFER wb5112 3 5 3h 3"* 43 24 23 R McPhee* 8000 E Strauss 13.60 22188* OMAMAX wb 5 109 8 8 78 7° 72 44 3j J Sneller* 8000 Mrs S Rutchick 11.70 226552 RIGHT HAPPY wb 6 120 2 7 8 8 8 53 44 W MehrtenslOOOO Mrs E Mulrenan 2.05 22315 FLYING FORT wb5120 4 3 44 45 3h 3J 57 A DeLara 10000 E P Taylor 5.60 22070 OATMEAL w7117 6 6 5 65 62 75 6* B James 8000 I Bieber 2.30 22655 HIS DAUGHTER wb4114 1 4 65 5* 5i 6h 78 R Permane 10000 M S Goldnamer 25.80 221883 AIR POWER wb 6 120 7 1 14 1 2 8 8 E Arcaro 9000 Jack Pat Stable 16.25 Time, :24%, :48%, 1:13%, 1:39%, 2:06%, 2:32%. Track fast. kA 1 |B . JINGLE JANGLE 12.80 8.30 5.40 5.40 3.15 1.70 Mutuel Pnces lucifer 11.50 7.30 4.75 2.65 OMAMAX 8.00 3.00 Winner— Dk. b. g, by Johnstown— Detonate, by Gallant Fox, trained by J. Hastie; bred by Arthur B. Hancock. WENT TO POST-5:19. OFF AT 5:19 EASTERN DAYLIGHT TIME. Start good from stall gate. Won driving; second and third the same. JINGLE JANGLE was a prominent factor all the way, responded to urging in the late stages and outfinished LUCIFER. The latter was sent through on the inside for the stretch run and finished well. OMAMAX was outrun in the early stages, moved up strongly in the stretch run, then swerved, but finished well. RIGHT HAPPY was outrun in the early stages, but was going strongly in the stretch run when impeded by the swerving OMAMAX. FLYING FORT was well up from the start and had no mishap. OATMEAL could not improve position. HIS DAUGHTER and AIR POWER quit badly. Attendance, 26,763; Total Mutuel Pool, ,363,079. Returned to Public, ,008,618, Less Breakage.

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