untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1953-06-16


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YOU WILL FIND THE ANSWERS TO YOUR ■ TURF AMERICAN QUESTIONS IN RACING MANUAL TABLE OF CONTENTS PART I. PART VII. Fastest Races at One Mile Rerie* of 1952 Race. Yearlwg Soles. Total and SST0 MiC PART II. Baain darlings PART V- Best Horses of the Year Unsuccessful Yearlings „ North American Stake Races, Annual Daily Racing Form Poll Record Prices for Yearlings Annually TRA Poll Leading -American Breeders Nortn American Stakes and dart III Leading Breeders, Winners, Feature Races, 1952 c*- £ Annually „ Explanation of Bruce Lowe d • Statistics of 1952 Racng Leading Breeders. Money, lJ tcmr Annual Distribution, Number Annually HS*ory of Important Events of Races Discontinued Stakes Events Leading Breeders of 1952, Purse Distribution, States Racc» Won Match Races of American Turf Purse Distribution, "racks Leading Breeders of 1952. Transportation of Horses by Air nM Dates and Details of Meetings "J/1*™ Record of Walk-Overs Distribution, Daily Average dadtviii Origin of Individual Racing Campbells 1953 Experimental PART VIII. jjj| s Handicap Weights Americas Leading S?re«, PART XV Americas Oldest Stake Events Annually f . ,, v... .* PART IV Uadns Americon Sir«- 1952 LeJdo,sMon-w,nn,n9 "ttr SSfiSl?- L«srr-s H«andi»M0°" ssgtfsandsr asiS»c Leading Two-Year-Old American Pari uu»uei t««.»v« Winners, Annually ? ! ,r to tn 5h ? ates Re€ords ef Outstanding Horses Leading Two-Year-OW ReyeiHie Trip,e CrQWn Winncrjf Fillies, Annually PART IX. American, English Leaders of Age Dfrniwu, Longest-Priced Winners, PART XVI LeodTnrsretpkcfc Wmntn, Loit-Priced Winners, 1952 ExPIa»°*!on of Pori-MutM.1 AmHwHy Sliortest-Priced Winners, "n| . Betting R.:f Percentage T Toble li « 1 »-r- %, k.mUnu„ PART V« if L Pari-Mutuel Take ond W;.»«. l«i Compkte Records of Horns, uStZti K?5 °° DIS? Breflk°9e h y 1952 l«nu;ilJ Conformation of Horse of Dfmion.! Loors, L™TXlc«l ond * Records Doily Double, ?™ Nr of Starters,. priced Daily Doubles, MSi Uadina Money-Winning Record Pari-Mutuel Odds RuIoVhoI "m , Owners .Annually . PART X. Ruin!! Sil plained lN°,C annln Money-Winning Obituary of Turf, 1952 Naming a Thoroughbred Owners! Winning ,000 or Thorou,hbred Deaths itStJ?* More in 1952 PART XI. « morkBflbl 5d.ngriF,fa,s Records of Trainers Summery of 1952 Turf News ."hL uSdSS tSS if °f 195 uSy PART X,,« TiSTC? Act UwS«M"€B °/r Vie 7h".° PART XVII. Leading Trainers of 1952, "nfBn"9 " Thoroughbred Breeding Forms Money g*£ ° Jf Hs °*ncrs of B«eding Farms Trainers Saddling 10 or More , r9;"$ o™«b;,«H„„« Breeders of Winners of Winners in 1952 rim ES.?9 * " 00,000 or More Records of Leading Riders ggj SSS. and Di5°nc« f ««e Tracks from Leading Riders, Annually Officials Nearest Large Cities L"£.srs"""s o,r««"sr"««vi;-k» "ks."*" "•* Leading Riders of 1952. Money PART XIII. Sires of Winners of 00,000 Leading Riders of 1952, Locations of North Americon or More Winners Tracks PART XVIII Leading Stokes-Wmnrng Track Diagrams, Records, c. , , . J M" Rideri, 1552 Best Times Steeplechase and Hunt Riders Who Rode 10 or More Feet Per Second, Time, Statistics ~ Winners in 1952 Distance PART XIX. Ten Leading Jockeys Citations Mile Record Foreign Track Diagrams, Lifetime Records Fastest Records m Racing Records and Stakes Leading Steeplechase Riders, World Records Highest-Priced Foreign Annually American Time Records Thoroughbreds Steeplechase Riders of 1952 Canadian Time Records Modern Handicapping Pointers Apprentices Riding First Fractional Times of Americon Handicap Tables and Winner Records Instructions ON SALE NOW GET YOUR COPY NOW! World renowned as "The Encyclopedia of the Turf," the 1953 AMERICAN RACING MANUAL contains more than 1,100 pages of complete ond accurate statistics covering every phase of racing and breeding in 1952, together with compilations showing leaders in previous years. Records of horses, owners, trainers, jockeys, breeders, stallions, yearling sales, stakes purse distribution, outstanding thoroughbreds and hundreds of other invaluable exclusive features. Handsomely ond durably bound. . . r-~ — — — — MORE THAN j MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! ; Triage Publications, Inc., 731 Plymouth Court, Chicago 5, III. I .100 PAGES Enclosed find .50 check or money order which includes postage. Kindly reserve me one copy of the NEW 1953 # AMERICAN RACING MANUAL. .50 |E=EE:::=: Postpaid z"* sute * Send check or money order. No cash or stamps, please. J

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1950s/drf1953061601/drf1953061601_33_1
Local Identifier: drf1953061601_33_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800