untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1951-05-02


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* gllHNIIHIIIIUIlHIWHIIIIHIIIIIItimimiHIIIIUIII Thw 1 9 5 1 title* j N°™ AMERICAN • I sale | TltltHIHIIfHIIIIHHIIIIHIIIIIIIIIHttlllllHIHfMllllliF RACING MANUAL The Book tlxoi Gnsivete ZoCixj lu Question COMPLETE RECORDS More Than 1#100 Pages of Statistics and Facts Covering Every Phase of Racing and Breeding Alphabetical Listings of All Horses Who Competed at Recognized Courses in North America Last Year, Hondscmeiy. Durably $ M g*g% Compiled and fished By . , ,_ Bound POSTPAID #• V V DAILY RACING FORM A, •""• ■ " Showing Firsts, Seconds, Thirds and Earnings. Also • and■ Official Records of Owners, Trainers, Jockeys, S"" «— "■«■ « ■— | MAIL THIS COUPON NOW! Breeders, StaUions, Stakes, Yearling Sales and | "~ , , . , _, = TRIANGLE PUBLICATIONS, INC. = Hundreds of Other Invaluable Features. | m p|ymouth Court chicogo 5 „, | . • i a — - -* Manual-the iuTn„,,ni iLa | Enclosed find .50 check or money order, which includes post- 3 There is only one American Racing JSJ 2 E send one copy of the new 1951 American racing | acknowledged "Encyclopedia of the Turf." Only a | manual. | limited quantity has been printed, so dont delay ... | Name | use the adjoining coupon. | Address • • 1 "■""■ ""■ i— — r- 5 q 2one State | Ple0se Do Not SendCo5h or stamps npnPP YHIIR fOPY TODAY J l J L- IX I wUl VVr I lJJr* iiiiiiiiiiiiiiillllllllllHIIIIINIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIHflllllllllllllimilllllllllllllllHiiiiiiillHIIIIlR

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1951050201/drf1951050201_25_2
Local Identifier: drf1951050201_25_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800