Woodbine Park Entries, Daily Racing Form, 1936-05-29

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WOODBINE PARK ENTRIES Weather clear; track fast., For "Woodbine Telephone Codes j j j ? I use Post Position number shown im- j j J j mediately before the names of all the j J J j horses appearing in the entries. j Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 1:00 p. m.. P- p. First Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: Carmandalc, Sept. 27, 1922 1:11 5 117. Index Post -Best at Distance Wt. Claim No. Pos. Horse. Track. Wt. Time. AgeToday Price 26295 .1 Sandy .Alack . Trp 112 1:16 3 102X 1000 26242 2 Trajectory .L.B 115 1:13 7 110X 1000 ; 26300 8 Smiling Star . Thf 102 1:14 3 100X 1000 , 26245 10 Calico Miss L.B 113 1:13 4 106X 1000 17557 11 Patsy Sweep . Thf 103 1:14 4 108. . 1000 , 24670 14 Lorraine S. Oma 107 1:11 7 111X 1000 26246 3 Noble Gift.Wdb 102 1:14 4 108X 1000 21304 4 Abercrombic .. Det 110 1:13 4 110X 1000 26360 5 Snobby Scamp. HdG 99 1:13 3 105.. 1000 ! 26295 6 Blue Gum .N.F 113 1:14 3 100X 1000 26246 7 Kings Bounty. L.B 112 1:12 6 105X 1000 20263 9 Bubbling Out . .F.E 115 1:14 8 110X1000 17851 12 Air King 7 110X 1000 20202 13 Chips F.E 107 1:13 5 108X 1000 26358 15 Contribute Wdb 108 1:15 7 110X 1000 26247 16 Romarch M . Wdb 101 1:17 3 95.. 1000 26358 17 Meloy Thf 112 1:12 6 110X 1000 26355 18 Big Fish .Wdb 108 1:15 5 110X .1000 Four Ls Stable and W. Russell entry Bubbling Out, Chips. Second Race 3-4 Mile. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds. Claiming. Track Record: Carmandale, Sept. 27, 1922 1:11 5 117. 23305 4 Cania Trp 104 1:12 108X 1350 26300 3 Zowic ....Nar 105 1:12 i06--1? 25710 2 Dixie Dora Lrl 115 1:14 110X 1500 , 22485 7 Cremc de Menthe ..Trp 1031:13 106X 1200 I 26295 6 Dream Kiss... TrP109il:12 108.. 1350 1 26078 lSwiftlet ...F.G 112 1:12 113X 1500 I 26295 5 Big March M ...Wdb 109 1:14 105.. 1350 Third Race About 1 5-8 Miles. New Brunswick Handicap. Purse 00. 4-Year-Olds and Upward. Hurdles. Track Record: Sophron, May 27, 1936-3 Kl-5-148. 26356 4 Irish Envoy M 4 130X 26424 3 Buck and Wing 7 150.. 26356 2 Sophron 5 148X 26296 5 Grainger M. 6 132.. 26296 1 Jackie M... 5 133.. Mrs. J. Bosley, Jr. and G. H. Tceplc entry Jackie, Buck and Wing. Fourth Race 3-4 Mile Out of Chute. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Track Record: Carmandalc, Sept. 27, 1922-1 :ll-5-117. 26299 9 KHAKI JOHN. L.B 115 1:12 6 113X 1500 n u 26247 6 Royal Vintage. Dev 114 1:12 .6 113X 1500 " 26245 3 Pitchblende N.F 112 1:14s 5 113X 1500 u 26245 1 Cup Winner .. . L.B 113 1:13 4 113. . 1500 " 26245 7 Eileen O...N.F 113 1:14 3 103X 1500 JJ 20807 2 Bethankful L.B 115 l:18h 6 113X 1500 " 19458 4 Mish Mash. F.E 110 1:14 6 113X 1500 0 20682 5 Doer N.F 115 l:14s 6 113X 1500 0 19534 8 Castie ....Dor 99 1:15 4 111X1500 0 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Track Record: Luggage, May 29, 1931 1:43 4110. . 26247 3 Minthera .A.D 100 1:45 3 95X 1400 0 26248 5 Gay Sympathy. 4 110X 1550 0 26299 1 Rosepath .N.F 103 1:42 5 109X 1700 O 26361 4 Spey Crest L.B 100 1:44 7 107X 1400 0 26247 2 Madfast ..Wdb 118 1:46 6 117X 1700 0 Sixth Race 3-4 Mile Out of Chute. Glanford Plate Handicap. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Track Record: Carmandale, Sept. 27, 1922 1:11 5 117. 25625 2 Hastinola .Haw 1061:11 4 115X 26186 3 Ouragan .Wdb 99 1:12 4 104.. 26186 5 Grog Nar 105 1:11 3 104X 26297 6 Shoeless Joe. . Det 118 1:12 4 108X 14530 1 Trey Wdb 111 1:12 5 103X 26297 4 Chrysmuto Rkm 99 1:13 5 103 Mrs. J. Badame and Miss C. Badame entry Trey, , Chrysmute. Seventh Race 3-4 Mile Out of Chute. Purse 00. 3-Ycar-Olds and Upward. Foaled in Canada. Claiming. Track Record: Carmandale, Sept. 27, 1922 1:11 5 117. 26247 2 Sam Worthy. . . ........ .N.F 109 1:12 5 113. . 1500 DO 26245 4 Worthing . .Thf 104 1:13 4 113X 1500 DO 26245 9 Sweepden .Wdb 1071:13 3 103.. 1500 DO 26247 5 Eileen D. ..F.E 93 1:13 4 111X 1500 DO 18617 8 Rondelier .Wdb 103 1:14 3 105.. 1500 DO 26248 1 Ko N.F 113 1:13 3 103X 1500 DO 20627 3 Cudgoldru ..Thf 106 1:14 4 113X 1500 DO 26247 6 Asperge . .N.F 102 1:13 4 111X1500 00 20266 7 Crystal Beach.. N.F 104 1:14 4 111.. 1500 DO 20766 10 Lady CoyneN.F 107 1:13 4 111.. 1500 DO Eighth Race 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 4-Ycar-OIds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: Spot Cash, May 23, 1923 1:51 3 103. 26187 6 Cupboard ..L.B 1101:52 9 115X 1200 26301 2 Lugano ...F.G 113 1:56 6 115X 1200 26301 1 Decdio ... .Trp 1081:54 8113X1200 20767 7 George Dc Mar ..L.B 111 1:54 14 112X 1200 26424 3 Justi M 4 109.. 1200 26424 4 Galabang M . 5 109.. 1200 26301 5 Virado ...Wdb 106 1:57 10 115X1200 H. R. Bain entry Justi, Galabang. Ninth Race 3-4 Mile Out of Chute. Substitute. Purse 00. 3-Year-Olds and Upward. Claiming. Track Record: Carmandale, Sept. 27, 1922-l-.ll-5-117. 26354 3 Last Time Hia 92 1:12 4 108.. 1000 26355 9 Don Vern .F.E 118 1:12 7 113X 100C- 26357 4 Arbranch ..F.E 112 1:13 5 110X 1000 25979 12 Bebest ....Tan 105 1:14 4 108 1000 26355 1 Thermal ...Thf 116 1:13 5 103X 1000 26246 2 Fanny ....Kgs 99 1:14 5 108X 1000 20577 5 Altsheb ...N.F 115 1:14 8 110X1000 19458 6 Mythical Lore.. V. N.F 110 1:13 8 103X 1000 26298 7 Shadow Waltz M N.F 108 1:14 3 9o.. 1000 26357 8 Locara ....L.B 111 1:14 7 108.. 1000 26355 10 Princess Star M Thf 104 1:16 4 103.. 1000 20261 11 Anny M N.F 113 1:16 5 108.. 1000 T. W. Henry and C. Withers entry Thermal, Arbranch. C. 5 Madison entry Mythical Lore, Anny.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1930s/drf1936052901/drf1936052901_23_1
Local Identifier: drf1936052901_23_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800