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WOR KOUTSl -andandandft tandJt-andand rriNMandfr Date at left of horses name is last workout. Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown in Black Face Type ! SATURDAY, MAY 30 I LATONIA. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-26 Blue Gntlct :39h 5-27 Our Willie. .. :36h 5-27 Dk Bchamp :39 h 5-28 Riptcar :36h 5-26 Don Pancho. :36h 5-26 Sshine Boy. :36 h 4- 14 Freeze :36h 4-27 So Good :35h One Halt Mile. 5- 13 Atina :49h 5-26 Gracio B :53 h 5-27 Blue Spur. . . :48h Gridle Cake :50 h 5-24 Big Mum.... :49h 5-27 Hk MTavh :47h 5-26Byrdel :50 h 5-29 Innis Jones. . :49h Beauty Sleep :49h 5-21 Ltle Emprs :51h 5-27 China Town. :50h 5-18 Pats Dgliter :50 h 5-9 Draypan .... :52h 5-12 Rhine :51h 5-27 Debacle .... :53 h 5-20 Silver Fleece :51h 5-15 Flams Torch :49h 5-27 Vertnor .... :52h 3- 21 Fst Birthday :53 h 5-12 Virginia G... :51 h Five Eighths Mile 5-27 AlAu Feu..l:03h 5-26 Listening ...l:01h 5-14Arios 1:03 h 5-16 Log l:05h 5-29 Bright Land. 1:02 h 5-15 Macawleo .. .1:06 h 5-27Bosn Soundl:04 h 5-27 My Goodnessl:03h 5-25 Cane Ridge. .l:05h 5-21 Masd Coclial:04 h 5-24 Cavrv Call..l:05h 5-27 More Gay. . .l:04h 4- 21 Chromium ..l:05h 5-26 Nitn Nancy. l:04h 5- 28 Dressy l:01h 5-20 Offender ....1:03 h 5-20Eurotas ....1:04 h 5-23 Polite Ann..l:02l. 5-29Foolh Momtl:01h 5-21 Pickaway ...l:03h 5-26 Goln Clipperl:04h 5-28 Shootin Highl:01h 5-22 Ginocchio ...l:02h 4-29 Sweepalot ...l:01h Grosjean ...l:05h 5-27 Sadie Gnockl:03h 5-26 Josh l:02h 5-22 Toneys Girl. 1:03 h 5-23 Knee Action. l:04h 5-24 Texas Rose. .l:05h 5-24 Kingsbury ..l:00d 5-20 Urgent l:04h 5-27 Lady Hazel. .l:03h Three Quarters Mile 5-29 Bibs Choice. l:15h 5-25 Chaluga . . . .l:15d 5-27 Bav Memor.l:19 h 5-28 Carnclian ...1:19 h 5-24 Blazing Sun. 1:17 h 5-26 Dixie Flapr.l:17 h 4- 16 Brzg Alongl:17h 5-27 Fair Delight. l:17h 5- 26 Butr Beans. 120h 2-21 Grasswrack .l:17h Busv L l:15h 5-28 Grey Friar. .l:16h 5-29 Helen Hatterl:18 h Ocala 1:15 h 5-26 High Diver.. l:16h 5-26 Peggy Torch. 1:17 k 5-24 Hazy Autunl:16h 5-24 Panalong ...1:18 h 5-29 King Carl... 1:14h 5-23 Rollin Homo.l:15 h 5-28 Laddie Gal..l:16h 5-13 Slant Eye... 1:17 h 5-28Lamporto ...1:18 h 5-26 Sweep Like.l:20y5h 5-23Mcho Gustol:18h Talkabout ..1:17 b 5-26 Monoplane ..1:17 h 5-26 Wazayata ..1:16 h Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-24 Give 1:33 h One Mile. 5-20 Bdie Treacyl:51 h 5-21 Military Lassl:43h Blue Royal.. 1:49 h 5-22 Master Beaul:44h 5-28Brendard ...l:45Ii 5-27 Odsa Clark.. l:47h 5-29 Belgian Boy.l:42li 5-23 Prince Dean.l:44 h 5-27 Brown Man.. l:43h 5-26 Squall l:43h 5-27 Honor Hcr..l:43h 5-11 Valy Princel:44 h 5-9 Lynvote ....l:42h 5-29 Visigoth ....1:43 h King Carl went handily from the barrier. Prince Dean and Brendard went a handy mile together. Foolish Moment and Dressy were in company. Kingsbury was under a mild drive. Hank MacTavish showed speed from the barrier. Military Lass was well in hand throughout. BELMONT PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Bagpipe .... :36h 5-25 Mchg Home :35 d 5-22 Bien Joli :36 h 5-24 Pretty Night. :36h 5-25 Coup de Gce :36h 5-5 Pearl Diver.. :36 h 5-28 Gold Mesh... :35 d 5-19 Sir Randolph :36 h 5-22GIceman ... :37 h 5-27 U Demon... :36 h 5-28 Jub Jub :36 h 5-27 Who :37h 5-23 Lost Btalion :36 h 5-22 Waster :38b One-Half Mile. 5-26 Aperitif :49h 5-25 Boauspathy. :51 b 5-4 Airy Going... :50 h 5-26 Down Under. :51 b 5-28 Belle Elan... :53 b Eli Yale.... :51 b I Forty Winks :51 b 5-29 Mcquinta . . . :48h 5-28 Francesco .. :48h 5-27 Macricl :48 h 5-29 Fairy Hill... :50h 5-27 Maespur .... :48h 4- 16 Grace Gricr.. :49h 5-25 Overlap :51 h Gold Coin... :50h 5-26 Sovth Inning :51 b 5- 28 Golden Lyre :48 h White Sand.. :49h 5-28Janeen :51 h 5-25 War Emblem :50 h 5-28 Muscatine . . :48h 5-28 War Admiral :47jh 5-18 Match Point. :48h 5-28 Warn :48h Miss Cohere. :49h Five-Eighths Mile. Cherry Ripe.l:04h 5-27 Knit Gallantl:01 h 5-24 Drudgery ...l:02d 5-21 Planetoid ...l:00h 5-25 Golden Hindl:01h 5-16 Sunrap 1:01 h 5-21 Gurkha l:02h 5-26 Split Second.l:00h 5-28 Goldey F.... 1:01 h Third Count. l:01h 5-26 Idle Elf l:04b 5-8 Wantarun ..l:01h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-14 Artful Princel:15 h 5-27 Paraguay Teal:18 b 5-27 Aroused ....l:14h 5-7 Per Diem. . .l:17b i 5-24 Blk Grouse.l:14h 5-27 Polycletus ..l:15h 5-29 Bulwark ...1:14 h 5-28 Rowcs Crmpl:14 h 5-28 Ceaseless ...1:14 h 5-25 Shawsheen .1:16 h 5-27 Flag of War.l:15h 4-30 Seventh Starl:21 b 5-19 Gold Seekcr.l:21 b 5-28 Super Caldrl:16 h 5-27 Gentle Tryst.l:17 b Snap Back.. .1:17 h 5-26 He Did 1:15 h 5-29 Thorson ....1:16 h 5-23 Jair 1:16 h 5-24 Valevictorn 1:15 h 5-28 Maxine F.... 1:15 b 5-28 War Tale... l:15h 5-27 Milk 1:16 h 5-28 War Lassie. .l:15h One Mile. 5-29 Albania ....1:49 b 5-28 Kungsholm .1:46 b 5-24 Crooked Lanel:46 b 5-19 Re-Election .l:46b 5-2S Discovery ..1:37h 5-24 Sunny Lassiol:44 h 5-26 Gillie 1:44 h 5-16 Springlock ..1:50 b 5-24 Goldeneye ..l:45h 5-28 Tatdemalion 1:48 b 5-22 Kearsarge ..l:43h One and One-Eighth Miles. 5-23 Anne G 2:00 b 5-26 Sea Cradle.. 1:57 h 5-25 High Fleet... 2:00 b One and One-Quarter Miles. 5-26 Brt PIumage2:13 h 5-27 Memy Book.2:06Jh 5-28 Floradora ..2:14 h One and One-Half Miles. 5-28 Mr. Bones.. 2:40h 5-28 Red Rain.. 2:35h HAWTHORNE. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-27 Bamboo .... :36 h 5-19 Legion Girl. :36h 5-27 Bon. Prcess :37 h 5-25 Little Swede :37 h 5-26 Case Ace.... :35h 5-27 Miss Lily. ... :38b 5-20 Chatter Miss :36h 5-20 Metaurus .. :36 h 5-15 Captain Joy. :38h Mil Hufstder :39 b Dashing Doe :36h 5-26 Ncdporte ... :35d 5-6 Girls Chances :37 h North Blaze. :36 h 5-26 Halliard .... :39 b 3-15 Red Go :35d 5-27 Jge Newman :36h 5-26 Solar Hawk. :35d 5-27Jascha :36h One-Half Mile. 5-28 Busy K :50h 4-24 Miss Tranquil :56 b 5-27Biscnc Blue :50 h 5-9 My Gem.... :51 b 5-21 Cotton Club. :52b 5-25 Rogsh Polly :52 b 5-25 Frisco Kid... :50b 4-15 Squeeze Out. :50h 5-27 Fyan :48h 5-28 Stel Worker :50!i 5-27 Gov. Laffoon :49h Sir Steel.... :53b 5-27 Hour Girl... :52b 2-15 Sir Rose.... :52 b 5-20 Honord Miss :51b 5-27 Trek :49h 5-23 Judge Leer. . :52b 5-22 Whiscenda . . :49b 5-25 Miss Chcery :51b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-27 Alice G l:05b 5-22 Mindalo ...!:02h 5-24 Anklets l:02b 3-26 Main Event. l:08b 5-27 Burning Starl:01h 5-25 Norman O.. .l:04h 5-26 Brt Bubble. l:03h 5-27 Phalasan ...lK5b 5-29Dogaway ...l:01h 5-28 Pharosy ....1:04 b 5-26 Gerald l:02h 5-26 Pcrsn Witchl:03h 5-20 Holl Image.. l:02b 5-26 Reckless .. ..1:02 h 5 24 KoIey Bey..l:05h 5-21 Somone Elsel:03b 5-21 Ly Mtrosc.lK6b 5-29 Star Dixie. .l:01h 5-22Moretide ...l:03h Trip 1:06 h 5-19 Magenta ...l:05h 5-29 Tidewater ...l:03b 5-29 Murph l:01h 5-28 Two Sons.. . .l:06b 5-29 Mr Grnock.l:02b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-24Actdine ....1:15d 5-25 Lucy T 1:16 h 5-26 Anapola . . . .l:15h 5-28 Merry Freda. l:18b 5-28 Bulstrode ...l:21b 5-27 Monroe ....1:22 b 5-28 Barbara A... l:16b 5-23 Outwit 1:20 b 5-26 Be Shy 1:16 b 5-16 Ogee l:15h 5-27 Col Reef Jr.l:19 h 5-29 Oh Dolly.... l:17b 5-29 Dk Laughterl:18h 5-25 Spicson ....1:24 b 5-27 Dignitary ..1:18 h 5-27 Transfun ...1:16 h 5-29 Evil Eye. . . .1:18!. 5-21 Understand ,l:22b 5-22 Free Spirit. .l:17b 5-26 Veeks 1:16 h 5-26 Gyral l:15li 5-27 Where Away. 1:16 b 5-29lIIeanna ....l:17b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-23 Mr. Marvel. .1:29 h 5-24 Teddy Boy..1:28?h 5-22 Rock X.....l:29 h One Mile. 5-27 Black Scout. l:45b 5-23 Min Ormont.l:44 h 5-26 Cardarrone .l:42h 5-24 Spanish Lad.l:43h 5-13 Golden X.. . .l:47h 5-16 The Hare. . .1:39h 5-25 Julia Grant.. l:45b 5-25 Wayaloft . ...1:45 h Case Ace has his speed. - Solar Hawk and Nedporte were together. Dogaway and Murph worked in company. Rock X. and Mr. Marvel worked together. The Hare worked unaccompanied in his sparkling mile trial. ROCKINGHAM PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-13 Aga Ray ... :38 b 5-8 Happy Knot. :37 b 5-20 Brave Agnes. :37 b 5-26 Sun Capture. :39 h 5-27 Dorothy B. . :37li 5-1 Say When... :39 h 5-16 Faust :39 b One-Half Mile. 5-24 Addis Ababa. :52 b 5-17 Juniority ... :51h 5-17 Carlesta . . . . :52 b 5-23 Mock Mdesty :49h 5-24 Cascapedia . :51h 5-20 Reservist ... :49h 5-1 Double Sctch :54 li 5-22 Sir Rollie .. :52b 5-25 Drowsy :49h 5-2 Sun Abbot .. :52h 5-25Dunwrack .. :50h 5-22 Sun Chaucer. :52h 5-25 Flag Song .. :49h Tooth Pick .. :50h 5-28 Hope to Do . :54 b 5-7 War Tumult :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-16Bton Brook.l:04h 5-26 Ramus 1:05 b 5-27 Bank Holidayl:03b Sandy Beachl:03b 5-25 Flaxen 1:02h 5-23 Somali l:05h 5-29 Mma Mary.l:03h 5-24 Toano 1:04 h 5-25 Still Dark ...1:05 b 5-26 Tintoretto ..l:05h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-22 Dreel 1:15 b 5-27 Rough Party.l:17 b 5-29 Gov. Sholtz.l:15h 0-28 Singing Wood1:14?h 5-28 Little Tryst .l:16h 5-22 Strenuous ..l:14h 5-26MorgiI 1:22 b 5-25 So Hieh ... .1:19 b 5-26 Office Boy . .1:16 b 5-11 Stage Whperl:16h 5-29 Pocket l:15h 5-23 Toro Flight .l:16h 5-26 Prevention ..1:15 b 5-26 Wise Prince. 1:16 b One Mile. 5-29 Brass Mkey.l:43h 5-29 Pitter Pat . .1:47 h 3-22 Flaming Lhtl:48h 5-28 Rams Head. .1:46 b 5-21 Flag Unfurled1:43 b 5-17 Steelhoad ...1:50 b 5-10 Fels A 1:47 b 4-29 Ukraine ....l:46h BEULAII PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-13 Baby Tears.. :40h 5-26 Funip :40 h 5-22 Candy Wrapr :33 d 5-9 Harold Jr. . :37h 5-23 Cecil B. .... :37 d 5-10 Hambger Jim :36h 5-23 Emery :37 d 5-18 Harpcn Belle :38 b 1 5-27 Escopettc .. :40h Iuka :39h 1 1 I ! 3 1 5 0 9 B 5 5 3 1 3 0 6 2 6 1 2 8 0 5-15 Josie Jane . . :43 b 5-9 Mijo :37 d 5-25 May Rock .. :37d Night Talk . :40 h 5-28 Miss Lulu .. :42h 4-27 Royal Sport. :37h One-Half Mile. 5-8 Colonial Ldy :51h Par Joyce .. :53 b 5-26Enimrac ... :53h 5-28 Pargo :50h 5-26GIenola :53 h 5-27 Yehonala . .. :49d 5-25 Meteoric .... :51h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-26 Albert Bltonl:05h 5-21 Echelon ....1K6 h 4- 1 Bright Skirt. l:03d 5-26 Grey Letty .l:10b 5- 28 Castle Cliff .l:04d 5-26 McKell 1:03 b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-16 Fast Roamerl:19 h 5-29 Miss Hit ...l:18h 5-27 Gypsy Dancel:21h 5-27 Pidge l:21h 5-23 Goober 1:181 5-26 Romac l:21h 5-27 Listerine ...l:19h Ragacreek ..l:20h 5-12 Luke Coner.l:23 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-27 My Betty .. .1:33 h 5-26 Transcall ...1:32d 5-25 Sun Manor .l:34b Royal Sport and Cecil B. were in company. Hamburger Jim has his speed. McKell was under stout restraint. Pargo and- May Rock came from the gate. AQUEDUCT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-21 Baron Gray. :37h 5-28 Silver Palm . :37 h 5-25Elwawa :42 b 5-9 Sun Tempest :37 h 5-8 Greedy :38 b One-Half Mile. 5-26 Ampersand .. :51b 5-28 Harvesting . :49 h 5-28 Bagdemagus :49 h 3-18 Royal Guard. :55 b 5-26 First Bid ... :55 b 5-26 Sheknows ... :48h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-27 Distracting .l:03h 5-29 Rosin 1:10 b 5-7 Diverting ...1:05 b 5-23 Some Bull . ,l:04b 5-27 Flying Netta.l:07 b 5-25 Sly Boots ...l:05h 5-27 Happy a. Gayl:02h 5-28 Vez l:02h 5-27 May Music .1:04 b Three-Quarters Mile. -5-23 Apprchsivc .1:20 b 5-23 Robson Coel:19 d 5-26 Brt Chance. 1:20 b 5-23 Shot Gun . ..1:22 b 5-26 Claimant ...1:18 b 5-29 Spicy Bit .. .1:19 h 5-28 Royal Hobo ,l:18b 5-29 Wiggle In ..1:16?h Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-29 Black Mchiefl:30b 5-26 High Vote ..1:31 b 5-27Cantie l:31h 5-28 Lake PIacid.l:31 h 5-26 Epical 1:30 b One Mile. 5-26 Day Signal .1:45 h 5-29 Red John ..l:44h 5-13 Gallant Prcel:48b 5-22 Seabiscuit ..l:48b 5-29 King Saxon .1:40 h 5-24 Uganda ....l:42h One and One-Eighth Miles. 5-28 Isolator ....1:54 d 5-28Vicaress ....1:54 d One and One-Quarter Miles. 5-25 Blue Sheen .2:12 h One and One-Half Miles. 5-20Teufel 2:35h WOODBINE PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Army Game.. :38 b 5-17 Surcharge .. :37h 5-26Boscobel ... :37 h 5-20 Sticknot .... :37h 5-20 Little Sargnt :38 h Stella Conrs :37h One-Half Mile. Aldwyich . . . :51h 5-21 Langstaffe . . :51h 4- 25 Cessna :52h 5-16 Take Heed.. :50h 5- 22 Judge Pool.. :51 h 5-27 Worth Tryg. :53 h 5-24 Khaki Fuller :51 h 5-25 Zakuska . . . :53 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-26 Lorraine S..1:03h 5-15 War Haste. .1:06 h 5-20 Seemego 1:06 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-25 Annimessic .1:19 h 5-26 Hi-Well ....l:17h 5-24 Barton Gal..l:19h 5-27 Lady Coyne.. l:18h 5-26 Fire Reel... .1:22 d 5-28 Mary Page. ..1:21 h 5-19 Far Cry l:17h 5-27 No Retreat. .1:22 h 5-27 Field Goal... 1:20 h 5-26 Russell H...l:22 h 5-27 Herowin ...1:16h 5-27 W. Tdlor 11.1:18 h One Mile. 5-18 Bay Sister... 1:49 b 5-24 Mindreader ,l:48b 5-20 Denclaire .. 1:47 h 5-26 Miss Scott. ..l:48b Karame ....l:48h Vanished ...l:52b Denclaire went handily. Herowin is in his best form. Khaki Fuller and Judge Pool were in company. Far Cry went handily. Bay Sister was under restraint. AGAWAM. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Aquarium .. :37h 3-29 James Boy.. :39h 5-23Boosee :37h 5-27 Jean Lee. .. . :40 b 5-29 Corn Silk... :37 h 5-20 Landscape .. :38b 5-17 General A... :38 h 5-1 Scintilla .... :39b Grey Heels :38 b Solly Quick.. :38 b One-Half Mile. Agua Calntc :54 h San Marino . :50?h Five-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Gay Blade... 1:03h Richstrike ....1:04 b Jim Corn.... 1:04 h 4-30 Works Girl.l:04 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5-27 Cancel 1:16h 4-30 Fair Cntessl:19 b Idolatry 1:28 b RIVERSIDE PARK. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. Calidad .... :39 h 1-23 Nosanta .... :38h Fair Fellow . :38 h 4-25 Premeditate . :39b Mning Clds :38h 3-19 Sweet Peach :37 h One-Halt Mite. Adeline H. . :51 h 5-12 Paplay :52h 5-29 Blind Hope . :51h 3-30 Royal Trsure :52h Comstockery :54 b Red Brook . :51 h Miss Ward . :51 h The Moon .. :52h Five-Eighths Mile. Croon Gal ..l:03h 5-291 Sec 1:04 h 4-6 Donerina ...1:05 h My Biddy ..l:03h 3- 13 Friend Fred.l:06 h 5-28 Near a. Far.lK4 h Three-Quarters Mile. 2- 13 Just George 1:17h 5-29 Stimulator .l:18h 4- 23 Lassies Son 1:19 b 4-26 West Star ..l:18h 3- 1 Our David ..1:19 b JAMAICA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5- 8 Advancing .. :38b 5-25 D. Ramsdcn. :38 b 5-20Abner :39 b 5-28 Eboniste ... :36d 5-19Alads Lamp. :38 b 5-28 Finisher :38 b 5-25 Blast :37 d 5-28 Orient Exps :36d 5-19 Chirac :41 b Z-1B Sang Froid.. :41 b One-Hall Mile. 5-27 All Sorts.... :50 h 5-28 Papenie .. . :49Jd 5-28 Armstrong . . :54 b 5-28 Time Me.... :4975d 5-24 Draft Sergnt :51 h 4-10 Very Wise. .. :51b 5-26 Firm Hand.. :50 h 5-28 War Stripes. :53 b 5-26 Misled :50b Five-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Chancing ...1:05 b 5-28 No Dust. . . .l:03h 5-27 Lookout Hill.l:03 h 5-26 Sandy Boy..1:02d 5-26 Maple Qucenl:10 b 5-17 Spicy l:03b 5-23Narise 1:03 h 5-29 Taka Walk. ..l:03d Three Quarters Mile, j 5-26 Arbitrary ..1:14d 5-24 Creole Bird.. 1:19 b 5-25 Clasp 1:21 b 5-28 Dick Merrill.l:15 d 4 18 Cachalot ...1:21 b 5 26 Early Dawn .1:18 b 5-27 Gunwale 1:2046b 5-25 Pretty Busy.l:15 d 5-28 Ironbound . .1:19 b 5-27 Sage Girl. . . .l:16h 5-16 Languorous .1:20 b 1 Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-28 Galloping On.l:30d 5-28 Star Shadow.l:31 d 5-29 Shining Sun. 1:30 d 5-24 Vale of Tearsl:31d One Mile 5-27 Evening Hr1:43Jd 5-27 Old Story.. .1:48 b SPORTSMANS PARK. "Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-24 Coffee Cup.. :39 h 2-4 Which Image :39 h 5-21 Shuffle Off. . :41 b One-Half Mile. 5-23 Joan Macaw. :54 h Nancy Nan.. :53h 1-5 Kissie :53h 4-24 Shady Gate. :53 h Five-Eighths Mile. 5- 26 Gibs Choicel:07 h Three-Quarters Mile. 6- 28 Port o Play.1:22h 5-29 Risibility .. .1:23 b 5-26 Recovery ...1:25 b DETROIT. "Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 5-6 Cruising .... :37b 5-18 Ladino :38h 4- 23 Grey Feu ... :41d 5-2G Little Upset. :35h 5- 28 Grand Slam . :38 b 4-28 Odessa Girl. :37 h 5-28 Hasty Hermit :36h 1-7 Panair :38 h 5-22 Hearty :36d 5-24 Prophetic ... :36h 5-25 Keen :37 h 5-26 Shan :38h 5-25Kuvito :37 h 5-28 Vito Man .. :41d One-Halt Mile. 4- 26 Amy Cooper. :50 h 3-15 Indefinite ... :50h 5- 23 Albino :54 b 5-27 Ida King ... :50 h 5-1 Baste :51h 5-23 Jadva :52 h 5-15 Blond Reel . :49 h 5-22 Lady Flinds :49b 5-25 Bal Ele .... :49h 5-28 Mars Palatine :50d 5-8 Crout Au Pot :51b 5-28 Madcap Yee :49h 5-27 Cubanette .. :48h 5-27 Miss Canary. :54 b 4- 29 Dan Grafton. :51 h 5-28 Miss Bonnie. :50 h 5- 26 Day Toy ... :48h 5-25 Nedvive .... :51h 4- 29 El Portal . . . :51 h 5-18 Red Garter . :50 b 5- 25 Front Fender :49h 5-27 Tamorax .. . . :50 h 5-27 Gay Stramer :50 h 5-27 Terracota . .. :53 h 5-13 Gannonnic . . :54 b 5-23 Takcmc :49h 5-25 Grey Gold .. :49 h 5-25 Up to Snuff. :50h Hows Chnces :51h 5-5 Wilson :48h Hasty Glance :54 b 4-28 Wrackfield . :50d Five-Eighths Mile. 5-26 Alit l:03h 5-27 Lee Laffoon.l:03h 4- 22 Bungalow ..1:02 h 5-28 Muriellynn .1:03 h 5- 25 Blighted Hsl:05 h 5-28 Morris R. ..1:02 h 5-25 Eva R 1:03 h 5-25 0deric l:04h 5-24 Glowing Coall:03h 5-25 Prince Fred. 1:04 d 5-27 Good Scout .1:01h 5-29 Prince Sdor.l:02h 5-22 Gene Wagersl:10 b 4-25 Rich Jane ..1:04 h 5-22 Highomar . . .l:07b 5-28 Sword Craft. l:024id Hi Sweep... l:04h 5-24 Wan Reigh .l:07h 5-27 Kitty Kover.l:08b Three-Quarters Mile. 5-26 Belor Miss .1:22 b 5-25 Jim McCabe.l:17 d 5-25 Contrast ...1:15 h 5-22 Petercx ....1:17 d 5-28Dasaki l:16h 5-22 Prince Hthrl:19b 5-27 Dunfcrn ....1:17 d 5-28 Princess Pyrel:17 h 4- 29 Green Flame .1:19 b 5-26 Soeur Blnchel:23 b 5- 27 Hocking ....1:18 h 5-27 Stone Crop .1:22 b 5-25 Helios 1:15 h 5-27 San Lu 1:17 h 5-17 Imperial Plyl:22 b 5-25 Timorpus ...l:16h Seven-Eighths Mile. 5-26 Pan Toy ...1:31 h One Mile. 5-27 Bichloride ..1:46 h 5-29Hokuao l:42h 5-29 Cablegram ..l:46h 5-26 Ilchester ...l:45h 5-21 Communist .1:47 b 5-22 Night Ray ,.l:47h 5-26 Eddies Brer 1:40h 5-27 Sun Mate ...l:49b 5-23 Fast Stride .1:49 b 5-14Volomite ...1:55 b Little Upset showed fine speed. Cubanette and Day Toy worked well from the gate. Good Scout acted well in her trial. Prince Heather was breezing in his work and is ready for his best effort. Helios and Contrast went handily together. Eddies Brother worked impressively, going handily throughout. OMAIIA. Weather cloudy; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 3-15 Augold :36h 2-10 Pomparia . . . :42 b April Breeze. :38 h 4-29 Smooth . . . .: :40h 5-18 Clara V :37 h 5-27 Silvr Banqt :38 h Dark Day... :40b 5-27 Sang Ho..... :38h Dr. L. Hmn :38h 2-1 Tybo :41 b 3-24 Foxes Folly.. :37 h One-Half Mile. Burlton Bill. :51h 4-29 Magna Mater :49h 5-28 Caleb :50 h 5-27 Playsicklc . .. :55b 5-29 Deputation... :49 d 5-16 Quk Decisn :50 h Escadron ... :52 h 4-21 Sheps Chce :49h 5-27 Finger Wave :50 h 5-29 Sun T :49h Fairy Note.. :50h 4-26 Trillium .... :49 h 3- 31 Impatient . . :504ih Wdside Qun :56h Five-Eighths Mile, 5-27 Attraction ..1:04 h Loup River. .l:04h 5-27 Bulletin Brdl:04h 4-25 Monks Firstl:05h 5-29 Cnt On Me.l:04h 4-5 Silver Kiev..l:05 h 5-27 Cordon Bleul:07 b 3-23 Take It Easyl:06h 4- 22 Hobnail ....1:02h Twin Peaks.. 1:03 h Three-Quarters Mile. 5- 27Auman l:20h Rainy Day. ..1:18 h 5-17 Bombastic ..1:17 h 4-19 Secret Tryst.l:17h 3- 11 Disaster ....l:21d 5-27 Two Brooms.l:17h Indian Lore. .1:17 h 5-28 Viper 1:18 h Noels Dress.l-23b Seven-Eighths Mile. Adelia A 1:38 b One Mile. 4- 17 Ballyhoo ...1:43h 5-28 Little Ina...l:50h 5- 20 Bosopi 1:48 fa-Viper, Rainy Day and Sun T. worked from the barrier. Hobnail worked handily throughout. Ballyhoo went evenly in his work. CHARLES TOWN. Weather clear; track fast-Three-Eighths Mile. Easter Hald :40 b River Queen . :39 h Justa Town . :37 h Timber Lady. :39 b Little Herd . :36h One-Half Mile. 3- 29CIiftons Ags :49 h Lady Dunlin. :53 d Cheraw Rose :51 h Mazyniata .. :50 b Cole... :49 d Nay Nay ... :49d 4- 7 Dinner Coat. :50h Pike :54 d 5- 26 Justa Jimmie :52 b Plain Ace .. :51 d 5-26 Kendridge ..:50 b Sea Saga ... :51d 3-26Longful :54 b Trostar .... :54b Five-Eighths Mile. Ada Cruz ..1:05 b Royal Spldor1:04 h Fools Folly .l:05b One Mile. My Marylandl:48 h 5-26 Sapphire Skyl:48 d