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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XLII. NUMBER 246 FOUNDED IN 1S94 Entrrrd as second class matter. April 2, 1800. at tlie post ofllc at CbSraio. Illinois, undti Act of Uarrb S. 1879. UAILV EXCEIT SUNDAY A dallj reflection of the Amerlran turf bj telegraph. Publisned It r REGAL. PRESS, INC. jr 441 PLYMOUTH COTJBT CHICAGO, ILL. 313 W. 26TH SI BEET MEW XOBK ClDt. H. Y. 812 CALHOUN AVE. HOUSTON. TEXAS tO, RICHMOND STBEET. EAST . TORONTO. ONT. 2134 MIAMI COURT, N. W. MIAMI. FLA. : 1145 HARRISON ST. SAN FRANCISCO. CALIF. 2107 THIRD AVE. SEATTLE. WASH. : TELElIIOXK nAIUtlSU.N 7108 For rmsincss and circulation purposes cnlj. Tills telephone baa no connection with tbe news or editorial departments and cannot be used to conimunl " cate with lliem. For Fne 1bone llctultt Call Wabatli 700O. siiitscitinioN ny fiiist ci-ass mail: .50 IEK UDNTH. UCO KXTRA FOH SPECIAL DE-LIVEKV. 5 00 IEU 110NTII II T AHt MAIL. .C0 EXTltA FOIt SPECIAL DEUVKItY. rATAIU.R IN ADVANCE. HACK NUMIIEItS UY MAII- V5 CENTS EACH. To be considered ocd answered, all queries to Dallj Racing Form most be tent orer tlie full name and Tvltb I be addresa of writer. The names and addresses are subject to a local and forelcn director test. Address all communications, make all remittances and send all manuscripts to DAILY RACING F.EM 441 Plymouth Comt Clicsco, 111. 22060 Is First Index of 1936