untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1951-05-02


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AMERICAS TURF AUTHORITY t FOUNDElJ IN 18SJ4 Official Newspaper of tbe National Association of j State Racing Commissioners I Published daily, except Sunday, by TRIANGLE PUBLICATIONS. Inc DAILY RACING FORM j J. Samuel Perlman Publisher I Dan Lyons Editor-in-Chief I ASSOCIATED PAPERS: t 731 Plymouth Court Chicago 6, Illinois j 525 West 52nd Street New York 19. New York 1540 N Vermont Avenue Los Angeles 27. Calif C SO Richmond St.. East. .. .Toronto 1. Ont., Canada f 812 Calhoun Avenue. Houston 3 Texar l 4133 University Way Seattle 5. Washington t 2134 N W Miami Court Miami 37 Florida * l KENTUCKY BUREAU 145 East High Street Lexington. Kentucky I Entered as second class matter. May 26. 1945, S ■ t the post office at Chicago 111., under tbe Act j of March 3. 1879 c Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations SUBSCRIPTION RATES One Month One Year : V Chicago Country Chicago Country r Area Area Area Area L Second Class..? 650 .10 8.00 09.20 First Class 10.40 13.00 124 80 156.00 Air Mail 16.90 202.80 1 Minimum subscription period is 1 month of 26 issues I Newsstand and back number single copy price in Chicago and environs: 25 cents Elsewhere 35 cents. Address all communications make all remit- « tanceb and send all manuscripts to • DAILY RACING FORM 731 Plymouth Court. Chicago 5. 111. t Telephone W Abash 2-5050 t, to Herbert 8. Kamin Business Manager Chart number of first race in 1951 was 22138

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1951050201/drf1951050201_3_3
Local Identifier: drf1951050201_3_3
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800