Sweeps Graded Handicaps: Belmont Park, Daily Racing Form, 1947-05-14

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Belmont Park Preceding horses name indicates three pounds apprentice allowance claimed; five pounds; Iseven pounds; ***ten pounds. RACE— 3-4 MILE. Purse ,500. 12:30 P. M. 1ST 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. PP. Horse. Prob.Jockey. Wt. Comment. Prob.Odds. 7 LINWOOD BLUE Wholey 121 Keen; should do 4-1 9 COUNTESS WISE Woodhouse 110 Mare may pop, too 3-1 8 FLAUGHT No boy 115 Hard-hitting runner 6-1 10 HI-TY Nash 115 Has commendable record20-1 3 POLYPHASE Wilson 108 Dangerous if ready 15-1 1 MIL EL Permane 108 Much improved steed 30-1 15IMARLED McPhee 107 Won recently; watch 8-1 16 OKAPI LANCER Hansman 115 May get a mention 6-1 2 STINGPRICE Hansman 115 Not good enough 6-1 4 PARK FLAME No boy 117 Rates a look-in 15-1 5JAETHELTEE Olah 101 Must recover form 30-1 6 GUY PARK Hildebrandt 117 Has early speed 30-1 11 CADET CARL Arcaro 113 Getting in dead fit 10-1 12JDANCING ARCHIE Somerset 108 Usually shows speed 30-1 13 ROSE HAIRAN No boy 108 Can step if ready 30-1 14 LOST CONTROL Adams 110 Last was tightener 8-1 COUPLED— Stingprice and Okapi Lancer. RACE— 7-8 MILE. Purse ,500. 1:00 P. M. 2ND 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. 6*FRI0 QUEST Sneller 114 Can score 3-1 9 MISS GALBUC Atkinson 111 Can stage a surprise 5-1 4 OMINOUS DeLara 110 Must get cutting 6-1 7 LIBERTY CHAN Westrope 113 Rates a trifle here 6-1 1 VERA MICHELA Combest 108 Not doing enough 30-1 2*OLNEY MISS McPhee 103 Could do much more 10-1 3*VALCRY Sheroski 109 Way back each time 30-1 5*0R THAT Errico 104 Form is terrible 30-1 8 VERY SMOOTH Permane 108 No running talent 20-1 10 FOXY POISE Givens 126 Must do level best 10-1 11 BOSTON BABETTE No boy 111 Some efforts good 10-1 12 GALBRAE Permane 107 Showing some signs 20-1 13 ICE LADY Renick 109 Heres a threat 10-1 RACE— ABOUT 1 1-2 MILES. Purse ,500. 1:30 P. M. 3RD 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Hurdles. Fixed weights. 2»EL 0R0 REY Harris 130 Best chance 2-1 7*DRIFT Williams 130 Very good here; choice 5-2 3 PASTURE RIDER Miller 142 Sharing possibility 6-1 4 PAMPERED BRAT Meyer 135 May show something 5-2 8JBRUN0N Brown 135 Not out of it 6-1 1 BRITANNICUS III. Passmore 142 Must get going 6-1 5 DUSKY BRIAR McGovern 147 Lets watch in this 20-1 6 CALATAN Murdock 152 Form seems hopeless 10-1 COUPLED— Pampered Brat and Drift. RACE-7-8 MILE. Purse ,500. 2:00 P. M. 4TH 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. 13 PENETRATOR Guerin 116 Should blast these 2-1 11 ALLEZ DOR Hildebrandt 114 Never shows much 5-1 9 MISS GREEK No boy 109 Now-and-then sort 8-1 5 WAR BALLAD Wilson 117 Only effort fair 8-1 7 RUDDY GLOW No boy 116 Nothing at all 8-1 1 WAMEGO No boy 107 Some other time 20-1 2 CALL QUICK No boy 109 Having tough time 20-1 3*NUCLEAR McPhee 106 Way back again 20-1 4 WABASSO No boy 113 Has some speed 20-1 6IGRAND JAM Olah 95 Count her out 20-1 8 SUN DISTANCE Robertson 114 Some may like 20-1 10 COUNTY POST Guerin 119 Another poor one 20-1 12 FULL HARVEST Adams 113 Couldnt be worse 20-1 14 TICK TACK No boy 114 Nothing to show 20-1 RACE— 4 1-2 FURLONGS Purse ,000. 2:1H P. M. 5TH Widener Straight Course 2-year-olds. Maidens. Colts and geldings. Fixed weights. 8 BAMBUCO Atkinson 116 Heading toward a win 4-1 18 SUCCESSION Longden 116 Has proven ability 6-1 19 BEACH BOY DeLara 116 Gets a share 8-1 1 FINAL TOUCH Atkinson 116 Fit as they come 8-1 2 VORTEX No boy 116 Very well bred 20-1 3JWEXFORD Weingart 109 May have talent 20-1 4 JORDAN Woodhouse 116 Keen for this run 20-1 5 OPERATOR SEVEN Guerin 116 Rates another chance 20-1 6 HEAD AN TELL No boy 116 May do some damage 20-1 7 ORATION No boy 116 Every attempt fair 10-1 9*SILK TOPPER Errico 111 Will try best 20-1 10 RUSH HOUR May 116 Stands a chance 10-1 11 IN THE KNOW No boy 116 May keep up here 20-1 12JCHAINS Mehrtens 109 Can assist mate 20-1 13 PAGE BOOTS McCreary 116 Blew only start 10-1 14*SPLASH Parisen 111 Needs this race 20-1 15 PROPS Permane 116 Could endanger 20-1 16 MYRMIDON Mehrtens 116 Not doing a thing 20-1 17 DR. REED No boy 116 Rates slight chance 20-1 COUPLED— Operator Seven and In the Know; Chains and Splash. RACE-1 1-16 MILES. ,000 Added. 3:00 P. M. 6TH 4-year-olds and upward. Handicap. 5 CENCERRO Atkinson 122 Has the edge 2-1 1 KAY GIBSON No boy 120 Fast-stepping filly 5-2 6 BLUE FLARE No boy 113 Must down this one 6-1 2 CAMPOS No boy 116 Chilean is speedy 6-1 3 COPPER BOY Scurlock 106 May do all right here 20-1 4 SOLDIER SONG No boy 110 Has bright speed 15-1 7 INDIQUE No boy 107 Might be dangerous here 8-1 8 ISOLOGY No boy 107 Throw out last; rates 10-1 RACE— 3-4 MILE. Purse ,000. 3:30 P. M. 7TH 3-year-olds. Colts and geldings. Allowances. 5 STAGE KID Clark 117 Gets called 5-2 3*HARDING F. Sneller 112 Keen as ever 5-1 6 KEEP MOVING Combest 117 Will be in there 5-1 2JGOOD-BYE Olah 110 Rates up close 8-1 4 STEPINTHDARK Arcaro 117 In tip-top form 8-1 10 EAGLE EYE Atkinson 117 Throw out last two 8-1 1 REPEATER Givens 117 Takes many beatings 15-1 7 BEN LEWIS No boy 117 Losing form apparently 10-1 8 EDUCATOR Hanford 117 Stands definite chance 10-1 9 JIM JR. Permane 117 Takes share of races 20-1 RACE— 1 1-16 MILES. Purse ,500. 4:00 P. M. 8TH 3-year-olds. Claiming. 2 FOXY JACK Adams 119 Jack in winning streak 5-2 8 MAID OF KENT Atkinson 108 Rates fast effort 4-1 10 FAIRANFIT Mehrtens 113 Always top performance 5-1 1 SPITEFUL SUE Woodhouse 114 Approaching top form 8-1 3 MR. DODO No boy 116 Could argue this 8-1 5 CHARLES CITY No boy 116 Can contest issue 8-1 4*MATINEE RIDE No boy 103 Very sharp for today 10-1 6 MARINE SWEEP Greco 116 Won last; watch out 10-1 7 AFIRE No boy 113 Not against these 30-1 9*STAGING No boy 109 Could nab a part 15-1 11 FACT FINDER Hanford 116 May get out and last 15-1 COUPLED— Spiteful Sue and Mr. Dodo. For Other Graded Handicaps by Sweep See Page 27 __

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1940s/drf1947051401/drf1947051401_6_3
Local Identifier: drf1947051401_6_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800