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WORKOUTSl Date at left of horses name is last workout. Letters following time indicate: b, breezing; d, driving; e, easily; h, handily; o, all out; s, sulked; u, eased up. Fastest Time at Each Distance Shown In Black Face Type ! WEDNESDAY, JUNE 24 LATONIA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6-22 A tie Peyton :37 h 6-11 Lucy :39 h 6-20 Bay Boy.... :41 h 6-14 Little Drift.. :35h 6-10 Doctor Bert. :36sh 6-13 Mamuck ... :38h 6-21 Darlde :37h 5-23 Miss Adams. :38 h 6-21 Derby Eve.. :35h 6-16 Madis :33h 6-16 Dclma Dunn. :57 h 6-15 Moandmo .. :35h 6-13 Dark Revue. -39 b 6-13 Porcellus ... :3575li 6-22 Dk Bcliamp :57 Ii 6-21-Pco Fellow.. :37 h 6-19 Ellen Lane.. :361i 6-18 Prince Gay.. :37h 5-21 End! Pasha.. :38 h 6-20 Rhida :37li 5- 16 Grey Squaw. :35h 6-19 Rhiniz :37h 6- 19 Home Grown :41 h 6-5 Sequoia :38h 6-19 House Baby. :36 h 6-3 Vertnor :36 h 6-20 Hilfair :36h 6-22 Watorsplash :41 b Cne-Half Mile. 6-19 Crcstonian.. :50Yr.h 6-22 Laura Kiev. :49 h 6-13 Fehvyn :43h 6-20 Legality .... :49 h 6-15 Job Printer. :47h Marmosa ... :55 b 6-18 Jane :47h 6-21 Tearout ..... :49h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-21 Black Arrowl:05 h 6-20 Miss Esthor.l:01h 6-21 Blue Spur. ..1:02 b 6-20 More Gay, . .l:044sh G-7 Byrdine.... 1:01?h 6-15 Novctte ....l:07h 6-17Bbics Chcel:03h 6-23 Sis Agnes. . .1:07I. 5- 31 Copr Coin.. l:03h 5-27 Sideout 1:02 h 6- 16 Co-Op 1:04 li 6-16 Shing Jewel.lvsh 6-18Chi-re 1:06 h 6-21 Theodore A..l:024,andh 6-6 Fleet Wind.. 1:05 h 5-27 The Mayor. .1:06 li 6-15 Fair Scanty.l:04 ii 6-21 Thurway. ,.l:05h 6-22 Lucky Star.l:04h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-2lAbdol 1:16 li 6-20 Lanquo ....l:16h 5- 30 Bring AIangl:24b 6-21 Ly Murnan.l:19h 6- 21 Babykins... :18?Sfc 6-19 Midlanda ...1:15 h 6-23 Colas 1:23 b 6-17 Military Lass1:14h 6-19 Double Pi.... l:20h 6-23 Navarre ....1:18 h 6-19 F warned. . . l:15h 6-20 Roscstem. . . 1:19!. 3- 18Froted Rainl:18h 6-23 South Bend.l:15h 6-21 Gold Horn. .l:19h 6-21 Summit Hill l:16h 6-20 Hk McTahl:16h 6-22 Thornby ....1:16 h 6 21 Ly Gcelandhigh Seven-Eighths Mile. 6-23 Valley Pcc..l:29h -One Mile 6 9 Carnelian ..1:52 b 6-20 Prince Vic. 1:46 h 6-14 Dora May.. .1:40 h 6-21 Rope Walkerl:42h 6-17 Fr Cynthia. l:42li 6-17 Red Basil. . .l:46h 6-16 Marica l:42h 6-20 Vesce 1:45 h 4 27 Our S:immy.l:444f,li 6-21 Whgdoodle. 1:50 h 6-15 Pre War... .1-42!. One ana One Eighth Miles. 6-21 Brendan!... 2:024ih 6-22 Snow Fairy.1:53 h Snow Fairy worked exceptionally well. Pre War worked handily. Military Lass showed speed in her trial. Jane has her speed. Dora May accomplished a good mile work. Brendard was well in hand throughout. Little Drift and Grey Squaw were in company. DETROIT. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6-16 Apogee :36li 6-21 Pretty Peg. . :38h 6-18 Bavdrop . . . . :36 h 6-21 Pharlera ... :37 h 6-17 Cruising .... -37b 6-20 Polly B :38 h 6-19 Gav Streamr :36h 6-22 Phalarope . . :38 h 5- 31 Gcntl Lady. :35h 6-13 Royal Comd :37 b 6- 21 Hasty Belle. :38 h 5-27 Sun Jug.... :38h 6-141 Pass -.40 b 5-28 Safe a. Snd :39 b 6-16 Ly Flinders :37h 6-19 Speed Limit. :37 h 6-15 Me Grnock :36h 6-21 Speed Girl. .. :38 h 6-13 Mary Ellon.. :38h 6-16 Sty Rhythm :37 h 4- 29 Making Time :34h 6-22 Salteo :37 h 6-1 Nalita J :38h One-Half Mile. 5- 26 Autn Leaves :51 h 613 Masd Clown :48h 6- 20Azucar -ATii 6-19 Odd Blue... :50h 6-16 Brown Witch :52 h 6-9 Pish Tush. .. :49h 6-20 Bib :50h 6-14 Poop Dock.. :50 h 6-16 Bald Crest.. :50h 6-22 Paris Model.. :53 h 6-llBomar :50 h 6-18 Planetoid. .. :47?b 6-23 Bo v Valet... :50h 6-2 Renaissance :51 h 6-22 Beautiful ... :53 b 6-22 Swoop Like.. :48h 6-20 Ben Sweep.. :51 d 6-14 San Lu :49 h 6-17 Color Bearer :52 h 6-7 Star Singer. :48 h 6-13 Encircle.... :5iy3h 6-17 Scout On... :49h . 6-18 E! Bandido. :48 h 6-15 Toncy Boots. :50 li 6-19 Genet :49h 6-23 Virginia J... -50 h 6-10 Inheritor. . . :51li 6-19 Va Ccrulea. :50h 6-22 Knockaway. :54b 6-1 Wicces :49h 6-19 Molecule ... :49h 5-27 Whisking.. :50b 6-17Monio Blue.. :48d 6-14 Wdell Ormt :49h 6-14 Matapcake.. :50 h 6-21 Watcherun. :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-22 Blue Marquel:03h 5-2 Late Date. . .1:03 h 6-21 Bonnie Pan. 1:05 b 6-18 Miss Marlbol:03h 6-22 Born Happy. 1:09 b 6-19 Quasimodo. l:03b 6-10 Crtncys Petl:02 h 5-24 Rustic Lassiel:06 b 6 15 Clingendaal. l:01h 6-20 Saxon Queenl:04l 6-22 Contrarv. . . 1:01 h 6-22 Sky Montnl:04 h 5- 27 Celtic Princel:04 h 6-17 Transit Ladyltf.h 6- 20 Geraldine M.l:04 h 6-8 The Point. ..1:04 b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-21 Appealing. 1:20 b 6-201. King 1:22 b 5-24 Bn Molassesl:20 b 6-8 Idle Flirt. . .l:18b 5- 25 Cold Deck. .1:19 h 6-22 Los Molinos.1:15?h 6- 20 Dick Star.. .1:20 d 6-17 Non Condorl:17h 6-16Flecta Rose.l:19h 6 21 On Approvall:1975b 6-20Flving May.l:16h 6-20 Wcsty Juniorl:16 b 6-9 Gyana 1:21 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 6-2 Our David.. 1:32 b One Mile, 6-23 Chastity. . . l:461f,b 6-17 Lady Macawl:49 b 6-20 Chifallv ....1:44 h 6-5 Neds Affinyl:50b 6-18 Dixie Dora.. l:46f,b 6-23 Stand Pat.. 1:43 b Genteel Lady had her speed. Making Time was driving in his fine speed trial. Azucar acted well in his short trial. Planetoid broke from the gate, showed high speed, and was eased the last eighth. Star Singer and El Bandido went handily together. Stand Pat was snugged throughout his mile trial. Los Molinos and Cold Deck came from the gate. DUFFERIN PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three Eighths Mile. 5- 28 Bccchview . . :39 h 6-17 Far Cry :38 li 6- 21 Crimson Itk :38li 6-22 Mntmorency. :38h 6-20 Chat Eagle.. :40 It 6-21 Miss Scott... mMh 5-31 Cosmic Prcc :39 b One-Half Mile. Osirando :52 b 6-14 Safari :55 b 6-16 Sir Byron... :54 h 5-20 Thornhill ... :52 h 5- 22 Shadw Waltz :51 h Visny Hour :54 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6- 21 Merry Bud... 1:07 h 6-21 Ville Crest.. 1:07 h 6-22 Solid 1:08 h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-22 Fire Reel. ...1:25 b 6-6 Stirred Up..1:17h NORTHAMPTON PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6-19 Baby Tears.. :39 h 6-11 Jefferson" ... :36h 6-20 Honest Susan :40b 6-15 Thistle Dust. :40h One Half Mile. 6-20 Candv Wrpr :50d 6-20 iMetcoric . . . :52 b 6-17 Caterer :50d 6-13 Odd Flash... :50d 6-18 Diesel Age... :50d 6-15 Porter Call.. :49h 6-22 Dna Lascari :52 h 6-18 Red Prince. . :52 d 6-17 Easy Flight.. :48d 6-22 Ski :55 b Five-Eighths Mile. 6-20 La Ja White1:04 h 6-21 Qun Clarice. l:054ih 6-21 Noitso l:05d Easy Flight showed good speed. Diesel Age and Candy Wrapper were in company. Caterer came from the gate. Porter Call was well in hand. OMAHA. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6-17 Brimfield .. :39 b 6-12 Moralle. . . . :36h 6-13Briglcr .... :42 b 6-16 Morfire .... :40 b 6-14Carpan .... :37d 6-15 Malia :36h 6-11 Clips Marie.. :35h 6-11 Prairie King. :39b 6-22 Gateway. . . :40b 6-12 Penmar .... :38h 6-23 Guess :37h 6-14 Rey Oro.... :37d 6-20 Ltlc Marvel :36i 5-30 Two Brooms :Zlh 6-3 Linden Tree. :39b One-Half Mile. 6-16 Arrow Heart :49h 6-22 Lcinda Beau :504ih 6-9 Bur ton Bill. :51 h 6-8 Law Maker. :48h 6-22 Bk Empres :48h 6-20 Moratorium :48Jh 6-22 Barkis :52h 6-19 Our Mtgage :49h 6-13 By Bountifl :50 h 6-13 Ruth G :52 h 6-13Cassada -31 h 5-12 Sacakawa. .. :49h Ethol T :49h 6-8 Sta Banner. :52b 6-20 Grd Opera.. :49 h 6-15 Thoughtful . :53 b 6-18 Joe Jay :53b 6-15 War Letter. . :49 h 6-22 Korbylett . . :51h 6-14 Wside Queon :53 h 6-18 Love Lyric. . :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 6-19 Bald Eagle.. l:03h 6-16 Imolda l:03h 6-17 Baby Wrack. l:06h 6 20 Mry Go Rdl:06b 6-3 Bess Cot....1:02d 6-20 Mobile l:07b 6-20 Chuk Wagonl:04 "h 6-19 Pomparia... l:09h 6-2 Carsono ....l:05b 6-20 Ptagcs Jr... 1:06 b 6-18 Donna Woodl.-04h 6-20 Rough Crcekl:06b 6-15Donday ....l:06b 6-17 Sergt HiII..l:07b 6-19Goldie Greenl:03 h Swest Heartl :0375h 6-11 His Way.... 1:07 h 6-9 San Ardo. . .l:09b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-12Auman ,...l:17h 6-21 Montmary.. l:17b 6-1 Cdys Lindy1:17 h 6-19 Phyllis C... 1:20 b 6-22 Jt Imagine. 1:24 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 614 Emps Motcrl:33 Ii One Mile. 6-19Beavor l:48b 6-16 Irene F 1:45 h 6-17 Dr. Ls Han1:43 h 6-20 Jane McCrcal:461f,h 6-19 Foxes FolIy.l:46 b AQUEDUCT. Weather cloudy; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile- 6-22 Abaddon ... :36h Tintype :38 h 6-21 First Smile . :37 h Yardstick .. :38 h 6-22 Miss Rbow. . :38 b One-Half Mile. 6-18 Browbeaten . :48y5d 6-19 Emileo :47d 6-23 Broad Kill . :53 h 6-20 Gold Quest . :51 b 6-20 Criticise :48 h 6-22 Portunus . . . :49 h 6-20 Cross Bar . . :48 h Royal Margot :48d 6-22 Ebony Psol :48d 6-7 Thomas C. . . :50b Five-Eighths Mile. 6-16 Billowy Wavel:08 b 6-22 Knave High .1:03 h 6-22 Crafty Fox .l:02h 6-21 Roman Sdierl:06 b 6-20 Dowdy Dell.l:06b 6-22 Sophia Tkerl:02h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-18 Coulecdam ..1:20 b Seven-Eighths Mile. 6-15Aladns Drm1:33 b 6-18 Step Away .1:36 b 6-22 Impromptu .1:34 b One Mile. 6-17 Paradisical .1:45 b AGAWAM. Weather cloudy; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 6-15 Beau Frerc.. :37h 5-27 Little Honey. :37 h 6-14Feuette .... :41 b 6-22 Miss Cyllene. :37 h 5- 21 Flying Azon. :39b 6-21 Polly Reigh . :Z9b 6- 20 Fair Cntcss. :38 h 6-15 Paddys Sister :37h 616 Gay Blade .. :37h 6-12 Sir Kai .... :33 b 6-10 Magic Gift . :38b 6-7 Sweet Susan. :37h 5- 29 Master Lad . :39 b 6-23 Soupcon .... :38 b One-Half Mile. 6- 5 Curling .... :50h 6-18 Monks Show :51b 6-20 Count Tarch :53 b 6-20 Mr. Quick . :51 h 6-21 General A. . . :51 h 6-12 Roscmarie B. :52 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5- 27Byrdrye ....1:08 b 6-22 Prairie Prcel:04b 6- 20 Dinner Coat. 1:06 b 6-20 Royal Waqer1:04 b 6-22 Grdmas Boyl:06 b 6-8 Simple Seerl:06b 610 Luna Mica ..1:06 b 6-21 Wcde Rine.l:05b Newgro l:054fb Three-Quarters Mile. 6 20 Knights Hpel:21b 6-16 Shantime ..1:19 h 6-20 Mine Bov ..l:21b Seven Eighths Mile. 6-21 Light Brook.lsh 6-20 Repeal l:31h 6-22 Package ....l:31h One and One-Eighth Miles. 6-2lAvalicr 2:03 b Dinner Coat was driving all the way. Little Honey showed good speed in her trial. Paddys Sister was well in hand. Magic Gift worked a creditable three-eighths. Knights Hope is being kept on edge and appears to be ready. Prairie Prince went from the barrier. HAWTHORNE. Weather clear; track fast Three Eighths Mile, 6-22 Bustanybody :40b 6-14 Mjr Grcenk :38 b 6-21 Cosette :36h 6-21 Stairs :39b 6-12 Darkling ... :39 b 6-19 Someone Else :38 b 6-7 Dnieper .... :36h 6-19 Shady Girl. .. :37h 6-21 Determined.. :39 b 6-21 Timberline .. :38 b 6-16FIyg Justice :39 b 6-22 Tidewater . .. :38 b 6-20 Howard G... :35h 6-17 Uvalde :37h 5- 31 Johns Mac.. :40 b One Half Mile. 6- 8 Below Zero.. :51b 6-7 Justa Sheik.. :51b 6-19 Cntss Mario :50b 6-8 Mansco :52 b 6-16 Candescent.. :51b 6-20 My Chkadee :54b 5- 12Cheerus .... :50 h 6-20 My Cardinal :53b 6- 5 Gonoesaw .. :54h 6-21 Money Getr. :49b 6-5 Dark Prince. :51h 6-13 Skeeter :54 b 6-19 Gov. Laffoon :50b 6-22 Toddy Green :52b 6-18 Hit and Run. :53 b 6-21 Waygood Lad :51b Five-Eighths Mile 6-20 Bartg Katc.l:06b 6-10 King Pin. . . .l:064ib 6-21 Bohomn Lssl:07 b 6-18 Manager Bill.l:02b 6-16 Gd Hcritagc.l:06 h 5-5 Miss Diavolo.l:05 b 6-19Doran 1:04 b 6-16 Navanod . . ..l:04b 5- 29 Eagle Pass.. .1:05 b 6-18 Pomposity . .l:04b 6- 18 Good Cheer.. l:03b 6-19 Spanish Lad. 1:02 h 6-21 Idle Way.... 1:04 b 6-14 Sunned l:02b 6-21 Karkic 1:06 b 6-22 Westn SIope.l:05 b Three-Quarters Mile. Bull Dozer... l:17h 6-21 Jge Newman1:16 h 6-20 Bnio .Princsl:17 h 6-19 Monks Time.l:17b 6-21 Crossbow II.l:17b 6-21 Smuggled In.l:20b 6-21 Hope Etcrnl.l:20 b One Mile. 6-11 Bow a. Arw.l:44b 6-23 Corinto 1:40 h 6-19 Baby Talk. ..l:44h 6-17 Naval Cadet. l:45h 6-9 Chasar l:40d 6-19 Prince Plato.l:49 h 5- 28 Chrysostom .l:51b Dark Prince ran out badly in his work. Money Getter was only breezing. Crossbow II. is rounding to good form. Bow and Arrow was going easily in his mile work. Corinto and Chasar were together in their splendid mile works. Mary Cardinal went from the gate. SUFFOLK DOWNS. Weather rainy; track good Three-Eighths Mile. 6- 14Amhurst ... :38h Marfeu :39 b 6-14 Bien Fait.... :37 h 5-9 Ophelia :37 h 6-16 Bruce Dale. . :35h 6-21 Running Heel :37 h 6-22 Enthusiasm.. :37 h 6-21 Soawick :40 b 616 Fagot :35h 6-22 Saturn :35h 5- 9 Hastipast ... :38 h 6-15 Sun Teatime. :39 b 6- 19 Jk o Spades :36h 6-21 Triple Action :36 h 6-6 Mdn Dream :36h 6-14 Tug Boat.... :36h 6-llMaIeman ... :39 b One-Half Mile. 6-20 Addis Ababa. :52 h 6-19 Mtin Barton :55 b 6-22AiIeen C :50h 6-20 Open Range. :50h 6-20 Bahamas ... :52 h 6-21 Precursor .. :51h 6-15 Blind Brook. :54 b 6-22 Red Wagon.. :51h 6-18 Fickle Chce. :50h 6-18 Suncrax .... :50 b Millicent .... :50 h 6-15 Sun Apollo.. :51 h 6-22 Movie Lass. . :50 h 6-19 Wacoche ... :52 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-17 Cascapedia ..1:06 b 6-20 Polish Beau.. 1:05 b 6-18 Gallant Prcel:07 b 6-18 Rough Party.l:07 b 6-21 Last Romce.l:04 h 5-28 Thumbs Donl:08 b 6-21 Lt. Greenockl:05 b 6-21 Warren Jr... 1:03 h 6-20 Micabil 1:04 Ii 6-23 Zembla 1:08 b Three-Ouarters Mile. 3-16 Infinata ....1:20 h 6-18 Sandy Boot.. 1:18 h 6-20 Ladysman ..1:13h 6-20 Vote Boy.... l:15h 6-20 Polar Bar...l:17h 6-19 Whipr Ckrl:20 h One Mile. 6-19Babwrack ..l:42h 6-21 Gallant Gay.l:44h 6-13 Brown Top.. l:42h 6-17 Hope to Do.. 1:45 b 6-7 Canterboy ..1:47 h 6-20 Ukraine ....l:44h JAMAICA. Weather cloudy; track muddy Three-Eighths Mile. 6-16 Alicewood.. :37 d 6-21 Janeon :37 d 6-20 Cash Surder :41 b 6-18 Prevention. :37b 6-11 Doris Ramsn :39 b One-Half Mile 6-22 Good Trade. :50 h 6-21 Stylistic .... :52 b 6-21 Love Potion :50 h 6-17 Vale of Tears :54 b 6-18Papenie :53b Five-Eighths Mile. 6-19 Cch Paradel:05 b 6-22 Microphone. 1:05 b 6-22 Carnoustie. 1:07 b 6-18 Star Sdow. .1:04 b 6-20 Jackintbox 1:04 b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-19 Exhibit l:21b One Mile. 6-22 Rust 1:46 b 6-22 Silence III...l:46b CHARLES TOWN. Weather clear; track sloppy Three-Eighths Mile. 6-21 Muddy Day . :43 b 6-16 Shaggy Ann. :41 b 6-16 Mgaret Jones :40b One-Half Mile. 6-20 Cloudy Whr :54 h 6-22 Sun Sweep. . :54 b Five-Eighths Mile. 5- 28 Genie Falatcl:06 b RIVERSIDE PARK. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6- 15 Baboo :38 h Oxford Lad . :39 b 6-18 Cloud SYnt. :40 b 6-19 Zenka :39b 6-8 Mucker .... :38h One-Half Mile. 6-13 Black SYnt. :53 b 4-20 Favette Prce :51h 3-12 Ruth Jelinek :52b 6-12 Shady Wood. ":53 b 6-9 Deferred .... :52 b 6-17 Westport ... :53 b 5- 9 Ducky D. .. :50 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6- 20 Gallahad Mdl:05 h One and One-Quarter Miles. 6-10 Malicious ...2:18 b BELMONT PARK. Weather cloudy; track slow Three-Eighths Mile. 6-19 Broad Ripple :37h 5-11 Minstrelsy . :38b 6-3 Bonnie Lois. :35h Pomprita ... :38 h 6-16 Bootmaker . . :35h 6-13 Pullman :33 h 6-22 Crucial :3725h 6-19 Sunfeathers . :38 h 6-22 Grcv Cftain. :37h One-Half Mile. 6-22 Bsympathy :50h 6-21 Lost Friend. :48h 6-17 Brush Hook. :51 h 6-21 Manatella .. :48h 6-8 Ballerov ... :50 h 6-2 .Nebka City. :52 b 6-13 Brief :49h 6-20 Polycletus . . :49 h 6-22 Belle Elan.. :51 h 6-22 Pearl Diver. :51 h 6-20 Cort Scandal :52b 6-14 Royal Feast. :52b 6-15 Drafted . . . . :49 h 6-22 St as Suear :48h 6-18 Fng Trapeze :52b 6-22 Sun Asia.... :50h 5- 8 Ground Oak. :49h 6-16 Staraway ... :48h 6- 17 Infantry .... :48h 6-22 The Runner. :51 h Five-Eighths Mile. 6-22 Any Play. . . .1:05 b 6-16 Mr. Bones. . .1:09 b 6-23 Banister . . . .1:03 h 6-17 Nh Wales 11.1:07 b 6-18 Exhort 1:06 b 6-22 Sunohantom l:02h 6-22 Francesco ..l:03h 6-21 Third Count. 1:02 h ! 6-22 He Did l:02h 6-16 Valevictrian l:02h 6-16 Maoic Circle. 1:01?h 6-21 Wise Alibi. ..1:02 h Three-Quarters Mile. 6-22 Bridit Havenl:17h 6-22 Goldeneve . .l:18b 6-21 Chancer ....1:21 b 6-21 Mantaena .. .1:20 b 6-22 Detonator ..i:19b 6-17 Maxine F.. . .1:18 b 6-22 Divided Skirtl:18b 6-21 Roumelia . ..1:15 h 6-22 Esposa 1:15 h Salavina . . . .l:16h 6-22 Fairv Hill... 1:22 b 6-21 Transit Bird. 1:20 b 6-22 Galloelass ..1:15 h 6-21 TerDsichore .1:1 4h 6-21 Go Home.... 1:20 b 6-20 Whooper ...1:15 h One Mile. 6-22 Custer 1:49 b 6-17 Excite 1:48?b ARLINGTON PARK. Main track. Weather clear; track fast Three-Eighths Mile. 6-21 Bulwark ... :37h One-Half Mile. 6-21 AdeDt :48h Fancv You . :43h 6-21 Albania .... :48h 6-21 Finance .... :487sb 6-22 Fair Lead . . :48h 4-4 Patty Cake . :48h 6-21 Floradora .. :48b Five-Eighths Mile. 6-19 Good Catch .l:02b 6-20 Offender ...1:02 h 6-21 Glassv Eve .l:02h 6-20 Polly Htingsl:02h 6-21Galnt Eaele.l:02h 6-20 Tootsiecake .l:02h 5-17 Evening Tide1:01h 6-20 Tartarus ....l:02h 5- 9 Lecsure ....1:05 b 6-21 Victus Ann l:024,Sh 6- 20 Mv Goodness.l:02h 6-11 Whiskolo .. .1:02 b Three-Quarters Mile. 6-20 Erin Torch ,l:16b 6-23 Kenvon C. .l:14h 6-23 Fairy Hall .l:14h 6-23 Toro Prromel:18 b Seven Eighths Mile. 6-23Riskulus ...1:28 h 6-23 Valiant Fox. 138 h 6-23 Toro Nancy 1:265d One Mile. 6-15Leadina Ale 1:41h 6-21 Upholder ...l:44h 6-21 Theorem ...l:44h Polly Hastings and Offender worked from the gate. Evening Tide was well in hand. Floradora and Finance were in company. Erin Torch was only breezing. Toro Nancy was under a mild drive.